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# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import logging
import os

from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import perf
from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper
from autotest_lib.client.cros.graphics import graphics_utils

class graphics_GLBench(test.test):
  """Run glbench, a benchmark that times graphics intensive activities."""
  version = 1
  preserve_srcdir = True
  _services = None

  # Good images.
  reference_images_file = 'deps/glbench/glbench_reference_images.txt'
  # Images that are bad but for which the bug has not been fixed yet.
  knownbad_images_file = 'deps/glbench/glbench_knownbad_images.txt'
  # Images that are bad and for which a fix has been submitted.
  fixedbad_images_file = 'deps/glbench/glbench_fixedbad_images.txt'

  # These tests do not draw anything, they can only be used to check
  # performance.
  no_checksum_tests = set([
      'swap_glsimple', ])

  blacklist = ''

  unit_higher_is_better = {
    'mpixels_sec': True,
    'mtexel_sec': True,
    'mtri_sec': True,
    'mvtx_sec': True,
    'us': False,
    '1280x768_fps': True }

  GSC = None

  def setup(self):

  def initialize(self):
    self.GSC = graphics_utils.GraphicsStateChecker()
    # If UI is running, we must stop it and restore later.
    self._services = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(['ui'])

  def cleanup(self):
    if self._services:
    if self.GSC:
      keyvals = self.GSC.get_memory_keyvals()
      for key, val in keyvals.iteritems():
        self.output_perf_value(description=key, value=val,
                               units='bytes', higher_is_better=False)

  def report_temperature(self, keyname):
    """Report current max observed temperature with given keyname.

    @param keyname: key to be used when reporting perf value.
    temperature = utils.get_temperature_input_max()
    logging.info('%s = %f degree Celsius', keyname, temperature)
    self.output_perf_value(description=keyname, value=temperature,
                           units='Celsius', higher_is_better=False)

  def report_temperature_critical(self, keyname):
    """Report temperature at which we will see throttling with given keyname.

    @param keyname: key to be used when reporting perf value.
    temperature = utils.get_temperature_critical()
    logging.info('%s = %f degree Celsius', keyname, temperature)
    self.output_perf_value(description=keyname, value=temperature,
                           units='Celsius', higher_is_better=False)

  def is_no_checksum_test(self, testname):
    """Check if given test requires no screenshot checksum.

    @param testname: name of test to check.
    for prefix in self.no_checksum_tests:
      if testname.startswith(prefix):
        return True
    return False

  def load_imagenames(self, filename):
    """Loads text file with MD5 file names.

    @param filename: name of file to load.
    imagenames = os.path.join(self.autodir, filename)
    with open(imagenames, 'r') as f:
      imagenames = f.read()
      return imagenames

  def run_once(self, options='', hasty=False):
    dep = 'glbench'
    dep_dir = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'deps', dep)
    self.job.install_pkg(dep, 'dep', dep_dir)

    options += self.blacklist

    # Run the test, saving is optional and helps with debugging
    # and reference image management. If unknown images are
    # encountered one can take them from the outdir and copy
    # them (after verification) into the reference image dir.
    exefile = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'deps/glbench/glbench')
    outdir = self.outputdir
    options += ' -save -outdir=' + outdir
    # Using the -hasty option we run only a subset of tests without waiting
    # for thermals to normalize. Test should complete in 15-20 seconds.
    if hasty:
      options += ' -hasty'

    cmd = '%s %s' % (exefile, options)
    if not utils.is_freon():
      cmd = 'X :1 vt1 & sleep 1; chvt 1 && DISPLAY=:1 ' + cmd
    summary = None
      if hasty:
        # On BVT the test will not monitor thermals so we will not verify its
        # correct status using PerfControl
        summary = utils.run(cmd,
                            stderr_is_expected = False,
                            stdout_tee = utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
                            stderr_tee = utils.TEE_TO_LOGS).stdout
        # Wrap the test run inside of a PerfControl instance to make machine
        # behavior more consistent.
        with perf.PerfControl() as pc:
          if not pc.verify_is_valid():
            raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())

          # Run the test. If it gets the CPU too hot pc should notice.
          summary = utils.run(cmd,
                              stderr_is_expected = False,
                              stdout_tee = utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
                              stderr_tee = utils.TEE_TO_LOGS).stdout
          if not pc.verify_is_valid():
            raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())
      if not utils.is_freon():
        # Just sending SIGTERM to X is not enough; we must wait for it to
        # really die before we start a new X server (ie start ui).

    # Write a copy of stdout to help debug failures.
    results_path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'summary.txt')
    f = open(results_path, 'w+')
    f.write('# ---------------------------------------------------\n')
    f.write('# [' + cmd + ']\n')
    f.write('\n# -------------------------------------------------\n')
    f.write('# [graphics_GLBench.py postprocessing]\n')

    # Analyze the output. Sample:
    ## board_id: NVIDIA Corporation - Quadro FX 380/PCI/SSE2
    ## Running: ../glbench -save -outdir=img
    #swap_swap = 221.36 us [swap_swap.pixmd5-20dbc...f9c700d2f.png]
    results = summary.splitlines()
    if not results:
      raise error.TestFail('No output from test. Check /tmp/' +
                           'test_that_latest/graphics_GLBench/summary.txt' +
                           ' for details.')

    # The good images, the silenced and the zombie/recurring failures.
    reference_imagenames = self.load_imagenames(self.reference_images_file)
    knownbad_imagenames = self.load_imagenames(self.knownbad_images_file)
    fixedbad_imagenames = self.load_imagenames(self.fixedbad_images_file)

    # Check if we saw GLBench end as expected (without crashing).
    test_ended_normal = False
    for line in results:
      if line.strip().startswith('@TEST_END'):
        test_ended_normal = True

    # Analyze individual test results in summary.
    keyvals = {}
    failed_tests = {}
    for line in results:
      if not line.strip().startswith('@RESULT: '):
      keyval, remainder = line[9:].split('[')
      key, val = keyval.split('=')
      testname = key.strip()
      score, unit = val.split()
      testrating = float(score)
      imagefile = remainder.split(']')[0]

      higher = self.unit_higher_is_better.get(unit)
      if higher is None:
        raise error.TestFail('Unknown test unit "%s" for %s' % (unit, testname))

      if not hasty:
        # Prepend unit to test name to maintain backwards compatibility with
        # existing per data.
        perf_value_name = '%s_%s' % (unit, testname)
        self.output_perf_value(description=perf_value_name, value=testrating,
                               units=unit, higher_is_better=higher,
        # Add extra value to the graph distinguishing different boards.
        variant = utils.get_board_with_frequency_and_memory()
        desc = '%s-%s' % (perf_value_name, variant)
        self.output_perf_value(description=desc, value=testrating,
                               units=unit, higher_is_better=higher,

      # Classify result image.
      if testrating == -1.0:
        # Tests that generate GL Errors.
        glerror = imagefile.split('=')[1]
        f.write('# GLError ' + glerror + ' during test (perf set to -3.0)\n')
        keyvals[testname] = -3.0
        failed_tests[testname] = 'GLError'
      elif testrating == 0.0:
        # Tests for which glbench does not generate a meaningful perf score.
        f.write('# No score for test\n')
        keyvals[testname] = 0.0
      elif imagefile in fixedbad_imagenames:
        # We know the image looked bad at some point in time but we thought
        # it was fixed. Throw an exception as a reminder.
        keyvals[testname] = -2.0
        f.write('# fixedbad [' + imagefile + '] (setting perf as -2.0)\n')
        failed_tests[testname] = imagefile
      elif imagefile in knownbad_imagenames:
        # We have triaged the failure and have filed a tracking bug.
        # Don't throw an exception and remind there is a problem.
        keyvals[testname] = -1.0
        f.write('# knownbad [' + imagefile + '] (setting perf as -1.0)\n')
        # This failure is whitelisted so don't add to failed_tests.
      elif imagefile in reference_imagenames:
        # Known good reference images (default).
        keyvals[testname] = testrating
      elif imagefile == 'none':
        # Tests that do not write images can't fail because of them.
        keyvals[testname] = testrating
      elif self.is_no_checksum_test(testname):
        # TODO(ihf): these really should not write any images
        keyvals[testname] = testrating
        # Completely unknown images. Raise a failure.
        keyvals[testname] = -2.0
        failed_tests[testname] = imagefile
        f.write('# unknown [' + imagefile + '] (setting perf as -2.0)\n')
    if not hasty:

    # Raise exception if images don't match.
    if failed_tests:
      logging.info('Some images are not matching their reference in %s.',
      logging.info('Please verify that the output images are correct '
                   'and if so copy them to the reference directory.')
      raise error.TestFail('Some images are not matching their '
                           'references. Check /tmp/'
                           ' for details.')

    if not test_ended_normal:
      raise error.TestFail('No end marker. Presumed crash/missing images.')