/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkCoreBlitters.h" #include "SkColorPriv.h" #include "SkShader.h" #include "SkUtils.h" #include "SkXfermode.h" #include "SkBlitMask.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkPM4f.h" template <typename State> class SkState_Blitter : public SkRasterBlitter { typedef SkRasterBlitter INHERITED; State fState; public: SkState_Blitter(const SkPixmap& device, const SkPaint& paint) : INHERITED(device) , fState(device.info(), paint, nullptr) {} void blitH(int x, int y, int width) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x + width <= fDevice.width()); fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y), &fState.fPM4f, width, nullptr); } void blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && y + height <= fDevice.height()); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, device, &fState.fPM4f, 1, &alpha); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); } } void blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x + width <= fDevice.width() && y + height <= fDevice.height()); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); do { fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, device, &fState.fPM4f, width, nullptr); y += 1; device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); } while (--height > 0); } void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], const int16_t runs[]) override { typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); for (;;) { int count = *runs; if (count <= 0) { break; } int aa = *antialias; if (aa) { if (aa == 255) { fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, device, &fState.fPM4f, count, nullptr); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, &device[i], &fState.fPM4f, 1, antialias); } } } device += count; runs += count; antialias += count; x += count; } } void blitLCDMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) { auto proc = fState.getLCDProc(SkXfermode::kSrcIsSingle_LCDFlag); const int x = clip.fLeft; const int width = clip.width(); const int y = clip.fTop; const int height = clip.height(); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); const size_t dstRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const uint16_t* maskRow = (const uint16_t*)mask.getAddr(x, y); const size_t maskRB = mask.fRowBytes; for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { proc(device, &fState.fPM4f, width, maskRow); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + dstRB); maskRow = (const uint16_t*)((const char*)maskRow + maskRB); } } void blitMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) override { if (SkMask::kLCD16_Format == mask.fFormat) { this->blitLCDMask(mask, clip); return; } if (SkMask::kA8_Format != mask.fFormat) { this->INHERITED::blitMask(mask, clip); return; } SkASSERT(mask.fBounds.contains(clip)); const int x = clip.fLeft; const int width = clip.width(); const int y = clip.fTop; const int height = clip.height(); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); const size_t dstRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const uint8_t* maskRow = (const uint8_t*)mask.getAddr(x, y); const size_t maskRB = mask.fRowBytes; for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { fState.fProc1(fState.fXfer, device, &fState.fPM4f, width, maskRow); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + dstRB); maskRow += maskRB; } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename State> class SkState_Shader_Blitter : public SkShaderBlitter { public: SkState_Shader_Blitter(const SkPixmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, SkShader::Context* shaderContext) : INHERITED(device, paint, shaderContext) , fState(device.info(), paint, shaderContext) {} void blitH(int x, int y, int width) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x + width <= fDevice.width()); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, device, fState.fBuffer, width, nullptr); } void blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && y + height <= fDevice.height()); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const int bottom = y + height; if (fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, 1); } for (; y < bottom; ++y) { if (!fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, 1); } fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, device, fState.fBuffer, 1, &alpha); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); } } void blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) override { SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x + width <= fDevice.width() && y + height <= fDevice.height()); typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const int bottom = y + height; if (fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } for (; y < bottom; ++y) { if (!fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, device, fState.fBuffer, width, nullptr); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); } } void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], const int16_t runs[]) override { typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); for (;;) { int count = *runs; if (count <= 0) { break; } int aa = *antialias; if (aa) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, count); if (aa == 255) { fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, device, fState.fBuffer, count, nullptr); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, &device[i], &fState.fBuffer[i], 1, antialias); } } } device += count; runs += count; antialias += count; x += count; } } void blitLCDMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) { auto proc = fState.getLCDProc(0); const int x = clip.fLeft; const int width = clip.width(); int y = clip.fTop; typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); const size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const uint16_t* maskRow = (const uint16_t*)mask.getAddr(x, y); const size_t maskRB = mask.fRowBytes; if (fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } for (; y < clip.fBottom; ++y) { if (!fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } proc(device, fState.fBuffer, width, maskRow); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); maskRow = (const uint16_t*)((const char*)maskRow + maskRB); } } void blitMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) override { if (SkMask::kLCD16_Format == mask.fFormat) { this->blitLCDMask(mask, clip); return; } if (SkMask::kA8_Format != mask.fFormat) { this->INHERITED::blitMask(mask, clip); return; } SkASSERT(mask.fBounds.contains(clip)); const int x = clip.fLeft; const int width = clip.width(); int y = clip.fTop; typename State::DstType* device = State::WritableAddr(fDevice, x, y); const size_t deviceRB = fDevice.rowBytes(); const uint8_t* maskRow = (const uint8_t*)mask.getAddr(x, y); const size_t maskRB = mask.fRowBytes; if (fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } for (; y < clip.fBottom; ++y) { if (!fConstInY) { fShaderContext->shadeSpan4f(x, y, fState.fBuffer, width); } fState.fProcN(fState.fXfer, device, fState.fBuffer, width, maskRow); device = (typename State::DstType*)((char*)device + deviceRB); maskRow += maskRB; } } private: State fState; typedef SkShaderBlitter INHERITED; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool is_opaque(const SkPaint& paint, const SkShader::Context* shaderContext) { return shaderContext ? SkToBool(shaderContext->getFlags() & SkShader::kOpaqueAlpha_Flag) : 0xFF == paint.getAlpha(); } struct State4f { State4f(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkPaint& paint, const SkShader::Context* shaderContext) { fXfer = paint.getXfermode(); if (shaderContext) { fBuffer.reset(info.width()); } else { fPM4f = SkColor4f::FromColor(paint.getColor()).premul(); } fFlags = 0; } SkXfermode* fXfer; SkPM4f fPM4f; SkAutoTMalloc<SkPM4f> fBuffer; uint32_t fFlags; }; struct State32 : State4f { typedef uint32_t DstType; SkXfermode::D32Proc fProc1; SkXfermode::D32Proc fProcN; State32(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkPaint& paint, const SkShader::Context* shaderContext) : State4f(info, paint, shaderContext) { if (is_opaque(paint, shaderContext)) { fFlags |= SkXfermode::kSrcIsOpaque_D32Flag; } if (info.isSRGB()) { fFlags |= SkXfermode::kDstIsSRGB_D32Flag; } fProc1 = SkXfermode::GetD32Proc(fXfer, fFlags | SkXfermode::kSrcIsSingle_D32Flag); fProcN = SkXfermode::GetD32Proc(fXfer, fFlags); } SkXfermode::LCD32Proc getLCDProc(uint32_t oneOrManyFlag) const { uint32_t flags = fFlags & 1; if (!(fFlags & SkXfermode::kDstIsSRGB_D32Flag)) { flags |= SkXfermode::kDstIsLinearInt_LCDFlag; } return SkXfermode::GetLCD32Proc(flags | oneOrManyFlag); } static DstType* WritableAddr(const SkPixmap& device, int x, int y) { return device.writable_addr32(x, y); } }; struct State64 : State4f { typedef uint64_t DstType; SkXfermode::D64Proc fProc1; SkXfermode::D64Proc fProcN; State64(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkPaint& paint, const SkShader::Context* shaderContext) : State4f(info, paint, shaderContext) { if (is_opaque(paint, shaderContext)) { fFlags |= SkXfermode::kSrcIsOpaque_D64Flag; } if (kRGBA_F16_SkColorType == info.colorType()) { fFlags |= SkXfermode::kDstIsFloat16_D64Flag; } fProc1 = SkXfermode::GetD64Proc(fXfer, fFlags | SkXfermode::kSrcIsSingle_D64Flag); fProcN = SkXfermode::GetD64Proc(fXfer, fFlags); } SkXfermode::LCD64Proc getLCDProc(uint32_t oneOrManyFlag) const { uint32_t flags = fFlags & 1; if (!(fFlags & SkXfermode::kDstIsFloat16_D64Flag)) { flags |= SkXfermode::kDstIsLinearInt_LCDFlag; } return SkXfermode::GetLCD64Proc(flags | oneOrManyFlag); } static DstType* WritableAddr(const SkPixmap& device, int x, int y) { return device.writable_addr64(x, y); } }; template <typename State> SkBlitter* create(const SkPixmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, SkShader::Context* shaderContext, SkTBlitterAllocator* allocator) { SkASSERT(allocator != nullptr); if (shaderContext) { return allocator->createT<SkState_Shader_Blitter<State>>(device, paint, shaderContext); } else { SkColor color = paint.getColor(); if (0 == SkColorGetA(color)) { return nullptr; } return allocator->createT<SkState_Blitter<State>>(device, paint); } } SkBlitter* SkBlitter_ARGB32_Create(const SkPixmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, SkShader::Context* shaderContext, SkTBlitterAllocator* allocator) { return create<State32>(device, paint, shaderContext, allocator); } SkBlitter* SkBlitter_ARGB64_Create(const SkPixmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, SkShader::Context* shaderContext, SkTBlitterAllocator* allocator) { return create<State64>(device, paint, shaderContext, allocator); }