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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Xcode supports build variable substitutions and CPP; sadly, that doesn't work
# because:
# 1. Xcode wants to do the Info.plist work before it runs any build phases,
#    this means if we were to generate a .h file for INFOPLIST_PREFIX_HEADER
#    we'd have to put it in another target so it runs in time.
# 2. Xcode also doesn't check to see if the header being used as a prefix for
#    the Info.plist has changed.  So even if we updated it, it's only looking
#    at the modtime of the info.plist to see if that's changed.
# So, we work around all of this by making a script build phase that will run
# during the app build, and simply update the info.plist in place.  This way
# by the time the app target is done, the info.plist is correct.

import optparse
import os
import plistlib
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

TOP = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

def _GetOutput(args):
  """Runs a subprocess and waits for termination. Returns (stdout, returncode)
  of the process. stderr is attached to the parent."""
  proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
  return (stdout, proc.returncode)

def _GetOutputNoError(args):
  """Similar to _GetOutput() but ignores stderr. If there's an error launching
  the child (like file not found), the exception will be caught and (None, 1)
  will be returned to mimic quiet failure."""
    proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  except OSError:
    return (None, 1)
  (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
  return (stdout, proc.returncode)

def _RemoveKeys(plist, *keys):
  """Removes a varargs of keys from the plist."""
  for key in keys:
      del plist[key]
    except KeyError:

def _AddVersionKeys(plist, version=None):
  """Adds the product version number into the plist. Returns True on success and
  False on error. The error will be printed to stderr."""
  if version:
    match = re.match('\d+\.\d+\.(\d+\.\d+)$', version)
    if not match:
      print >>sys.stderr, 'Invalid version string specified: "%s"' % version
      return False

    full_version = match.group(0)
    bundle_version = match.group(1)

    # Pull in the Chrome version number.
    VERSION_TOOL = os.path.join(TOP, 'build/util/version.py')
    VERSION_FILE = os.path.join(TOP, 'chrome/VERSION')

    (stdout, retval1) = _GetOutput([VERSION_TOOL, '-f', VERSION_FILE, '-t',
    full_version = stdout.rstrip()

    (stdout, retval2) = _GetOutput([VERSION_TOOL, '-f', VERSION_FILE, '-t',
    bundle_version = stdout.rstrip()

    # If either of the two version commands finished with non-zero returncode,
    # report the error up.
    if retval1 or retval2:
      return False

  # Add public version info so "Get Info" works.
  plist['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = full_version

  # Honor the 429496.72.95 limit.  The maximum comes from splitting 2^32 - 1
  # into  6, 2, 2 digits.  The limitation was present in Tiger, but it could
  # have been fixed in later OS release, but hasn't been tested (it's easy
  # enough to find out with "lsregister -dump).
  # http://lists.apple.com/archives/carbon-dev/2006/Jun/msg00139.html
  # BUILD will always be an increasing value, so BUILD_PATH gives us something
  # unique that meetings what LS wants.
  plist['CFBundleVersion'] = bundle_version

  # Return with no error.
  return True

def _DoSCMKeys(plist, add_keys):
  """Adds the SCM information, visible in about:version, to property list. If
  |add_keys| is True, it will insert the keys, otherwise it will remove them."""
  scm_revision = None
  if add_keys:
    # Pull in the Chrome revision number.
    VERSION_TOOL = os.path.join(TOP, 'build/util/version.py')
    LASTCHANGE_FILE = os.path.join(TOP, 'build/util/LASTCHANGE')
    (stdout, retval) = _GetOutput([VERSION_TOOL, '-f', LASTCHANGE_FILE, '-t',
    if retval:
      return False
    scm_revision = stdout.rstrip()

  # See if the operation failed.
  _RemoveKeys(plist, 'SCMRevision')
  if scm_revision != None:
    plist['SCMRevision'] = scm_revision
  elif add_keys:
    print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not determine SCM revision.  This may be OK.'

  return True

def _AddBreakpadKeys(plist, branding):
  """Adds the Breakpad keys. This must be called AFTER _AddVersionKeys() and
  also requires the |branding| argument."""
  plist['BreakpadReportInterval'] = '3600'  # Deliberately a string.
  plist['BreakpadProduct'] = '%s_Mac' % branding
  plist['BreakpadProductDisplay'] = branding
  plist['BreakpadVersion'] = plist['CFBundleShortVersionString']
  # These are both deliberately strings and not boolean.
  plist['BreakpadSendAndExit'] = 'YES'
  plist['BreakpadSkipConfirm'] = 'YES'

def _RemoveBreakpadKeys(plist):
  """Removes any set Breakpad keys."""

def _TagSuffixes():
  # Keep this list sorted in the order that tag suffix components are to
  # appear in a tag value. That is to say, it should be sorted per ASCII.
  components = ('full',)
  assert tuple(sorted(components)) == components

  components_len = len(components)
  combinations = 1 << components_len
  tag_suffixes = []
  for combination in xrange(0, combinations):
    tag_suffix = ''
    for component_index in xrange(0, components_len):
      if combination & (1 << component_index):
        tag_suffix += '-' + components[component_index]
  return tag_suffixes

def _AddKeystoneKeys(plist, bundle_identifier):
  """Adds the Keystone keys. This must be called AFTER _AddVersionKeys() and
  also requires the |bundle_identifier| argument (com.example.product)."""
  plist['KSVersion'] = plist['CFBundleShortVersionString']
  plist['KSProductID'] = bundle_identifier
  plist['KSUpdateURL'] = 'https://tools.google.com/service/update2'

  _RemoveKeys(plist, 'KSChannelID')
  for tag_suffix in _TagSuffixes():
    if tag_suffix:
      plist['KSChannelID' + tag_suffix] = tag_suffix

def _RemoveKeystoneKeys(plist):
  """Removes any set Keystone keys."""

  tag_keys = []
  for tag_suffix in _TagSuffixes():
    tag_keys.append('KSChannelID' + tag_suffix)
  _RemoveKeys(plist, *tag_keys)

def Main(argv):
  parser = optparse.OptionParser('%prog [options]')
  parser.add_option('--plist', dest='plist_path', action='store',
      type='string', default=None, help='The path of the plist to tweak.')
  parser.add_option('--output', dest='plist_output', action='store',
      type='string', default=None, help='If specified, the path to output ' + \
      'the tweaked plist, rather than overwriting the input.')
  parser.add_option('--breakpad', dest='use_breakpad', action='store',
      type='int', default=False, help='Enable Breakpad [1 or 0]')
  parser.add_option('--breakpad_uploads', dest='breakpad_uploads',
      action='store', type='int', default=False,
      help='Enable Breakpad\'s uploading of crash dumps [1 or 0]')
  parser.add_option('--keystone', dest='use_keystone', action='store',
      type='int', default=False, help='Enable Keystone [1 or 0]')
  parser.add_option('--scm', dest='add_scm_info', action='store', type='int',
      default=True, help='Add SCM metadata [1 or 0]')
  parser.add_option('--branding', dest='branding', action='store',
      type='string', default=None, help='The branding of the binary')
  parser.add_option('--bundle_id', dest='bundle_identifier',
      action='store', type='string', default=None,
      help='The bundle id of the binary')
  parser.add_option('--version', dest='version', action='store', type='string',
      default=None, help='The version string [major.minor.build.patch]')
  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)

  if len(args) > 0:
    print >>sys.stderr, parser.get_usage()
    return 1

  if not options.plist_path:
    print >>sys.stderr, 'No --plist specified.'
    return 1

  # Read the plist into its parsed format.
  plist = plistlib.readPlist(options.plist_path)

  # Insert the product version.
  if not _AddVersionKeys(plist, version=options.version):
    return 2

  # Add Breakpad if configured to do so.
  if options.use_breakpad:
    if options.branding is None:
      print >>sys.stderr, 'Use of Breakpad requires branding.'
      return 1
    _AddBreakpadKeys(plist, options.branding)
    if options.breakpad_uploads:
      plist['BreakpadURL'] = 'https://clients2.google.com/cr/report'
      # This allows crash dumping to a file without uploading the
      # dump, for testing purposes.  Breakpad does not recognise
      # "none" as a special value, but this does stop crash dump
      # uploading from happening.  We need to specify something
      # because if "BreakpadURL" is not present, Breakpad will not
      # register its crash handler and no crash dumping will occur.
      plist['BreakpadURL'] = 'none'

  # Add Keystone if configured to do so.
  if options.use_keystone:
    if options.bundle_identifier is None:
      print >>sys.stderr, 'Use of Keystone requires the bundle id.'
      return 1
    _AddKeystoneKeys(plist, options.bundle_identifier)

  # Adds or removes any SCM keys.
  if not _DoSCMKeys(plist, options.add_scm_info):
    return 3

  # Now that all keys have been mutated, rewrite the file.
  temp_info_plist = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
  plistlib.writePlist(plist, temp_info_plist.name)

  # Info.plist will work perfectly well in any plist format, but traditionally
  # applications use xml1 for this, so convert it to ensure that it's valid.
  output_path = options.plist_path
  if options.plist_output is not None:
    output_path = options.plist_output
  proc = subprocess.Popen(['plutil', '-convert', 'xml1',
                           '-o', output_path,
  return proc.returncode

if __name__ == '__main__':