// The file format generated by report_sample.proto is as below:
// LittleEndian32(record_size_0)
// message Record(record_0) (having record_size_0 bytes)
// LittleEndian32(record_size_1)
// message Record(record_1) (having record_size_1 bytes)
// ...
// LittleEndian32(record_size_N)
// message Record(record_N) (having record_size_N bytes)
// LittleEndian32(0)

syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package simpleperf_report_proto;
option java_package = "com.android.tools.profiler.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "SimpleperfReport";

message Sample {
  optional uint64 time = 1;
  optional int32 thread_id = 2;

  message CallChainEntry {
    // virtual address of the instruction in elf file
    optional uint64 vaddr_in_file = 1;

    // index of the elf file containing the instruction
    optional uint32 file_id = 2;

    // symbol_id refers to the name of the function containing the instruction.
    // If the function name is found, it is a valid index in the symbol table
    // of File with 'id' field being file_id, otherwise it is -1.
    optional int32 symbol_id = 3;

  repeated CallChainEntry callchain = 3;

message LostSituation {
  optional uint64 sample_count = 1;
  optional uint64 lost_count = 2;

message File {
  // unique id for each file, starting from 0, and add 1 each time.
  optional uint32 id = 1;

  // file path, like /system/lib/libc.so.
  optional string path = 2;

  // symbol table of the file.
  repeated string symbol = 3;

message Record {
  oneof record_data {
    Sample sample = 1;
    LostSituation lost = 2;
    File file = 3;