// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. (function(global, utils, extrasUtils) { "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray; var promiseAsyncStackIDSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_async_stack_id_symbol"); var promiseHandledBySymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_handled_by_symbol"); var promiseForwardingHandlerSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_forwarding_handler_symbol"); var promiseHasHandlerSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_has_handler_symbol"); var promiseRejectReactionsSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_reject_reactions_symbol"); var promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_fulfill_reactions_symbol"); var promiseDeferredReactionSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_deferred_reaction_symbol"); var promiseHandledHintSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_handled_hint_symbol"); var promiseRawSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_raw_symbol"); var promiseStateSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_state_symbol"); var promiseResultSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_result_symbol"); var SpeciesConstructor; var speciesSymbol = utils.ImportNow("species_symbol"); var toStringTagSymbol = utils.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol"); var ObjectHasOwnProperty; utils.Import(function(from) { ObjectHasOwnProperty = from.ObjectHasOwnProperty; SpeciesConstructor = from.SpeciesConstructor; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // [[PromiseState]] values: // These values should be kept in sync with PromiseStatus in globals.h const kPending = 0; const kFulfilled = +1; const kRejected = +2; const kResolveCallback = 0; const kRejectCallback = 1; // ES#sec-promise-executor // Promise ( executor ) var GlobalPromise = function Promise(executor) { if (executor === promiseRawSymbol) { return %_NewObject(GlobalPromise, new.target); } if (IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) throw %make_type_error(kNotAPromise, this); if (!IS_CALLABLE(executor)) { throw %make_type_error(kResolverNotAFunction, executor); } var promise = PromiseInit(%_NewObject(GlobalPromise, new.target)); // Calling the reject function would be a new exception, so debugEvent = true // TODO(gsathya): Remove container for callbacks when this is moved // to CPP/TF. var callbacks = %create_resolving_functions(promise, true); var debug_is_active = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE; try { if (debug_is_active) %DebugPushPromise(promise); executor(callbacks[kResolveCallback], callbacks[kRejectCallback]); } %catch (e) { // Natives syntax to mark this catch block. %_Call(callbacks[kRejectCallback], UNDEFINED, e); } finally { if (debug_is_active) %DebugPopPromise(); } return promise; } // Core functionality. function PromiseSet(promise, status, value) { SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseStateSymbol, status); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseResultSymbol, value); // There are 3 possible states for the resolve, reject symbols when we add // a new callback -- // 1) UNDEFINED -- This is the zero state where there is no callback // registered. When we see this state, we directly attach the callbacks to // the symbol. // 2) !IS_ARRAY -- There is a single callback directly attached to the // symbols. We need to create a new array to store additional callbacks. // 3) IS_ARRAY -- There are multiple callbacks already registered, // therefore we can just push the new callback to the existing array. SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol, UNDEFINED); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol, UNDEFINED); // This symbol is used only when one deferred needs to be attached. When more // than one deferred need to be attached the promise, we attach them directly // to the promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol and promiseRejectReactionsSymbol and // reset this back to UNDEFINED. SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseDeferredReactionSymbol, UNDEFINED); return promise; } function PromiseCreateAndSet(status, value) { var promise = new GlobalPromise(promiseRawSymbol); // If debug is active, notify about the newly created promise first. if (DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE) PromiseSet(promise, kPending, UNDEFINED); return PromiseSet(promise, status, value); } function PromiseInit(promise) { return PromiseSet(promise, kPending, UNDEFINED); } function PromiseHandle(value, handler, deferred) { var debug_is_active = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE; try { if (debug_is_active) %DebugPushPromise(deferred.promise); var result = handler(value); if (IS_UNDEFINED(deferred.resolve)) { ResolvePromise(deferred.promise, result); } else { %_Call(deferred.resolve, UNDEFINED, result); } } %catch (exception) { // Natives syntax to mark this catch block. try { if (IS_UNDEFINED(deferred.reject)) { // Pass false for debugEvent so .then chaining does not trigger // redundant ExceptionEvents. %PromiseReject(deferred.promise, exception, false); PromiseSet(deferred.promise, kRejected, exception); } else { %_Call(deferred.reject, UNDEFINED, exception); } } catch (e) { } } finally { if (debug_is_active) %DebugPopPromise(); } } function PromiseDebugGetInfo(deferreds, status) { var id, name, instrumenting = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE; if (instrumenting) { // In an async function, reuse the existing stack related to the outer // Promise. Otherwise, e.g. in a direct call to then, save a new stack. // Promises with multiple reactions with one or more of them being async // functions will not get a good stack trace, as async functions require // different stacks from direct Promise use, but we save and restore a // stack once for all reactions. TODO(littledan): Improve this case. if (!IS_UNDEFINED(deferreds) && HAS_PRIVATE(deferreds.promise, promiseHandledBySymbol) && HAS_PRIVATE(GET_PRIVATE(deferreds.promise, promiseHandledBySymbol), promiseAsyncStackIDSymbol)) { id = GET_PRIVATE(GET_PRIVATE(deferreds.promise, promiseHandledBySymbol), promiseAsyncStackIDSymbol); name = "async function"; } else { id = %DebugNextMicrotaskId(); name = status === kFulfilled ? "Promise.resolve" : "Promise.reject"; %DebugAsyncTaskEvent("enqueue", id, name); } } return [id, name]; } function PromiseAttachCallbacks(promise, deferred, onResolve, onReject) { var maybeResolveCallbacks = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol); if (IS_UNDEFINED(maybeResolveCallbacks)) { SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol, onResolve); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol, onReject); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseDeferredReactionSymbol, deferred); } else if (!IS_ARRAY(maybeResolveCallbacks)) { var resolveCallbacks = new InternalArray(); var rejectCallbacks = new InternalArray(); var existingDeferred = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseDeferredReactionSymbol); resolveCallbacks.push( maybeResolveCallbacks, existingDeferred, onResolve, deferred); rejectCallbacks.push(GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol), existingDeferred, onReject, deferred); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol, resolveCallbacks); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol, rejectCallbacks); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseDeferredReactionSymbol, UNDEFINED); } else { maybeResolveCallbacks.push(onResolve, deferred); GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol).push(onReject, deferred); } } function PromiseIdResolveHandler(x) { return x; } function PromiseIdRejectHandler(r) { %_ReThrow(r); } SET_PRIVATE(PromiseIdRejectHandler, promiseForwardingHandlerSymbol, true); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define exported functions. // For bootstrapper. // ES#sec-ispromise IsPromise ( x ) function IsPromise(x) { return IS_RECEIVER(x) && HAS_DEFINED_PRIVATE(x, promiseStateSymbol); } function PromiseCreate() { return PromiseInit(new GlobalPromise(promiseRawSymbol)); } // ES#sec-promise-resolve-functions // Promise Resolve Functions, steps 6-13 function ResolvePromise(promise, resolution) { if (resolution === promise) { var exception = %make_type_error(kPromiseCyclic, resolution); %PromiseReject(promise, exception, true); PromiseSet(promise, kRejected, exception); return; } if (IS_RECEIVER(resolution)) { // steps 8-12 try { var then = resolution.then; } catch (e) { %PromiseReject(promise, e, true); PromiseSet(promise, kRejected, e); return; } // Resolution is a native promise and if it's already resolved or // rejected, shortcircuit the resolution procedure by directly // reusing the value from the promise. if (IsPromise(resolution) && then === PromiseThen) { var thenableState = GET_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseStateSymbol); if (thenableState === kFulfilled) { // This goes inside the if-else to save one symbol lookup in // the slow path. var thenableValue = GET_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseResultSymbol); %PromiseFulfill(promise, kFulfilled, thenableValue, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol); PromiseSet(promise, kFulfilled, thenableValue); SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHasHandlerSymbol, true); return; } else if (thenableState === kRejected) { var thenableValue = GET_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseResultSymbol); if (!HAS_DEFINED_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseHasHandlerSymbol)) { // Promise has already been rejected, but had no handler. // Revoke previously triggered reject event. %PromiseRevokeReject(resolution); } // Don't cause a debug event as this case is forwarding a rejection %PromiseReject(promise, thenableValue, false); PromiseSet(promise, kRejected, thenableValue); SET_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseHasHandlerSymbol, true); return; } } if (IS_CALLABLE(then)) { if (DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE && IsPromise(resolution)) { // Mark the dependency of the new promise on the resolution SET_PRIVATE(resolution, promiseHandledBySymbol, promise); } %EnqueuePromiseResolveThenableJob(promise, resolution, then); return; } } %PromiseFulfill(promise, kFulfilled, resolution, promiseFulfillReactionsSymbol); PromiseSet(promise, kFulfilled, resolution); } // Only used by async-await.js function RejectPromise(promise, reason, debugEvent) { %PromiseReject(promise, reason, debugEvent); PromiseSet(promise, kRejected, reason); } // Export to bindings function DoRejectPromise(promise, reason) { %PromiseReject(promise, reason, true); PromiseSet(promise, kRejected, reason); } // ES#sec-newpromisecapability // NewPromiseCapability ( C ) function NewPromiseCapability(C, debugEvent) { if (C === GlobalPromise) { // Optimized case, avoid extra closure. var promise = PromiseCreate(); // TODO(gsathya): Remove container for callbacks when this is // moved to CPP/TF. var callbacks = %create_resolving_functions(promise, debugEvent); return { promise: promise, resolve: callbacks[kResolveCallback], reject: callbacks[kRejectCallback] }; } var result = {promise: UNDEFINED, resolve: UNDEFINED, reject: UNDEFINED }; result.promise = new C((resolve, reject) => { if (!IS_UNDEFINED(result.resolve) || !IS_UNDEFINED(result.reject)) throw %make_type_error(kPromiseExecutorAlreadyInvoked); result.resolve = resolve; result.reject = reject; }); if (!IS_CALLABLE(result.resolve) || !IS_CALLABLE(result.reject)) throw %make_type_error(kPromiseNonCallable); return result; } // ES#sec-promise.reject // Promise.reject ( x ) function PromiseReject(r) { if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) { throw %make_type_error(kCalledOnNonObject, PromiseResolve); } if (this === GlobalPromise) { // Optimized case, avoid extra closure. var promise = PromiseCreateAndSet(kRejected, r); // Trigger debug events if the debugger is on, as Promise.reject is // equivalent to throwing an exception directly. %PromiseRejectEventFromStack(promise, r); return promise; } else { var promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(this, true); %_Call(promiseCapability.reject, UNDEFINED, r); return promiseCapability.promise; } } function PerformPromiseThen(promise, onResolve, onReject, resultCapability) { if (!IS_CALLABLE(onResolve)) onResolve = PromiseIdResolveHandler; if (!IS_CALLABLE(onReject)) onReject = PromiseIdRejectHandler; var status = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseStateSymbol); switch (status) { case kPending: PromiseAttachCallbacks(promise, resultCapability, onResolve, onReject); break; case kFulfilled: %EnqueuePromiseReactionJob(GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseResultSymbol), onResolve, resultCapability, kFulfilled); break; case kRejected: if (!HAS_DEFINED_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHasHandlerSymbol)) { // Promise has already been rejected, but had no handler. // Revoke previously triggered reject event. %PromiseRevokeReject(promise); } %EnqueuePromiseReactionJob(GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseResultSymbol), onReject, resultCapability, kRejected); break; } // Mark this promise as having handler. SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHasHandlerSymbol, true); return resultCapability.promise; } // ES#sec-promise.prototype.then // Promise.prototype.then ( onFulfilled, onRejected ) // Multi-unwrapped chaining with thenable coercion. function PromiseThen(onResolve, onReject) { var status = GET_PRIVATE(this, promiseStateSymbol); if (IS_UNDEFINED(status)) { throw %make_type_error(kNotAPromise, this); } var constructor = SpeciesConstructor(this, GlobalPromise); var resultCapability; // The resultCapability.promise is only ever fulfilled internally, // so we don't need the closures to protect against accidentally // calling them multiple times. if (constructor === GlobalPromise) { // TODO(gsathya): Combine this into NewPromiseCapability. resultCapability = { promise: PromiseCreate(), resolve: UNDEFINED, reject: UNDEFINED }; } else { // Pass false for debugEvent so .then chaining does not trigger // redundant ExceptionEvents. resultCapability = NewPromiseCapability(constructor, false); } return PerformPromiseThen(this, onResolve, onReject, resultCapability); } // ES#sec-promise.prototype.catch // Promise.prototype.catch ( onRejected ) function PromiseCatch(onReject) { return this.then(UNDEFINED, onReject); } // Combinators. // ES#sec-promise.resolve // Promise.resolve ( x ) function PromiseResolve(x) { if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) { throw %make_type_error(kCalledOnNonObject, PromiseResolve); } if (IsPromise(x) && x.constructor === this) return x; // Avoid creating resolving functions. if (this === GlobalPromise) { var promise = PromiseCreate(); ResolvePromise(promise, x); return promise; } // debugEvent is not so meaningful here as it will be resolved var promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(this, true); %_Call(promiseCapability.resolve, UNDEFINED, x); return promiseCapability.promise; } // ES#sec-promise.all // Promise.all ( iterable ) function PromiseAll(iterable) { if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) { throw %make_type_error(kCalledOnNonObject, "Promise.all"); } // false debugEvent so that forwarding the rejection through all does not // trigger redundant ExceptionEvents var deferred = NewPromiseCapability(this, false); var resolutions = new InternalArray(); var count; // For catch prediction, don't treat the .then calls as handling it; // instead, recurse outwards. var instrumenting = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE; if (instrumenting) { SET_PRIVATE(deferred.reject, promiseForwardingHandlerSymbol, true); } function CreateResolveElementFunction(index, values, promiseCapability) { var alreadyCalled = false; return (x) => { if (alreadyCalled === true) return; alreadyCalled = true; values[index] = x; if (--count === 0) { var valuesArray = []; %MoveArrayContents(values, valuesArray); %_Call(promiseCapability.resolve, UNDEFINED, valuesArray); } }; } try { var i = 0; count = 1; for (var value of iterable) { var nextPromise = this.resolve(value); ++count; var throwawayPromise = nextPromise.then( CreateResolveElementFunction(i, resolutions, deferred), deferred.reject); // For catch prediction, mark that rejections here are semantically // handled by the combined Promise. if (instrumenting && IsPromise(throwawayPromise)) { SET_PRIVATE(throwawayPromise, promiseHandledBySymbol, deferred.promise); } ++i; } // 6.d if (--count === 0) { var valuesArray = []; %MoveArrayContents(resolutions, valuesArray); %_Call(deferred.resolve, UNDEFINED, valuesArray); } } catch (e) { %_Call(deferred.reject, UNDEFINED, e); } return deferred.promise; } // ES#sec-promise.race // Promise.race ( iterable ) function PromiseRace(iterable) { if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) { throw %make_type_error(kCalledOnNonObject, PromiseRace); } // false debugEvent so that forwarding the rejection through race does not // trigger redundant ExceptionEvents var deferred = NewPromiseCapability(this, false); // For catch prediction, don't treat the .then calls as handling it; // instead, recurse outwards. var instrumenting = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE; if (instrumenting) { SET_PRIVATE(deferred.reject, promiseForwardingHandlerSymbol, true); } try { for (var value of iterable) { var throwawayPromise = this.resolve(value).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); // For catch prediction, mark that rejections here are semantically // handled by the combined Promise. if (instrumenting && IsPromise(throwawayPromise)) { SET_PRIVATE(throwawayPromise, promiseHandledBySymbol, deferred.promise); } } } catch (e) { %_Call(deferred.reject, UNDEFINED, e); } return deferred.promise; } // Utility for debugger function PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerCheck(handler, deferred) { // Recurse to the forwarding Promise, if any. This may be due to // - await reaction forwarding to the throwaway Promise, which has // a dependency edge to the outer Promise. // - PromiseIdResolveHandler forwarding to the output of .then // - Promise.all/Promise.race forwarding to a throwaway Promise, which // has a dependency edge to the generated outer Promise. if (GET_PRIVATE(handler, promiseForwardingHandlerSymbol)) { return PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerRecursive(deferred.promise); } // Otherwise, this is a real reject handler for the Promise return true; } function PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerRecursive(promise) { // If this promise was marked as being handled by a catch block // in an async function, then it has a user-defined reject handler. if (GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHandledHintSymbol)) return true; // If this Promise is subsumed by another Promise (a Promise resolved // with another Promise, or an intermediate, hidden, throwaway Promise // within async/await), then recurse on the outer Promise. // In this case, the dependency is one possible way that the Promise // could be resolved, so it does not subsume the other following cases. var outerPromise = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHandledBySymbol); if (outerPromise && PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerRecursive(outerPromise)) { return true; } var queue = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseRejectReactionsSymbol); var deferred = GET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseDeferredReactionSymbol); if (IS_UNDEFINED(queue)) return false; if (!IS_ARRAY(queue)) { return PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerCheck(queue, deferred); } for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i += 2) { if (PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerCheck(queue[i], queue[i + 1])) { return true; } } return false; } // Return whether the promise will be handled by a user-defined reject // handler somewhere down the promise chain. For this, we do a depth-first // search for a reject handler that's not the default PromiseIdRejectHandler. // This function also traverses dependencies of one Promise on another, // set up through async/await and Promises resolved with Promises. function PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandler() { return PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandlerRecursive(this); }; function MarkPromiseAsHandled(promise) { SET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseHasHandlerSymbol, true); } function PromiseSpecies() { return this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Install exported functions. %AddNamedProperty(global, 'Promise', GlobalPromise, DONT_ENUM); %AddNamedProperty(GlobalPromise.prototype, toStringTagSymbol, "Promise", DONT_ENUM | READ_ONLY); utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalPromise, DONT_ENUM, [ "reject", PromiseReject, "all", PromiseAll, "race", PromiseRace, "resolve", PromiseResolve ]); utils.InstallGetter(GlobalPromise, speciesSymbol, PromiseSpecies); utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalPromise.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [ "then", PromiseThen, "catch", PromiseCatch ]); %InstallToContext([ "promise_catch", PromiseCatch, "promise_create", PromiseCreate, "promise_has_user_defined_reject_handler", PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandler, "promise_reject", DoRejectPromise, // TODO(gsathya): Remove this once we update the promise builtin. "promise_internal_reject", RejectPromise, "promise_resolve", ResolvePromise, "promise_then", PromiseThen, "promise_handle", PromiseHandle, "promise_debug_get_info", PromiseDebugGetInfo ]); // This allows extras to create promises quickly without building extra // resolve/reject closures, and allows them to later resolve and reject any // promise without having to hold on to those closures forever. utils.InstallFunctions(extrasUtils, 0, [ "createPromise", PromiseCreate, "resolvePromise", ResolvePromise, "rejectPromise", DoRejectPromise, "markPromiseAsHandled", MarkPromiseAsHandled ]); utils.Export(function(to) { to.IsPromise = IsPromise; to.PromiseCreate = PromiseCreate; to.PromiseThen = PromiseThen; to.GlobalPromise = GlobalPromise; to.NewPromiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability; to.PerformPromiseThen = PerformPromiseThen; to.ResolvePromise = ResolvePromise; to.RejectPromise = RejectPromise; }); })