// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_COMPILER_WASM_COMPILER_H_ #define V8_COMPILER_WASM_COMPILER_H_ #include <memory> // Clients of this interface shouldn't depend on lots of compiler internals. // Do not include anything from src/compiler here! #include "src/compilation-info.h" #include "src/compiler.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-result.h" #include "src/zone/zone.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace compiler { // Forward declarations for some compiler data structures. class Node; class JSGraph; class Graph; class Operator; class SourcePositionTable; } // namespace compiler namespace wasm { // Forward declarations for some WASM data structures. struct ModuleEnv; struct WasmFunction; class ErrorThrower; struct DecodeStruct; // Expose {Node} and {Graph} opaquely as {wasm::TFNode} and {wasm::TFGraph}. typedef compiler::Node TFNode; typedef compiler::JSGraph TFGraph; } // namespace wasm namespace compiler { class WasmCompilationUnit final { public: WasmCompilationUnit(wasm::ErrorThrower* thrower, Isolate* isolate, wasm::ModuleEnv* module_env, const wasm::WasmFunction* function, uint32_t index); Zone* graph_zone() { return graph_zone_.get(); } int index() const { return index_; } void ExecuteCompilation(); Handle<Code> FinishCompilation(); static Handle<Code> CompileWasmFunction(wasm::ErrorThrower* thrower, Isolate* isolate, wasm::ModuleEnv* module_env, const wasm::WasmFunction* function) { WasmCompilationUnit unit(thrower, isolate, module_env, function, 0); unit.ExecuteCompilation(); return unit.FinishCompilation(); } private: SourcePositionTable* BuildGraphForWasmFunction(double* decode_ms); wasm::ErrorThrower* thrower_; Isolate* isolate_; wasm::ModuleEnv* module_env_; const wasm::WasmFunction* function_; // The graph zone is deallocated at the end of ExecuteCompilation. std::unique_ptr<Zone> graph_zone_; JSGraph* jsgraph_; Zone compilation_zone_; CompilationInfo info_; std::unique_ptr<CompilationJob> job_; uint32_t index_; wasm::Result<wasm::DecodeStruct*> graph_construction_result_; bool ok_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WasmCompilationUnit); }; // Wraps a JS function, producing a code object that can be called from WASM. Handle<Code> CompileWasmToJSWrapper(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> target, wasm::FunctionSig* sig, uint32_t index, Handle<String> module_name, MaybeHandle<String> import_name); // Wraps a given wasm code object, producing a code object. Handle<Code> CompileJSToWasmWrapper(Isolate* isolate, wasm::ModuleEnv* module, Handle<Code> wasm_code, uint32_t index); // Abstracts details of building TurboFan graph nodes for WASM to separate // the WASM decoder from the internal details of TurboFan. class WasmTrapHelper; typedef ZoneVector<Node*> NodeVector; class WasmGraphBuilder { public: WasmGraphBuilder( Zone* z, JSGraph* g, wasm::FunctionSig* function_signature, compiler::SourcePositionTable* source_position_table = nullptr); Node** Buffer(size_t count) { if (count > cur_bufsize_) { size_t new_size = count + cur_bufsize_ + 5; cur_buffer_ = reinterpret_cast<Node**>(zone_->New(new_size * sizeof(Node*))); cur_bufsize_ = new_size; } return cur_buffer_; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations independent of {control} or {effect}. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* Error(); Node* Start(unsigned params); Node* Param(unsigned index, wasm::LocalType type); Node* Loop(Node* entry); Node* Terminate(Node* effect, Node* control); Node* Merge(unsigned count, Node** controls); Node* Phi(wasm::LocalType type, unsigned count, Node** vals, Node* control); Node* EffectPhi(unsigned count, Node** effects, Node* control); Node* NumberConstant(int32_t value); Node* Uint32Constant(uint32_t value); Node* Int32Constant(int32_t value); Node* Int64Constant(int64_t value); Node* Float32Constant(float value); Node* Float64Constant(double value); Node* HeapConstant(Handle<HeapObject> value); Node* Binop(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position = wasm::kNoCodePosition); Node* Unop(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position = wasm::kNoCodePosition); Node* GrowMemory(Node* input); Node* Throw(Node* input); Node* Catch(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); unsigned InputCount(Node* node); bool IsPhiWithMerge(Node* phi, Node* merge); bool ThrowsException(Node* node, Node** if_success, Node** if_exception); void AppendToMerge(Node* merge, Node* from); void AppendToPhi(Node* phi, Node* from); void StackCheck(wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node** effect = nullptr, Node** control = nullptr); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations that read and/or write {control} and {effect}. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* BranchNoHint(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node); Node* BranchExpectTrue(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node); Node* BranchExpectFalse(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node); Node* Switch(unsigned count, Node* key); Node* IfValue(int32_t value, Node* sw); Node* IfDefault(Node* sw); Node* Return(unsigned count, Node** vals); Node* ReturnVoid(); Node* Unreachable(wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* CallDirect(uint32_t index, Node** args, Node*** rets, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* CallIndirect(uint32_t index, Node** args, Node*** rets, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); void BuildJSToWasmWrapper(Handle<Code> wasm_code, wasm::FunctionSig* sig); void BuildWasmToJSWrapper(Handle<JSReceiver> target, wasm::FunctionSig* sig); Node* ToJS(Node* node, wasm::LocalType type); Node* FromJS(Node* node, Node* context, wasm::LocalType type); Node* Invert(Node* node); void EnsureFunctionTableNodes(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations that concern the linear memory. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* CurrentMemoryPages(); Node* GetGlobal(uint32_t index); Node* SetGlobal(uint32_t index, Node* val); Node* LoadMem(wasm::LocalType type, MachineType memtype, Node* index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t alignment, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* StoreMem(MachineType type, Node* index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t alignment, Node* val, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); static void PrintDebugName(Node* node); Node* Control() { return *control_; } Node* Effect() { return *effect_; } void set_module(wasm::ModuleEnv* module) { this->module_ = module; } void set_control_ptr(Node** control) { this->control_ = control; } void set_effect_ptr(Node** effect) { this->effect_ = effect; } wasm::FunctionSig* GetFunctionSignature() { return function_signature_; } void Int64LoweringForTesting(); void SimdScalarLoweringForTesting(); void SetSourcePosition(Node* node, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* CreateS128Value(int32_t value); Node* SimdOp(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, const NodeVector& inputs); Node* SimdExtractLane(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, uint8_t lane, Node* input); private: static const int kDefaultBufferSize = 16; friend class WasmTrapHelper; Zone* zone_; JSGraph* jsgraph_; wasm::ModuleEnv* module_; Node* mem_buffer_; Node* mem_size_; NodeVector function_tables_; NodeVector function_table_sizes_; Node** control_; Node** effect_; Node** cur_buffer_; size_t cur_bufsize_; Node* def_buffer_[kDefaultBufferSize]; WasmTrapHelper* trap_; wasm::FunctionSig* function_signature_; SetOncePointer<const Operator> allocate_heap_number_operator_; compiler::SourcePositionTable* source_position_table_ = nullptr; // Internal helper methods. JSGraph* jsgraph() { return jsgraph_; } Graph* graph(); Node* String(const char* string); Node* MemSize(uint32_t offset); Node* MemBuffer(uint32_t offset); void BoundsCheckMem(MachineType memtype, Node* index, uint32_t offset, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildChangeEndianness(Node* node, MachineType type, wasm::LocalType wasmtype = wasm::kAstStmt); Node* MaskShiftCount32(Node* node); Node* MaskShiftCount64(Node* node); Node* BuildCCall(MachineSignature* sig, Node** args); Node* BuildWasmCall(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args, Node*** rets, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildF32CopySign(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildF64CopySign(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildI32SConvertF32(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32SConvertF64(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32UConvertF32(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32UConvertF64(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32Ctz(Node* input); Node* BuildI32Popcnt(Node* input); Node* BuildI64Ctz(Node* input); Node* BuildI64Popcnt(Node* input); Node* BuildBitCountingCall(Node* input, ExternalReference ref, MachineRepresentation input_type); Node* BuildCFuncInstruction(ExternalReference ref, MachineType type, Node* input0, Node* input1 = nullptr); Node* BuildF32Trunc(Node* input); Node* BuildF32Floor(Node* input); Node* BuildF32Ceil(Node* input); Node* BuildF32NearestInt(Node* input); Node* BuildF64Trunc(Node* input); Node* BuildF64Floor(Node* input); Node* BuildF64Ceil(Node* input); Node* BuildF64NearestInt(Node* input); Node* BuildI32Rol(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildI64Rol(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildF64Acos(Node* input); Node* BuildF64Asin(Node* input); Node* BuildF64Pow(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildF64Mod(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildIntToFloatConversionInstruction( Node* input, ExternalReference ref, MachineRepresentation parameter_representation, const MachineType result_type); Node* BuildF32SConvertI64(Node* input); Node* BuildF32UConvertI64(Node* input); Node* BuildF64SConvertI64(Node* input); Node* BuildF64UConvertI64(Node* input); Node* BuildFloatToIntConversionInstruction( Node* input, ExternalReference ref, MachineRepresentation parameter_representation, const MachineType result_type, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64SConvertF32(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64UConvertF32(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64SConvertF64(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64UConvertF64(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32DivS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32RemS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32DivU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI32RemU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64DivS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64RemS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64DivU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildI64RemU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildDiv64Call(Node* left, Node* right, ExternalReference ref, MachineType result_type, int trap_zero, wasm::WasmCodePosition position); Node* BuildJavaScriptToNumber(Node* node, Node* context, Node* effect, Node* control); Node* BuildChangeInt32ToTagged(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeFloat64ToTagged(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeTaggedToFloat64(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeInt32ToSmi(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeSmiToInt32(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeUint32ToSmi(Node* value); Node* BuildChangeSmiToFloat64(Node* value); Node* BuildTestNotSmi(Node* value); Node* BuildSmiShiftBitsConstant(); Node* BuildAllocateHeapNumberWithValue(Node* value, Node* control); Node* BuildLoadHeapNumberValue(Node* value, Node* control); Node* BuildHeapNumberValueIndexConstant(); // Asm.js specific functionality. Node* BuildI32AsmjsSConvertF32(Node* input); Node* BuildI32AsmjsSConvertF64(Node* input); Node* BuildI32AsmjsUConvertF32(Node* input); Node* BuildI32AsmjsUConvertF64(Node* input); Node* BuildI32AsmjsDivS(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildI32AsmjsRemS(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildI32AsmjsDivU(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildI32AsmjsRemU(Node* left, Node* right); Node* BuildAsmjsLoadMem(MachineType type, Node* index); Node* BuildAsmjsStoreMem(MachineType type, Node* index, Node* val); Node** Realloc(Node** buffer, size_t old_count, size_t new_count) { Node** buf = Buffer(new_count); if (buf != buffer) memcpy(buf, buffer, old_count * sizeof(Node*)); return buf; } int AddParameterNodes(Node** args, int pos, int param_count, wasm::FunctionSig* sig); }; } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_COMPILER_WASM_COMPILER_H_