/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * * This header provides some of the helpers (like std::enable_if_t) which will * become available with C++14 in the type_traits header (in the skstd * namespace). This header also provides several Skia specific additions such * as SK_WHEN and the sknonstd namespace. */ #ifndef SkTLogic_DEFINED #define SkTLogic_DEFINED #include "SkTypes.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> namespace skstd { template <bool B> using bool_constant = std::integral_constant<bool, B>; template <bool B, typename T, typename F> using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<B, T, F>::type; template <bool B, typename T = void> using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_const_t = typename std::remove_const<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_volatile_t = typename std::remove_volatile<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_cv_t = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_pointer_t = typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_extent_t = typename std::remove_extent<T>::type; // template<typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function< // R [calling-convention] (Args...[, ...]) [const] [volatile] [&|&&]> : std::true_type {}; // The cv and ref-qualified versions are strange types we're currently avoiding, so not supported. // These aren't supported in msvc either until vs2015u2. // On all platforms, variadic functions only exist in the c calling convention. // mcvc 2013 introduced __vectorcall, but it wan't until 2015 that it was added to is_function. template <typename> struct is_function : std::false_type {}; #if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R(Args...)> : std::true_type {}; #else template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R __cdecl (Args...)> : std::true_type {}; #if defined(_M_IX86) template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R __stdcall (Args...)> : std::true_type {}; template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R __fastcall (Args...)> : std::true_type {}; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL >= SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL_SSE2 template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R __vectorcall (Args...)> : std::true_type {}; #endif #endif template <typename R, typename... Args> struct is_function<R(Args..., ...)> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T> using add_const_t = typename std::add_const<T>::type; template <typename T> using add_volatile_t = typename std::add_volatile<T>::type; template <typename T> using add_cv_t = typename std::add_cv<T>::type; template <typename T> using add_pointer_t = typename std::add_pointer<T>::type; template <typename T> using add_lvalue_reference_t = typename std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type; template <typename S, typename D, bool=std::is_void<S>::value || is_function<D>::value || std::is_array<D>::value> struct is_convertible_detector { static const/*expr*/ bool value = std::is_void<D>::value; }; template <typename S, typename D> struct is_convertible_detector<S, D, false> { using yes_type = uint8_t; using no_type = uint16_t; template <typename To> static void param_convertable_to(To); template <typename From, typename To> static decltype(param_convertable_to<To>(std::declval<From>()), yes_type()) convertible(int); template <typename, typename> static no_type convertible(...); static const/*expr*/ bool value = sizeof(convertible<S, D>(0)) == sizeof(yes_type); }; // std::is_convertable is known to be broken (not work with incomplete types) in Android clang NDK. // This is currently what prevents us from using std::unique_ptr. template<typename S, typename D> struct is_convertible : bool_constant<is_convertible_detector<S, D>::value> {}; } // namespace skstd // The sknonstd namespace contains things we would like to be proposed and feel std-ish. namespace sknonstd { // The name 'copy' here is fraught with peril. In this case it means 'append', not 'overwrite'. // Alternate proposed names are 'propagate', 'augment', or 'append' (and 'add', but already taken). // std::experimental::propagate_const already exists for other purposes in TSv2. // These also follow the <dest, source> pattern used by boost. template <typename D, typename S> struct copy_const { using type = skstd::conditional_t<std::is_const<S>::value, skstd::add_const_t<D>, D>; }; template <typename D, typename S> using copy_const_t = typename copy_const<D, S>::type; template <typename D, typename S> struct copy_volatile { using type = skstd::conditional_t<std::is_volatile<S>::value, skstd::add_volatile_t<D>, D>; }; template <typename D, typename S> using copy_volatile_t = typename copy_volatile<D, S>::type; template <typename D, typename S> struct copy_cv { using type = copy_volatile_t<copy_const_t<D, S>, S>; }; template <typename D, typename S> using copy_cv_t = typename copy_cv<D, S>::type; // The name 'same' here means 'overwrite'. // Alternate proposed names are 'replace', 'transfer', or 'qualify_from'. // same_xxx<D, S> can be written as copy_xxx<remove_xxx_t<D>, S> template <typename D, typename S> using same_const = copy_const<skstd::remove_const_t<D>, S>; template <typename D, typename S> using same_const_t = typename same_const<D, S>::type; template <typename D, typename S> using same_volatile =copy_volatile<skstd::remove_volatile_t<D>,S>; template <typename D, typename S> using same_volatile_t = typename same_volatile<D, S>::type; template <typename D, typename S> using same_cv = copy_cv<skstd::remove_cv_t<D>, S>; template <typename D, typename S> using same_cv_t = typename same_cv<D, S>::type; } // namespace sknonstd // Just a pithier wrapper for enable_if_t. #define SK_WHEN(condition, T) skstd::enable_if_t<!!(condition), T> #endif