/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "auth_token_table.h" #include <assert.h> #include <time.h> #include <algorithm> #include <keymaster/android_keymaster_utils.h> #include <keymaster/logger.h> namespace keymaster { // // Some trivial template wrappers around std algorithms, so they take containers not ranges. // template <typename Container, typename Predicate> typename Container::iterator find_if(Container& container, Predicate pred) { return std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), pred); } template <typename Container, typename Predicate> typename Container::iterator remove_if(Container& container, Predicate pred) { return std::remove_if(container.begin(), container.end(), pred); } template <typename Container> typename Container::iterator min_element(Container& container) { return std::min_element(container.begin(), container.end()); } time_t clock_gettime_raw() { struct timespec time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &time); return time.tv_sec; } void AuthTokenTable::AddAuthenticationToken(const hw_auth_token_t* auth_token) { Entry new_entry(auth_token, clock_function_()); RemoveEntriesSupersededBy(new_entry); if (entries_.size() >= max_entries_) { LOG_W("Auth token table filled up; replacing oldest entry", 0); *min_element(entries_) = std::move(new_entry); } else { entries_.push_back(std::move(new_entry)); } } inline bool is_secret_key_operation(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm, keymaster_purpose_t purpose) { if ((algorithm != KM_ALGORITHM_RSA || algorithm != KM_ALGORITHM_EC)) return true; if (purpose == KM_PURPOSE_SIGN || purpose == KM_PURPOSE_DECRYPT) return true; return false; } inline bool KeyRequiresAuthentication(const AuthorizationSet& key_info, keymaster_purpose_t purpose) { keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm = KM_ALGORITHM_AES; key_info.GetTagValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, &algorithm); return is_secret_key_operation(algorithm, purpose) && key_info.find(TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED) == -1; } inline bool KeyRequiresAuthPerOperation(const AuthorizationSet& key_info, keymaster_purpose_t purpose) { keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm = KM_ALGORITHM_AES; key_info.GetTagValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, &algorithm); return is_secret_key_operation(algorithm, purpose) && key_info.find(TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT) == -1; } AuthTokenTable::Error AuthTokenTable::FindAuthorization(const AuthorizationSet& key_info, keymaster_purpose_t purpose, keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle, const hw_auth_token_t** found) { if (!KeyRequiresAuthentication(key_info, purpose)) return AUTH_NOT_REQUIRED; hw_authenticator_type_t auth_type = HW_AUTH_NONE; key_info.GetTagValue(TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE, &auth_type); std::vector<uint64_t> key_sids; ExtractSids(key_info, &key_sids); if (KeyRequiresAuthPerOperation(key_info, purpose)) return FindAuthPerOpAuthorization(key_sids, auth_type, op_handle, found); else return FindTimedAuthorization(key_sids, auth_type, key_info, found); } AuthTokenTable::Error AuthTokenTable::FindAuthPerOpAuthorization( const std::vector<uint64_t>& sids, hw_authenticator_type_t auth_type, keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle, const hw_auth_token_t** found) { if (op_handle == 0) return OP_HANDLE_REQUIRED; auto matching_op = find_if( entries_, [&](Entry& e) { return e.token()->challenge == op_handle && !e.completed(); }); if (matching_op == entries_.end()) return AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND; if (!matching_op->SatisfiesAuth(sids, auth_type)) return AUTH_TOKEN_WRONG_SID; *found = matching_op->token(); return OK; } AuthTokenTable::Error AuthTokenTable::FindTimedAuthorization(const std::vector<uint64_t>& sids, hw_authenticator_type_t auth_type, const AuthorizationSet& key_info, const hw_auth_token_t** found) { Entry* newest_match = NULL; for (auto& entry : entries_) if (entry.SatisfiesAuth(sids, auth_type) && entry.is_newer_than(newest_match)) newest_match = &entry; if (!newest_match) return AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND; uint32_t timeout; key_info.GetTagValue(TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT, &timeout); time_t now = clock_function_(); if (static_cast<int64_t>(newest_match->time_received()) + timeout < static_cast<int64_t>(now)) return AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED; newest_match->UpdateLastUse(now); *found = newest_match->token(); return OK; } void AuthTokenTable::ExtractSids(const AuthorizationSet& key_info, std::vector<uint64_t>* sids) { assert(sids); for (auto& param : key_info) if (param.tag == TAG_USER_SECURE_ID) sids->push_back(param.long_integer); } void AuthTokenTable::RemoveEntriesSupersededBy(const Entry& entry) { entries_.erase(remove_if(entries_, [&](Entry& e) { return entry.Supersedes(e); }), entries_.end()); } void AuthTokenTable::Clear() { entries_.clear(); } bool AuthTokenTable::IsSupersededBySomeEntry(const Entry& entry) { return std::any_of(entries_.begin(), entries_.end(), [&](Entry& e) { return e.Supersedes(entry); }); } void AuthTokenTable::MarkCompleted(const keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle) { auto found = find_if(entries_, [&](Entry& e) { return e.token()->challenge == op_handle; }); if (found == entries_.end()) return; assert(!IsSupersededBySomeEntry(*found)); found->mark_completed(); if (IsSupersededBySomeEntry(*found)) entries_.erase(found); } AuthTokenTable::Entry::Entry(const hw_auth_token_t* token, time_t current_time) : token_(token), time_received_(current_time), last_use_(current_time), operation_completed_(token_->challenge == 0) { } uint32_t AuthTokenTable::Entry::timestamp_host_order() const { return ntoh(token_->timestamp); } hw_authenticator_type_t AuthTokenTable::Entry::authenticator_type() const { hw_authenticator_type_t result = static_cast<hw_authenticator_type_t>( ntoh(static_cast<uint32_t>(token_->authenticator_type))); return result; } bool AuthTokenTable::Entry::SatisfiesAuth(const std::vector<uint64_t>& sids, hw_authenticator_type_t auth_type) { for (auto sid : sids) if ((sid == token_->authenticator_id) || (sid == token_->user_id && (auth_type & authenticator_type()) != 0)) return true; return false; } void AuthTokenTable::Entry::UpdateLastUse(time_t time) { this->last_use_ = time; } bool AuthTokenTable::Entry::Supersedes(const Entry& entry) const { if (!entry.completed()) return false; return (token_->user_id == entry.token_->user_id && token_->authenticator_type == entry.token_->authenticator_type && token_->authenticator_type == entry.token_->authenticator_type && timestamp_host_order() > entry.timestamp_host_order()); } } // namespace keymaster