// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- (function(global, utils) { %CheckIsBootstrapping(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports var ArrayJoin; var Bool16x8ToString; var Bool32x4ToString; var Bool8x16ToString; var callSiteReceiverSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_receiver_symbol"); var callSiteFunctionSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_function_symbol"); var callSitePositionSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_position_symbol"); var callSiteStrictSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_strict_symbol"); var callSiteWasmObjectSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_wasm_obj_symbol"); var callSiteWasmFunctionIndexSymbol = utils.ImportNow("call_site_wasm_func_index_symbol"); var Float32x4ToString; var formattedStackTraceSymbol = utils.ImportNow("formatted_stack_trace_symbol"); var GlobalObject = global.Object; var Int16x8ToString; var Int32x4ToString; var Int8x16ToString; var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray; var internalErrorSymbol = utils.ImportNow("internal_error_symbol"); var ObjectHasOwnProperty; var ObjectToString = utils.ImportNow("object_to_string"); var Script = utils.ImportNow("Script"); var stackTraceSymbol = utils.ImportNow("stack_trace_symbol"); var StringIndexOf; var SymbolToString; var toStringTagSymbol = utils.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol"); var Uint16x8ToString; var Uint32x4ToString; var Uint8x16ToString; utils.Import(function(from) { ArrayJoin = from.ArrayJoin; Bool16x8ToString = from.Bool16x8ToString; Bool32x4ToString = from.Bool32x4ToString; Bool8x16ToString = from.Bool8x16ToString; Float32x4ToString = from.Float32x4ToString; Int16x8ToString = from.Int16x8ToString; Int32x4ToString = from.Int32x4ToString; Int8x16ToString = from.Int8x16ToString; ObjectHasOwnProperty = from.ObjectHasOwnProperty; StringIndexOf = from.StringIndexOf; SymbolToString = from.SymbolToString; Uint16x8ToString = from.Uint16x8ToString; Uint32x4ToString = from.Uint32x4ToString; Uint8x16ToString = from.Uint8x16ToString; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- var GlobalError; var GlobalTypeError; var GlobalRangeError; var GlobalURIError; var GlobalSyntaxError; var GlobalReferenceError; var GlobalEvalError; function NoSideEffectsObjectToString() { if (IS_UNDEFINED(this)) return "[object Undefined]"; if (IS_NULL(this)) return "[object Null]"; var O = TO_OBJECT(this); var builtinTag = %_ClassOf(O); var tag = %GetDataProperty(O, toStringTagSymbol); if (!IS_STRING(tag)) { tag = builtinTag; } return `[object ${tag}]`; } function IsErrorObject(obj) { return HAS_PRIVATE(obj, stackTraceSymbol); } function NoSideEffectsErrorToString() { var name = %GetDataProperty(this, "name"); var message = %GetDataProperty(this, "message"); name = IS_UNDEFINED(name) ? "Error" : NoSideEffectsToString(name); message = IS_UNDEFINED(message) ? "" : NoSideEffectsToString(message); if (name == "") return message; if (message == "") return name; return `${name}: ${message}`; } function NoSideEffectsToString(obj) { if (IS_STRING(obj)) return obj; if (IS_NUMBER(obj)) return %_NumberToString(obj); if (IS_BOOLEAN(obj)) return obj ? 'true' : 'false'; if (IS_UNDEFINED(obj)) return 'undefined'; if (IS_NULL(obj)) return 'null'; if (IS_FUNCTION(obj)) { var str = %FunctionToString(obj); if (str.length > 128) { str = %_SubString(str, 0, 111) + "...<omitted>..." + %_SubString(str, str.length - 2, str.length); } return str; } if (IS_SYMBOL(obj)) return %_Call(SymbolToString, obj); if (IS_SIMD_VALUE(obj)) { switch (typeof(obj)) { case 'float32x4': return %_Call(Float32x4ToString, obj); case 'int32x4': return %_Call(Int32x4ToString, obj); case 'int16x8': return %_Call(Int16x8ToString, obj); case 'int8x16': return %_Call(Int8x16ToString, obj); case 'uint32x4': return %_Call(Uint32x4ToString, obj); case 'uint16x8': return %_Call(Uint16x8ToString, obj); case 'uint8x16': return %_Call(Uint8x16ToString, obj); case 'bool32x4': return %_Call(Bool32x4ToString, obj); case 'bool16x8': return %_Call(Bool16x8ToString, obj); case 'bool8x16': return %_Call(Bool8x16ToString, obj); } } if (IS_RECEIVER(obj)) { // When internally formatting error objects, use a side-effects-free version // of Error.prototype.toString independent of the actually installed // toString method. if (IsErrorObject(obj) || %GetDataProperty(obj, "toString") === ErrorToString) { return %_Call(NoSideEffectsErrorToString, obj); } if (%GetDataProperty(obj, "toString") === ObjectToString) { var constructor = %GetDataProperty(obj, "constructor"); if (IS_FUNCTION(constructor)) { var constructor_name = %FunctionGetName(constructor); if (constructor_name != "") return `#<${constructor_name}>`; } } } return %_Call(NoSideEffectsObjectToString, obj); } function MakeGenericError(constructor, type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var error = new constructor(FormatMessage(type, arg0, arg1, arg2)); error[internalErrorSymbol] = true; return error; } /** * Set up the Script function and constructor. */ %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(Script, 'Script'); %AddNamedProperty(Script.prototype, 'constructor', Script, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY); %SetCode(Script, function(x) { // Script objects can only be created by the VM. throw MakeError(kUnsupported); }); // Helper functions; called from the runtime system. function FormatMessage(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var arg0 = NoSideEffectsToString(arg0); var arg1 = NoSideEffectsToString(arg1); var arg2 = NoSideEffectsToString(arg2); try { return %FormatMessageString(type, arg0, arg1, arg2); } catch (e) { return "<error>"; } } function GetLineNumber(message) { var start_position = %MessageGetStartPosition(message); if (start_position == -1) return kNoLineNumberInfo; var script = %MessageGetScript(message); var location = script.locationFromPosition(start_position, true); if (location == null) return kNoLineNumberInfo; return location.line + 1; } //Returns the offset of the given position within the containing line. function GetColumnNumber(message) { var script = %MessageGetScript(message); var start_position = %MessageGetStartPosition(message); var location = script.locationFromPosition(start_position, true); if (location == null) return -1; return location.column; } // Returns the source code line containing the given source // position, or the empty string if the position is invalid. function GetSourceLine(message) { var script = %MessageGetScript(message); var start_position = %MessageGetStartPosition(message); var location = script.locationFromPosition(start_position, true); if (location == null) return ""; return location.sourceText; } /** * Get information on a specific source position. * Returns an object with the following following properties: * script : script object for the source * line : source line number * column : source column within the line * position : position within the source * sourceText : a string containing the current line * @param {number} position The source position * @param {boolean} include_resource_offset Set to true to have the resource * offset added to the location * @return If line is negative or not in the source null is returned. */ function ScriptLocationFromPosition(position, include_resource_offset) { return %ScriptPositionInfo(this, position, !!include_resource_offset); } /** * If sourceURL comment is available returns sourceURL comment contents. * Otherwise, script name is returned. See * http://fbug.googlecode.com/svn/branches/firebug1.1/docs/ReleaseNotes_1.1.txt * and Source Map Revision 3 proposal for details on using //# sourceURL and * deprecated //@ sourceURL comment to identify scripts that don't have name. * * @return {?string} script name if present, value for //# sourceURL comment or * deprecated //@ sourceURL comment otherwise. */ function ScriptNameOrSourceURL() { if (this.source_url) return this.source_url; return this.name; } utils.SetUpLockedPrototype(Script, [ "source", "name", "source_url", "source_mapping_url", "line_offset", "column_offset" ], [ "locationFromPosition", ScriptLocationFromPosition, "nameOrSourceURL", ScriptNameOrSourceURL, ] ); function GetStackTraceLine(recv, fun, pos, isGlobal) { return new CallSite(recv, fun, pos, false).toString(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error implementation function CallSite(receiver, fun, pos, strict_mode) { // For wasm frames, receiver is the wasm object and fun is the function index // instead of an actual function. if (!IS_FUNCTION(fun) && !%IsWasmObject(receiver)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCallSiteExpectsFunction, typeof receiver, typeof fun); } if (IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) { return new CallSite(receiver, fun, pos, strict_mode); } if (IS_FUNCTION(fun)) { SET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteReceiverSymbol, receiver); SET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteFunctionSymbol, fun); } else { SET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmObjectSymbol, receiver); SET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmFunctionIndexSymbol, TO_UINT32(fun)); } SET_PRIVATE(this, callSitePositionSymbol, TO_INT32(pos)); SET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteStrictSymbol, TO_BOOLEAN(strict_mode)); } function CheckCallSite(obj, name) { if (!IS_RECEIVER(obj) || !HAS_PRIVATE(obj, callSitePositionSymbol)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCallSiteMethod, name); } } function CallSiteGetThis() { CheckCallSite(this, "getThis"); return GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteStrictSymbol) ? UNDEFINED : GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteReceiverSymbol); } function CallSiteGetFunction() { CheckCallSite(this, "getFunction"); return GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteStrictSymbol) ? UNDEFINED : GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteFunctionSymbol); } function CallSiteGetPosition() { CheckCallSite(this, "getPosition"); return GET_PRIVATE(this, callSitePositionSymbol); } function CallSiteGetTypeName() { CheckCallSite(this, "getTypeName"); return GetTypeName(GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteReceiverSymbol), false); } function CallSiteIsToplevel() { CheckCallSite(this, "isTopLevel"); return %CallSiteIsToplevelRT(this); } function CallSiteIsEval() { CheckCallSite(this, "isEval"); return %CallSiteIsEvalRT(this); } function CallSiteGetEvalOrigin() { CheckCallSite(this, "getEvalOrigin"); var script = %FunctionGetScript(GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteFunctionSymbol)); return FormatEvalOrigin(script); } function CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceURL() { CheckCallSite(this, "getScriptNameOrSourceURL"); return %CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceUrlRT(this); } function CallSiteGetFunctionName() { // See if the function knows its own name CheckCallSite(this, "getFunctionName"); return %CallSiteGetFunctionNameRT(this); } function CallSiteGetMethodName() { // See if we can find a unique property on the receiver that holds // this function. CheckCallSite(this, "getMethodName"); return %CallSiteGetMethodNameRT(this); } function CallSiteGetFileName() { CheckCallSite(this, "getFileName"); return %CallSiteGetFileNameRT(this); } function CallSiteGetLineNumber() { if (HAS_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmObjectSymbol)) { return GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmFunctionIndexSymbol); } CheckCallSite(this, "getLineNumber"); return %CallSiteGetLineNumberRT(this); } function CallSiteGetColumnNumber() { CheckCallSite(this, "getColumnNumber"); return %CallSiteGetColumnNumberRT(this); } function CallSiteIsNative() { CheckCallSite(this, "isNative"); return %CallSiteIsNativeRT(this); } function CallSiteIsConstructor() { CheckCallSite(this, "isConstructor"); return %CallSiteIsConstructorRT(this); } function CallSiteToString() { if (HAS_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmObjectSymbol)) { var funName = this.getFunctionName(); var funcIndex = GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteWasmFunctionIndexSymbol); var pos = this.getPosition(); if (IS_NULL(funName)) funName = "<WASM UNNAMED>"; return funName + " (<WASM>[" + funcIndex + "]+" + pos + ")"; } var fileName; var fileLocation = ""; if (this.isNative()) { fileLocation = "native"; } else { fileName = this.getScriptNameOrSourceURL(); if (!fileName && this.isEval()) { fileLocation = this.getEvalOrigin(); fileLocation += ", "; // Expecting source position to follow. } if (fileName) { fileLocation += fileName; } else { // Source code does not originate from a file and is not native, but we // can still get the source position inside the source string, e.g. in // an eval string. fileLocation += "<anonymous>"; } var lineNumber = this.getLineNumber(); if (lineNumber != null) { fileLocation += ":" + lineNumber; var columnNumber = this.getColumnNumber(); if (columnNumber) { fileLocation += ":" + columnNumber; } } } var line = ""; var functionName = this.getFunctionName(); var addSuffix = true; var isConstructor = this.isConstructor(); var isMethodCall = !(this.isToplevel() || isConstructor); if (isMethodCall) { var typeName = GetTypeName(GET_PRIVATE(this, callSiteReceiverSymbol), true); var methodName = this.getMethodName(); if (functionName) { if (typeName && %_Call(StringIndexOf, functionName, typeName) != 0) { line += typeName + "."; } line += functionName; if (methodName && (%_Call(StringIndexOf, functionName, "." + methodName) != functionName.length - methodName.length - 1)) { line += " [as " + methodName + "]"; } } else { line += typeName + "." + (methodName || "<anonymous>"); } } else if (isConstructor) { line += "new " + (functionName || "<anonymous>"); } else if (functionName) { line += functionName; } else { line += fileLocation; addSuffix = false; } if (addSuffix) { line += " (" + fileLocation + ")"; } return line; } utils.SetUpLockedPrototype(CallSite, ["receiver", "fun", "pos"], [ "getThis", CallSiteGetThis, "getTypeName", CallSiteGetTypeName, "isToplevel", CallSiteIsToplevel, "isEval", CallSiteIsEval, "getEvalOrigin", CallSiteGetEvalOrigin, "getScriptNameOrSourceURL", CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceURL, "getFunction", CallSiteGetFunction, "getFunctionName", CallSiteGetFunctionName, "getMethodName", CallSiteGetMethodName, "getFileName", CallSiteGetFileName, "getLineNumber", CallSiteGetLineNumber, "getColumnNumber", CallSiteGetColumnNumber, "isNative", CallSiteIsNative, "getPosition", CallSiteGetPosition, "isConstructor", CallSiteIsConstructor, "toString", CallSiteToString ]); function FormatEvalOrigin(script) { var sourceURL = script.nameOrSourceURL(); if (sourceURL) { return sourceURL; } var eval_origin = "eval at "; if (script.eval_from_function_name) { eval_origin += script.eval_from_function_name; } else { eval_origin += "<anonymous>"; } var eval_from_script = script.eval_from_script; if (eval_from_script) { if (eval_from_script.compilation_type == COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL) { // eval script originated from another eval. eval_origin += " (" + FormatEvalOrigin(eval_from_script) + ")"; } else { // eval script originated from "real" source. if (eval_from_script.name) { eval_origin += " (" + eval_from_script.name; var location = eval_from_script.locationFromPosition( script.eval_from_script_position, true); if (location) { eval_origin += ":" + (location.line + 1); eval_origin += ":" + (location.column + 1); } eval_origin += ")"; } else { eval_origin += " (unknown source)"; } } } return eval_origin; } function FormatErrorString(error) { try { return %_Call(ErrorToString, error); } catch (e) { try { return "<error: " + e + ">"; } catch (ee) { return "<error>"; } } } function GetStackFrames(raw_stack) { var internal_raw_stack = new InternalArray(); %MoveArrayContents(raw_stack, internal_raw_stack); var frames = new InternalArray(); var sloppy_frames = internal_raw_stack[0]; for (var i = 1; i < internal_raw_stack.length; i += 4) { var recv = internal_raw_stack[i]; var fun = internal_raw_stack[i + 1]; var code = internal_raw_stack[i + 2]; var pc = internal_raw_stack[i + 3]; // For traps in wasm, the bytecode offset is passed as (-1 - offset). // Otherwise, lookup the position from the pc. var pos = IS_NUMBER(fun) && pc < 0 ? (-1 - pc) : %FunctionGetPositionForOffset(code, pc); sloppy_frames--; frames.push(new CallSite(recv, fun, pos, (sloppy_frames < 0))); } return frames; } // Flag to prevent recursive call of Error.prepareStackTrace. var formatting_custom_stack_trace = false; function FormatStackTrace(obj, raw_stack) { var frames = GetStackFrames(raw_stack); if (IS_FUNCTION(GlobalError.prepareStackTrace) && !formatting_custom_stack_trace) { var array = []; %MoveArrayContents(frames, array); formatting_custom_stack_trace = true; var stack_trace = UNDEFINED; try { stack_trace = GlobalError.prepareStackTrace(obj, array); } catch (e) { throw e; // The custom formatting function threw. Rethrow. } finally { formatting_custom_stack_trace = false; } return stack_trace; } var lines = new InternalArray(); lines.push(FormatErrorString(obj)); for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { var frame = frames[i]; var line; try { line = frame.toString(); } catch (e) { try { line = "<error: " + e + ">"; } catch (ee) { // Any code that reaches this point is seriously nasty! line = "<error>"; } } lines.push(" at " + line); } return %_Call(ArrayJoin, lines, "\n"); } function GetTypeName(receiver, requireConstructor) { if (IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(receiver)) return null; if (IS_PROXY(receiver)) return "Proxy"; var constructor = %GetDataProperty(TO_OBJECT(receiver), "constructor"); if (!IS_FUNCTION(constructor)) { return requireConstructor ? null : %_Call(NoSideEffectsToString, receiver); } return %FunctionGetName(constructor); } // Format the stack trace if not yet done, and return it. // Cache the formatted stack trace on the holder. var StackTraceGetter = function() { var formatted_stack_trace = UNDEFINED; var holder = this; while (holder) { var formatted_stack_trace = GET_PRIVATE(holder, formattedStackTraceSymbol); if (IS_UNDEFINED(formatted_stack_trace)) { // No formatted stack trace available. var stack_trace = GET_PRIVATE(holder, stackTraceSymbol); if (IS_UNDEFINED(stack_trace)) { // Neither formatted nor structured stack trace available. // Look further up the prototype chain. holder = %object_get_prototype_of(holder); continue; } formatted_stack_trace = FormatStackTrace(holder, stack_trace); SET_PRIVATE(holder, stackTraceSymbol, UNDEFINED); SET_PRIVATE(holder, formattedStackTraceSymbol, formatted_stack_trace); } return formatted_stack_trace; } return UNDEFINED; }; // If the receiver equals the holder, set the formatted stack trace that the // getter returns. var StackTraceSetter = function(v) { if (IsErrorObject(this)) { SET_PRIVATE(this, stackTraceSymbol, UNDEFINED); SET_PRIVATE(this, formattedStackTraceSymbol, v); } }; // Use a dummy function since we do not actually want to capture a stack trace // when constructing the initial Error prototytpes. var captureStackTrace = function() {}; // Set up special error type constructors. function SetUpError(error_function) { %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(error_function, 'Error'); var name = error_function.name; var prototype = new GlobalObject(); if (name !== 'Error') { %InternalSetPrototype(error_function, GlobalError); %InternalSetPrototype(prototype, GlobalError.prototype); } %FunctionSetPrototype(error_function, prototype); %AddNamedProperty(error_function.prototype, 'name', name, DONT_ENUM); %AddNamedProperty(error_function.prototype, 'message', '', DONT_ENUM); %AddNamedProperty( error_function.prototype, 'constructor', error_function, DONT_ENUM); %SetCode(error_function, function(m) { if (IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) return new error_function(m); try { captureStackTrace(this, error_function); } catch (e) { } // Define all the expected properties directly on the error // object. This avoids going through getters and setters defined // on prototype objects. if (!IS_UNDEFINED(m)) { %AddNamedProperty(this, 'message', TO_STRING(m), DONT_ENUM); } }); %SetNativeFlag(error_function); return error_function; }; GlobalError = SetUpError(global.Error); GlobalEvalError = SetUpError(global.EvalError); GlobalRangeError = SetUpError(global.RangeError); GlobalReferenceError = SetUpError(global.ReferenceError); GlobalSyntaxError = SetUpError(global.SyntaxError); GlobalTypeError = SetUpError(global.TypeError); GlobalURIError = SetUpError(global.URIError); utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalError.prototype, DONT_ENUM, ['toString', ErrorToString]); function ErrorToString() { if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kCalledOnNonObject, "Error.prototype.toString"); } var name = this.name; name = IS_UNDEFINED(name) ? "Error" : TO_STRING(name); var message = this.message; message = IS_UNDEFINED(message) ? "" : TO_STRING(message); if (name == "") return message; if (message == "") return name; return `${name}: ${message}` } function MakeError(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { return MakeGenericError(GlobalError, type, arg0, arg1, arg2); } function MakeRangeError(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { return MakeGenericError(GlobalRangeError, type, arg0, arg1, arg2); } function MakeSyntaxError(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { return MakeGenericError(GlobalSyntaxError, type, arg0, arg1, arg2); } function MakeTypeError(type, arg0, arg1, arg2) { return MakeGenericError(GlobalTypeError, type, arg0, arg1, arg2); } function MakeURIError() { return MakeGenericError(GlobalURIError, kURIMalformed); } // Boilerplate for exceptions for stack overflows. Used from // Isolate::StackOverflow(). var StackOverflowBoilerplate = MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow); utils.InstallGetterSetter(StackOverflowBoilerplate, 'stack', StackTraceGetter, StackTraceSetter) // Define actual captureStackTrace function after everything has been set up. captureStackTrace = function captureStackTrace(obj, cons_opt) { // Define accessors first, as this may fail and throw. %object_define_property(obj, 'stack', { get: StackTraceGetter, set: StackTraceSetter, configurable: true }); %CollectStackTrace(obj, cons_opt ? cons_opt : captureStackTrace); }; GlobalError.captureStackTrace = captureStackTrace; %InstallToContext([ "get_stack_trace_line_fun", GetStackTraceLine, "make_error_function", MakeGenericError, "make_range_error", MakeRangeError, "make_type_error", MakeTypeError, "message_get_column_number", GetColumnNumber, "message_get_line_number", GetLineNumber, "message_get_source_line", GetSourceLine, "no_side_effects_to_string_fun", NoSideEffectsToString, "stack_overflow_boilerplate", StackOverflowBoilerplate, ]); utils.Export(function(to) { to.ErrorToString = ErrorToString; to.MakeError = MakeError; to.MakeRangeError = MakeRangeError; to.MakeSyntaxError = MakeSyntaxError; to.MakeTypeError = MakeTypeError; to.MakeURIError = MakeURIError; }); });