#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import socket import sys import time import common from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_handling_rule from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_packet from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_test_server TEST_DATA_PATH_PREFIX = "client/cros/dhcp_test_data/" TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_DATA = \ "\x12\x0a\x09\xc0\xac\x1f\x9b\x0a" \ "\x00\xc0\xa8\x00\xfe" TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_LIST_PARSED = [ (18, "", ""), (0, "", "") ] TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_COMPRESSED = \ "\x03eng\x06google\x03com\x00\x09marketing\xC0\x04" TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_PARSED = ("eng.google.com", "marketing.google.com") # At this time, we don't support the compression allowed in the RFC. # This is correct and sufficient for our purposes. TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_EXPECTED = \ "\x03eng\x06google\x03com\x00\x09marketing\x06google\x03com\x00" def bin2hex(byte_str, justification=20): """ Turn big hex strings into prettier strings of hex bytes. Group those hex bytes into lines justification bytes long. """ chars = ["x" + (hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2)) for c in byte_str] groups = [] for i in xrange(0, len(chars), justification): groups.append("".join(chars[i:i+justification])) return "\n".join(groups) def test_packet_serialization(): log_file = open(TEST_DATA_PATH_PREFIX + "dhcp_discovery.log", "rb") binary_discovery_packet = log_file.read() log_file.close() discovery_packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket(byte_str=binary_discovery_packet) if not discovery_packet.is_valid: return False generated_string = discovery_packet.to_binary_string() if generated_string is None: print "Failed to generate string from packet object." return False if generated_string != binary_discovery_packet: print "Packets didn't match: " print "Generated: \n%s" % bin2hex(generated_string) print "Expected: \n%s" % bin2hex(binary_discovery_packet) return False print "test_packet_serialization PASSED" return True def test_classless_static_route_parsing(): parsed_routes = dhcp_packet.ClasslessStaticRoutesOption.unpack( TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_DATA) if parsed_routes != TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_LIST_PARSED: print ("Parsed binary domain list and got %s but expected %s" % (repr(parsed_routes), repr(TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_LIST_PARSED))) return False print "test_classless_static_route_parsing PASSED" return True def test_classless_static_route_serialization(): byte_string = dhcp_packet.ClasslessStaticRoutesOption.pack( TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_LIST_PARSED) if byte_string != TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_DATA: # Turn the strings into printable hex strings on a single line. pretty_actual = bin2hex(byte_string, 100) pretty_expected = bin2hex(TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_DATA, 100) print ("Expected to serialize %s to %s but instead got %s." % (repr(TEST_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE_LIST_PARSED), pretty_expected, pretty_actual)) return False print "test_classless_static_route_serialization PASSED" return True def test_domain_search_list_parsing(): parsed_domains = dhcp_packet.DomainListOption.unpack( TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_COMPRESSED) # Order matters too. parsed_domains = tuple(parsed_domains) if parsed_domains != TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_PARSED: print ("Parsed binary domain list and got %s but expected %s" % (parsed_domains, TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_EXPECTED)) return False print "test_domain_search_list_parsing PASSED" return True def test_domain_search_list_serialization(): byte_string = dhcp_packet.DomainListOption.pack( TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_PARSED) if byte_string != TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_EXPECTED: # Turn the strings into printable hex strings on a single line. pretty_actual = bin2hex(byte_string, 100) pretty_expected = bin2hex(TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_EXPECTED, 100) print ("Expected to serialize %s to %s but instead got %s." % (TEST_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST_PARSED, pretty_expected, pretty_actual)) return False print "test_domain_search_list_serialization PASSED" return True def receive_packet(a_socket, timeout_seconds=1.0): data = None start_time = time.time() while data is None and start_time + timeout_seconds > time.time(): try: data, _ = a_socket.recvfrom(1024) except socket.timeout: pass # We expect many timeouts. if data is None: print "Timed out before we received a response from the server." return None print "Client received a packet of length %d from the server." % len(data) packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket(byte_str=data) if not packet.is_valid: print "Received an invalid response from DHCP server." return None return packet def test_simple_server_exchange(server): intended_ip = "" subnet_mask = "" server_ip = "" lease_time_seconds = 60 test_timeout = 3.0 mac_addr = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06" # Build up our packets and have them request some default option values, # like the IP we're being assigned and the address of the server assigning # it. discovery_message = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket.create_discovery_packet(mac_addr) discovery_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, dhcp_packet.OPTION_VALUE_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST_DEFAULT) request_message = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket.create_request_packet( discovery_message.transaction_id, mac_addr) request_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, dhcp_packet.OPTION_VALUE_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST_DEFAULT) # This is the pool of settings the DHCP server will seem to draw from to # answer queries from the client. This information is written into packets # through the handling rules. dhcp_server_config = { dhcp_packet.OPTION_SERVER_ID : server_ip, dhcp_packet.OPTION_SUBNET_MASK : subnet_mask, dhcp_packet.OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME : lease_time_seconds, dhcp_packet.OPTION_REQUESTED_IP : intended_ip, } # Build up the handling rules for the server and start the test. rules = [] rules.append(dhcp_handling_rule.DhcpHandlingRule_RespondToDiscovery( intended_ip, server_ip, dhcp_server_config)) rules.append(dhcp_handling_rule.DhcpHandlingRule_RespondToRequest( intended_ip, server_ip, dhcp_server_config)) rules[-1].is_final_handler = True server.start_test(rules, test_timeout) # Because we don't want to require root permissions to run these tests, # listen on the loopback device, don't broadcast, and don't use reserved # ports (like the actual DHCP ports). Use 8068/8067 instead. client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) client_socket.bind(("", 8068)) client_socket.settimeout(0.1) client_socket.sendto(discovery_message.to_binary_string(), (server_ip, 8067)) offer_packet = receive_packet(client_socket) if offer_packet is None: return False if (offer_packet.message_type != dhcp_packet.MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER): print "Type of DHCP response is not offer." return False if offer_packet.get_field(dhcp_packet.FIELD_YOUR_IP) != intended_ip: print "Server didn't offer the IP we expected." return False print "Offer looks good to the client, sending request." # In real tests, dhcpcd formats all the DISCOVERY and REQUEST messages. In # our unit test, we have to do this ourselves. request_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_SERVER_ID, offer_packet.get_option(dhcp_packet.OPTION_SERVER_ID)) request_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_SUBNET_MASK, offer_packet.get_option(dhcp_packet.OPTION_SUBNET_MASK)) request_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME, offer_packet.get_option(dhcp_packet.OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME)) request_message.set_option( dhcp_packet.OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, offer_packet.get_option(dhcp_packet.OPTION_REQUESTED_IP)) # Send the REQUEST message. client_socket.sendto(request_message.to_binary_string(), (server_ip, 8067)) ack_packet = receive_packet(client_socket) if ack_packet is None: return False if (ack_packet.message_type != dhcp_packet.MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK): print "Type of DHCP response is not acknowledgement." return False if offer_packet.get_field(dhcp_packet.FIELD_YOUR_IP) != intended_ip: print "Server didn't give us the IP we expected." return False print "Waiting for the server to finish." server.wait_for_test_to_finish() print "Server agrees that the test is over." if not server.last_test_passed: print "Server is unhappy with the test result." return False print "test_simple_server_exchange PASSED." return True def test_server_dialogue(): server = dhcp_test_server.DhcpTestServer(ingress_address="", ingress_port=8067, broadcast_address="", broadcast_port=8068) server.start() ret = False if server.is_healthy: ret = test_simple_server_exchange(server) else: print "Server isn't healthy, aborting." print "Sending server stop() signal." server.stop() print "Stop signal sent." return ret def run_tests(): logger = logging.getLogger("dhcp") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) retval = test_packet_serialization() retval &= test_classless_static_route_parsing() retval &= test_classless_static_route_serialization() retval &= test_domain_search_list_parsing() retval &= test_domain_search_list_serialization() retval &= test_server_dialogue() if retval: print "All tests PASSED." return 0 else: print "Some tests FAILED" return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(run_tests())