// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "FrameBufferAndroid.hpp" #include <cutils/log.h> namespace sw { inline int dequeueBuffer(ANativeWindow* window, ANativeWindowBuffer** buffer) { #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 16 return native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(window, buffer); #else return window->dequeueBuffer(window, buffer); #endif } inline int queueBuffer(ANativeWindow* window, ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer, int fenceFd) { #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 16 return window->queueBuffer(window, buffer, fenceFd); #else return window->queueBuffer(window, buffer); #endif } inline int cancelBuffer(ANativeWindow* window, ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer, int fenceFd) { #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 16 return window->cancelBuffer(window, buffer, fenceFd); #else return window->cancelBuffer(window, buffer); #endif } FrameBufferAndroid::FrameBufferAndroid(ANativeWindow* window, int width, int height) : FrameBuffer(width, height, false, false), nativeWindow(window), buffer(nullptr), gralloc(nullptr) { hw_module_t const* pModule; hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &pModule); gralloc = reinterpret_cast<gralloc_module_t const*>(pModule); nativeWindow->common.incRef(&nativeWindow->common); native_window_set_usage(nativeWindow, GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN); } FrameBufferAndroid::~FrameBufferAndroid() { nativeWindow->common.decRef(&nativeWindow->common); } void FrameBufferAndroid::blit(void *source, const Rect *sourceRect, const Rect *destRect, Format sourceFormat, size_t sourceStride) { copy(source, sourceFormat, sourceStride); if(buffer) { if(locked) { locked = nullptr; unlock(); } queueBuffer(nativeWindow, buffer, -1); } } void *FrameBufferAndroid::lock() { if(dequeueBuffer(nativeWindow, &buffer) != 0) { return nullptr; } if(gralloc->lock(gralloc, buffer->handle, GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN, 0, 0, buffer->width, buffer->height, &locked) != 0) { ALOGE("%s failed to lock buffer %p", __FUNCTION__, buffer); return nullptr; } if((buffer->width < width) || (buffer->height < height)) { ALOGI("lock failed: buffer of %dx%d too small for window of %dx%d", buffer->width, buffer->height, width, height); return nullptr; } switch(buffer->format) { default: ALOGE("Unsupported buffer format %d", buffer->format); ASSERT(false); case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565: destFormat = FORMAT_R5G6B5; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888: destFormat = FORMAT_R8G8B8; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888: destFormat = FORMAT_A8B8G8R8; break; #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 16 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED: destFormat = FORMAT_X8B8G8R8; break; #endif case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888: destFormat = FORMAT_X8B8G8R8; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888: destFormat = FORMAT_A8R8G8B8; break; } stride = buffer->stride * Surface::bytes(destFormat); return locked; } void FrameBufferAndroid::unlock() { if(!buffer) { ALOGE("%s: badness unlock with no active buffer", __FUNCTION__); return; } locked = nullptr; if(gralloc->unlock(gralloc, buffer->handle) != 0) { ALOGE("%s: badness unlock failed", __FUNCTION__); } } } sw::FrameBuffer *createFrameBuffer(void *display, ANativeWindow* window, int width, int height) { return new sw::FrameBufferAndroid(window, width, height); }