#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Make sure msvs_large_pdb works correctly.
import TestGyp
import struct
import sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
print "This test is currently disabled: https://crbug.com/483696."
CHDIR = 'large-pdb'
def CheckImageAndPdb(test, image_basename, expected_page_size,
if not pdb_basename:
pdb_basename = image_basename + '.pdb'
test.built_file_must_exist(image_basename, chdir=CHDIR)
test.built_file_must_exist(pdb_basename, chdir=CHDIR)
# We expect the PDB to have the given page size. For full details of the
# header look here: https://code.google.com/p/pdbparser/wiki/MSF_Format
# We read the little-endian 4-byte unsigned integer at position 32 of the
# file.
pdb_path = test.built_file_path(pdb_basename, chdir=CHDIR)
pdb_file = open(pdb_path, 'rb')
pdb_file.seek(32, 0)
page_size = struct.unpack('<I', pdb_file.read(4))[0]
if page_size != expected_page_size:
print "Expected page size of %d, got %d for PDB file `%s'." % (
expected_page_size, page_size, pdb_path)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['msvs', 'ninja'])
test.run_gyp('large-pdb.gyp', chdir=CHDIR)
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'large_pdb_exe', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'large_pdb_exe.exe', 4096)
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'small_pdb_exe', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'small_pdb_exe.exe', 1024)
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'large_pdb_dll', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'large_pdb_dll.dll', 4096)
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'small_pdb_dll', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'small_pdb_dll.dll', 1024)
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'large_pdb_implicit_exe', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'large_pdb_implicit_exe.exe', 4096)
# This target has a different PDB name because it uses an
# 'msvs_large_pdb_path' variable.
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'large_pdb_variable_exe', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'large_pdb_variable_exe.exe', 4096,
# This target has a different output name because it uses 'product_name'.
test.build('large-pdb.gyp', 'large_pdb_product_exe', chdir=CHDIR)
CheckImageAndPdb(test, 'bar.exe', 4096)