/** @file Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _FSP_SWITCH_STACK_LIB_H_ #define _FSP_SWITCH_STACK_LIB_H_ /** This funciton will switch the current stack to the previous saved stack. Before calling the previous stack has to be set in FSP_GLOBAL_DATA.CoreStack. EIP FLAGS 16 bit FLAGS 16 bit EDI ESI EBP ESP EBX EDX ECX EAX DWORD IDT base1 StackPointer: DWORD IDT base2 @return ReturnKey After switching to the saved stack, this value will be saved in eax before returning. **/ UINT32 EFIAPI Pei2LoaderSwitchStack ( VOID ); #endif