<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html"> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html"> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/android/event_log_importer.html"> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/android/android_auditor.html"> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html"> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html"> <script> 'use strict'; (function() { var FRAME_PERF_CLASS = tr.model.FRAME_PERF_CLASS; if (!tr.isHeadless) { throw new Error('Can only run in headless mode.'); } function printFrameStats(process, range) { var goodFrames = 0; var badFrames = 0; var neutralFrames = 0; var terribleFrames = 0; process.frames.forEach(function(frame) { // Check if frame belongs to any activity if (frame.start >= range.min && (frame.end <= range.max)) { if (frame.perfClass == FRAME_PERF_CLASS.NEUTRAL) neutralFrames++; if (frame.perfClass == FRAME_PERF_CLASS.GOOD) goodFrames++; if (frame.perfClass == FRAME_PERF_CLASS.BAD) badFrames++; if (frame.perfClass == FRAME_PERF_CLASS.TERRIBLE) terribleFrames++; } }); var totalFrames = goodFrames + badFrames + neutralFrames; if (totalFrames > 0) { console.log(" Frame stats:"); console.log(" # Total frames: " + totalFrames); console.log(" # Terrible frames: " + terribleFrames); console.log(" # Bad frames: " + badFrames); console.log(" # Neutral frames: " + neutralFrames); console.log(" # Good frames: " + goodFrames); } }; function printMemoryStats(process, range) { var numDirectReclaim = 0; for (var tid in process.threads) { if (!process.threads[tid].timeSlices) continue; process.threads[tid].sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) { if (slice.title.startsWith('direct reclaim')) { if (slice.start >= range.min && slice.start + slice.duration <= range.max) { numDirectReclaim++; } } }); } console.log(" Memory stats:"); console.log(" # of direct reclaims: " + numDirectReclaim); }; function printCpuStatsForThread(thread, range) { var stats = thread.getCpuStatsForRange(range); // Sum total CPU duration console.log(' ' + thread.name + ' CPU allocation: '); for (var cpu in stats) { var percentage = (stats[cpu] / stats.total * 100).toFixed(2); console.log(" CPU " + cpu + ": " + percentage + "% (" + stats[cpu].toFixed(2) + " ms.)"); } }; function printCpuStatsForProcess(process, range) { var total_runtime = 0; for (var tid in process.threads) { var stats = process.threads[tid].getCpuStatsForRange(range); total_runtime += stats.total; } console.log(" CPU stats:"); console.log(" Total CPU runtime: " + total_runtime.toFixed(2) + " ms."); var uiThread = process.getThread(process.pid); var renderThreads = process.findAllThreadsNamed('RenderThread'); var renderThread = renderThreads.length == 1 ? renderThreads[0] : undefined; if (uiThread) printCpuStatsForThread(uiThread, range); if (renderThread) printCpuStatsForThread(renderThread, range); printCpuFreqStats(range); }; function printCpuFreqStats(range) { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var cpu = model.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(i); if (cpu !== undefined) { var stats = cpu.getFreqStatsForRange(range); console.log(' CPU ' + i + ' frequency distribution:'); for (var freq in stats) { var percentage = (stats[freq] / range.duration * 100).toFixed(2); console.log(' ' + freq + ' ' + percentage + "% (" + stats[freq].toFixed(2) + ' ms.)'); } } } }; function printBinderStats(process, range) { var outgoing_transactions = 0; var incoming_transactions = 0; for (var tid in process.threads) { var outgoing_slices = process.threads[tid].sliceGroup.getSlicesOfName('binder transaction'); var outgoing_async_slices = process.threads[tid].sliceGroup.getSlicesOfName('binder transaction async'); var incoming_slices = process.threads[tid].sliceGroup.getSlicesOfName('binder reply'); var incoming_async_slices = process.threads[tid].sliceGroup.getSlicesOfName('binder Async recv'); outgoing_transactions += outgoing_slices.length + outgoing_async_slices.length; incoming_transactions += incoming_slices.length + incoming_async_slices.length; } console.log(' Binder transaction stats:'); console.log(' # Outgoing binder transactions: ' + outgoing_transactions); console.log(' # Incoming binder transactions: ' + incoming_transactions); }; function pagesInMBString(pages) { if (isNaN(pages)) return '0 (0.00 MB)'; return pages + ' (' + (pages * 4096 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB)'; }; function printPageCacheStats(process) { console.log(' Page cache stats:'); var totalAccess = 0; var totalMiss = 0; var totalAdd = 0; for (var file in process.pageCacheAccesses) { totalAccess += process.pageCacheAccesses[file]; totalMiss += process.pageCacheMisses[file]; totalAdd += process.pageCacheAdd[file]; console.log(' File: ' + file); console.log(' # of pages accessed: ' + pagesInMBString(process.pageCacheAccesses[file])); console.log(' # of pages missed: ' + pagesInMBString(process.pageCacheMisses[file])); console.log(' # of pages added to cache: ' + pagesInMBString(process.pageCacheAdd[file])); } console.log(' TOTALS:'); console.log(' # of pages accessed: ' + pagesInMBString(totalAccess)); console.log(' # of pages missed: ' + pagesInMBString(totalMiss)); console.log(' # of pages added to cache: ' + pagesInMBString(totalAdd)); }; function printProcessStats(process, opt_range) { var range = opt_range; if (range === undefined) { // Use the process range range = process.bounds; } printCpuStatsForProcess(process, range); printPageCacheStats(process); printMemoryStats(process, range); printBinderStats(process, range); printFrameStats(process, range); }; if (sys.argv.length < 2) console.log('First argument needs to be a systrace file.'); // Import model var systrace = read(sys.argv[1]); var traces = [systrace]; if (sys.argv.length >= 3) { // Add event log file if we got it var events = read(sys.argv[2]); traces.push(events); } var model = new tr.Model(); var i = new tr.importer.Import(model); console.log("Starting import..."); i.importTraces(traces); console.log("Done."); model.getAllProcesses().forEach(function(process) { if (process.name === undefined) return; console.log('Stats for process ' + process.name + ' (' + process.pid + ')'); // Check if process has activity starts if (process.activities && process.activities.length > 0) { process.activities.forEach(function(activity) { console.log('Activity ' + activity.name + ' foreground from ' + activity.start + ' until ' + activity.end); var activityRange = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(activity.start, activity.start + activity.duration); printProcessStats(process, activityRange); }, this); } else { printProcessStats(process); } console.log(''); }); })(); </script>