The templating language is fairly simple, just {{stuff}}. For
>>> from paste.util.template import Template, sub
>>> sub('Hi {{name}}', name='Ian')
'Hi Ian'
>>> Template('Hi {{repr(name)}}').substitute(name='Ian')
"Hi 'Ian'"
>>> Template('Hi {{name+1}}').substitute(name='Ian')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects at line 1 column 6
It also has Django-style piping::
>>> sub('Hi {{name|repr}}', name='Ian')
"Hi 'Ian'"
Note that None shows up as an empty string::
>>> sub('Hi {{name}}', name=None)
'Hi '
And if/elif/else::
>>> t = Template('{{if x}}{{y}}{{else}}{{z}}{{endif}}')
>>> t.substitute(x=1, y=2, z=3)
>>> t.substitute(x=0, y=2, z=3)
>>> t = Template('{{if x > 0}}positive{{elif x < 0}}negative{{else}}zero{{endif}}')
>>> t.substitute(x=1), t.substitute(x=-10), t.substitute(x=0)
('positive', 'negative', 'zero')
Plus a for loop::
>>> t = Template('{{for i in x}}i={{i}}\n{{endfor}}')
>>> t.substitute(x=range(3))
>>> t = Template('{{for a, b in sorted(z.items()):}}{{a}}={{b}},{{endfor}}')
>>> t.substitute(z={1: 2, 3: 4})
>>> t = Template('{{for i in x}}{{if not i}}{{break}}'
... '{{endif}}{{i}} {{endfor}}')
>>> t.substitute(x=[1, 2, 0, 3, 4])
'1 2 '
>>> t = Template('{{for i in x}}{{if not i}}{{continue}}'
... '{{endif}}{{i}} {{endfor}}')
>>> t.substitute(x=[1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4])
'1 2 3 4 '
Also Python blocks::
>>> sub('{{py:\nx=1\n}}{{x}}')
And some syntax errors::
>>> t = Template('{{if x}}', name='foo.html')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TemplateError: No {{endif}} at line 1 column 3 in foo.html
>>> t = Template('{{for x}}', name='foo2.html')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TemplateError: Bad for (no "in") in 'x' at line 1 column 3 in foo2.html
There's also an HTMLTemplate that uses HTMLisms::
>>> from paste.util.template import HTMLTemplate, sub_html, html
>>> sub_html('hi {{name}}', name='<foo>')
'hi <foo>'
But if you don't want quoting to happen you can do::
>>> sub_html('hi {{name}}', name=html('<foo>'))
'hi <foo>'
>>> sub_html('hi {{name|html}}', name='<foo>')
'hi <foo>'
Also a couple handy functions;:
>>> t = HTMLTemplate('<a href="article?id={{id|url}}" {{attr(class_=class_)}}>')
>>> t.substitute(id=1, class_='foo')
'<a href="article?id=1" class="foo">'
>>> t.substitute(id='with space', class_=None)
'<a href="article?id=with%20space" >'
There's a handyish looper thing you can also use in your templates (or
in Python, but it's more useful in templates generally)::
>>> from paste.util.looper import looper
>>> seq = ['apple', 'asparagus', 'Banana', 'orange']
>>> for loop, item in looper(seq):
... if item == 'apple':
... assert loop.first
... elif item == 'orange':
... assert loop.last
... if loop.first_group(lambda i: i[0].upper()):
... print '%s:' % item[0].upper()
... print loop.number, item
1 apple
2 asparagus
3 Banana
4 orange
It will also strip out empty lines, when there is a line that only
contains a directive/statement (if/for, etc)::
>>> sub('{{if 1}}\n{{x}}\n{{endif}}\n', x=0)
>>> sub('{{if 1}}x={{x}}\n{{endif}}\n', x=1)
>>> sub('{{if 1}}\nx={{x}}\n{{endif}}\n', x=1)
Lastly, there is a special directive that will create a default value
for a variable, if no value is given::
>>> sub('{{default x=1}}{{x}}', x=2)
>>> sub('{{default x=1}}{{x}}')
>>> # The normal case:
>>> sub('{{x}}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'x' is not defined at line 1 column 3
And comments work::
>>> sub('Test=x{{#whatever}}')