#! @PERL@

# This script handles linking the tool executables on Linux,
# statically and at an alternative load address.
# Linking statically sidesteps all sorts of complications to do with
# having two copies of the dynamic linker (valgrind's and the
# client's) coexisting in the same process.  The alternative load
# address is needed because Valgrind itself will load the client at
# whatever address it specifies, which is almost invariably the
# default load address.  Hence we can't allow Valgrind itself (viz,
# the tool executable) to be loaded at that address.
# Unfortunately there's no standard way to do 'static link at
# alternative address', so these link_tool_exe_*.in scripts handle
# the per-platform hoop-jumping.
# What we get passed here is:
#   first arg
#      the alternative load address
#   all the rest of the args
#      the gcc invokation to do the final link, that
#      the build system would have done, left to itself
# We just let the script 'die' if something is wrong, rather than do
# proper error reporting.  We don't expect the users to run this 
# directly.  It is only run as part of the build process, with 
# carefully constrained inputs.
# So: what we actually do is:
# Look at the specified gcc invokation.  Ignore all parts of it except
# the *.a, *.o and -o outfile parts.  Wrap them up in a new command
# which looks (eg) as follows:
#   (64-bit):
#   /usr/bin/ld -static -arch x86_64 -macosx_version_min 10.5 \
#      -o memcheck-amd64-darwin -u __start -e __start \
#      -image_base 0x138000000 -stack_addr 0x13c000000 \
#      -stack_size 0x800000 \
#      memcheck_amd*.o \
#      ../coregrind/libcoregrind-amd64-darwin.a \
#      ../VEX/libvex-amd64-darwin.a
#   (32-bit)
#   /usr/bin/ld -static -arch i386 -macosx_version_min 10.5 \
#      -o memcheck-x86-darwin -u __start -e __start \
#      -image_base 0x38000000 -stack_addr 0x3c000000 \
#      -stack_size 0x800000 \
#      memcheck_x86*.o \
#      ../coregrind/libcoregrind-x86-darwin.a \
#      ../VEX/libvex-x86-darwin.a
# The addresses shown above will actually work, although "for real" we
# of course need to take it from argv[1].  In these examples the stack
# is placed 64M after the executable start.  It is probably safer to
# place it 64M before the executable's start point, so the executable
# + data + bss can grow arbitrarily in future without colliding with
# the stack.
# There's one more twist: we need to know the word size of the
# executable for which we are linking.  We need to know this because
# we must tell the linker that, by handing it either "-arch x86_64" or
# "-arch i386".  Fortunately we can figure this out by scanning the
# gcc invokation, which itself must contain either "-arch x86_64" or
# "-arch i386".

use warnings;
use strict;
# we need to be able to do 64-bit arithmetic:
use Math::BigInt;

# User configurable constants: how far before the exe should we
# place the stack?
my $TX_STACK_OFFSET_BEFORE_TEXT = 64 * 1024 * 1024;

# and how big should the stack be?
my $TX_STACK_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

# string -> bool
sub is_dota_or_doto($)
   my ($str) = @_;
   if ($str =~ /.\.a$/ || $str =~ /.\.o$/) {
      return 1;
   } else {
      return 0;

# expect at least: alt-load-address gcc -o foo bar.o
die "Not enough arguments"
    if (($#ARGV + 1) < 5);

my $ala = $ARGV[0];  # the load address to use
my $cc  = $ARGV[1];  # the C compiler in use

# check for plausible-ish alt load address
die "Bogus alt-load address (1)"
    if (length($ala) < 3 || index($ala, "0x") != 0);

die "Bogus alt-load address (2)"
    if ($ala !~ /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/);

# get hold of the outfile name (following "-o")
my $outname = "";

foreach my $n (2 .. $#ARGV - 1) {
    my $str = $ARGV[$n];
    if ($str eq "-o" && $outname eq "") {
        $outname = $ARGV[$n + 1];

die "Can't find '-o outfilename' in command line"
    if ($outname eq "");

# get hold of the string following "-arch"
my $archstr = "";

foreach my $n (2 .. $#ARGV - 1) {
    my $str = $ARGV[$n];
    if ($str eq "-arch" && $archstr eq "") {
        $archstr = $ARGV[$n + 1];

die "Can't find '-arch archstr' in command line"
    if ($archstr eq "");

# build the command line
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/ld";

$cmd = "$cmd -static";

# If we're building with clang (viz, the C compiler as specified
# by the 2nd arg ends in "clang"), we also need -new_linker.  See
# https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=295427
if ("$cc" =~ /clang$/) {
    $cmd = "$cmd -new_linker";

$cmd = "$cmd -arch $archstr";
$cmd = "$cmd -macosx_version_min 10.5";
$cmd = "$cmd -o $outname";
$cmd = "$cmd -u __start -e __start";

my $stack_addr = Math::BigInt->new( $ala ) - $TX_STACK_OFFSET_BEFORE_TEXT;
my $stack_addr_str = $stack_addr->as_hex();
my $stack_size_str = Math::BigInt::as_hex($TX_STACK_SIZE);

$cmd = "$cmd -image_base $ala";
$cmd = "$cmd -stack_addr $stack_addr_str";
$cmd = "$cmd -stack_size $stack_size_str";

foreach my $n (2 .. $#ARGV) {
    my $str = $ARGV[$n];
    if (is_dota_or_doto($str)) {
        $cmd = "$cmd $str";

print "link_tool_exe_darwin: $cmd\n";

# Execute the command:
my $r = system("$cmd");

if ($r != 0) {
   exit 1;

# and now kludge the tool exe
# see bug 267997

$cmd = "../coregrind/fixup_macho_loadcmds";
$cmd = "$cmd $stack_addr_str $stack_size_str $outname";

print "link_tool_exe_darwin: $cmd\n";

$r = system("$cmd");

if ($r != 0) {
   exit 1;

exit 0;