var resizePackagesNav; var classesNav; var devdocNav; var sidenav; var content; var HEADER_HEIGHT = 117; var cookie_namespace = 'android_developer'; var NAV_PREF_TREE = "tree"; var NAV_PREF_PANELS = "panels"; var nav_pref; var toRoot; var isMobile = false; // true if mobile, so we can adjust some layout var isIE6 = false; // true if IE6 // TODO: use $(document).ready instead function addLoadEvent(newfun) { var current = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = newfun; } else { window.onload = function() { current(); newfun(); } } } var agent = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase(); // If a mobile phone, set flag and do mobile setup if ((agent.indexOf("mobile") != -1) || // android, iphone, ipod (agent.indexOf("blackberry") != -1) || (agent.indexOf("webos") != -1) || (agent.indexOf("mini") != -1)) { // opera mini browsers isMobile = true; addLoadEvent(mobileSetup); // If not a mobile browser, set the onresize event for IE6, and others } else if (agent.indexOf("msie 6") != -1) { isIE6 = true; addLoadEvent(function() { window.onresize = resizeAll; }); } else { addLoadEvent(function() { window.onresize = resizeHeight; }); } function mobileSetup() { $("body").css({'overflow':'auto'}); $("html").css({'overflow':'auto'}); $("#body-content").css({'position':'relative', 'top':'0'}); $("#doc-content").css({'overflow':'visible', 'border-left':'3px solid #DDD'}); $("#side-nav").css({'padding':'0'}); $("#nav-tree").css({'overflow-y': 'auto'}); } /* loads the lists.js file to the page. Loading this in the head was slowing page load time */ addLoadEvent( function() { var lists = document.createElement("script"); lists.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); lists.setAttribute("src", toRoot+"reference/lists.js"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(lists); } ); addLoadEvent( function() { $("pre:not(.no-pretty-print)").addClass("prettyprint"); prettyPrint(); } ); function setToRoot(root) { toRoot = root; // note: toRoot also used by carousel.js } function restoreWidth(navWidth) { var windowWidth = $(window).width() + "px"; content.css({marginLeft:parseInt(navWidth) + 6 + "px"}); //account for 6px-wide handle-bar if (isIE6) { content.css({width:parseInt(windowWidth) - parseInt(navWidth) - 6 + "px"}); // necessary in order for scrollbars to be visible } sidenav.css({width:navWidth}); resizePackagesNav.css({width:navWidth}); classesNav.css({width:navWidth}); $("#packages-nav").css({width:navWidth}); } function restoreHeight(packageHeight) { var windowHeight = ($(window).height() - HEADER_HEIGHT); var swapperHeight = windowHeight - 13; $("#swapper").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); sidenav.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); content.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); resizePackagesNav.css({maxHeight:swapperHeight + "px", height:packageHeight}); classesNav.css({height:swapperHeight - parseInt(packageHeight) + "px"}); $("#packages-nav").css({height:parseInt(packageHeight) - 6 + "px"}); //move 6px to give space for the resize handle devdocNav.css({height:sidenav.css("height")}); $("#nav-tree").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); } function readCookie(cookie) { var myCookie = cookie_namespace+"_"+cookie+"="; if (document.cookie) { var index = document.cookie.indexOf(myCookie); if (index != -1) { var valStart = index + myCookie.length; var valEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", valStart); if (valEnd == -1) { valEnd = document.cookie.length; } var val = document.cookie.substring(valStart, valEnd); return val; } } return 0; } function writeCookie(cookie, val, section, expiration) { if (val==undefined) return; section = section == null ? "_" : "_"+section+"_"; if (expiration == null) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(10*365*24*60*60*1000)); // default expiration is one week expiration = date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = cookie_namespace + section + cookie + "=" + val + "; expires=" + expiration+"; path=/"; } function init() { $("#side-nav").css({position:"absolute",left:0}); content = $("#doc-content"); resizePackagesNav = $("#resize-packages-nav"); classesNav = $("#classes-nav"); sidenav = $("#side-nav"); devdocNav = $("#devdoc-nav"); var cookiePath = ""; if (location.href.indexOf("/reference/") != -1) { cookiePath = "reference_"; } else if (location.href.indexOf("/guide/") != -1) { cookiePath = "guide_"; } else if (location.href.indexOf("/sdk/") != -1) { cookiePath = "sdk_"; } else if ((location.href.indexOf("/resources/") != -1) || (location.href.indexOf("/training/") != -1)) { cookiePath = "resources_"; } if (!isMobile) { $("#resize-packages-nav").resizable({handles: "s", resize: function(e, ui) { resizePackagesHeight(); } }); $("#side-nav").resizable({handles: "e", resize: function(e, ui) { resizeWidth(); } }); var cookieWidth = readCookie(cookiePath+'width'); var cookieHeight = readCookie(cookiePath+'height'); if (cookieWidth) { restoreWidth(cookieWidth); } else if ($("#side-nav").length) { resizeWidth(); } if (cookieHeight) { restoreHeight(cookieHeight); } else { resizeHeight(); } } if (devdocNav.length) { // only dev guide, resources, and sdk tryPopulateResourcesNav(); highlightNav(location.href); } } function tryPopulateResourcesNav() { var sampleList = $('#devdoc-nav-sample-list'); var articleList = $('#devdoc-nav-article-list'); var tutorialList = $('#devdoc-nav-tutorial-list'); var topicList = $('#devdoc-nav-topic-list'); if (!topicList.length || !ANDROID_TAGS || !ANDROID_RESOURCES) return; var topics = []; for (var topic in ANDROID_TAGS['topic']) { topics.push({name:topic,title:ANDROID_TAGS['topic'][topic]}); } topics.sort(function(x,y){ return (x.title < y.title) ? -1 : 1; }); for (var i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) { topicList.append( $('<li>').append( $('<a>') .attr('href', toRoot + "resources/browser.html?tag=" + topics[i].name) .append($('<span>') .addClass('en') .html(topics[i].title) ) ) ); } var _renderResourceList = function(tag, listNode) { var resources = []; var tags; var resource; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < ANDROID_RESOURCES.length; i++) { resource = ANDROID_RESOURCES[i]; tags = resource.tags || []; var hasTag = false; for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) if (tags[j] == tag) { hasTag = true; break; } if (!hasTag) continue; resources.push(resource); } //resources.sort(function(x,y){ return (x.title.en < y.title.en) ? -1 : 1; }); for (i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { resource = resources[i]; var listItemNode = $('<li>').append( $('<a>') .attr('href', toRoot + "resources/" + resource.path) .append($('<span>') .addClass('en') .html(resource.title.en) ) ); tags = resource.tags || []; for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { if (tags[j] == 'new') { listItemNode.get(0).innerHTML += ' <span class="new">new!</span>'; break; } else if (tags[j] == 'updated') { listItemNode.get(0).innerHTML += ' <span class="new">updated!</span>'; break; } } listNode.append(listItemNode); } }; _renderResourceList('sample', sampleList); _renderResourceList('article', articleList); _renderResourceList('tutorial', tutorialList); } function highlightNav(fullPageName) { var lastSlashPos = fullPageName.lastIndexOf("/"); var firstSlashPos; if (fullPageName.indexOf("/guide/") != -1) { firstSlashPos = fullPageName.indexOf("/guide/"); } else if (fullPageName.indexOf("/sdk/") != -1) { firstSlashPos = fullPageName.indexOf("/sdk/"); } else if (fullPageName.indexOf("/resources/") != -1) { firstSlashPos = fullPageName.indexOf("/resources/"); } else if (fullPageName.indexOf("/training/") != -1) { firstSlashPos = fullPageName.indexOf("/training/"); } if (lastSlashPos == (fullPageName.length - 1)) { // if the url ends in slash (add 'index.html') fullPageName = fullPageName + "index.html"; } // get the path and page name from the URL (such as 'guide/topics/graphics/index.html') var htmlPos = fullPageName.indexOf(".html"); var pathPageName = fullPageName.slice(firstSlashPos, htmlPos + 5); // +5 advances past ".html" // find instances of the page name in the side nav var link = $("#devdoc-nav a[href$='"+ pathPageName+"']"); // if there's no match, then let's backstep through the directory until we find an index.html // page that matches our ancestor directories (only for dev guide and resources) if ((link.length == 0) && ((fullPageName.indexOf("/guide/") != -1) || (fullPageName.indexOf("/resources/") != -1))) { lastBackstep = pathPageName.lastIndexOf("/"); while (link.length == 0) { backstepDirectory = pathPageName.lastIndexOf("/", lastBackstep); link = $("#devdoc-nav a[href$='"+ pathPageName.slice(0, backstepDirectory + 1)+"index.html']"); lastBackstep = pathPageName.lastIndexOf("/", lastBackstep - 1); if (lastBackstep == 0) break; } } // add 'selected' to the <li> or <div> that wraps this <a> link.parent().addClass('selected'); // if we're in a toggleable root link (<li class=toggle-list><div><a>) if (link.parent().parent().hasClass('toggle-list')) { toggle(link.parent().parent(), false); // open our own list // then also check if we're in a third-level nested list that's toggleable if (link.parent().parent().parent().is(':hidden')) { toggle(link.parent().parent().parent().parent(), false); // open the super parent list } } // if we're in a normal nav link (<li><a>) and the parent <ul> is hidden else if (link.parent().parent().is(':hidden')) { toggle(link.parent().parent().parent(), false); // open the parent list // then also check if the parent list is also nested in a hidden list if (link.parent().parent().parent().parent().is(':hidden')) { toggle(link.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent(), false); // open the super parent list } } } /* Resize the height of the nav panels in the reference, * and save the new size to a cookie */ function resizePackagesHeight() { var windowHeight = ($(window).height() - HEADER_HEIGHT); var swapperHeight = windowHeight - 13; // move 13px for swapper link at the bottom resizePackagesNav.css({maxHeight:swapperHeight + "px"}); classesNav.css({height:swapperHeight - parseInt(resizePackagesNav.css("height")) + "px"}); $("#swapper").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); $("#packages-nav").css({height:parseInt(resizePackagesNav.css("height")) - 6 + "px"}); //move 6px for handle var basePath = getBaseUri(location.pathname); var section = basePath.substring(1,basePath.indexOf("/",1)); writeCookie("height", resizePackagesNav.css("height"), section, null); } /* Resize the height of the side-nav and doc-content divs, * which creates the frame effect */ function resizeHeight() { var docContent = $("#doc-content"); // Get the window height and always resize the doc-content and side-nav divs var windowHeight = ($(window).height() - HEADER_HEIGHT); docContent.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); $("#side-nav").css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); var href = location.href; // If in the reference docs, also resize the "swapper", "classes-nav", and "nav-tree" divs if (href.indexOf("/reference/") != -1) { var swapperHeight = windowHeight - 13; $("#swapper").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); $("#classes-nav").css({height:swapperHeight - parseInt(resizePackagesNav.css("height")) + "px"}); $("#nav-tree").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); // Also resize the "devdoc-nav" div } else if ($("#devdoc-nav").length) { $("#devdoc-nav").css({height:sidenav.css("height")}); } // Hide the "Go to top" link if there's no vertical scroll if ( parseInt($("#jd-content").css("height")) <= parseInt(docContent.css("height")) ) { $("a[href='#top']").css({'display':'none'}); } else { $("a[href='#top']").css({'display':'inline'}); } } /* Resize the width of the "side-nav" and the left margin of the "doc-content" div, * which creates the resizable side bar */ function resizeWidth() { var windowWidth = $(window).width() + "px"; var sidenav = $("#side-nav"); if (sidenav.length) { var sidenavWidth = sidenav.css("width"); } else { var sidenavWidth = 0; } content.css({marginLeft:parseInt(sidenavWidth) + 6 + "px"}); //account for 6px-wide handle-bar if (isIE6) { content.css({width:parseInt(windowWidth) - parseInt(sidenavWidth) - 6 + "px"}); // necessary in order to for scrollbars to be visible } resizePackagesNav.css({width:sidenavWidth}); classesNav.css({width:sidenavWidth}); $("#packages-nav").css({width:sidenavWidth}); if (sidenav.length) { // Must check if the nav exists because IE6 calls resizeWidth() from resizeAll() for all pages var basePath = getBaseUri(location.pathname); var section = basePath.substring(1,basePath.indexOf("/",1)); section = section.indexOf("training") != -1 ? "resources" : section; writeCookie("width", sidenavWidth, section, null); } } /* For IE6 only, * because it can't properly perform auto width for "doc-content" div, * avoiding this for all browsers provides better performance */ function resizeAll() { resizeHeight(); resizeWidth(); } function getBaseUri(uri) { var intlUrl = (uri.substring(0,6) == "/intl/"); if (intlUrl) { base = uri.substring(uri.indexOf('intl/')+5,uri.length); base = base.substring(base.indexOf('/')+1, base.length); //alert("intl, returning base url: /" + base); return ("/" + base); } else { //alert("not intl, returning uri as found."); return uri; } } function requestAppendHL(uri) { //append "?hl=<lang> to an outgoing request (such as to blog) var lang = getLangPref(); if (lang) { var q = 'hl=' + lang; uri += '?' + q; window.location = uri; return false; } else { return true; } } function loadLast(cookiePath) { var location = window.location.href; if (location.indexOf("/"+cookiePath+"/") != -1) { return true; } var lastPage = readCookie(cookiePath + "_lastpage"); if (lastPage) { window.location = lastPage; return false; } return true; } $(window).unload(function(){ var path = getBaseUri(location.pathname); if (path.indexOf("/reference/") != -1) { writeCookie("lastpage", path, "reference", null); } else if (path.indexOf("/guide/") != -1) { writeCookie("lastpage", path, "guide", null); } else if ((path.indexOf("/resources/") != -1) || (path.indexOf("/training/") != -1)) { writeCookie("lastpage", path, "resources", null); } }); function toggle(obj, slide) { var ul = $("ul:first", obj); var li = ul.parent(); if (li.hasClass("closed")) { if (slide) { ul.slideDown("fast"); } else {; } li.removeClass("closed"); li.addClass("open"); $(".toggle-img", li).attr("title", "hide pages"); } else { ul.slideUp("fast"); li.removeClass("open"); li.addClass("closed"); $(".toggle-img", li).attr("title", "show pages"); } } function buildToggleLists() { $(".toggle-list").each( function(i) { $("div:first", this).append("<a class='toggle-img' href='#' title='show pages' onClick='toggle(this.parentNode.parentNode, true); return false;'></a>"); $(this).addClass("closed"); }); } function getNavPref() { var v = readCookie('reference_nav'); if (v != NAV_PREF_TREE) { v = NAV_PREF_PANELS; } return v; } function chooseDefaultNav() { nav_pref = getNavPref(); if (nav_pref == NAV_PREF_TREE) { $("#nav-panels").toggle(); $("#panel-link").toggle(); $("#nav-tree").toggle(); $("#tree-link").toggle(); } } function swapNav() { if (nav_pref == NAV_PREF_TREE) { nav_pref = NAV_PREF_PANELS; } else { nav_pref = NAV_PREF_TREE; init_default_navtree(toRoot); } var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(10*365*24*60*60*1000)); // keep this for 10 years writeCookie("nav", nav_pref, "reference", date.toGMTString()); $("#nav-panels").toggle(); $("#panel-link").toggle(); $("#nav-tree").toggle(); $("#tree-link").toggle(); if ($("#nav-tree").is(':visible')) scrollIntoView("nav-tree"); else { scrollIntoView("packages-nav"); scrollIntoView("classes-nav"); } } function scrollIntoView(nav) { var navObj = $("#"+nav); if (':visible')) { var selected = $(".selected", navObj); if (selected.length == 0) return; if ("div")) selected = selected.parent(); // when the selected item is a parent var scrolling = document.getElementById(nav); var navHeight = navObj.height(); var offsetTop = selected.position().top; // handle nested items if (selected.parent().parent().is(".toggle-list")) { selected = selected.parent().parent(); // handle second level nested items if (selected.parent().parent().is(".toggle-list")) { selected = selected.parent().parent(); } offsetTop += selected.position().top; } // 180px from the bottom of the list is the threshold if(offsetTop > navHeight - 180) { scrolling.scrollTop = offsetTop - navHeight + 180; } } } function changeTabLang(lang) { var nodes = $("#header-tabs").find("."+lang); for (i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) { // for each node in this language var node = $(nodes[i]); node.siblings().css("display","none"); // hide all siblings if (node.not(":empty").length != 0) { //if this languages node has a translation, show it node.css("display","inline"); } else { //otherwise, show English instead node.css("display","none"); node.siblings().filter(".en").css("display","inline"); } } } function changeNavLang(lang) { var nodes = $("#side-nav").find("."+lang); for (i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) { // for each node in this language var node = $(nodes[i]); node.siblings().css("display","none"); // hide all siblings if (node.not(":empty").length != 0) { // if this languages node has a translation, show it node.css("display","inline"); } else { // otherwise, show English instead node.css("display","none"); node.siblings().filter(".en").css("display","inline"); } } } function changeDocLang(lang) { changeTabLang(lang); changeNavLang(lang); } function changeLangPref(lang, refresh) { var date = new Date(); expires = date.toGMTString(date.setTime(date.getTime()+(10*365*24*60*60*1000))); // keep this for 50 years //alert("expires: " + expires) writeCookie("pref_lang", lang, null, expires); //changeDocLang(lang); if (refresh) { l = getBaseUri(location.pathname); window.location = l; } } function loadLangPref() { var lang = readCookie("pref_lang"); if (lang != 0) { $("#language").find("option[value='"+lang+"']").attr("selected",true); } } function getLangPref() { var lang = $("#language").find(":selected").attr("value"); if (!lang) { lang = readCookie("pref_lang"); } return (lang != 0) ? lang : 'en'; } /* Used to hide and reveal supplemental content, such as long code samples. See the companion CSS in android-developer-docs.css */ function toggleContent(obj) { var div = $(obj.parentNode.parentNode); var toggleMe = $(".toggle-content-toggleme",div); if (div.hasClass("closed")) { // if it's closed, open it toggleMe.slideDown(); $(".toggle-content-text", obj).toggle(); div.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); $(".toggle-content-img", div).attr("title", "hide").attr("src", toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-opened.png"); } else { // if it's open, close it toggleMe.slideUp('fast', function() { // Wait until the animation is done before closing arrow $(".toggle-content-text", obj).toggle(); div.removeClass("open").addClass("closed"); $(".toggle-content-img", div).attr("title", "show").attr("src", toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-closed.png"); }); } return false; }