% Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. % Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be % found in the LICENSE file. % % This is an octave script. % It reads impulse response from "ir.dat" and plots frequency response. % Both x-axis and y-axis is in log scale. h=load("ir.dat"); N=columns(h); K=rows(h)/2; NQ=44100/2; % This tries to match the labels in the audio tuning UI. xticks=[22050, 11025, 5513, 2756, 1378, 689, 345, 172, 86, 43, 21]; xticklabels={"22050Hz", "11025Hz", "5513Hz", "2756Hz", "1378Hz", \ "689Hz", "345Hz", "172Hz", "86Hz", "43Hz", "21Hz"}; yticks=[18,12,6,0,-6,-12,-18,-24]; yticklabels={"18dB","12dB","6dB","0dB","-6dB","-12dB","-18dB","-24dB"}; xyrange=[21,22050,-24,18]; xrange=[21,22050]; for i=1:N figure(i); title('fftl'); fr = fft(h(:,i))(1:K); subplot(2, 1, 1); semilogx(NQ*(1:K)/K, 20*log10(abs(fr))); xlabel('Frequency'), ylabel('Magnitude'), grid; set (gca, "xtick", xticks); set (gca, "xticklabel", xticklabels); set (gca, "ytick", yticks); set (gca, "yticklabel", yticklabels); axis(xyrange); subplot(2, 1, 2); semilogx(NQ*(1:K)/K,180/pi*unwrap(angle(fr))); xlabel('Frequency'), ylabel('Phase (degrees)'), grid; set (gca, "xtick", xticks); set (gca, "xticklabel", xticklabels); axis(xrange); end pause