/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "dumpstate" #include <cutils/log.h> #include "DumpstateInternal.h" #include "DumpstateService.h" #include "android/os/BnDumpstate.h" #include "dumpstate.h" #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <thread> #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/properties.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> namespace android { namespace os { namespace dumpstate { using ::testing::EndsWith; using ::testing::HasSubstr; using ::testing::IsNull; using ::testing::IsEmpty; using ::testing::NotNull; using ::testing::StrEq; using ::testing::StartsWith; using ::testing::Test; using ::testing::internal::CaptureStderr; using ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout; using ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr; using ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout; class DumpstateListenerMock : public IDumpstateListener { public: MOCK_METHOD1(onProgressUpdated, binder::Status(int32_t progress)); MOCK_METHOD1(onMaxProgressUpdated, binder::Status(int32_t max_progress)); protected: MOCK_METHOD0(onAsBinder, IBinder*()); }; static int calls_; // Base class for all tests in this file class DumpstateBaseTest : public Test { public: virtual void SetUp() override { calls_++; SetDryRun(false); } void SetDryRun(bool dry_run) const { PropertiesHelper::dry_run_ = dry_run; } void SetBuildType(const std::string& build_type) const { PropertiesHelper::build_type_ = build_type; } bool IsStandalone() const { return calls_ == 1; } void DropRoot() const { DropRootUser(); uid_t uid = getuid(); ASSERT_EQ(2000, (int)uid); } protected: const std::string kTestPath = dirname(android::base::GetExecutablePath().c_str()); const std::string kFixturesPath = kTestPath + "/../dumpstate_test_fixture/"; const std::string kTestDataPath = kFixturesPath + "/testdata/"; const std::string kSimpleCommand = kFixturesPath + "dumpstate_test_fixture"; const std::string kEchoCommand = "/system/bin/echo"; /* * Copies a text file fixture to a temporary file, returning it's path. * * Useful in cases where the test case changes the content of the tile. */ std::string CopyTextFileFixture(const std::string& relative_name) { std::string from = kTestDataPath + relative_name; // Not using TemporaryFile because it's deleted at the end, and it's useful to keep it // around for poking when the test fails. std::string to = kTestDataPath + relative_name + ".tmp"; ALOGD("CopyTextFileFixture: from %s to %s\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str()); android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(to); CopyTextFile(from, to); return to.c_str(); } // Need functions that returns void to use assertions - // https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/AdvancedGuide.md#assertion-placement void ReadFileToString(const std::string& path, std::string* content) { ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(path, content)) << "could not read contents from " << path; } void WriteStringToFile(const std::string& content, const std::string& path) { ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile(content, path)) << "could not write contents to " << path; } private: void CopyTextFile(const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { std::string content; ReadFileToString(from, &content); WriteStringToFile(content, to); } }; class DumpstateTest : public DumpstateBaseTest { public: void SetUp() { DumpstateBaseTest::SetUp(); SetDryRun(false); SetBuildType(android::base::GetProperty("ro.build.type", "(unknown)")); ds.progress_.reset(new Progress()); ds.update_progress_ = false; ds.update_progress_threshold_ = 0; } // Runs a command and capture `stdout` and `stderr`. int RunCommand(const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& full_command, const CommandOptions& options = CommandOptions::DEFAULT) { CaptureStdout(); CaptureStderr(); int status = ds.RunCommand(title, full_command, options); out = GetCapturedStdout(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); return status; } // Dumps a file and capture `stdout` and `stderr`. int DumpFile(const std::string& title, const std::string& path) { CaptureStdout(); CaptureStderr(); int status = ds.DumpFile(title, path); out = GetCapturedStdout(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); return status; } void SetProgress(long progress, long initial_max, long threshold = 0) { ds.update_progress_ = true; ds.update_progress_threshold_ = threshold; ds.last_updated_progress_ = 0; ds.progress_.reset(new Progress(initial_max, progress, 1.2)); } std::string GetProgressMessage(const std::string& listener_name, int progress, int max, int old_max = 0, bool update_progress = true) { EXPECT_EQ(progress, ds.progress_->Get()) << "invalid progress"; EXPECT_EQ(max, ds.progress_->GetMax()) << "invalid max"; bool max_increased = old_max > 0; std::string message = ""; if (max_increased) { message = android::base::StringPrintf("Adjusting max progress from %d to %d\n", old_max, max); } if (update_progress) { message += android::base::StringPrintf("Setting progress (%s): %d/%d\n", listener_name.c_str(), progress, max); } return message; } // `stdout` and `stderr` from the last command ran. std::string out, err; Dumpstate& ds = Dumpstate::GetInstance(); }; TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandNoArgs) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, RunCommand("", {})); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandNoTitle) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandWithTitle) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("I AM GROOT", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); // We don't know the exact duration, so we check the prefix and suffix EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("------ I AM GROOT (" + kSimpleCommand + ") ------\nstdout\n------")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("s was the duration of 'I AM GROOT' ------\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandWithLoggingMessage) { EXPECT_EQ( 0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Log("COMMAND, Y U NO LOG FIRST?").Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("COMMAND, Y U NO LOG FIRST?stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandRedirectStderr) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).RedirectStderr().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stdout\nstderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandWithOneArg) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kEchoCommand, "one"})); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("one\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandWithMultipleArgs) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kEchoCommand, "one", "is", "the", "loniest", "number"})); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("one is the loniest number\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandDryRun) { SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("I AM GROOT", {kSimpleCommand})); // We don't know the exact duration, so we check the prefix and suffix EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("------ I AM GROOT (" + kSimpleCommand + ") ------\n\t(skipped on dry run)\n------")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("s was the duration of 'I AM GROOT' ------\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandDryRunNoTitle) { SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(out, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandDryRunAlways) { SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Always().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandNotFound) { EXPECT_NE(0, RunCommand("", {"/there/cannot/be/such/command"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("*** command '/there/cannot/be/such/command' failed: exit code")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StartsWith("execvp on command '/there/cannot/be/such/command' failed")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandFails) { EXPECT_EQ(42, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--exit", "42"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --exit 42' failed: exit code 42\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --exit 42' failed: exit code 42\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandCrashes) { EXPECT_NE(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--crash"})); // We don't know the exit code, so check just the prefix. EXPECT_THAT( out, StartsWith("stdout\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --crash' failed: exit code")); EXPECT_THAT( err, StartsWith("stderr\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --crash' failed: exit code")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandTimesout) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--sleep", "2"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("stdout line1\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --sleep 2' timed out after 1")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StartsWith("sleeping for 2s\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --sleep 2' timed out after 1")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandIsKilled) { CaptureStdout(); CaptureStderr(); std::thread t([=]() { EXPECT_EQ(SIGTERM, ds.RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--pid", "--sleep", "20"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(100).Always().Build())); }); // Capture pid and pre-sleep output. sleep(1); // Wait a little bit to make sure pid and 1st line were printed. std::string err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("sleeping for 20s\n")); std::string out = GetCapturedStdout(); std::vector<std::string> lines = android::base::Split(out, "\n"); ASSERT_EQ(3, (int)lines.size()) << "Invalid lines before sleep: " << out; int pid = atoi(lines[0].c_str()); EXPECT_THAT(lines[1], StrEq("stdout line1")); EXPECT_THAT(lines[2], IsEmpty()); // \n // Then kill the process. CaptureStdout(); CaptureStderr(); ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid, SIGTERM)) << "failed to kill pid " << pid; t.join(); // Finally, check output after murder. out = GetCapturedStdout(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --pid --sleep 20' failed: killed by signal 15\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --pid --sleep 20' failed: killed by signal 15\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandProgress) { sp<DumpstateListenerMock> listener(new DumpstateListenerMock()); ds.listener_ = listener; ds.listener_name_ = "FoxMulder"; SetProgress(0, 30); EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(20)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(20).Build())); std::string progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 20, 30); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(30)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Build())); progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 30, 30); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); // Run a command that will increase maximum timeout. EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(31)); EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onMaxProgressUpdated(37)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())); progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 31, 37, 30); // 20% increase EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); // Make sure command ran while in dry_run is counted. SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(35)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(4).Build())); progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 35, 37); EXPECT_THAT(out, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq(progress_message)); ds.listener_.clear(); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandProgressIgnoreThreshold) { sp<DumpstateListenerMock> listener(new DumpstateListenerMock()); ds.listener_ = listener; ds.listener_name_ = "FoxMulder"; SetProgress(0, 8, 5); // 8 max, 5 threshold // First update should always be sent. EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(1)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())); std::string progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 1, 8); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); // Fourth update should be ignored because it's between the threshold (5 -1 = 4 < 5). EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(4).Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); // Third update should be sent because it reaches threshold (6 - 1 = 5). EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(6)); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())); progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 6, 8); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); // Fourth update should be ignored because it's between the threshold (9 - 6 = 3 < 5). // But max update should be sent. EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onMaxProgressUpdated(10)); // 9 * 120% = 10.8 = 10 EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(3).Build())); progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 9, 10, 8, false); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n" + progress_message)); ds.listener_.clear(); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandDropRoot) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateTest.RunCommandDropRoot() on test suite\n") return; } // First check root case - only available when running with 'adb root'. uid_t uid = getuid(); if (uid == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("0\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); return; } // Then run dropping root. EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).DropRoot().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("2000\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("drop_root_user(): already running as Shell\nstderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandAsRootUserBuild) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateTest.RunCommandAsRootUserBuild() on test suite\n") return; } if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { // Emulates user build if necessarily. SetBuildType("user"); } DropRoot(); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).AsRoot().Build())); // We don't know the exact path of su, so we just check for the 'root ...' commands EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("Skipping")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("root " + kSimpleCommand + "' on user build.\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateTest.RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild() on test suite\n") return; } if (PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { ALOGI("Skipping RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild on user builds\n"); return; } DropRoot(); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).AsRoot().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("0\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileNotFoundNoTitle) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, DumpFile("", "/I/cant/believe/I/exist")); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("*** Error dumping /I/cant/believe/I/exist: No such file or directory\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileNotFoundWithTitle) { EXPECT_EQ(-1, DumpFile("Y U NO EXIST?", "/I/cant/believe/I/exist")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); // We don't know the exact duration, so we check the prefix and suffix EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("*** Error dumping /I/cant/believe/I/exist (Y U NO EXIST?): No " "such file or directory\n")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("s was the duration of 'Y U NO EXIST?' ------\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileSingleLine) { EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\n")); // dumpstate adds missing newline } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileSingleLineWithNewLine) { EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line-with-newline.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileMultipleLines) { EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "multiple-lines.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\nI AM LINE2\nI AM LINE3\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileMultipleLinesWithNewLine) { EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "multiple-lines-with-newline.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\nI AM LINE2\nI AM LINE3\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileOnDryRunNoTitle) { SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileOnDryRun) { SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("Might as well dump. Dump!", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT( out, StartsWith("------ Might as well dump. Dump! (" + kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt:")); EXPECT_THAT(out, HasSubstr("\n\t(skipped on dry run)\n------")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("s was the duration of 'Might as well dump. Dump!' ------\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateTest, DumpFileUpdateProgress) { sp<DumpstateListenerMock> listener(new DumpstateListenerMock()); ds.listener_ = listener; ds.listener_name_ = "FoxMulder"; SetProgress(0, 30); EXPECT_CALL(*listener, onProgressUpdated(5)); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); std::string progress_message = GetProgressMessage(ds.listener_name_, 5, 30); // TODO: unhardcode WEIGHT_FILE (5)? EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq(progress_message)); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\n")); // dumpstate adds missing newline ds.listener_.clear(); } class DumpstateServiceTest : public DumpstateBaseTest { public: DumpstateService dss; }; TEST_F(DumpstateServiceTest, SetListenerNoName) { sp<DumpstateListenerMock> listener(new DumpstateListenerMock()); sp<IDumpstateToken> token; EXPECT_TRUE(dss.setListener("", listener, &token).isOk()); ASSERT_THAT(token, IsNull()); } TEST_F(DumpstateServiceTest, SetListenerNoPointer) { sp<IDumpstateToken> token; EXPECT_TRUE(dss.setListener("whatever", nullptr, &token).isOk()); ASSERT_THAT(token, IsNull()); } TEST_F(DumpstateServiceTest, SetListenerTwice) { sp<DumpstateListenerMock> listener(new DumpstateListenerMock()); sp<IDumpstateToken> token; EXPECT_TRUE(dss.setListener("whatever", listener, &token).isOk()); ASSERT_THAT(token, NotNull()); EXPECT_THAT(Dumpstate::GetInstance().listener_name_, StrEq("whatever")); token.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(dss.setListener("whatsoever", listener, &token).isOk()); ASSERT_THAT(token, IsNull()); EXPECT_THAT(Dumpstate::GetInstance().listener_name_, StrEq("whatever")); } class ProgressTest : public DumpstateBaseTest { public: Progress GetInstance(int32_t max, double growth_factor, const std::string& path = "") { return Progress(max, growth_factor, path); } void AssertStats(const std::string& path, int32_t expected_runs, int32_t expected_average) { std::string expected_content = android::base::StringPrintf("%d %d\n", expected_runs, expected_average); std::string actual_content; ReadFileToString(path, &actual_content); ASSERT_THAT(actual_content, StrEq(expected_content)) << "invalid stats on " << path; } }; TEST_F(ProgressTest, SimpleTest) { Progress progress; EXPECT_EQ(0, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); bool max_increased = progress.Inc(1); EXPECT_EQ(1, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); // Ignore negative increase. max_increased = progress.Inc(-1); EXPECT_EQ(1, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, MaxGrowsInsideNewRange) { Progress progress = GetInstance(10, 1.2); // 20% growth factor EXPECT_EQ(0, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetMax()); // No increase bool max_increased = progress.Inc(10); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); // Increase, with new value < max*20% max_increased = progress.Inc(1); EXPECT_EQ(11, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(13, progress.GetMax()); // 11 average * 20% growth = 13.2 = 13 EXPECT_TRUE(max_increased); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, MaxGrowsOutsideNewRange) { Progress progress = GetInstance(10, 1.2); // 20% growth factor EXPECT_EQ(0, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetMax()); // No increase bool max_increased = progress.Inc(10); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(10, progress.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); // Increase, with new value > max*20% max_increased = progress.Inc(5); EXPECT_EQ(15, progress.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(18, progress.GetMax()); // 15 average * 20% growth = 18 EXPECT_TRUE(max_increased); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidPath) { Progress progress("/devil/null"); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, EmptyFile) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("empty-file.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine1stEntryNAN) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-1st-NAN.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine2ndEntryNAN) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-2nd-NAN.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLineBothNAN) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-both-NAN.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine1stEntryNegative) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-1st-negative.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine2ndEntryNegative) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-2nd-negative.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine1stEntryTooBig) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-1st-too-big.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } TEST_F(ProgressTest, InvalidLine2ndEntryTooBig) { Progress progress(CopyTextFileFixture("stats-invalid-2nd-too-big.txt")); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, progress.GetMax()); } // Tests stats are properly saved when the file does not exists. TEST_F(ProgressTest, FirstTime) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it's failing when running as suite MYLOGE("Skipping ProgressTest.FirstTime() on test suite\n") return; } std::string path = kTestDataPath + "FirstTime.txt"; android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(path); Progress run1(path); EXPECT_EQ(0, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, run1.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, run1.GetMax()); bool max_increased = run1.Inc(20); EXPECT_EQ(20, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(Progress::kDefaultMax, run1.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); run1.Save(); AssertStats(path, 1, 20); } // Tests what happens when the persistent settings contains the average duration of 1 run. // Data on file is 1 run and 109 average. TEST_F(ProgressTest, SecondTime) { std::string path = CopyTextFileFixture("stats-one-run-no-newline.txt"); Progress run1 = GetInstance(-42, 1.2, path); EXPECT_EQ(0, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(10, run1.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(10, run1.GetMax()); bool max_increased = run1.Inc(20); EXPECT_EQ(20, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(24, run1.GetMax()); EXPECT_TRUE(max_increased); // Average now is 2 runs and (10 + 20)/ 2 = 15 run1.Save(); AssertStats(path, 2, 15); Progress run2 = GetInstance(-42, 1.2, path); EXPECT_EQ(0, run2.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(15, run2.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(15, run2.GetMax()); max_increased = run2.Inc(25); EXPECT_EQ(25, run2.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(30, run2.GetMax()); EXPECT_TRUE(max_increased); // Average now is 3 runs and (15 * 2 + 25)/ 3 = 18.33 = 18 run2.Save(); AssertStats(path, 3, 18); Progress run3 = GetInstance(-42, 1.2, path); EXPECT_EQ(0, run3.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(18, run3.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(18, run3.GetMax()); // Make sure average decreases as well max_increased = run3.Inc(5); EXPECT_EQ(5, run3.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(18, run3.GetMax()); EXPECT_FALSE(max_increased); // Average now is 4 runs and (18 * 3 + 5)/ 4 = 14.75 = 14 run3.Save(); AssertStats(path, 4, 14); } // Tests what happens when the persistent settings contains the average duration of 2 runs. // Data on file is 2 runs and 15 average. TEST_F(ProgressTest, ThirdTime) { std::string path = CopyTextFileFixture("stats-two-runs.txt"); AssertStats(path, 2, 15); // Sanity check Progress run1 = GetInstance(-42, 1.2, path); EXPECT_EQ(0, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(15, run1.GetInitialMax()); EXPECT_EQ(15, run1.GetMax()); bool max_increased = run1.Inc(20); EXPECT_EQ(20, run1.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(24, run1.GetMax()); EXPECT_TRUE(max_increased); // Average now is 3 runs and (15 * 2 + 20)/ 3 = 16.66 = 16 run1.Save(); AssertStats(path, 3, 16); } class DumpstateUtilTest : public DumpstateBaseTest { public: void SetUp() { DumpstateBaseTest::SetUp(); SetDryRun(false); } void CaptureFdOut() { ReadFileToString(path_, &out); } void CreateFd(const std::string& name) { path_ = kTestDataPath + name; MYLOGD("Creating fd for file %s\n", path_.c_str()); fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(path_.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)); ASSERT_GE(fd, 0) << "could not create FD for path " << path_; } // Runs a command into the `fd` and capture `stderr`. int RunCommand(const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& full_command, const CommandOptions& options = CommandOptions::DEFAULT) { CaptureStderr(); int status = RunCommandToFd(fd, title, full_command, options); close(fd); CaptureFdOut(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); return status; } // Dumps a file and into the `fd` and `stderr`. int DumpFile(const std::string& title, const std::string& path) { CaptureStderr(); int status = DumpFileToFd(fd, title, path); close(fd); CaptureFdOut(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); return status; } // Find out the pid of the process_name int FindPidOfProcess(const std::string& process_name) { CaptureStderr(); int status = GetPidByName(process_name); err = GetCapturedStderr(); return status; } int fd; // 'fd` output and `stderr` from the last command ran. std::string out, err; private: std::string path_; }; TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandNoArgs) { CreateFd("RunCommandNoArgs.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(-1, RunCommand("", {})); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandNoTitle) { CreateFd("RunCommandWithNoArgs.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandWithTitle) { CreateFd("RunCommandWithNoArgs.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("I AM GROOT", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("------ I AM GROOT (" + kSimpleCommand + ") ------\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandWithOneArg) { CreateFd("RunCommandWithOneArg.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kEchoCommand, "one"})); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("one\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandWithMultipleArgs) { CreateFd("RunCommandWithMultipleArgs.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kEchoCommand, "one", "is", "the", "loniest", "number"})); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("one is the loniest number\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandWithLoggingMessage) { CreateFd("RunCommandWithLoggingMessage.txt"); EXPECT_EQ( 0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Log("COMMAND, Y U NO LOG FIRST?").Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("COMMAND, Y U NO LOG FIRST?stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandRedirectStderr) { CreateFd("RunCommandRedirectStderr.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).RedirectStderr().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stdout\nstderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandDryRun) { CreateFd("RunCommandDryRun.txt"); SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("I AM GROOT", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq(android::base::StringPrintf( "------ I AM GROOT (%s) ------\n\t(skipped on dry run)\n", kSimpleCommand.c_str()))); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandDryRunNoTitle) { CreateFd("RunCommandDryRun.txt"); SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand})); EXPECT_THAT( out, StrEq(android::base::StringPrintf("%s: skipped on dry run\n", kSimpleCommand.c_str()))); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandDryRunAlways) { CreateFd("RunCommandDryRunAlways.txt"); SetDryRun(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Always().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandNotFound) { CreateFd("RunCommandNotFound.txt"); EXPECT_NE(0, RunCommand("", {"/there/cannot/be/such/command"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("*** command '/there/cannot/be/such/command' failed: exit code")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StartsWith("execvp on command '/there/cannot/be/such/command' failed")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandFails) { CreateFd("RunCommandFails.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(42, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--exit", "42"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("stdout\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --exit 42' failed: exit code 42\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --exit 42' failed: exit code 42\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandCrashes) { CreateFd("RunCommandCrashes.txt"); EXPECT_NE(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--crash"})); // We don't know the exit code, so check just the prefix. EXPECT_THAT( out, StartsWith("stdout\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --crash' failed: exit code")); EXPECT_THAT( err, StartsWith("stderr\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --crash' failed: exit code")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandTimesout) { CreateFd("RunCommandTimesout.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(-1, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--sleep", "2"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("stdout line1\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --sleep 2' timed out after 1")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StartsWith("sleeping for 2s\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --sleep 2' timed out after 1")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandIsKilled) { CreateFd("RunCommandIsKilled.txt"); CaptureStderr(); std::thread t([=]() { EXPECT_EQ(SIGTERM, RunCommandToFd(fd, "", {kSimpleCommand, "--pid", "--sleep", "20"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(100).Always().Build())); }); // Capture pid and pre-sleep output. sleep(1); // Wait a little bit to make sure pid and 1st line were printed. std::string err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("sleeping for 20s\n")); CaptureFdOut(); std::vector<std::string> lines = android::base::Split(out, "\n"); ASSERT_EQ(3, (int)lines.size()) << "Invalid lines before sleep: " << out; int pid = atoi(lines[0].c_str()); EXPECT_THAT(lines[1], StrEq("stdout line1")); EXPECT_THAT(lines[2], IsEmpty()); // \n // Then kill the process. CaptureFdOut(); CaptureStderr(); ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid, SIGTERM)) << "failed to kill pid " << pid; t.join(); // Finally, check output after murder. CaptureFdOut(); err = GetCapturedStderr(); // out starts with the pid, which is an unknown EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("stdout line1\n*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --pid --sleep 20' failed: killed by signal 15\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("*** command '" + kSimpleCommand + " --pid --sleep 20' failed: killed by signal 15\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandAsRootUserBuild) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateUtilTest.RunCommandAsRootUserBuild() on test suite\n") return; } CreateFd("RunCommandAsRootUserBuild.txt"); if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { // Emulates user build if necessarily. SetBuildType("user"); } DropRoot(); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).AsRoot().Build())); // We don't know the exact path of su, so we just check for the 'root ...' commands EXPECT_THAT(out, StartsWith("Skipping")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("root " + kSimpleCommand + "' on user build.\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateUtilTest.RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild() on test suite\n") return; } CreateFd("RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild.txt"); if (PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { ALOGI("Skipping RunCommandAsRootNonUserBuild on user builds\n"); return; } DropRoot(); EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).AsRoot().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("0\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, RunCommandDropRoot) { if (!IsStandalone()) { // TODO: temporarily disabled because it might cause other tests to fail after dropping // to Shell - need to refactor tests to avoid this problem) MYLOGE("Skipping DumpstateUtilTest.RunCommandDropRoot() on test suite\n") return; } CreateFd("RunCommandDropRoot.txt"); // First check root case - only available when running with 'adb root'. uid_t uid = getuid(); if (uid == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"})); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("0\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("stderr\n")); return; } // Then run dropping root. EXPECT_EQ(0, RunCommand("", {kSimpleCommand, "--uid"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).DropRoot().Build())); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("2000\nstdout\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("drop_root_user(): already running as Shell\nstderr\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileNotFoundNoTitle) { CreateFd("DumpFileNotFound.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(-1, DumpFile("", "/I/cant/believe/I/exist")); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("*** Error dumping /I/cant/believe/I/exist: No such file or directory\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileNotFoundWithTitle) { CreateFd("DumpFileNotFound.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(-1, DumpFile("Y U NO EXIST?", "/I/cant/believe/I/exist")); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("*** Error dumping /I/cant/believe/I/exist (Y U NO EXIST?): No such " "file or directory\n")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileSingleLine) { CreateFd("DumpFileSingleLine.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\n")); // dumpstate adds missing newline } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileSingleLineWithNewLine) { CreateFd("DumpFileSingleLineWithNewLine.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line-with-newline.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileMultipleLines) { CreateFd("DumpFileMultipleLines.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "multiple-lines.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\nI AM LINE2\nI AM LINE3\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileMultipleLinesWithNewLine) { CreateFd("DumpFileMultipleLinesWithNewLine.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "multiple-lines-with-newline.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq("I AM LINE1\nI AM LINE2\nI AM LINE3\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileOnDryRunNoTitle) { CreateFd("DumpFileOnDryRun.txt"); SetDryRun(true); std::string path = kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt"; EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT(out, StrEq(path + ": skipped on dry run\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, DumpFileOnDryRun) { CreateFd("DumpFileOnDryRun.txt"); SetDryRun(true); std::string path = kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt"; EXPECT_EQ(0, DumpFile("Might as well dump. Dump!", kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); EXPECT_THAT( out, StartsWith("------ Might as well dump. Dump! (" + kTestDataPath + "single-line.txt:")); EXPECT_THAT(out, EndsWith("skipped on dry run\n")); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, FindingPidWithExistingProcess) { // init process always has pid 1. EXPECT_EQ(1, FindPidOfProcess("init")); EXPECT_THAT(err, IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(DumpstateUtilTest, FindingPidWithNotExistingProcess) { // find the process with abnormal name. EXPECT_EQ(-1, FindPidOfProcess("abcdef12345-543")); EXPECT_THAT(err, StrEq("can't find the pid\n")); } } // namespace dumpstate } // namespace os } // namespace android