# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, re
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.bin import site_utils, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class hardware_Smartctl(test.test):
Run smartctl to retrieve S.M.A.R.T attribute and report in keyval format.
version = 1
_SMARTCTL_DEVICE_MODEL_PATTERN = 'Device Model: *(?P<model>[^ ].*)$'
_SMARTCTL_RESULT_PATTERN = '.*[P-][O-][S-][R-][C-][K-].*'
# Temporary table: This value should be in smartctl in March 2014
# http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/smartmontools/ticket/272
'SanDisk SSD i100': {
171 : 'Program_Fail_Count',
172 : 'Erase_Fail_Count',
173 : 'Average_Write_Erase_Count',
174 : 'Unexpected_Power_Loss_Count',
230 : 'Percent_Write_Erase_Count',
234 : 'Percent_Write_Erase_Count_BC'
def run_once(self, iteration=1, dev=''):
Read S.M.A.R.T attribute from target device
@param dev: target device
if dev == '':
logging.info('Run rootdev to determine boot device')
dev = site_utils.get_root_device()
logging.info(str('dev: %s' % dev))
# Skip this test if dev is an eMMC device without raising an error
if re.match('.*mmc.*', dev):
logging.info('Target device is an eMMC device. Skip testing')
self.write_perf_keyval({'device_model' : 'eMMC'})
last_result = ''
# run multiple time to test the firmware part that retrieve SMART value
for loop in range(1, iteration + 1):
cmd = 'smartctl -a -f brief %s' % dev
result = utils.run(cmd, ignore_status=True)
exit_status = result.exit_status
result_text = result.stdout
result_lines = result_text.split('\n')
# log all line if line count is different
# otherwise log only changed line
if result_text != last_result:
logging.info(str('Iteration #%d' % loop))
last_result_lines = last_result.split('\n')
if len(last_result_lines) != len(result_lines):
for line in result_lines:
for i, line in enumerate(result_lines):
if line != last_result_lines[i]:
last_result = result_text
# Ignore error other than first two bits
if exit_status & 0x3:
# Error message should be in 4th line of the output
msg = 'Test failed with error: %s' % result_lines[3]
raise error.TestFail(msg)
logging.info(str('smartctl exit status: 0x%x' % exit_status))
# find drive model
lookup_table = {}
pattern = re.compile(self._SMARTCTL_DEVICE_MODEL_PATTERN)
for line in result_lines:
if pattern.match(line):
model = pattern.match(line).group('model')
for known_model in self._SMARTCTL_LOOKUP_TABLE:
if model.startswith(known_model):
lookup_table = self._SMARTCTL_LOOKUP_TABLE[known_model]
raise error.TestFail('Can not find drive model')
# Example of smart ctl result
# 12 Power_Cycle_Count -O---- 100 100 000 - 204
# use flag field to find a valid line
pattern = re.compile(self._SMARTCTL_RESULT_PATTERN)
keyval = {}
fail = []
for line in result_lines:
if not pattern.match(line):
field = line.split()
id = int(field[0])
if id in lookup_table:
# look up table overwrite smartctl name
key = lookup_table[id]
key = field[1] # ATTRIBUTE_NAME
if key == 'Unknown_Attribute':
key = "Smart_Attribute_ID_%d" % id
keyval[key] = field[7] # RAW_VALUE
# check for failing attribute
if field[6] != '-':
fail += [key]
if len(keyval) == 0:
raise error.TestFail(
'Test failed with error: Can not parse smartctl keyval')
if len(fail) > 0:
keyval['fail'] = fail
keyval['exit_status'] = exit_status
keyval['device_model'] = model