# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A test verifying Address Space Layout Randomization
Uses system calls to get important pids and then gets information about
the pids in /proc/<pid>/maps. Restarts the tested processes and reads
information about them again. If ASLR is enabled, memory mappings should
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import upstart
import logging
import time
import pprint
import re
def _pidof(exe_name):
"""Returns the PID of the first process with the given name."""
pid = utils.system_output('pidof %s' % exe_name, ignore_status=True).strip()
if len(pid.split()) > 1:
pid = pid.split()[0]
return pid
class Process(object):
"""Holds information about a process.
Stores basic information about a process. This class is a base for
UpstartProcess and SystemdProcess declared below.
_name: String name of process.
_service_name: Name of the service corresponding to the process.
_parent: String name of process's parent. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self, name, service_name, parent=None):
self._name = name
self._service_name = service_name
self._parent = parent
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def get_pid(self):
"""Gets pid of process, waiting for it if not found.
error.TestFail: corresponding process is not found.
retries = 0
ps_results = ""
while retries < self._START_TIMEOUT:
if self._parent is None:
ps_results = _pidof(self._name)
ppid = _pidof(self._parent)
get_pid_command = ('ps -C %s -o pid,ppid | grep " %s$"'
' | awk \'{print $1}\'') % (self._name, ppid)
ps_results = utils.system_output(get_pid_command).strip()
if ps_results != "":
return ps_results
# The process could not be found. We then sleep, hoping the
# process is just slow to initially start.
retries += 1
# We never saw the process, so abort with details on who was missing.
raise error.TestFail('Never saw a pid for "%s"' % (self._name))
class UpstartProcess(Process):
"""Represents an Upstart service."""
def exists(self):
"""Checks if the service is present in Upstart configuration."""
return upstart.has_service(self._service_name)
def restart(self):
"""Restarts the process via initctl."""
utils.system('initctl restart %s' % self._service_name)
class SystemdProcess(Process):
"""Represents an systemd service."""
def exists(self):
"""Checks if the service is present in systemd configuration."""
cmd = 'systemctl show -p LoadState %s.service' % self._service_name
output = utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).strip()
return output == 'LoadState=loaded'
def restart(self):
"""Restarts the process via systemctl."""
utils.system('systemctl restart %s' % self._service_name)
class Mapping(object):
"""Holds information about a process's address mapping.
Stores information about one memory mapping for a process.
_name: String name of process/memory occupying the location.
_start: String containing memory address range start.
def __init__(self, name, start):
self._start = start
self._name = name
def set_start(self, new_value):
self._start = new_value
def get_start(self):
return self._start
def __repr__(self):
return "<mapping %s %s>" % (self._name, self._start)
class security_ASLR(test.test):
"""Runs ASLR tests
See top document comments for more information.
version: Current version of the test.
version = 1
_ASAN_SYMBOL = "__asan_init"
# 'update_engine' should at least be present on all boards.
_PROCESS_LIST = [UpstartProcess('chrome', 'ui', parent='session_manager'),
UpstartProcess('debugd', 'debugd'),
UpstartProcess('update_engine', 'update-engine'),
SystemdProcess('update_engine', 'update-engine')]
def get_processes_to_test(self):
"""Gets processes to test for main function.
Called by run_once to get processes for this program to test.
Filters binaries that actually exist on the system.
This has to be a method because it constructs process objects.
A list of process objects to be tested (see below for
definition of process class).
return [p for p in self._PROCESS_LIST if p.exists()]
def running_on_asan(self):
"""Returns whether we're running on ASan."""
# -q, --quiet * Only output 'bad' things
# -F, --format <arg> * Use specified format for output
# -g, --gmatch * Use regex rather than string compare (with -s)
# -s, --symbol <arg> * Find a specified symbol
scanelf_command = "scanelf -qF'%s#F'"
scanelf_command += " -gs %s `which debugd`" % self._ASAN_SYMBOL
symbol = utils.system_output(scanelf_command)
logging.debug("running_on_asan(): symbol: '%s', _ASAN_SYMBOL: '%s'",
symbol, self._ASAN_SYMBOL)
return symbol != ""
def test_randomization(self, process):
"""Tests ASLR of a single process.
This is the main test function for the program. It creates data
structures out of useful information from sampling /proc/<pid>/maps
after restarting the process and then compares address starting
locations of all executable, stack, and heap memory from each iteration.
@param process: a process object representing the process to be tested.
A dict containing a Boolean for whether or not the test passed
and a list of string messages about passing/failing cases.
test_result = dict([('pass', True), ('results', []), ('cases', dict())])
name = process.get_name()
mappings = list()
pid = -1
for i in range(self._TEST_ITERATION_COUNT):
new_pid = process.get_pid()
if pid == new_pid:
raise error.TestFail(
'Service "%s" retained PID %d after restart.' % (name, pid))
pid = new_pid
logging.debug('Complete mappings dump for process %s:\n%s',
name, pprint.pformat(mappings, 4))
initial_map = mappings[0]
for i, mapping in enumerate(mappings[1:]):
logging.debug('Iteration %d', i)
for key in mapping.iterkeys():
# Set default case result to fail, pass when an address change
# occurs.
if not test_result['cases'].has_key(key):
test_result['cases'][key] = dict([('pass', False),
('number', 0),
('total', self._TEST_ITERATION_COUNT)])
was_same = (initial_map.has_key(key) and
initial_map[key].get_start() ==
if was_same:
logging.debug("Bad: %s address didn't change", key)
logging.debug('Good: %s address changed', key)
test_result['cases'][key]['number'] += 1
test_result['cases'][key]['pass'] = True
for case, result in test_result['cases'].iteritems():
if result['pass']:
test_result['results'].append( '[PASS] Address for %s '
'successfully changed' % case)
test_result['results'].append('[FAIL] Address for %s had '
'deterministic value: %s' % (case,
test_result['pass'] = test_result['pass'] and result['pass']
return test_result
def map(self, pid):
"""Creates data structure from table in /proc/<pid>/maps.
Gets all data from /proc/<pid>/maps, parses each entry, and saves
entries corresponding to executable, stack, or heap memory into
a dictionary.
@param pid: a string containing the pid to be tested.
A dict mapping names to mapping objects (see above for mapping
memory_map = dict()
maps_file = open("/proc/%s/maps" % pid)
for maps_line in maps_file:
result = self.parse_result(maps_line)
if result is None:
name = result['name']
start = result['start']
perms = result['perms']
is_memory = name == '[heap]' or name == '[stack]'
is_useful = re.search('x', perms) is not None or is_memory
if not is_useful:
if not name in memory_map:
memory_map[name] = Mapping(name, start)
elif memory_map[name].get_start() < start:
return memory_map
def parse_result(self, result):
"""Builds dictionary from columns of a line of /proc/<pid>/maps
Uses regular expressions to determine column separations. Puts
column data into a dict mapping column names to their string values.
@param result: one line of /proc/<pid>/maps as a string, for any <pid>.
None if the regular expression wasn't matched. Otherwise:
A dict of string column names mapped to their string values.
For example:
{'start': '9e981700000', 'end': '9e981800000', 'perms': 'rwxp',
'something': '00000000', 'major': '00', 'minor': '00', 'inode':
# Build regex to parse one line of proc maps table.
memory = r'(?P<start>\w+)-(?P<end>\w+)'
perms = r'(?P<perms>(r|-)(w|-)(x|-)(s|p))'
something = r'(?P<something>\w+)'
devices = r'(?P<major>\w+):(?P<minor>\w+)'
inode = r'(?P<inode>[0-9]+)'
name = r'(?P<name>([a-zA-Z0-9/]+|\[heap\]|\[stack\]))'
regex = r'%s +%s +%s +%s +%s +%s' % (memory, perms, something,
devices, inode, name)
found_match = re.match(regex, result)
if found_match is None:
return None
parsed_result = found_match.groupdict()
return parsed_result
def run_once(self):
"""Main function.
Called when test is run. Gets processes to test and calls test on
error.TestFail if any processes' memory mapping addresses are the
same after restarting.
if self.running_on_asan():
logging.warning("security_ASLR is not available on ASan.")
processes = self.get_processes_to_test()
# If we don't find any of the processes we wanted to test, we fail.
if len(processes) == 0:
proc_names = ", ".join([p.get_name() for p in self._PROCESS_LIST])
raise error.TestFail(
'Could not find any of "%s" processes to test' % proc_names)
aslr_enabled = True
full_results = dict()
for process in processes:
test_results = self.test_randomization(process)
full_results[process.get_name()] = test_results['results']
if not test_results['pass']:
aslr_enabled = False
for process_name, results in full_results.iteritems():
logging.debug('Results for %s:', process_name)
for result in results:
if not aslr_enabled:
raise error.TestFail('One or more processes had deterministic '
'memory mappings')