 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

package android.hardware.gnss@1.0;

import IAGnss;
import IAGnssRil;
import IGnssBatching;
import IGnssCallback;
import IGnssConfiguration;
import IGnssDebug;
import IGnssMeasurement;
import IGnssNavigationMessage;
import IGnssGeofencing;
import IGnssNi;
import IGnssXtra;

/** Represents the standard GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) interface. */
interface IGnss {
    /** Requested operational mode for GNSS operation. */
    @export(name="", value_prefix="GPS_POSITION_MODE_")
    enum GnssPositionMode : uint8_t {
        /** Mode for running GNSS standalone (no assistance). */
        STANDALONE  = 0,
        /** AGNSS MS-Based mode. */
        MS_BASED    = 1,
         * AGNSS MS-Assisted mode. This mode is not maintained by the platform anymore.
         * It is strongly recommended to use MS_BASED instead.
        MS_ASSISTED = 2,

    /** Requested recurrence mode for GNSS operation. */
    @export(name="", value_prefix="GPS_POSITION_")
    enum GnssPositionRecurrence : uint32_t {
        /** Receive GNSS fixes on a recurring basis at a specified period. */
        /** Request a single shot GNSS fix. */
        RECURRENCE_SINGLE    = 1

     * Flags used to specify which aiding data to delete when calling
     * deleteAidingData().
    @export(name="", value_prefix="GPS_")
    enum GnssAidingData : uint16_t {
        DELETE_EPHEMERIS    = 0x0001,
        DELETE_ALMANAC      = 0x0002,
        DELETE_POSITION     = 0x0004,
        DELETE_TIME         = 0x0008,
        DELETE_IONO         = 0x0010,
        DELETE_UTC          = 0x0020,
        DELETE_HEALTH       = 0x0040,
        DELETE_SVDIR        = 0x0080,
        DELETE_SVSTEER      = 0x0100,
        DELETE_SADATA       = 0x0200,
        DELETE_RTI          = 0x0400,
        DELETE_CELLDB_INFO  = 0x8000,
        DELETE_ALL          = 0xFFFF

     * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines
     * to the implementation of this interface.
     * @param callback Callback interface for IGnss.
     * @return success Returns true on success.
    setCallback(IGnssCallback callback) generates (bool success);

     * Starts a location output stream using the IGnssCallback
     * gnssLocationCb(), following the settings from the most recent call to
     * setPositionMode().
     * This output must operate independently of any GNSS location batching
     * operations, see the IGnssBatching.hal for details.
     * @return success Returns true on success.
    start() generates (bool success);

     * Stops the location output stream.
     * @return success Returns true on success.
    stop() generates (bool success);

     * Closes the interface.

     * Injects the current time.
     * @param timeMs This is the UTC time received from the NTP server, its value
     * is given in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
     * @param timeReferenceMs The corresponding value of
     * SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() from the device when the NTP response was
     * received in milliseconds.
     * @param uncertaintyMs Uncertainty associated with the value represented by
     * time. Represented in milliseconds.
     * @return success Returns true if the operation is successful.
    injectTime(GnssUtcTime timeMs, int64_t timeReferenceMs, int32_t uncertaintyMs)
        generates (bool success);

     * Injects current location from another location provider (typically cell
     * ID).
     * @param latitudeDegrees Measured in Degrees.
     * @param longitudeDegrees Measured in Degrees.
     * @param accuracyMeters Measured in meters.
     * @return success Returns true if successful.
    injectLocation(double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees, float accuracyMeters)
        generates (bool success);

     * Specifies that the next call to start will not use the
     * information defined in the flags. GnssAidingData value of DELETE_ALL is
     * passed for a cold start.
     * @param aidingDataFlags Flags specifying the aiding data to be deleted.
    deleteAidingData(GnssAidingData aidingDataFlags);

     * Sets the GnssPositionMode parameter,its associated recurrence value,
     * the time between fixes,requested fix accuracy and time to first fix.
     * @param mode  Parameter must be one of MS_BASED or STANDALONE.
     * It is allowed by the platform (and it is recommended) to fallback to
     * MS_BASED if MS_ASSISTED is passed in, and MS_BASED is supported.
     * @recurrence GNSS postion recurrence value, either periodic or single.
     * @param minIntervalMs Represents the time between fixes in milliseconds.
     * @param preferredAccuracyMeters Represents the requested fix accuracy in meters.
     * @param preferredTimeMs Represents the requested time to first fix in milliseconds.

     * @return success Returns true if successful.
    setPositionMode(GnssPositionMode mode, GnssPositionRecurrence recurrence,
                    uint32_t minIntervalMs, uint32_t preferredAccuracyMeters,
                    uint32_t preferredTimeMs)
        generates (bool success);

     * This method returns the IAGnssRil Interface.
     * @return aGnssRilIface Handle to the IAGnssRil interface.
    getExtensionAGnssRil() generates (IAGnssRil aGnssRilIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssGeofencing Interface.
     * @return gnssGeofencingIface Handle to the IGnssGeofencing interface.
    getExtensionGnssGeofencing() generates(IGnssGeofencing gnssGeofencingIface);

     * This method returns the IAGnss Interface.
     * @return aGnssIface Handle to the IAGnss interface.
    getExtensionAGnss() generates (IAGnss aGnssIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssNi interface.
     * @return gnssNiIface Handle to the IGnssNi interface.
    getExtensionGnssNi() generates (IGnssNi gnssNiIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssMeasurement interface.
     * @return gnssMeasurementIface Handle to the IGnssMeasurement interface.
    getExtensionGnssMeasurement() generates (IGnssMeasurement gnssMeasurementIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssNavigationMessage interface.
     * @return gnssNavigationIface gnssNavigationIface to the IGnssNavigationMessage interface.
    getExtensionGnssNavigationMessage() generates (IGnssNavigationMessage gnssNavigationIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssXtra interface.
     * @return xtraIface Handle to the IGnssXtra interface.
    getExtensionXtra() generates (IGnssXtra xtraIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssConfiguration interface.
     * @return gnssConfigIface Handle to the IGnssConfiguration interface.
    getExtensionGnssConfiguration() generates (IGnssConfiguration gnssConfigIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssDebug interface.
     * @return debugIface Handle to the IGnssDebug interface.
    getExtensionGnssDebug() generates (IGnssDebug debugIface);

     * This method returns the IGnssBatching interface.
     * @return batchingIface Handle to the IGnssBatching interface.
    getExtensionGnssBatching() generates (IGnssBatching batchingIface);