/* * Copyright © 2010 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "ir_print_visitor.h" #include "glsl_types.h" #include "glsl_parser_extras.h" #include "program/hash_table.h" static void print_type(const glsl_type *t); void ir_instruction::print(void) const { ir_instruction *deconsted = const_cast<ir_instruction *>(this); ir_print_visitor v; deconsted->accept(&v); } void _mesa_print_ir(exec_list *instructions, struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state) { if (state) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < state->num_user_structures; i++) { const glsl_type *const s = state->user_structures[i]; printf("(structure (%s) (%s@%p) (%u) (\n", s->name, s->name, (void *) s, s->length); for (unsigned j = 0; j < s->length; j++) { printf("\t(("); print_type(s->fields.structure[j].type); printf(")(%s))\n", s->fields.structure[j].name); } printf(")\n"); } } printf("(\n"); foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, *instructions) { ir_instruction *ir = (ir_instruction *)iter.get(); ir->print(); if (ir->ir_type != ir_type_function) printf("\n"); } printf("\n)"); } ir_print_visitor::ir_print_visitor() { indentation = 0; printable_names = hash_table_ctor(32, hash_table_pointer_hash, hash_table_pointer_compare); symbols = _mesa_symbol_table_ctor(); mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); } ir_print_visitor::~ir_print_visitor() { hash_table_dtor(printable_names); _mesa_symbol_table_dtor(symbols); ralloc_free(mem_ctx); } void ir_print_visitor::indent(void) { for (int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) printf(" "); } const char * ir_print_visitor::unique_name(ir_variable *var) { /* var->name can be NULL in function prototypes when a type is given for a * parameter but no name is given. In that case, just return an empty * string. Don't worry about tracking the generated name in the printable * names hash because this is the only scope where it can ever appear. */ if (var->name == NULL) { static unsigned arg = 1; return ralloc_asprintf(this->mem_ctx, "parameter@%u", arg++); } /* Do we already have a name for this variable? */ const char *name = (const char *) hash_table_find(this->printable_names, var); if (name != NULL) return name; /* If there's no conflict, just use the original name */ if (_mesa_symbol_table_find_symbol(this->symbols, -1, var->name) == NULL) { name = var->name; } else { static unsigned i = 1; name = ralloc_asprintf(this->mem_ctx, "%s@%u", var->name, ++i); } hash_table_insert(this->printable_names, (void *) name, var); _mesa_symbol_table_add_symbol(this->symbols, -1, name, var); return name; } static void print_type(const glsl_type *t) { if (t->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_ARRAY) { printf("(array "); print_type(t->fields.array); printf(" %u)", t->length); } else if ((t->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_STRUCT) && (strncmp("gl_", t->name, 3) != 0)) { printf("%s@%p", t->name, (void *) t); } else { printf("%s", t->name); } } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_rvalue *ir) { printf("error"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_variable *ir) { printf("(declare "); const char *const cent = (ir->centroid) ? "centroid " : ""; const char *const inv = (ir->invariant) ? "invariant " : ""; const char *const mode[] = { "", "uniform ", "in ", "out ", "inout ", "const_in ", "sys ", "temporary " }; const char *const interp[] = { "", "flat", "noperspective" }; printf("(%s%s%s%s) ", cent, inv, mode[ir->mode], interp[ir->interpolation]); print_type(ir->type); printf(" %s)", unique_name(ir)); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_function_signature *ir) { _mesa_symbol_table_push_scope(symbols); printf("(signature "); indentation++; print_type(ir->return_type); printf("\n"); indent(); printf("(parameters\n"); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, ir->parameters) { ir_variable *const inst = (ir_variable *) iter.get(); indent(); inst->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf(")\n"); indent(); printf("(\n"); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, ir->body) { ir_instruction *const inst = (ir_instruction *) iter.get(); indent(); inst->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf("))\n"); indentation--; _mesa_symbol_table_pop_scope(symbols); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_function *ir) { printf("(function %s\n", ir->name); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, *ir) { ir_function_signature *const sig = (ir_function_signature *) iter.get(); indent(); sig->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf(")\n\n"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_expression *ir) { printf("(expression "); print_type(ir->type); printf(" %s ", ir->operator_string()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ir->get_num_operands(); i++) { ir->operands[i]->accept(this); } printf(") "); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_texture *ir) { printf("(%s ", ir->opcode_string()); print_type(ir->type); printf(" "); ir->sampler->accept(this); printf(" "); if (ir->op != ir_txs) { ir->coordinate->accept(this); printf(" "); if (ir->offset != NULL) { ir->offset->accept(this); } else { printf("0"); } printf(" "); } if (ir->op != ir_txf && ir->op != ir_txs) { if (ir->projector) ir->projector->accept(this); else printf("1"); if (ir->shadow_comparitor) { printf(" "); ir->shadow_comparitor->accept(this); } else { printf(" ()"); } } printf(" "); switch (ir->op) { case ir_tex: break; case ir_txb: ir->lod_info.bias->accept(this); break; case ir_txl: case ir_txf: case ir_txs: ir->lod_info.lod->accept(this); break; case ir_txd: printf("("); ir->lod_info.grad.dPdx->accept(this); printf(" "); ir->lod_info.grad.dPdy->accept(this); printf(")"); break; }; printf(")"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_swizzle *ir) { const unsigned swiz[4] = { ir->mask.x, ir->mask.y, ir->mask.z, ir->mask.w, }; printf("(swiz "); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ir->mask.num_components; i++) { printf("%c", "xyzw"[swiz[i]]); } printf(" "); ir->val->accept(this); printf(")"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_dereference_variable *ir) { ir_variable *var = ir->variable_referenced(); printf("(var_ref %s) ", unique_name(var)); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_dereference_array *ir) { printf("(array_ref "); ir->array->accept(this); ir->array_index->accept(this); printf(") "); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_dereference_record *ir) { printf("(record_ref "); ir->record->accept(this); printf(" %s) ", ir->field); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_assignment *ir) { printf("(assign "); if (ir->condition) ir->condition->accept(this); char mask[5]; unsigned j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((ir->write_mask & (1 << i)) != 0) { mask[j] = "xyzw"[i]; j++; } } mask[j] = '\0'; printf(" (%s) ", mask); ir->lhs->accept(this); printf(" "); ir->rhs->accept(this); printf(") "); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_constant *ir) { printf("(constant "); print_type(ir->type); printf(" ("); if (ir->type->is_array()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ir->type->length; i++) ir->get_array_element(i)->accept(this); } else if (ir->type->is_record()) { ir_constant *value = (ir_constant *) ir->components.get_head(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ir->type->length; i++) { printf("(%s ", ir->type->fields.structure[i].name); value->accept(this); printf(")"); value = (ir_constant *) value->next; } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ir->type->components(); i++) { if (i != 0) printf(" "); switch (ir->type->base_type) { case GLSL_TYPE_UINT: printf("%u", ir->value.u[i]); break; case GLSL_TYPE_INT: printf("%d", ir->value.i[i]); break; case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT: printf("%f", ir->value.f[i]); break; case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL: printf("%d", ir->value.b[i]); break; default: assert(0); } } } printf(")) "); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_call *ir) { printf("(call %s ", ir->callee_name()); if (ir->return_deref) ir->return_deref->accept(this); printf(" ("); foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, *ir) { ir_instruction *const inst = (ir_instruction *) iter.get(); inst->accept(this); } printf("))\n"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_return *ir) { printf("(return"); ir_rvalue *const value = ir->get_value(); if (value) { printf(" "); value->accept(this); } printf(")"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_discard *ir) { printf("(discard "); if (ir->condition != NULL) { printf(" "); ir->condition->accept(this); } printf(")"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_if *ir) { printf("(if "); ir->condition->accept(this); printf("(\n"); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, ir->then_instructions) { ir_instruction *const inst = (ir_instruction *) iter.get(); indent(); inst->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf(")\n"); indent(); if (!ir->else_instructions.is_empty()) { printf("(\n"); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, ir->else_instructions) { ir_instruction *const inst = (ir_instruction *) iter.get(); indent(); inst->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf("))\n"); } else { printf("())\n"); } } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_loop *ir) { printf("(loop ("); if (ir->counter != NULL) ir->counter->accept(this); printf(") ("); if (ir->from != NULL) ir->from->accept(this); printf(") ("); if (ir->to != NULL) ir->to->accept(this); printf(") ("); if (ir->increment != NULL) ir->increment->accept(this); printf(") (\n"); indentation++; foreach_iter(exec_list_iterator, iter, ir->body_instructions) { ir_instruction *const inst = (ir_instruction *) iter.get(); indent(); inst->accept(this); printf("\n"); } indentation--; indent(); printf("))\n"); } void ir_print_visitor::visit(ir_loop_jump *ir) { printf("%s", ir->is_break() ? "break" : "continue"); }