/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <bootloader_message/bootloader_message.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <android-base/file.h> #include <android-base/properties.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/unique_fd.h> #include <fs_mgr.h> static std::string get_misc_blk_device(std::string* err) { std::unique_ptr<fstab, decltype(&fs_mgr_free_fstab)> fstab(fs_mgr_read_fstab_default(), fs_mgr_free_fstab); if (!fstab) { *err = "failed to read default fstab"; return ""; } fstab_rec* record = fs_mgr_get_entry_for_mount_point(fstab.get(), "/misc"); if (record == nullptr) { *err = "failed to find /misc partition"; return ""; } return record->blk_device; } // In recovery mode, recovery can get started and try to access the misc // device before the kernel has actually created it. static bool wait_for_device(const std::string& blk_device, std::string* err) { int tries = 0; int ret; err->clear(); do { ++tries; struct stat buf; ret = stat(blk_device.c_str(), &buf); if (ret == -1) { *err += android::base::StringPrintf("failed to stat %s try %d: %s\n", blk_device.c_str(), tries, strerror(errno)); sleep(1); } } while (ret && tries < 10); if (ret) { *err += android::base::StringPrintf("failed to stat %s\n", blk_device.c_str()); } return ret == 0; } static bool read_misc_partition(void* p, size_t size, const std::string& misc_blk_device, size_t offset, std::string* err) { if (!wait_for_device(misc_blk_device, err)) { return false; } android::base::unique_fd fd(open(misc_blk_device.c_str(), O_RDONLY)); if (fd == -1) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to open %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } if (lseek(fd, static_cast<off_t>(offset), SEEK_SET) != static_cast<off_t>(offset)) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to lseek %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } if (!android::base::ReadFully(fd, p, size)) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to read %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; } static bool write_misc_partition(const void* p, size_t size, const std::string& misc_blk_device, size_t offset, std::string* err) { android::base::unique_fd fd(open(misc_blk_device.c_str(), O_WRONLY)); if (fd == -1) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to open %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } if (lseek(fd, static_cast<off_t>(offset), SEEK_SET) != static_cast<off_t>(offset)) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to lseek %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } if (!android::base::WriteFully(fd, p, size)) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to write %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } if (fsync(fd) == -1) { *err = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to fsync %s: %s", misc_blk_device.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; } bool read_bootloader_message_from(bootloader_message* boot, const std::string& misc_blk_device, std::string* err) { return read_misc_partition(boot, sizeof(*boot), misc_blk_device, BOOTLOADER_MESSAGE_OFFSET_IN_MISC, err); } bool read_bootloader_message(bootloader_message* boot, std::string* err) { std::string misc_blk_device = get_misc_blk_device(err); if (misc_blk_device.empty()) { return false; } return read_bootloader_message_from(boot, misc_blk_device, err); } bool write_bootloader_message_to(const bootloader_message& boot, const std::string& misc_blk_device, std::string* err) { return write_misc_partition(&boot, sizeof(boot), misc_blk_device, BOOTLOADER_MESSAGE_OFFSET_IN_MISC, err); } bool write_bootloader_message(const bootloader_message& boot, std::string* err) { std::string misc_blk_device = get_misc_blk_device(err); if (misc_blk_device.empty()) { return false; } return write_bootloader_message_to(boot, misc_blk_device, err); } bool clear_bootloader_message(std::string* err) { bootloader_message boot = {}; return write_bootloader_message(boot, err); } bool write_bootloader_message(const std::vector<std::string>& options, std::string* err) { bootloader_message boot = {}; strlcpy(boot.command, "boot-recovery", sizeof(boot.command)); strlcpy(boot.recovery, "recovery\n", sizeof(boot.recovery)); for (const auto& s : options) { strlcat(boot.recovery, s.c_str(), sizeof(boot.recovery)); if (s.back() != '\n') { strlcat(boot.recovery, "\n", sizeof(boot.recovery)); } } return write_bootloader_message(boot, err); } bool update_bootloader_message(const std::vector<std::string>& options, std::string* err) { bootloader_message boot; if (!read_bootloader_message(&boot, err)) { return false; } // Zero out the entire fields. memset(boot.command, 0, sizeof(boot.command)); memset(boot.recovery, 0, sizeof(boot.recovery)); strlcpy(boot.command, "boot-recovery", sizeof(boot.command)); strlcpy(boot.recovery, "recovery\n", sizeof(boot.recovery)); for (const auto& s : options) { strlcat(boot.recovery, s.c_str(), sizeof(boot.recovery)); if (s.back() != '\n') { strlcat(boot.recovery, "\n", sizeof(boot.recovery)); } } return write_bootloader_message(boot, err); } bool write_reboot_bootloader(std::string* err) { bootloader_message boot; if (!read_bootloader_message(&boot, err)) { return false; } if (boot.command[0] != '\0') { *err = "Bootloader command pending."; return false; } strlcpy(boot.command, "bootonce-bootloader", sizeof(boot.command)); return write_bootloader_message(boot, err); } bool read_wipe_package(std::string* package_data, size_t size, std::string* err) { std::string misc_blk_device = get_misc_blk_device(err); if (misc_blk_device.empty()) { return false; } package_data->resize(size); return read_misc_partition(&(*package_data)[0], size, misc_blk_device, WIPE_PACKAGE_OFFSET_IN_MISC, err); } bool write_wipe_package(const std::string& package_data, std::string* err) { std::string misc_blk_device = get_misc_blk_device(err); if (misc_blk_device.empty()) { return false; } return write_misc_partition(package_data.data(), package_data.size(), misc_blk_device, WIPE_PACKAGE_OFFSET_IN_MISC, err); } extern "C" bool write_reboot_bootloader(void) { std::string err; return write_reboot_bootloader(&err); } extern "C" bool write_bootloader_message(const char* options) { std::string err; return write_bootloader_message({options}, &err); }