/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "dumpstate" #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <limits.h> #include <memory> #include <regex> #include <set> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/properties.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> #include <android-base/unique_fd.h> #include <android/hardware/dumpstate/1.0/IDumpstateDevice.h> #include <cutils/native_handle.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <openssl/sha.h> #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h> #include <private/android_logger.h> #include "DumpstateInternal.h" #include "DumpstateService.h" #include "dumpstate.h" using ::android::hardware::dumpstate::V1_0::IDumpstateDevice; // TODO: remove once moved to namespace using android::os::dumpstate::CommandOptions; using android::os::dumpstate::DumpFileToFd; using android::os::dumpstate::PropertiesHelper; using android::os::dumpstate::GetPidByName; /* read before root is shed */ static char cmdline_buf[16384] = "(unknown)"; static const char *dump_traces_path = NULL; // TODO: variables and functions below should be part of dumpstate object static std::set<std::string> mount_points; void add_mountinfo(); #define PSTORE_LAST_KMSG "/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops" #define ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG "/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0" #define RAFT_DIR "/data/misc/raft" #define RECOVERY_DIR "/cache/recovery" #define RECOVERY_DATA_DIR "/data/misc/recovery" #define LOGPERSIST_DATA_DIR "/data/misc/logd" #define PROFILE_DATA_DIR_CUR "/data/misc/profiles/cur" #define PROFILE_DATA_DIR_REF "/data/misc/profiles/ref" #define TOMBSTONE_DIR "/data/tombstones" #define TOMBSTONE_FILE_PREFIX TOMBSTONE_DIR "/tombstone_" /* Can accomodate a tombstone number up to 9999. */ #define TOMBSTONE_MAX_LEN (sizeof(TOMBSTONE_FILE_PREFIX) + 4) #define NUM_TOMBSTONES 10 #define WLUTIL "/vendor/xbin/wlutil" typedef struct { char name[TOMBSTONE_MAX_LEN]; int fd; } tombstone_data_t; static tombstone_data_t tombstone_data[NUM_TOMBSTONES]; // TODO: temporary variables and functions used during C++ refactoring static Dumpstate& ds = Dumpstate::GetInstance(); static int RunCommand(const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& fullCommand, const CommandOptions& options = CommandOptions::DEFAULT) { return ds.RunCommand(title, fullCommand, options); } static void RunDumpsys(const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& dumpsysArgs, const CommandOptions& options = Dumpstate::DEFAULT_DUMPSYS, long dumpsysTimeout = 0) { return ds.RunDumpsys(title, dumpsysArgs, options, dumpsysTimeout); } static int DumpFile(const std::string& title, const std::string& path) { return ds.DumpFile(title, path); } // Relative directory (inside the zip) for all files copied as-is into the bugreport. static const std::string ZIP_ROOT_DIR = "FS"; // Must be hardcoded because dumpstate HAL implementation need SELinux access to it static const std::string kDumpstateBoardPath = "/bugreports/dumpstate_board.txt"; static const std::string kLsHalDebugPath = "/bugreports/dumpstate_lshal.txt"; static constexpr char PROPERTY_EXTRA_OPTIONS[] = "dumpstate.options"; static constexpr char PROPERTY_LAST_ID[] = "dumpstate.last_id"; static constexpr char PROPERTY_VERSION[] = "dumpstate.version"; static constexpr char PROPERTY_EXTRA_TITLE[] = "dumpstate.options.title"; static constexpr char PROPERTY_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION[] = "dumpstate.options.description"; static const CommandOptions AS_ROOT_20 = CommandOptions::WithTimeout(20).AsRoot().Build(); /* gets the tombstone data, according to the bugreport type: if zipped, gets all tombstones; * otherwise, gets just those modified in the last half an hour. */ static void get_tombstone_fds(tombstone_data_t data[NUM_TOMBSTONES]) { time_t thirty_minutes_ago = ds.now_ - 60 * 30; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_TOMBSTONES; i++) { snprintf(data[i].name, sizeof(data[i].name), "%s%02zu", TOMBSTONE_FILE_PREFIX, i); int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(data[i].name, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW | O_NONBLOCK)); struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && st.st_size > 0 && (ds.IsZipping() || st.st_mtime >= thirty_minutes_ago)) { data[i].fd = fd; } else { close(fd); data[i].fd = -1; } } } // for_each_pid() callback to get mount info about a process. void do_mountinfo(int pid, const char* name __attribute__((unused))) { char path[PATH_MAX]; // Gets the the content of the /proc/PID/ns/mnt link, so only unique mount points // are added. snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%d/ns/mnt", pid); char linkname[PATH_MAX]; ssize_t r = readlink(path, linkname, PATH_MAX); if (r == -1) { MYLOGE("Unable to read link for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return; } linkname[r] = '\0'; if (mount_points.find(linkname) == mount_points.end()) { // First time this mount point was found: add it snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%d/mountinfo", pid); if (ds.AddZipEntry(ZIP_ROOT_DIR + path, path)) { mount_points.insert(linkname); } else { MYLOGE("Unable to add mountinfo %s to zip file\n", path); } } } void add_mountinfo() { if (!ds.IsZipping()) return; std::string title = "MOUNT INFO"; mount_points.clear(); DurationReporter duration_reporter(title, true); for_each_pid(do_mountinfo, nullptr); MYLOGD("%s: %d entries added to zip file\n", title.c_str(), (int)mount_points.size()); } static void dump_dev_files(const char *title, const char *driverpath, const char *filename) { DIR *d; struct dirent *de; char path[PATH_MAX]; d = opendir(driverpath); if (d == NULL) { return; } while ((de = readdir(d))) { if (de->d_type != DT_LNK) { continue; } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", driverpath, de->d_name, filename); DumpFile(title, path); } closedir(d); } // dump anrd's trace and add to the zip file. // 1. check if anrd is running on this device. // 2. send a SIGUSR1 to its pid which will dump anrd's trace. // 3. wait until the trace generation completes and add to the zip file. static bool dump_anrd_trace() { unsigned int pid; char buf[50], path[PATH_MAX]; struct dirent *trace; struct stat st; DIR *trace_dir; int retry = 5; long max_ctime = 0, old_mtime; long long cur_size = 0; const char *trace_path = "/data/misc/anrd/"; if (!ds.IsZipping()) { MYLOGE("Not dumping anrd trace because it's not a zipped bugreport\n"); return false; } // find anrd's pid if it is running. pid = GetPidByName("/system/xbin/anrd"); if (pid > 0) { if (stat(trace_path, &st) == 0) { old_mtime = st.st_mtime; } else { MYLOGE("Failed to find: %s\n", trace_path); return false; } // send SIGUSR1 to the anrd to generate a trace. sprintf(buf, "%u", pid); if (RunCommand("ANRD_DUMP", {"kill", "-SIGUSR1", buf}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(1).Build())) { MYLOGE("anrd signal timed out. Please manually collect trace\n"); return false; } while (retry-- > 0 && old_mtime == st.st_mtime) { sleep(1); stat(trace_path, &st); } if (retry < 0 && old_mtime == st.st_mtime) { MYLOGE("Failed to stat %s or trace creation timeout\n", trace_path); return false; } // identify the trace file by its creation time. if (!(trace_dir = opendir(trace_path))) { MYLOGE("Can't open trace file under %s\n", trace_path); } while ((trace = readdir(trace_dir))) { if (strcmp(trace->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(trace->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } sprintf(path, "%s%s", trace_path, trace->d_name); if (stat(path, &st) == 0) { if (st.st_ctime > max_ctime) { max_ctime = st.st_ctime; sprintf(buf, "%s", trace->d_name); } } } closedir(trace_dir); // Wait until the dump completes by checking the size of the trace. if (max_ctime > 0) { sprintf(path, "%s%s", trace_path, buf); while(true) { sleep(1); if (stat(path, &st) == 0) { if (st.st_size == cur_size) { break; } else if (st.st_size > cur_size) { cur_size = st.st_size; } else { return false; } } else { MYLOGE("Cant stat() %s anymore\n", path); return false; } } // Add to the zip file. if (!ds.AddZipEntry("anrd_trace.txt", path)) { MYLOGE("Unable to add anrd_trace file %s to zip file\n", path); } else { if (remove(path)) { MYLOGE("Error removing anrd_trace file %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); } return true; } } else { MYLOGE("Can't stats any trace file under %s\n", trace_path); } } return false; } static void dump_systrace() { if (!ds.IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not dumping systrace because it's not a zipped bugreport\n"); return; } std::string systrace_path = ds.GetPath("-systrace.txt"); if (systrace_path.empty()) { MYLOGE("Not dumping systrace because path is empty\n"); return; } const char* path = "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on"; long int is_tracing; if (read_file_as_long(path, &is_tracing)) { return; // error already logged } if (is_tracing <= 0) { MYLOGD("Skipping systrace because '%s' content is '%ld'\n", path, is_tracing); return; } MYLOGD("Running '/system/bin/atrace --async_dump -o %s', which can take several minutes", systrace_path.c_str()); if (RunCommand("SYSTRACE", {"/system/bin/atrace", "--async_dump", "-o", systrace_path}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(120).Build())) { MYLOGE("systrace timed out, its zip entry will be incomplete\n"); // TODO: RunCommand tries to kill the process, but atrace doesn't die // peacefully; ideally, we should call strace to stop itself, but there is no such option // yet (just a --async_stop, which stops and dump // if (RunCommand("SYSTRACE", {"/system/bin/atrace", "--kill"})) { // MYLOGE("could not stop systrace "); // } } if (!ds.AddZipEntry("systrace.txt", systrace_path)) { MYLOGE("Unable to add systrace file %s to zip file\n", systrace_path.c_str()); } else { if (remove(systrace_path.c_str())) { MYLOGE("Error removing systrace file %s: %s", systrace_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } } static void dump_raft() { if (PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { return; } std::string raft_path = ds.GetPath("-raft_log.txt"); if (raft_path.empty()) { MYLOGD("raft_path is empty\n"); return; } struct stat s; if (stat(RAFT_DIR, &s) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { MYLOGD("%s does not exist or is not a directory\n", RAFT_DIR); return; } CommandOptions options = CommandOptions::WithTimeout(600).Build(); if (!ds.IsZipping()) { // Write compressed and encoded raft logs to stdout if it's not a zipped bugreport. RunCommand("RAFT LOGS", {"logcompressor", "-r", RAFT_DIR}, options); return; } RunCommand("RAFT LOGS", {"logcompressor", "-n", "-r", RAFT_DIR, "-o", raft_path}, options); if (!ds.AddZipEntry("raft_log.txt", raft_path)) { MYLOGE("Unable to add raft log %s to zip file\n", raft_path.c_str()); } else { if (remove(raft_path.c_str())) { MYLOGE("Error removing raft file %s: %s\n", raft_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } } /** * Finds the last modified file in the directory dir whose name starts with file_prefix. * * Function returns empty string when it does not find a file */ static std::string GetLastModifiedFileWithPrefix(const std::string& dir, const std::string& file_prefix) { std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> d(opendir(dir.c_str()), closedir); if (d == nullptr) { MYLOGD("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, dir.c_str()); return ""; } // Find the newest file matching the file_prefix in dir struct dirent *de; time_t last_modified_time = 0; std::string last_modified_file = ""; struct stat s; while ((de = readdir(d.get()))) { std::string file = std::string(de->d_name); if (!file_prefix.empty()) { if (!android::base::StartsWith(file, file_prefix.c_str())) continue; } file = dir + "/" + file; int ret = stat(file.c_str(), &s); if ((ret == 0) && (s.st_mtime > last_modified_time)) { last_modified_file = file; last_modified_time = s.st_mtime; } } return last_modified_file; } static void DumpModemLogs() { DurationReporter durationReporter("DUMP MODEM LOGS"); if (PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { return; } if (!ds.IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not dumping modem logs. dumpstate is not generating a zipping bugreport\n"); return; } std::string file_prefix = android::base::GetProperty("ro.radio.log_prefix", ""); if(file_prefix.empty()) { MYLOGD("No modem log : file_prefix is empty\n"); return; } // TODO: b/33820081 we need to provide a right way to dump modem logs. std::string radio_bugreport_dir = android::base::GetProperty("ro.radio.log_loc", ""); if (radio_bugreport_dir.empty()) { radio_bugreport_dir = dirname(ds.GetPath("").c_str()); } MYLOGD("DumpModemLogs: directory is %s and file_prefix is %s\n", radio_bugreport_dir.c_str(), file_prefix.c_str()); std::string modem_log_file = GetLastModifiedFileWithPrefix(radio_bugreport_dir, file_prefix); struct stat s; if (modem_log_file.empty() || stat(modem_log_file.c_str(), &s) != 0) { MYLOGD("Modem log %s does not exist\n", modem_log_file.c_str()); return; } std::string filename = basename(modem_log_file.c_str()); if (!ds.AddZipEntry(filename, modem_log_file)) { MYLOGE("Unable to add modem log %s to zip file\n", modem_log_file.c_str()); } else { MYLOGD("Modem Log %s is added to zip\n", modem_log_file.c_str()); if (remove(modem_log_file.c_str())) { MYLOGE("Error removing modem log %s\n", modem_log_file.c_str()); } } } static bool skip_not_stat(const char *path) { static const char stat[] = "/stat"; size_t len = strlen(path); if (path[len - 1] == '/') { /* Directory? */ return false; } return strcmp(path + len - sizeof(stat) + 1, stat); /* .../stat? */ } static bool skip_none(const char* path __attribute__((unused))) { return false; } static const char mmcblk0[] = "/sys/block/mmcblk0/"; unsigned long worst_write_perf = 20000; /* in KB/s */ // // stat offsets // Name units description // ---- ----- ----------- // read I/Os requests number of read I/Os processed #define __STAT_READ_IOS 0 // read merges requests number of read I/Os merged with in-queue I/O #define __STAT_READ_MERGES 1 // read sectors sectors number of sectors read #define __STAT_READ_SECTORS 2 // read ticks milliseconds total wait time for read requests #define __STAT_READ_TICKS 3 // write I/Os requests number of write I/Os processed #define __STAT_WRITE_IOS 4 // write merges requests number of write I/Os merged with in-queue I/O #define __STAT_WRITE_MERGES 5 // write sectors sectors number of sectors written #define __STAT_WRITE_SECTORS 6 // write ticks milliseconds total wait time for write requests #define __STAT_WRITE_TICKS 7 // in_flight requests number of I/Os currently in flight #define __STAT_IN_FLIGHT 8 // io_ticks milliseconds total time this block device has been active #define __STAT_IO_TICKS 9 // time_in_queue milliseconds total wait time for all requests #define __STAT_IN_QUEUE 10 #define __STAT_NUMBER_FIELD 11 // // read I/Os, write I/Os // ===================== // // These values increment when an I/O request completes. // // read merges, write merges // ========================= // // These values increment when an I/O request is merged with an // already-queued I/O request. // // read sectors, write sectors // =========================== // // These values count the number of sectors read from or written to this // block device. The "sectors" in question are the standard UNIX 512-byte // sectors, not any device- or filesystem-specific block size. The // counters are incremented when the I/O completes. #define SECTOR_SIZE 512 // // read ticks, write ticks // ======================= // // These values count the number of milliseconds that I/O requests have // waited on this block device. If there are multiple I/O requests waiting, // these values will increase at a rate greater than 1000/second; for // example, if 60 read requests wait for an average of 30 ms, the read_ticks // field will increase by 60*30 = 1800. // // in_flight // ========= // // This value counts the number of I/O requests that have been issued to // the device driver but have not yet completed. It does not include I/O // requests that are in the queue but not yet issued to the device driver. // // io_ticks // ======== // // This value counts the number of milliseconds during which the device has // had I/O requests queued. // // time_in_queue // ============= // // This value counts the number of milliseconds that I/O requests have waited // on this block device. If there are multiple I/O requests waiting, this // value will increase as the product of the number of milliseconds times the // number of requests waiting (see "read ticks" above for an example). #define S_TO_MS 1000 // static int dump_stat_from_fd(const char *title __unused, const char *path, int fd) { unsigned long long fields[__STAT_NUMBER_FIELD]; bool z; char *cp, *buffer = NULL; size_t i = 0; FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, "rb"); getline(&buffer, &i, fp); fclose(fp); if (!buffer) { return -errno; } i = strlen(buffer); while ((i > 0) && (buffer[i - 1] == '\n')) { buffer[--i] = '\0'; } if (!*buffer) { free(buffer); return 0; } z = true; for (cp = buffer, i = 0; i < (sizeof(fields) / sizeof(fields[0])); ++i) { fields[i] = strtoull(cp, &cp, 10); if (fields[i] != 0) { z = false; } } if (z) { /* never accessed */ free(buffer); return 0; } if (!strncmp(path, mmcblk0, sizeof(mmcblk0) - 1)) { path += sizeof(mmcblk0) - 1; } printf("%s: %s\n", path, buffer); free(buffer); if (fields[__STAT_IO_TICKS]) { unsigned long read_perf = 0; unsigned long read_ios = 0; if (fields[__STAT_READ_TICKS]) { unsigned long long divisor = fields[__STAT_READ_TICKS] * fields[__STAT_IO_TICKS]; read_perf = ((unsigned long long)SECTOR_SIZE * fields[__STAT_READ_SECTORS] * fields[__STAT_IN_QUEUE] + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; read_ios = ((unsigned long long)S_TO_MS * fields[__STAT_READ_IOS] * fields[__STAT_IN_QUEUE] + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; } unsigned long write_perf = 0; unsigned long write_ios = 0; if (fields[__STAT_WRITE_TICKS]) { unsigned long long divisor = fields[__STAT_WRITE_TICKS] * fields[__STAT_IO_TICKS]; write_perf = ((unsigned long long)SECTOR_SIZE * fields[__STAT_WRITE_SECTORS] * fields[__STAT_IN_QUEUE] + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; write_ios = ((unsigned long long)S_TO_MS * fields[__STAT_WRITE_IOS] * fields[__STAT_IN_QUEUE] + (divisor >> 1)) / divisor; } unsigned queue = (fields[__STAT_IN_QUEUE] + (fields[__STAT_IO_TICKS] >> 1)) / fields[__STAT_IO_TICKS]; if (!write_perf && !write_ios) { printf("%s: perf(ios) rd: %luKB/s(%lu/s) q: %u\n", path, read_perf, read_ios, queue); } else { printf("%s: perf(ios) rd: %luKB/s(%lu/s) wr: %luKB/s(%lu/s) q: %u\n", path, read_perf, read_ios, write_perf, write_ios, queue); } /* bugreport timeout factor adjustment */ if ((write_perf > 1) && (write_perf < worst_write_perf)) { worst_write_perf = write_perf; } } return 0; } /* timeout in ms */ static unsigned long logcat_timeout(const char *name) { log_id_t id = android_name_to_log_id(name); unsigned long property_size = __android_logger_get_buffer_size(id); /* Engineering margin is ten-fold our guess */ return 10 * (property_size + worst_write_perf) / worst_write_perf; } void Dumpstate::PrintHeader() const { std::string build, fingerprint, radio, bootloader, network; char date[80]; build = android::base::GetProperty("ro.build.display.id", "(unknown)"); fingerprint = android::base::GetProperty("ro.build.fingerprint", "(unknown)"); radio = android::base::GetProperty("gsm.version.baseband", "(unknown)"); bootloader = android::base::GetProperty("ro.bootloader", "(unknown)"); network = android::base::GetProperty("gsm.operator.alpha", "(unknown)"); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now_)); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== dumpstate: %s\n", date); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Build: %s\n", build.c_str()); // NOTE: fingerprint entry format is important for other tools. printf("Build fingerprint: '%s'\n", fingerprint.c_str()); printf("Bootloader: %s\n", bootloader.c_str()); printf("Radio: %s\n", radio.c_str()); printf("Network: %s\n", network.c_str()); printf("Kernel: "); DumpFileToFd(STDOUT_FILENO, "", "/proc/version"); printf("Command line: %s\n", strtok(cmdline_buf, "\n")); printf("Bugreport format version: %s\n", version_.c_str()); printf("Dumpstate info: id=%d pid=%d dry_run=%d args=%s extra_options=%s\n", id_, pid_, PropertiesHelper::IsDryRun(), args_.c_str(), extra_options_.c_str()); printf("\n"); } // List of file extensions that can cause a zip file attachment to be rejected by some email // service providers. static const std::set<std::string> PROBLEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSIONS = { ".ade", ".adp", ".bat", ".chm", ".cmd", ".com", ".cpl", ".exe", ".hta", ".ins", ".isp", ".jar", ".jse", ".lib", ".lnk", ".mde", ".msc", ".msp", ".mst", ".pif", ".scr", ".sct", ".shb", ".sys", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vxd", ".wsc", ".wsf", ".wsh" }; bool Dumpstate::AddZipEntryFromFd(const std::string& entry_name, int fd) { if (!IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not adding zip entry %s from fd because it's not a zipped bugreport\n", entry_name.c_str()); return false; } std::string valid_name = entry_name; // Rename extension if necessary. size_t idx = entry_name.rfind("."); if (idx != std::string::npos) { std::string extension = entry_name.substr(idx); std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), ::tolower); if (PROBLEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSIONS.count(extension) != 0) { valid_name = entry_name + ".renamed"; MYLOGI("Renaming entry %s to %s\n", entry_name.c_str(), valid_name.c_str()); } } // Logging statement below is useful to time how long each entry takes, but it's too verbose. // MYLOGD("Adding zip entry %s\n", entry_name.c_str()); int32_t err = zip_writer_->StartEntryWithTime(valid_name.c_str(), ZipWriter::kCompress, get_mtime(fd, ds.now_)); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->StartEntryWithTime(%s): %s\n", valid_name.c_str(), ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(65536); while (1) { ssize_t bytes_read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); if (bytes_read == 0) { break; } else if (bytes_read == -1) { MYLOGE("read(%s): %s\n", entry_name.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } err = zip_writer_->WriteBytes(buffer.data(), bytes_read); if (err) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->WriteBytes(): %s\n", ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } } err = zip_writer_->FinishEntry(); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->FinishEntry(): %s\n", ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } return true; } bool Dumpstate::AddZipEntry(const std::string& entry_name, const std::string& entry_path) { android::base::unique_fd fd( TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(entry_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC))); if (fd == -1) { MYLOGE("open(%s): %s\n", entry_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } return AddZipEntryFromFd(entry_name, fd.get()); } /* adds a file to the existing zipped bugreport */ static int _add_file_from_fd(const char* title __attribute__((unused)), const char* path, int fd) { return ds.AddZipEntryFromFd(ZIP_ROOT_DIR + path, fd) ? 0 : 1; } void Dumpstate::AddDir(const std::string& dir, bool recursive) { if (!IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not adding dir %s because it's not a zipped bugreport\n", dir.c_str()); return; } MYLOGD("Adding dir %s (recursive: %d)\n", dir.c_str(), recursive); DurationReporter duration_reporter(dir, true); dump_files("", dir.c_str(), recursive ? skip_none : is_dir, _add_file_from_fd); } bool Dumpstate::AddTextZipEntry(const std::string& entry_name, const std::string& content) { if (!IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not adding text zip entry %s because it's not a zipped bugreport\n", entry_name.c_str()); return false; } MYLOGD("Adding zip text entry %s\n", entry_name.c_str()); int32_t err = zip_writer_->StartEntryWithTime(entry_name.c_str(), ZipWriter::kCompress, ds.now_); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->StartEntryWithTime(%s): %s\n", entry_name.c_str(), ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } err = zip_writer_->WriteBytes(content.c_str(), content.length()); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->WriteBytes(%s): %s\n", entry_name.c_str(), ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } err = zip_writer_->FinishEntry(); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->FinishEntry(): %s\n", ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } return true; } static void DoKmsg() { struct stat st; if (!stat(PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) { /* Also TODO: Make console-ramoops CAP_SYSLOG protected. */ DumpFile("LAST KMSG", PSTORE_LAST_KMSG); } else if (!stat(ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) { DumpFile("LAST KMSG", ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG); } else { /* TODO: Make last_kmsg CAP_SYSLOG protected. b/5555691 */ DumpFile("LAST KMSG", "/proc/last_kmsg"); } } static void DoLogcat() { unsigned long timeout; // DumpFile("EVENT LOG TAGS", "/etc/event-log-tags"); // calculate timeout timeout = logcat_timeout("main") + logcat_timeout("system") + logcat_timeout("crash"); if (timeout < 20000) { timeout = 20000; } RunCommand("SYSTEM LOG", {"logcat", "-v", "threadtime", "-v", "printable", "-v", "uid", "-d", "*:v"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(timeout / 1000).Build()); timeout = logcat_timeout("events"); if (timeout < 20000) { timeout = 20000; } RunCommand("EVENT LOG", {"logcat", "-b", "events", "-v", "threadtime", "-v", "printable", "-v", "uid", "-d", "*:v"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(timeout / 1000).Build()); timeout = logcat_timeout("radio"); if (timeout < 20000) { timeout = 20000; } RunCommand("RADIO LOG", {"logcat", "-b", "radio", "-v", "threadtime", "-v", "printable", "-v", "uid", "-d", "*:v"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(timeout / 1000).Build()); RunCommand("LOG STATISTICS", {"logcat", "-b", "all", "-S"}); /* kernels must set CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG, slice up pstore with device tree */ RunCommand("LAST LOGCAT", {"logcat", "-L", "-b", "all", "-v", "threadtime", "-v", "printable", "-v", "uid", "-d", "*:v"}); } static void DumpIpTables() { RunCommand("IPTABLES", {"iptables", "-L", "-nvx"}); RunCommand("IP6TABLES", {"ip6tables", "-L", "-nvx"}); RunCommand("IPTABLES NAT", {"iptables", "-t", "nat", "-L", "-nvx"}); /* no ip6 nat */ RunCommand("IPTABLES MANGLE", {"iptables", "-t", "mangle", "-L", "-nvx"}); RunCommand("IP6TABLES MANGLE", {"ip6tables", "-t", "mangle", "-L", "-nvx"}); RunCommand("IPTABLES RAW", {"iptables", "-t", "raw", "-L", "-nvx"}); RunCommand("IP6TABLES RAW", {"ip6tables", "-t", "raw", "-L", "-nvx"}); } static void AddAnrTraceFiles() { bool add_to_zip = ds.IsZipping() && ds.version_ == VERSION_SPLIT_ANR; std::string dump_traces_dir; /* show the traces we collected in main(), if that was done */ if (dump_traces_path != nullptr) { if (add_to_zip) { dump_traces_dir = dirname(dump_traces_path); MYLOGD("Adding ANR traces (directory %s) to the zip file\n", dump_traces_dir.c_str()); ds.AddDir(dump_traces_dir, true); } else { MYLOGD("Dumping current ANR traces (%s) to the main bugreport entry\n", dump_traces_path); ds.DumpFile("VM TRACES JUST NOW", dump_traces_path); } } std::string anr_traces_path = android::base::GetProperty("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", ""); std::string anr_traces_dir = dirname(anr_traces_path.c_str()); // Make sure directory is not added twice. // TODO: this is an overzealous check because it's relying on dump_traces_path - which is // generated by dump_traces() - and anr_traces_path - which is retrieved from a system // property - but in reality they're the same path (although the former could be nullptr). // Anyways, once dump_traces() is refactored as a private Dumpstate function, this logic should // be revisited. bool already_dumped = anr_traces_dir == dump_traces_dir; MYLOGD("AddAnrTraceFiles(): dump_traces_dir=%s, anr_traces_dir=%s, already_dumped=%d\n", dump_traces_dir.c_str(), anr_traces_dir.c_str(), already_dumped); if (anr_traces_path.empty()) { printf("*** NO VM TRACES FILE DEFINED (dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file)\n\n"); } else { int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( open(anr_traces_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW | O_NONBLOCK)); if (fd < 0) { printf("*** NO ANR VM TRACES FILE (%s): %s\n\n", anr_traces_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } else { if (add_to_zip) { if (!already_dumped) { MYLOGD("Adding dalvik ANR traces (directory %s) to the zip file\n", anr_traces_dir.c_str()); ds.AddDir(anr_traces_dir, true); already_dumped = true; } } else { MYLOGD("Dumping last ANR traces (%s) to the main bugreport entry\n", anr_traces_path.c_str()); dump_file_from_fd("VM TRACES AT LAST ANR", anr_traces_path.c_str(), fd); } } } if (add_to_zip && already_dumped) { MYLOGD("Already dumped directory %s to the zip file\n", anr_traces_dir.c_str()); return; } /* slow traces for slow operations */ struct stat st; if (!anr_traces_path.empty()) { int tail = anr_traces_path.size() - 1; while (tail > 0 && anr_traces_path.at(tail) != '/') { tail--; } int i = 0; while (1) { anr_traces_path = anr_traces_path.substr(0, tail + 1) + android::base::StringPrintf("slow%02d.txt", i); if (stat(anr_traces_path.c_str(), &st)) { // No traces file at this index, done with the files. break; } ds.DumpFile("VM TRACES WHEN SLOW", anr_traces_path.c_str()); i++; } } } static void dumpstate() { DurationReporter duration_reporter("DUMPSTATE"); dump_dev_files("TRUSTY VERSION", "/sys/bus/platform/drivers/trusty", "trusty_version"); RunCommand("UPTIME", {"uptime"}); dump_files("UPTIME MMC PERF", mmcblk0, skip_not_stat, dump_stat_from_fd); dump_emmc_ecsd("/d/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd"); DumpFile("MEMORY INFO", "/proc/meminfo"); RunCommand("CPU INFO", {"top", "-b", "-n", "1", "-H", "-s", "6", "-o", "pid,tid,user,pr,ni,%cpu,s,virt,res,pcy,cmd,name"}); RunCommand("PROCRANK", {"procrank"}, AS_ROOT_20); DumpFile("VIRTUAL MEMORY STATS", "/proc/vmstat"); DumpFile("VMALLOC INFO", "/proc/vmallocinfo"); DumpFile("SLAB INFO", "/proc/slabinfo"); DumpFile("ZONEINFO", "/proc/zoneinfo"); DumpFile("PAGETYPEINFO", "/proc/pagetypeinfo"); DumpFile("BUDDYINFO", "/proc/buddyinfo"); DumpFile("FRAGMENTATION INFO", "/d/extfrag/unusable_index"); DumpFile("KERNEL WAKE SOURCES", "/d/wakeup_sources"); DumpFile("KERNEL CPUFREQ", "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state"); DumpFile("KERNEL SYNC", "/d/sync"); RunCommand("PROCESSES AND THREADS", {"ps", "-A", "-T", "-Z", "-O", "pri,nice,rtprio,sched,pcy"}); RunCommand("LIBRANK", {"librank"}, CommandOptions::AS_ROOT); if (ds.IsZipping()) { RunCommand( "HARDWARE HALS", {"lshal", std::string("--debug=") + kLsHalDebugPath}, CommandOptions::AS_ROOT); ds.AddZipEntry("lshal-debug.txt", kLsHalDebugPath); unlink(kLsHalDebugPath.c_str()); } else { RunCommand( "HARDWARE HALS", {"lshal", "--debug"}, CommandOptions::AS_ROOT); } RunCommand("PRINTENV", {"printenv"}); RunCommand("NETSTAT", {"netstat", "-nW"}); struct stat s; if (stat("/proc/modules", &s) != 0) { MYLOGD("Skipping 'lsmod' because /proc/modules does not exist\n"); } else { RunCommand("LSMOD", {"lsmod"}); } do_dmesg(); RunCommand("LIST OF OPEN FILES", {"lsof"}, CommandOptions::AS_ROOT); for_each_pid(do_showmap, "SMAPS OF ALL PROCESSES"); for_each_tid(show_wchan, "BLOCKED PROCESS WAIT-CHANNELS"); for_each_pid(show_showtime, "PROCESS TIMES (pid cmd user system iowait+percentage)"); /* Dump Bluetooth HCI logs */ ds.AddDir("/data/misc/bluetooth/logs", true); if (!ds.do_early_screenshot_) { MYLOGI("taking late screenshot\n"); ds.TakeScreenshot(); } DoLogcat(); AddAnrTraceFiles(); int dumped = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_TOMBSTONES; i++) { if (tombstone_data[i].fd != -1) { const char *name = tombstone_data[i].name; int fd = tombstone_data[i].fd; dumped = 1; if (ds.IsZipping()) { if (!ds.AddZipEntryFromFd(ZIP_ROOT_DIR + name, fd)) { MYLOGE("Unable to add tombstone %s to zip file\n", name); } } else { dump_file_from_fd("TOMBSTONE", name, fd); } close(fd); tombstone_data[i].fd = -1; } } if (!dumped) { printf("*** NO TOMBSTONES to dump in %s\n\n", TOMBSTONE_DIR); } DumpFile("NETWORK DEV INFO", "/proc/net/dev"); DumpFile("QTAGUID NETWORK INTERFACES INFO", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat_all"); DumpFile("QTAGUID NETWORK INTERFACES INFO (xt)", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat_fmt"); DumpFile("QTAGUID CTRL INFO", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl"); DumpFile("QTAGUID STATS INFO", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats"); DoKmsg(); /* The following have a tendency to get wedged when wifi drivers/fw goes belly-up. */ RunCommand("NETWORK INTERFACES", {"ip", "link"}); RunCommand("IPv4 ADDRESSES", {"ip", "-4", "addr", "show"}); RunCommand("IPv6 ADDRESSES", {"ip", "-6", "addr", "show"}); RunCommand("IP RULES", {"ip", "rule", "show"}); RunCommand("IP RULES v6", {"ip", "-6", "rule", "show"}); dump_route_tables(); RunCommand("ARP CACHE", {"ip", "-4", "neigh", "show"}); RunCommand("IPv6 ND CACHE", {"ip", "-6", "neigh", "show"}); RunCommand("MULTICAST ADDRESSES", {"ip", "maddr"}); RunCommand("WIFI NETWORKS", {"wpa_cli", "IFNAME=wlan0", "list_networks"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(20).Build()); RunDumpsys("NETWORK DIAGNOSTICS", {"connectivity", "--diag"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Build()); RunCommand("SYSTEM PROPERTIES", {"getprop"}); RunCommand("VOLD DUMP", {"vdc", "dump"}); RunCommand("SECURE CONTAINERS", {"vdc", "asec", "list"}); RunCommand("STORAGED TASKIOINFO", {"storaged", "-u"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Build()); RunCommand("FILESYSTEMS & FREE SPACE", {"df"}); RunCommand("LAST RADIO LOG", {"parse_radio_log", "/proc/last_radio_log"}); printf("------ BACKLIGHTS ------\n"); printf("LCD brightness="); DumpFile("", "/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness"); printf("Button brightness="); DumpFile("", "/sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness"); printf("Keyboard brightness="); DumpFile("", "/sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/brightness"); printf("ALS mode="); DumpFile("", "/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/als"); printf("LCD driver registers:\n"); DumpFile("", "/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/registers"); printf("\n"); /* Binder state is expensive to look at as it uses a lot of memory. */ DumpFile("BINDER FAILED TRANSACTION LOG", "/sys/kernel/debug/binder/failed_transaction_log"); DumpFile("BINDER TRANSACTION LOG", "/sys/kernel/debug/binder/transaction_log"); DumpFile("BINDER TRANSACTIONS", "/sys/kernel/debug/binder/transactions"); DumpFile("BINDER STATS", "/sys/kernel/debug/binder/stats"); DumpFile("BINDER STATE", "/sys/kernel/debug/binder/state"); ds.DumpstateBoard(); /* Migrate the ril_dumpstate to a device specific dumpstate? */ int rilDumpstateTimeout = android::base::GetIntProperty("ril.dumpstate.timeout", 0); if (rilDumpstateTimeout > 0) { // su does not exist on user builds, so try running without it. // This way any implementations of vril-dump that do not require // root can run on user builds. CommandOptions::CommandOptionsBuilder options = CommandOptions::WithTimeout(rilDumpstateTimeout); if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { options.AsRoot(); } RunCommand("DUMP VENDOR RIL LOGS", {"vril-dump"}, options.Build()); } printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Android Framework Services\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("DUMPSYS", {"--skip", "meminfo", "cpuinfo"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(90).Build(), 10); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Checkins\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN BATTERYSTATS", {"batterystats", "-c"}); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN MEMINFO", {"meminfo", "--checkin"}); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN NETSTATS", {"netstats", "--checkin"}); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN PROCSTATS", {"procstats", "-c"}); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN USAGESTATS", {"usagestats", "-c"}); RunDumpsys("CHECKIN PACKAGE", {"package", "--checkin"}); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Running Application Activities\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("APP ACTIVITIES", {"activity", "-v", "all"}); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Running Application Services\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("APP SERVICES", {"activity", "service", "all"}); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Running Application Providers\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("APP PROVIDERS", {"activity", "provider", "all"}); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Dropbox crashes\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); RunDumpsys("DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER CRASHES", {"dropbox", "-p", "system_server_crash"}); RunDumpsys("DROPBOX SYSTEM APP CRASHES", {"dropbox", "-p", "system_app_crash"}); // DumpModemLogs adds the modem logs if available to the bugreport. // Do this at the end to allow for sufficient time for the modem logs to be // collected. DumpModemLogs(); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Final progress (pid %d): %d/%d (estimated %d)\n", ds.pid_, ds.progress_->Get(), ds.progress_->GetMax(), ds.progress_->GetInitialMax()); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== dumpstate: done (id %d)\n", ds.id_); printf("========================================================\n"); } void Dumpstate::DumpstateBoard() { DurationReporter duration_reporter("dumpstate_board()"); printf("========================================================\n"); printf("== Board\n"); printf("========================================================\n"); ::android::sp<IDumpstateDevice> dumpstate_device(IDumpstateDevice::getService()); if (dumpstate_device == nullptr) { MYLOGE("No IDumpstateDevice implementation\n"); return; } if (!IsZipping()) { MYLOGD("Not dumping board info because it's not a zipped bugreport\n"); return; } std::string path = kDumpstateBoardPath; MYLOGI("Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path %s\n", path.c_str()); int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)); if (fd < 0) { MYLOGE("Could not open file %s: %s\n", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } native_handle_t* handle = native_handle_create(1, 0); if (handle == nullptr) { MYLOGE("Could not create native_handle\n"); return; } handle->data[0] = fd; // TODO: need a timeout mechanism so dumpstate does not hang on device implementation call. android::hardware::Return<void> status = dumpstate_device->dumpstateBoard(handle); if (!status.isOk()) { MYLOGE("dumpstateBoard failed: %s\n", status.description().c_str()); native_handle_close(handle); native_handle_delete(handle); return; } AddZipEntry("dumpstate-board.txt", path); printf("*** See dumpstate-board.txt entry ***\n"); native_handle_close(handle); native_handle_delete(handle); if (remove(path.c_str()) != 0) { MYLOGE("Could not remove(%s): %s\n", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } static void ShowUsageAndExit(int exitCode = 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: dumpstate [-h] [-b soundfile] [-e soundfile] [-o file] [-d] [-p] " "[-z]] [-s] [-S] [-q] [-B] [-P] [-R] [-V version]\n" " -h: display this help message\n" " -b: play sound file instead of vibrate, at beginning of job\n" " -e: play sound file instead of vibrate, at end of job\n" " -o: write to file (instead of stdout)\n" " -d: append date to filename (requires -o)\n" " -p: capture screenshot to filename.png (requires -o)\n" " -z: generate zipped file (requires -o)\n" " -s: write output to control socket (for init)\n" " -S: write file location to control socket (for init; requires -o and -z)" " -q: disable vibrate\n" " -B: send broadcast when finished (requires -o)\n" " -P: send broadcast when started and update system properties on " "progress (requires -o and -B)\n" " -R: take bugreport in remote mode (requires -o, -z, -d and -B, " "shouldn't be used with -P)\n" " -v: prints the dumpstate header and exit\n"); exit(exitCode); } static void ExitOnInvalidArgs() { fprintf(stderr, "invalid combination of args\n"); ShowUsageAndExit(); } static void sig_handler(int) { _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void register_sig_handler() { struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); // broken pipe sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); // segment fault sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); // ctrl-c sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); // killed sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); // quit } bool Dumpstate::FinishZipFile() { std::string entry_name = base_name_ + "-" + name_ + ".txt"; MYLOGD("Adding main entry (%s) from %s to .zip bugreport\n", entry_name.c_str(), tmp_path_.c_str()); // Final timestamp char date[80]; time_t the_real_now_please_stand_up = time(nullptr); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&the_real_now_please_stand_up)); MYLOGD("dumpstate id %d finished around %s (%ld s)\n", ds.id_, date, the_real_now_please_stand_up - ds.now_); if (!ds.AddZipEntry(entry_name, tmp_path_)) { MYLOGE("Failed to add text entry to .zip file\n"); return false; } if (!AddTextZipEntry("main_entry.txt", entry_name)) { MYLOGE("Failed to add main_entry.txt to .zip file\n"); return false; } // Add log file (which contains stderr output) to zip... fprintf(stderr, "dumpstate_log.txt entry on zip file logged up to here\n"); if (!ds.AddZipEntry("dumpstate_log.txt", ds.log_path_.c_str())) { MYLOGE("Failed to add dumpstate log to .zip file\n"); return false; } // ... and re-opens it for further logging. redirect_to_existing_file(stderr, const_cast<char*>(ds.log_path_.c_str())); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); int32_t err = zip_writer_->Finish(); if (err != 0) { MYLOGE("zip_writer_->Finish(): %s\n", ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(err)); return false; } // TODO: remove once FinishZipFile() is automatically handled by Dumpstate's destructor. ds.zip_file.reset(nullptr); MYLOGD("Removing temporary file %s\n", tmp_path_.c_str()) if (remove(tmp_path_.c_str()) != 0) { MYLOGE("Failed to remove temporary file (%s): %s\n", tmp_path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } return true; } static std::string SHA256_file_hash(std::string filepath) { android::base::unique_fd fd(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(filepath.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW))); if (fd == -1) { MYLOGE("open(%s): %s\n", filepath.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return NULL; } SHA256_CTX ctx; SHA256_Init(&ctx); std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(65536); while (1) { ssize_t bytes_read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd.get(), buffer.data(), buffer.size())); if (bytes_read == 0) { break; } else if (bytes_read == -1) { MYLOGE("read(%s): %s\n", filepath.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return NULL; } SHA256_Update(&ctx, buffer.data(), bytes_read); } uint8_t hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA256_Final(hash, &ctx); char hash_buffer[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; for(size_t i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { sprintf(hash_buffer + (i * 2), "%02x", hash[i]); } hash_buffer[sizeof(hash_buffer) - 1] = 0; return std::string(hash_buffer); } static void SendBroadcast(const std::string& action, const std::vector<std::string>& args) { // clang-format off std::vector<std::string> am = {"/system/bin/cmd", "activity", "broadcast", "--user", "0", "--receiver-foreground", "--receiver-include-background", "-a", action}; // clang-format on am.insert(am.end(), args.begin(), args.end()); RunCommand("", am, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(20) .Log("Sending broadcast: '%s'\n") .Always() .DropRoot() .RedirectStderr() .Build()); } static void Vibrate(int duration_ms) { // clang-format off RunCommand("", {"cmd", "vibrator", "vibrate", std::to_string(duration_ms), "dumpstate"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10) .Log("Vibrate: '%s'\n") .Always() .Build()); // clang-format on } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int do_add_date = 0; int do_zip_file = 0; int do_vibrate = 1; char* use_outfile = 0; int use_socket = 0; int use_control_socket = 0; int do_fb = 0; int do_broadcast = 0; int is_remote_mode = 0; bool show_header_only = false; bool do_start_service = false; bool telephony_only = false; /* set as high priority, and protect from OOM killer */ setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20); FILE* oom_adj = fopen("/proc/self/oom_score_adj", "we"); if (oom_adj) { fputs("-1000", oom_adj); fclose(oom_adj); } else { /* fallback to kernels <= 2.6.35 */ oom_adj = fopen("/proc/self/oom_adj", "we"); if (oom_adj) { fputs("-17", oom_adj); fclose(oom_adj); } } /* parse arguments */ int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dho:svqzpPBRSV:")) != -1) { switch (c) { // clang-format off case 'd': do_add_date = 1; break; case 'z': do_zip_file = 1; break; case 'o': use_outfile = optarg; break; case 's': use_socket = 1; break; case 'S': use_control_socket = 1; break; case 'v': show_header_only = true; break; case 'q': do_vibrate = 0; break; case 'p': do_fb = 1; break; case 'P': ds.update_progress_ = true; break; case 'R': is_remote_mode = 1; break; case 'B': do_broadcast = 1; break; case 'V': break; // compatibility no-op case 'h': ShowUsageAndExit(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option: %c\n", c); ShowUsageAndExit(); // clang-format on } } // TODO: use helper function to convert argv into a string for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { ds.args_ += argv[i]; if (i < argc - 1) { ds.args_ += " "; } } ds.extra_options_ = android::base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_OPTIONS, ""); if (!ds.extra_options_.empty()) { // Framework uses a system property to override some command-line args. // Currently, it contains the type of the requested bugreport. if (ds.extra_options_ == "bugreportplus") { // Currently, the dumpstate binder is only used by Shell to update progress. do_start_service = true; ds.update_progress_ = true; do_fb = 0; } else if (ds.extra_options_ == "bugreportremote") { do_vibrate = 0; is_remote_mode = 1; do_fb = 0; } else if (ds.extra_options_ == "bugreportwear") { ds.update_progress_ = true; } else if (ds.extra_options_ == "bugreporttelephony") { telephony_only = true; } else { MYLOGE("Unknown extra option: %s\n", ds.extra_options_.c_str()); } // Reset the property android::base::SetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_OPTIONS, ""); } ds.notification_title = android::base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_TITLE, ""); if (!ds.notification_title.empty()) { // Reset the property android::base::SetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_TITLE, ""); ds.notification_description = android::base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION, ""); if (!ds.notification_description.empty()) { // Reset the property android::base::SetProperty(PROPERTY_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION, ""); } MYLOGD("notification (title: %s, description: %s)\n", ds.notification_title.c_str(), ds.notification_description.c_str()); } if ((do_zip_file || do_add_date || ds.update_progress_ || do_broadcast) && !use_outfile) { ExitOnInvalidArgs(); } if (use_control_socket && !do_zip_file) { ExitOnInvalidArgs(); } if (ds.update_progress_ && !do_broadcast) { ExitOnInvalidArgs(); } if (is_remote_mode && (ds.update_progress_ || !do_broadcast || !do_zip_file || !do_add_date)) { ExitOnInvalidArgs(); } if (ds.version_ == VERSION_DEFAULT) { ds.version_ = VERSION_CURRENT; } if (ds.version_ != VERSION_CURRENT && ds.version_ != VERSION_SPLIT_ANR) { MYLOGE("invalid version requested ('%s'); suppported values are: ('%s', '%s', '%s')\n", ds.version_.c_str(), VERSION_DEFAULT.c_str(), VERSION_CURRENT.c_str(), VERSION_SPLIT_ANR.c_str()); exit(1); } if (show_header_only) { ds.PrintHeader(); exit(0); } /* redirect output if needed */ bool is_redirecting = !use_socket && use_outfile; // TODO: temporarily set progress until it's part of the Dumpstate constructor std::string stats_path = is_redirecting ? android::base::StringPrintf("%s/dumpstate-stats.txt", dirname(use_outfile)) : ""; ds.progress_.reset(new Progress(stats_path)); /* gets the sequential id */ uint32_t last_id = android::base::GetIntProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_ID, 0); ds.id_ = ++last_id; android::base::SetProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_ID, std::to_string(last_id)); MYLOGI("begin\n"); register_sig_handler(); if (do_start_service) { MYLOGI("Starting 'dumpstate' service\n"); android::status_t ret; if ((ret = android::os::DumpstateService::Start()) != android::OK) { MYLOGE("Unable to start DumpstateService: %d\n", ret); } } if (PropertiesHelper::IsDryRun()) { MYLOGI("Running on dry-run mode (to disable it, call 'setprop dumpstate.dry_run false')\n"); } MYLOGI("dumpstate info: id=%d, args='%s', extra_options= %s)\n", ds.id_, ds.args_.c_str(), ds.extra_options_.c_str()); MYLOGI("bugreport format version: %s\n", ds.version_.c_str()); ds.do_early_screenshot_ = ds.update_progress_; // If we are going to use a socket, do it as early as possible // to avoid timeouts from bugreport. if (use_socket) { redirect_to_socket(stdout, "dumpstate"); } if (use_control_socket) { MYLOGD("Opening control socket\n"); ds.control_socket_fd_ = open_socket("dumpstate"); ds.update_progress_ = 1; } if (is_redirecting) { ds.bugreport_dir_ = dirname(use_outfile); std::string build_id = android::base::GetProperty("ro.build.id", "UNKNOWN_BUILD"); std::string device_name = android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.name", "UNKNOWN_DEVICE"); ds.base_name_ = android::base::StringPrintf("%s-%s-%s", basename(use_outfile), device_name.c_str(), build_id.c_str()); if (do_add_date) { char date[80]; strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", localtime(&ds.now_)); ds.name_ = date; } else { ds.name_ = "undated"; } if (telephony_only) { ds.base_name_ += "-telephony"; } if (do_fb) { ds.screenshot_path_ = ds.GetPath(".png"); } ds.tmp_path_ = ds.GetPath(".tmp"); ds.log_path_ = ds.GetPath("-dumpstate_log-" + std::to_string(ds.pid_) + ".txt"); MYLOGD( "Bugreport dir: %s\n" "Base name: %s\n" "Suffix: %s\n" "Log path: %s\n" "Temporary path: %s\n" "Screenshot path: %s\n", ds.bugreport_dir_.c_str(), ds.base_name_.c_str(), ds.name_.c_str(), ds.log_path_.c_str(), ds.tmp_path_.c_str(), ds.screenshot_path_.c_str()); if (do_zip_file) { ds.path_ = ds.GetPath(".zip"); MYLOGD("Creating initial .zip file (%s)\n", ds.path_.c_str()); create_parent_dirs(ds.path_.c_str()); ds.zip_file.reset(fopen(ds.path_.c_str(), "wb")); if (ds.zip_file == nullptr) { MYLOGE("fopen(%s, 'wb'): %s\n", ds.path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); do_zip_file = 0; } else { ds.zip_writer_.reset(new ZipWriter(ds.zip_file.get())); } ds.AddTextZipEntry("version.txt", ds.version_); } if (ds.update_progress_) { if (do_broadcast) { // clang-format off std::vector<std::string> am_args = { "--receiver-permission", "android.permission.DUMP", "--es", "android.intent.extra.NAME", ds.name_, "--ei", "android.intent.extra.ID", std::to_string(ds.id_), "--ei", "android.intent.extra.PID", std::to_string(ds.pid_), "--ei", "android.intent.extra.MAX", std::to_string(ds.progress_->GetMax()), }; // clang-format on SendBroadcast("com.android.internal.intent.action.BUGREPORT_STARTED", am_args); } if (use_control_socket) { dprintf(ds.control_socket_fd_, "BEGIN:%s\n", ds.path_.c_str()); } } } /* read /proc/cmdline before dropping root */ FILE *cmdline = fopen("/proc/cmdline", "re"); if (cmdline) { fgets(cmdline_buf, sizeof(cmdline_buf), cmdline); fclose(cmdline); } if (do_vibrate) { Vibrate(150); } if (do_fb && ds.do_early_screenshot_) { if (ds.screenshot_path_.empty()) { // should not have happened MYLOGE("INTERNAL ERROR: skipping early screenshot because path was not set\n"); } else { MYLOGI("taking early screenshot\n"); ds.TakeScreenshot(); } } if (do_zip_file) { if (chown(ds.path_.c_str(), AID_SHELL, AID_SHELL)) { MYLOGE("Unable to change ownership of zip file %s: %s\n", ds.path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } if (is_redirecting) { redirect_to_file(stderr, const_cast<char*>(ds.log_path_.c_str())); if (chown(ds.log_path_.c_str(), AID_SHELL, AID_SHELL)) { MYLOGE("Unable to change ownership of dumpstate log file %s: %s\n", ds.log_path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } /* TODO: rather than generating a text file now and zipping it later, it would be more efficient to redirect stdout to the zip entry directly, but the libziparchive doesn't support that option yet. */ redirect_to_file(stdout, const_cast<char*>(ds.tmp_path_.c_str())); if (chown(ds.tmp_path_.c_str(), AID_SHELL, AID_SHELL)) { MYLOGE("Unable to change ownership of temporary bugreport file %s: %s\n", ds.tmp_path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } // Don't buffer stdout setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); // NOTE: there should be no stdout output until now, otherwise it would break the header. // In particular, DurationReport objects should be created passing 'title, NULL', so their // duration is logged into MYLOG instead. ds.PrintHeader(); if (telephony_only) { DumpIpTables(); if (!DropRootUser()) { return -1; } do_dmesg(); DoLogcat(); DoKmsg(); ds.DumpstateBoard(); DumpModemLogs(); } else { // Dumps systrace right away, otherwise it will be filled with unnecessary events. // First try to dump anrd trace if the daemon is running. Otherwise, dump // the raw trace. if (!dump_anrd_trace()) { dump_systrace(); } // Invoking the following dumpsys calls before dump_traces() to try and // keep the system stats as close to its initial state as possible. RunDumpsys("DUMPSYS MEMINFO", {"meminfo", "-a"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(90).DropRoot().Build()); RunDumpsys("DUMPSYS CPUINFO", {"cpuinfo", "-a"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).DropRoot().Build()); // TODO: Drop root user and move into dumpstate() once b/28633932 is fixed. dump_raft(); /* collect stack traces from Dalvik and native processes (needs root) */ dump_traces_path = dump_traces(); /* Run some operations that require root. */ get_tombstone_fds(tombstone_data); ds.AddDir(RECOVERY_DIR, true); ds.AddDir(RECOVERY_DATA_DIR, true); ds.AddDir(LOGPERSIST_DATA_DIR, false); if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) { ds.AddDir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_CUR, true); ds.AddDir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_REF, true); } add_mountinfo(); DumpIpTables(); // Capture any IPSec policies in play. No keys are exposed here. RunCommand("IP XFRM POLICY", {"ip", "xfrm", "policy"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Build()); // Run ss as root so we can see socket marks. RunCommand("DETAILED SOCKET STATE", {"ss", "-eionptu"}, CommandOptions::WithTimeout(10).Build()); if (!DropRootUser()) { return -1; } dumpstate(); } /* close output if needed */ if (is_redirecting) { fclose(stdout); } /* rename or zip the (now complete) .tmp file to its final location */ if (use_outfile) { /* check if user changed the suffix using system properties */ std::string name = android::base::GetProperty( android::base::StringPrintf("dumpstate.%d.name", ds.pid_), ""); bool change_suffix= false; if (!name.empty()) { /* must whitelist which characters are allowed, otherwise it could cross directories */ std::regex valid_regex("^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$"); if (std::regex_match(name.c_str(), valid_regex)) { change_suffix = true; } else { MYLOGE("invalid suffix provided by user: %s\n", name.c_str()); } } if (change_suffix) { MYLOGI("changing suffix from %s to %s\n", ds.name_.c_str(), name.c_str()); ds.name_ = name; if (!ds.screenshot_path_.empty()) { std::string new_screenshot_path = ds.GetPath(".png"); if (rename(ds.screenshot_path_.c_str(), new_screenshot_path.c_str())) { MYLOGE("rename(%s, %s): %s\n", ds.screenshot_path_.c_str(), new_screenshot_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } else { ds.screenshot_path_ = new_screenshot_path; } } } bool do_text_file = true; if (do_zip_file) { if (!ds.FinishZipFile()) { MYLOGE("Failed to finish zip file; sending text bugreport instead\n"); do_text_file = true; } else { do_text_file = false; // Since zip file is already created, it needs to be renamed. std::string new_path = ds.GetPath(".zip"); if (ds.path_ != new_path) { MYLOGD("Renaming zip file from %s to %s\n", ds.path_.c_str(), new_path.c_str()); if (rename(ds.path_.c_str(), new_path.c_str())) { MYLOGE("rename(%s, %s): %s\n", ds.path_.c_str(), new_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } else { ds.path_ = new_path; } } } } if (do_text_file) { ds.path_ = ds.GetPath(".txt"); MYLOGD("Generating .txt bugreport at %s from %s\n", ds.path_.c_str(), ds.tmp_path_.c_str()); if (rename(ds.tmp_path_.c_str(), ds.path_.c_str())) { MYLOGE("rename(%s, %s): %s\n", ds.tmp_path_.c_str(), ds.path_.c_str(), strerror(errno)); ds.path_.clear(); } } if (use_control_socket) { if (do_text_file) { dprintf(ds.control_socket_fd_, "FAIL:could not create zip file, check %s " "for more details\n", ds.log_path_.c_str()); } else { dprintf(ds.control_socket_fd_, "OK:%s\n", ds.path_.c_str()); } } } /* vibrate a few but shortly times to let user know it's finished */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vibrate(75); usleep((75 + 50) * 1000); } /* tell activity manager we're done */ if (do_broadcast) { if (!ds.path_.empty()) { MYLOGI("Final bugreport path: %s\n", ds.path_.c_str()); // clang-format off std::vector<std::string> am_args = { "--receiver-permission", "android.permission.DUMP", "--ei", "android.intent.extra.ID", std::to_string(ds.id_), "--ei", "android.intent.extra.PID", std::to_string(ds.pid_), "--ei", "android.intent.extra.MAX", std::to_string(ds.progress_->GetMax()), "--es", "android.intent.extra.BUGREPORT", ds.path_, "--es", "android.intent.extra.DUMPSTATE_LOG", ds.log_path_ }; // clang-format on if (do_fb) { am_args.push_back("--es"); am_args.push_back("android.intent.extra.SCREENSHOT"); am_args.push_back(ds.screenshot_path_); } if (!ds.notification_title.empty()) { am_args.push_back("--es"); am_args.push_back("android.intent.extra.TITLE"); am_args.push_back(ds.notification_title); if (!ds.notification_description.empty()) { am_args.push_back("--es"); am_args.push_back("android.intent.extra.DESCRIPTION"); am_args.push_back(ds.notification_description); } } if (is_remote_mode) { am_args.push_back("--es"); am_args.push_back("android.intent.extra.REMOTE_BUGREPORT_HASH"); am_args.push_back(SHA256_file_hash(ds.path_)); SendBroadcast("com.android.internal.intent.action.REMOTE_BUGREPORT_FINISHED", am_args); } else { SendBroadcast("com.android.internal.intent.action.BUGREPORT_FINISHED", am_args); } } else { MYLOGE("Skipping finished broadcast because bugreport could not be generated\n"); } } MYLOGD("Final progress: %d/%d (estimated %d)\n", ds.progress_->Get(), ds.progress_->GetMax(), ds.progress_->GetInitialMax()); ds.progress_->Save(); MYLOGI("done (id %d)\n", ds.id_); if (is_redirecting) { fclose(stderr); } if (use_control_socket && ds.control_socket_fd_ != -1) { MYLOGD("Closing control socket\n"); close(ds.control_socket_fd_); } return 0; }