# RUN: llc -march=x86 -start-after branch-folder -stop-after branch-folder -o - %s | FileCheck %s
# This test ensures that the MIR parser parses fixed stack memory operands
# correctly.

--- |

  define i32 @test(i32 %a) #0 {
    %b = alloca i32
    store i32 %a, i32* %b
    %c = load i32, i32* %b
    ret i32 %c

  attributes #0 = { "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" }

name:            test
alignment:       4
tracksRegLiveness: true
  stackSize:       4
  maxAlignment:    4
  - { id: 0, offset: 0, size: 4, alignment: 16, isImmutable: true }
  - { id: 0, name: b, offset: -8, size: 4, alignment: 4 }
body: |
    frame-setup PUSH32r undef %eax, implicit-def %esp, implicit %esp
    CFI_INSTRUCTION .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
  ; CHECK: name: test
  ; CHECK: %eax = MOV32rm %esp, 1, _, 8, _ :: (load 4 from %fixed-stack.0, align 16)
    %eax = MOV32rm %esp, 1, _, 8, _ :: (load 4 from %fixed-stack.0, align 16)
    MOV32mr %esp, 1, _, 0, _, %eax :: (store 4 into %ir.b)
    %edx = POP32r implicit-def %esp, implicit %esp
    RETL %eax