/* * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * BandwidthControllerTest.cpp - unit tests for BandwidthController.cpp */ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> #include "BandwidthController.h" #include "IptablesBaseTest.h" class BandwidthControllerTest : public IptablesBaseTest { public: BandwidthControllerTest() { BandwidthController::execFunction = fake_android_fork_exec; BandwidthController::popenFunction = fake_popen; BandwidthController::iptablesRestoreFunction = fakeExecIptablesRestore; } BandwidthController mBw; void addPopenContents(std::string contents) { sPopenContents.push_back(contents); } void addPopenContents(std::string contents1, std::string contents2) { sPopenContents.push_back(contents1); sPopenContents.push_back(contents2); } void clearPopenContents() { sPopenContents.clear(); } }; TEST_F(BandwidthControllerTest, TestSetupIptablesHooks) { mBw.setupIptablesHooks(); std::vector<std::string> expected = { "*filter\n" ":bw_INPUT -\n" ":bw_OUTPUT -\n" ":bw_FORWARD -\n" ":bw_happy_box -\n" ":bw_penalty_box -\n" ":bw_data_saver -\n" ":bw_costly_shared -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*raw\n" ":bw_raw_PREROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*mangle\n" ":bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n\x04" }; expectIptablesRestoreCommands(expected); } TEST_F(BandwidthControllerTest, TestEnableBandwidthControl) { mBw.enableBandwidthControl(false); std::string expectedFlush = "*filter\n" ":bw_INPUT -\n" ":bw_OUTPUT -\n" ":bw_FORWARD -\n" ":bw_happy_box -\n" ":bw_penalty_box -\n" ":bw_data_saver -\n" ":bw_costly_shared -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*raw\n" ":bw_raw_PREROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*mangle\n" ":bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n\x04"; std::string expectedAccounting = "*filter\n" "-A bw_INPUT -m owner --socket-exists\n" "-A bw_OUTPUT -m owner --socket-exists\n" "-A bw_costly_shared --jump bw_penalty_box\n" "-A bw_penalty_box --jump bw_happy_box\n" "-A bw_happy_box --jump bw_data_saver\n" "-A bw_data_saver -j RETURN\n" "-I bw_happy_box -m owner --uid-owner 0-9999 --jump RETURN\n" "COMMIT\n" "*raw\n" "-A bw_raw_PREROUTING -m owner --socket-exists\n" "COMMIT\n" "*mangle\n" "-A bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -m owner --socket-exists\n" "COMMIT\n\x04"; expectIptablesRestoreCommands({ expectedFlush, expectedAccounting }); } TEST_F(BandwidthControllerTest, TestDisableBandwidthControl) { mBw.disableBandwidthControl(); const std::string expected = "*filter\n" ":bw_INPUT -\n" ":bw_OUTPUT -\n" ":bw_FORWARD -\n" ":bw_happy_box -\n" ":bw_penalty_box -\n" ":bw_data_saver -\n" ":bw_costly_shared -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*raw\n" ":bw_raw_PREROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*mangle\n" ":bw_mangle_POSTROUTING -\n" "COMMIT\n\x04"; expectIptablesRestoreCommands({ expected }); } TEST_F(BandwidthControllerTest, TestEnableDataSaver) { mBw.enableDataSaver(true); std::vector<std::string> expected = { "-R bw_data_saver 1 --jump REJECT", }; expectIptablesCommands(expected); mBw.enableDataSaver(false); expected = { "-R bw_data_saver 1 --jump RETURN", }; expectIptablesCommands(expected); } std::string kIPv4TetherCounters = android::base::Join(std::vector<std::string> { "Chain natctrl_tether_counters (4 references)", " pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination", " 26 2373 RETURN all -- wlan0 rmnet0", " 27 2002 RETURN all -- rmnet0 wlan0", " 1040 107471 RETURN all -- bt-pan rmnet0", " 1450 1708806 RETURN all -- rmnet0 bt-pan", }, '\n'); std::string kIPv6TetherCounters = android::base::Join(std::vector<std::string> { "Chain natctrl_tether_counters (2 references)", " pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination", " 10000 10000000 RETURN all wlan0 rmnet0 ::/0 ::/0", " 20000 20000000 RETURN all rmnet0 wlan0 ::/0 ::/0", }, '\n'); std::string readSocketClientResponse(int fd) { char buf[32768]; ssize_t bytesRead = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytesRead < 0) { return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\0') buf[i] = '\n'; } return std::string(buf, bytesRead); } void expectNoSocketClientResponse(int fd) { char buf[64]; EXPECT_EQ(-1, read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))); } TEST_F(BandwidthControllerTest, TestGetTetherStats) { int socketPair[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, socketPair)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fcntl(socketPair[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(socketPair[0], F_GETFL))); ASSERT_EQ(0, fcntl(socketPair[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(socketPair[1], F_GETFL))); SocketClient cli(socketPair[0], false); std::string err; BandwidthController::TetherStats filter; // If no filter is specified, both IPv4 and IPv6 counters must have at least one interface pair. addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, ""); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); addPopenContents("", kIPv6TetherCounters); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); clearPopenContents(); // IPv4 and IPv6 counters are properly added together. addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, kIPv6TetherCounters); filter = BandwidthController::TetherStats(); std::string expected = "114 wlan0 rmnet0 10002373 10026 20002002 20027\n" "114 bt-pan rmnet0 107471 1040 1708806 1450\n" "200 Tethering stats list completed\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); // Test filtering. addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, kIPv6TetherCounters); filter = BandwidthController::TetherStats("bt-pan", "rmnet0", -1, -1, -1, -1); expected = "221 bt-pan rmnet0 107471 1040 1708806 1450\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, kIPv6TetherCounters); filter = BandwidthController::TetherStats("wlan0", "rmnet0", -1, -1, -1, -1); expected = "221 wlan0 rmnet0 10002373 10026 20002002 20027\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); clearPopenContents(); // Select nonexistent interfaces. addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, kIPv6TetherCounters); filter = BandwidthController::TetherStats("rmnet0", "foo0", -1, -1, -1, -1); expected = "200 Tethering stats list completed\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); clearPopenContents(); // No stats with a filter: no error. addPopenContents("", ""); ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ("200 Tethering stats list completed\n", readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); clearPopenContents(); addPopenContents("foo", "foo"); ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ("200 Tethering stats list completed\n", readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); clearPopenContents(); // No stats and empty filter: error. filter = BandwidthController::TetherStats(); addPopenContents("", kIPv6TetherCounters); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters, ""); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); // Include only one pair of interfaces and things are fine. std::vector<std::string> counterLines = android::base::Split(kIPv4TetherCounters, "\n"); std::vector<std::string> brokenCounterLines = counterLines; counterLines.resize(4); std::string counters = android::base::Join(counterLines, "\n") + "\n"; addPopenContents(counters, counters); expected = "114 wlan0 rmnet0 4746 52 4004 54\n" "200 Tethering stats list completed\n"; ASSERT_EQ(0, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, readSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1])); clearPopenContents(); // But if interfaces aren't paired, it's always an error. counterLines.resize(3); counters = android::base::Join(counterLines, "\n") + "\n"; addPopenContents(counters, counters); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); // popen() failing is always an error. addPopenContents(kIPv4TetherCounters); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); addPopenContents(kIPv6TetherCounters); ASSERT_EQ(-1, mBw.getTetherStats(&cli, filter, err)); expectNoSocketClientResponse(socketPair[1]); clearPopenContents(); }