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Parses a variety of ``Accept-*`` headers.

These headers generally take the form of::

    value1; q=0.5, value2; q=0

Where the ``q`` parameter is optional.  In theory other parameters
exists, but this ignores them.

import re

from webob.headers import _trans_name as header_to_key
from webob.util import (

part_re = re.compile(

def _warn_first_match():
    # TODO: remove .first_match in version 1.3
    warn_deprecation("Use best_match instead", '1.2', 3)

class Accept(object):
    Represents a generic ``Accept-*`` style header.

    This object should not be modified.  To add items you can use
    ``accept_obj + 'accept_thing'`` to get a new object

    def __init__(self, header_value):
        self.header_value = header_value
        self._parsed = list(self.parse(header_value))
        self._parsed_nonzero = [(m,q) for (m,q) in self._parsed if q]

    def parse(value):
        Parse ``Accept-*`` style header.

        Return iterator of ``(value, quality)`` pairs.
        ``quality`` defaults to 1.
        for match in part_re.finditer(','+value):
            name = match.group(1)
            if name == 'q':
            quality = match.group(2) or ''
            if quality:
                    quality = max(min(float(quality), 1), 0)
                    yield (name, quality)
                except ValueError:
            yield (name, 1)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s(%r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))

    def __iter__(self):
        for m,q in sorted(
            key=lambda i: i[1],
            yield m

    def __str__(self):
        result = []
        for mask, quality in self._parsed:
            if quality != 1:
                mask = '%s;q=%0.*f' % (
                    mask, min(len(str(quality).split('.')[1]), 3), quality)
        return ', '.join(result)

    def __add__(self, other, reversed=False):
        if isinstance(other, Accept):
            other = other.header_value
        if hasattr(other, 'items'):
            other = sorted(other.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1])
        if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)):
            result = []
            for item in other:
                if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
                    name, quality = item
                    result.append('%s; q=%s' % (name, quality))
            other = ', '.join(result)
        other = str(other)
        my_value = self.header_value
        if reversed:
            other, my_value = my_value, other
        if not other:
            new_value = my_value
        elif not my_value:
            new_value = other
            new_value = my_value + ', ' + other
        return self.__class__(new_value)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self.__add__(other, True)

    def __contains__(self, offer):
        Returns true if the given object is listed in the accepted
        for mask, quality in self._parsed_nonzero:
            if self._match(mask, offer):
                return True

    def quality(self, offer, modifier=1):
        Return the quality of the given offer.  Returns None if there
        is no match (not 0).
        bestq = 0
        for mask, q in self._parsed:
            if self._match(mask, offer):
                bestq = max(bestq, q * modifier)
        return bestq or None

    def first_match(self, offers):
        Returns the first allowed offered type. Ignores quality.
        Returns the first offered type if nothing else matches; or if you include None
        at the end of the match list then that will be returned.

    def best_match(self, offers, default_match=None):
        Returns the best match in the sequence of offered types.

        The sequence can be a simple sequence, or you can have
        ``(match, server_quality)`` items in the sequence.  If you
        have these tuples then the client quality is multiplied by the
        server_quality to get a total.  If two matches have equal
        weight, then the one that shows up first in the `offers` list
        will be returned.

        But among matches with the same quality the match to a more specific
        requested type will be chosen. For example a match to text/* trumps */*.

        default_match (default None) is returned if there is no intersection.
        best_quality = -1
        best_offer = default_match
        matched_by = '*/*'
        for offer in offers:
            if isinstance(offer, (tuple, list)):
                offer, server_quality = offer
                server_quality = 1
            for mask, quality in self._parsed_nonzero:
                possible_quality = server_quality * quality
                if possible_quality < best_quality:
                elif possible_quality == best_quality:
                    # 'text/plain' overrides 'message/*' overrides '*/*'
                    # (if all match w/ the same q=)
                    if matched_by.count('*') <= mask.count('*'):
                if self._match(mask, offer):
                    best_quality = possible_quality
                    best_offer = offer
                    matched_by = mask
        return best_offer

    def _match(self, mask, offer):
        return mask == '*' or offer.lower() == mask.lower()

class NilAccept(object):
    MasterClass = Accept

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.MasterClass)

    def __str__(self):
        return ''

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return False
    __bool__ = __nonzero__ # python 3

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(())

    def __add__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, self.MasterClass):
            return item
            return self.MasterClass('') + item

    def __radd__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, self.MasterClass):
            return item
            return item + self.MasterClass('')

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return True

    def quality(self, offer, default_quality=1):
        return 0

    def first_match(self, offers): # pragma: no cover

    def best_match(self, offers, default_match=None):
        best_quality = -1
        best_offer = default_match
        for offer in offers:
            if isinstance(offer, (list, tuple)):
                offer, quality = offer
                quality = 1
            if quality > best_quality:
                best_offer = offer
                best_quality = quality
        return best_offer

class NoAccept(NilAccept):
    def __contains__(self, item):
        return False

class AcceptCharset(Accept):
    def parse(value):
        latin1_found = False
        for m, q in Accept.parse(value):
            _m = m.lower()
            if _m == '*' or _m == 'iso-8859-1':
                latin1_found = True
            yield _m, q
        if not latin1_found:
            yield ('iso-8859-1', 1)

class AcceptLanguage(Accept):
    def _match(self, mask, item):
        item = item.replace('_', '-').lower()
        mask = mask.lower()
        return (mask == '*'
            or item == mask
            or item.split('-')[0] == mask
            or item == mask.split('-')[0]

class MIMEAccept(Accept):
        Represents the ``Accept`` header, which is a list of mimetypes.

        This class knows about mime wildcards, like ``image/*``
    def parse(value):
        for mask, q in Accept.parse(value):
                mask_major, mask_minor = map(lambda x: x.lower(), mask.split('/'))
            except ValueError:
            if mask_major == '*' and mask_minor != '*':
            if mask_major != "*" and "*" in mask_major:
            if mask_minor != "*" and "*" in mask_minor:
            yield ("%s/%s" % (mask_major, mask_minor), q)

    def accept_html(self):
        Returns true if any HTML-like type is accepted
        return ('text/html' in self
                or 'application/xhtml+xml' in self
                or 'application/xml' in self
                or 'text/xml' in self)

    accepts_html = property(accept_html) # note the plural

    def _match(self, mask, offer):
            Check if the offer is covered by the mask
        if '*' not in mask:
            return offer.lower() == mask.lower()
        elif mask == '*/*':
            return True
            assert mask.endswith('/*')
            mask_major = mask[:-2].lower()
            offer_major = offer.split('/', 1)[0].lower()
            return offer_major == mask_major

class MIMENilAccept(NilAccept):
    MasterClass = MIMEAccept

def _check_offer(offer):
    if '*' in offer:
        raise ValueError("The application should offer specific types, got %r" % offer)

def accept_property(header, rfc_section,
    AcceptClass=Accept, NilClass=NilAccept
    key = header_to_key(header)
    doc = header_docstring(header, rfc_section)
    #doc += "  Converts it as a %s." % convert_name
    def fget(req):
        value = req.environ.get(key)
        if not value:
            return NilClass()
        return AcceptClass(value)
    def fset(req, val):
        if val:
            if isinstance(val, (list, tuple, dict)):
                val = AcceptClass('') + val
            val = str(val)
        req.environ[key] = val or None
    def fdel(req):
        del req.environ[key]
    return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)