# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, numpy, random, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import power_suspend, sys_power
class power_SuspendStress(test.test):
version = 1
def initialize(self, duration, idle=False, init_delay=0, min_suspend=0,
min_resume=0, interface=None):
Entry point.
@param duration: total run time of the test
@param idle: use sys_power.idle_suspend method.
(use with dummy_IdleSuspend)
@param init_delay: wait this many seconds before starting the test to
give parallel tests time to get started
@param min_suspend: suspend durations will be chosen randomly out of
the interval between min_suspend and min_suspend + 3 seconds.
@param min_resume: minimal time in seconds between suspends.
@param interface: network interface used to connect to the server. If
specified, will reboot the DUT if the interface is not coming
back after suspend.
self._duration = duration
self._init_delay = init_delay
self._min_suspend = min_suspend
self._min_resume = min_resume
self._interface = interface
self._method = sys_power.idle_suspend if idle else sys_power.do_suspend
def run_once(self):
self._suspender = power_suspend.Suspender(
self.resultsdir, method=self._method)
timeout = time.time() + self._duration
while time.time() < timeout:
time.sleep(self._min_resume + random.randint(0, 3))
# Check the network interface to the caller is still available
if self._interface:
link_status = None
with open('/sys/class/net/' + self._interface +
'/operstate') as link_file:
link_status = link_file.readline().strip()
if link_status != 'up':
logging.error('Link to the server gone, reboot')
self._suspender.suspend(random.randint(0, 3) + self._min_suspend)
def postprocess_iteration(self):
if self._suspender.successes:
keyvals = {'suspend_iterations': len(self._suspender.successes)}
for key in self._suspender.successes[0]:
values = [result[key] for result in self._suspender.successes]
keyvals[key + '_mean'] = numpy.mean(values)
keyvals[key + '_stddev'] = numpy.std(values)
keyvals[key + '_min'] = numpy.amin(values)
keyvals[key + '_max'] = numpy.amax(values)
if self._suspender.failures:
total = len(self._suspender.failures)
iterations = len(self._suspender.successes) + total
timeout = kernel = firmware = spurious = 0
for failure in self._suspender.failures:
if type(failure) is sys_power.SuspendTimeout: timeout += 1
if type(failure) is sys_power.KernelError: kernel += 1
if type(failure) is sys_power.FirmwareError: firmware += 1
if type(failure) is sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError: spurious += 1
if total == kernel + timeout:
raise error.TestWarn('%d non-fatal suspend failures in %d '
'iterations (%d timeouts, %d kernel warnings)' %
(total, iterations, timeout, kernel))
if total == 1:
# just throw it as is, makes aggregation on dashboards easier
raise self._suspender.failures[0]
raise error.TestFail('%d suspend failures in %d iterations (%d '
'timeouts, %d kernel warnings, %d firmware errors, %d '
'spurious wakeups)' %
(total, iterations, timeout, kernel, firmware, spurious))
def cleanup(self):
Clean this up before we wait ages for all the log copying to finish...