# Names should be added to this file like so: # Name or Organization <email address> Andrew MacDonald <andrew@webrtc.org> Anil Kumar <an1kumar@gmail.com> Ben Strong <bstrong@gmail.com> Bob Withers <bwit@pobox.com> Bridger Maxwell <bridgeyman@gmail.com> Christophe Dumez <ch.dumez@samsung.com> Colin Plumb Eric Rescorla, RTFM Inc. <ekr@rtfm.com> Giji Gangadharan <giji.g@samsung.com> Graham Yoakum <gyoakum@skobalt.com> Jake Hilton <jakehilton@gmail.com> James H. Brown <jbrown@burgoyne.com> Jiawei Ou <jiawei.ou@gmail.com> Jie Mao <maojie0924@gmail.com> Luke Weber <luke.weber@gmail.com> Manish Jethani <manish.jethani@gmail.com> Martin Storsjo <martin@martin.st> Matthias Liebig <matthias.gcode@gmail.com> Pali Rohar Paul Kapustin <pkapustin@gmail.com> Rafael Lopez Diez <rafalopezdiez@gmail.com> Ralph Giles <giles@ghostscript.com> Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@linaro.org> Robert Nagy <robert.nagy@gmail.com> Ryan Yoakum <ryoakum@skobalt.com> Sarah Thompson <sarah@telergy.com> Saul Kravitz <Saul.Kravitz@celera.com> Silviu Caragea <silviu.cpp@gmail.com> Steve Reid <sreid@sea-to-sky.net> Vicken Simonian <vsimon@gmail.com> Victor Costan <costan@gmail.com> Alexander Brauckmann <a.brauckmann@gmail.com> &yet LLC Agora IO ARM Holdings BroadSoft Inc. Google Inc. Intel Corporation MIPS Technologies Mozilla Foundation Opera Software ASA Sinch AB struktur AG Telenor Digital AS Temasys Communications Vonage Holdings Corp.