 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef SkTArray_DEFINED
#define SkTArray_DEFINED

#include "../private/SkTLogic.h"
#include "../private/SkTemplates.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"

#include <new>
#include <utility>

/** When MEM_COPY is true T will be bit copied when moved.
    When MEM_COPY is false, T will be copy constructed / destructed.
    In all cases T will be default-initialized on allocation,
    and its destructor will be called from this object's destructor.
template <typename T, bool MEM_COPY = false> class SkTArray {
     * Creates an empty array with no initial storage
    SkTArray() {
        fCount = 0;
        fReserveCount = gMIN_ALLOC_COUNT;
        fAllocCount = 0;
        fMemArray = NULL;
        fPreAllocMemArray = NULL;

     * Creates an empty array that will preallocate space for reserveCount
     * elements.
    explicit SkTArray(int reserveCount) {
        this->init(NULL, 0, NULL, reserveCount);

     * Copies one array to another. The new array will be heap allocated.
    explicit SkTArray(const SkTArray& array) {
        this->init(array.fItemArray, array.fCount, NULL, 0);

     * Creates a SkTArray by copying contents of a standard C array. The new
     * array will be heap allocated. Be careful not to use this constructor
     * when you really want the (void*, int) version.
    SkTArray(const T* array, int count) {
        this->init(array, count, NULL, 0);

     * assign copy of array to this
    SkTArray& operator =(const SkTArray& array) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
        fCount = 0;
        fCount = array.count();
        this->copy(static_cast<const T*>(array.fMemArray));
        return *this;

    ~SkTArray() {
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
        if (fMemArray != fPreAllocMemArray) {

     * Resets to count() == 0
    void reset() { this->pop_back_n(fCount); }

     * Resets to count() = n newly constructed T objects.
    void reset(int n) {
        SkASSERT(n >= 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
        // set fCount to 0 before calling checkRealloc so that no copy cons. are called.
        fCount = 0;
        fCount = n;
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
            new (fItemArray + i) T;

     * Resets to a copy of a C array.
    void reset(const T* array, int count) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
        int delta = count - fCount;
        fCount = count;

    void removeShuffle(int n) {
        SkASSERT(n < fCount);
        int newCount = fCount - 1;
        fCount = newCount;
        if (n != newCount) {
            this->move(n, newCount);

     * Number of elements in the array.
    int count() const { return fCount; }

     * Is the array empty.
    bool empty() const { return !fCount; }

     * Adds 1 new default-initialized T value and returns it by reference. Note
     * the reference only remains valid until the next call that adds or removes
     * elements.
    T& push_back() {
        T* newT = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->push_back_raw(1));
        new (newT) T;
        return *newT;

     * Version of above that uses a copy constructor to initialize the new item
    T& push_back(const T& t) {
        T* newT = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->push_back_raw(1));
        new (newT) T(t);
        return *newT;

     *  Construct a new T at the back of this array.
    template<class... Args> T& emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
        T* newT = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->push_back_raw(1));
        return *new (newT) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

     * Allocates n more default-initialized T values, and returns the address of
     * the start of that new range. Note: this address is only valid until the
     * next API call made on the array that might add or remove elements.
    T* push_back_n(int n) {
        SkASSERT(n >= 0);
        T* newTs = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->push_back_raw(n));
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            new (newTs + i) T;
        return newTs;

     * Version of above that uses a copy constructor to initialize all n items
     * to the same T.
    T* push_back_n(int n, const T& t) {
        SkASSERT(n >= 0);
        T* newTs = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->push_back_raw(n));
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            new (newTs[i]) T(t);
        return newTs;

     * Version of above that uses a copy constructor to initialize the n items
     * to separate T values.
    T* push_back_n(int n, const T t[]) {
        SkASSERT(n >= 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            new (fItemArray + fCount + i) T(t[i]);
        fCount += n;
        return fItemArray + fCount - n;

     * Removes the last element. Not safe to call when count() == 0.
    void pop_back() {
        SkASSERT(fCount > 0);

     * Removes the last n elements. Not safe to call when count() < n.
    void pop_back_n(int n) {
        SkASSERT(n >= 0);
        SkASSERT(fCount >= n);
        fCount -= n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            fItemArray[fCount + i].~T();

     * Pushes or pops from the back to resize. Pushes will be default
     * initialized.
    void resize_back(int newCount) {
        SkASSERT(newCount >= 0);

        if (newCount > fCount) {
            this->push_back_n(newCount - fCount);
        } else if (newCount < fCount) {
            this->pop_back_n(fCount - newCount);

    /** Swaps the contents of this array with that array. Does a pointer swap if possible,
        otherwise copies the T values. */
    void swap(SkTArray* that) {
        if (this == that) {
        if (this->fPreAllocMemArray != this->fItemArray &&
            that->fPreAllocMemArray != that->fItemArray) {
            // If neither is using a preallocated array then just swap.
            SkTSwap(fItemArray, that->fItemArray);
            SkTSwap(fCount, that->fCount);
            SkTSwap(fAllocCount, that->fAllocCount);
        } else {
            // This could be more optimal...
            SkTArray copy(*that);
            *that = *this;
            *this = copy;

    T* begin() {
        return fItemArray;
    const T* begin() const {
        return fItemArray;
    T* end() {
        return fItemArray ? fItemArray + fCount : NULL;
    const T* end() const {
        return fItemArray ? fItemArray + fCount : NULL;

     * Get the i^th element.
    T& operator[] (int i) {
        SkASSERT(i < fCount);
        SkASSERT(i >= 0);
        return fItemArray[i];

    const T& operator[] (int i) const {
        SkASSERT(i < fCount);
        SkASSERT(i >= 0);
        return fItemArray[i];

     * equivalent to operator[](0)
    T& front() { SkASSERT(fCount > 0); return fItemArray[0];}

    const T& front() const { SkASSERT(fCount > 0); return fItemArray[0];}

     * equivalent to operator[](count() - 1)
    T& back() { SkASSERT(fCount); return fItemArray[fCount - 1];}

    const T& back() const { SkASSERT(fCount > 0); return fItemArray[fCount - 1];}

     * equivalent to operator[](count()-1-i)
    T& fromBack(int i) {
        SkASSERT(i >= 0);
        SkASSERT(i < fCount);
        return fItemArray[fCount - i - 1];

    const T& fromBack(int i) const {
        SkASSERT(i >= 0);
        SkASSERT(i < fCount);
        return fItemArray[fCount - i - 1];

    bool operator==(const SkTArray<T, MEM_COPY>& right) const {
        int leftCount = this->count();
        if (leftCount != right.count()) {
            return false;
        for (int index = 0; index < leftCount; ++index) {
            if (fItemArray[index] != right.fItemArray[index]) {
                return false;
        return true;

    bool operator!=(const SkTArray<T, MEM_COPY>& right) const {
        return !(*this == right);

     * Creates an empty array that will use the passed storage block until it
     * is insufficiently large to hold the entire array.
    template <int N>
    SkTArray(SkAlignedSTStorage<N,T>* storage) {
        this->init(NULL, 0, storage->get(), N);

     * Copy another array, using preallocated storage if preAllocCount >=
     * array.count(). Otherwise storage will only be used when array shrinks
     * to fit.
    template <int N>
    SkTArray(const SkTArray& array, SkAlignedSTStorage<N,T>* storage) {
        this->init(array.fItemArray, array.fCount, storage->get(), N);

     * Copy a C array, using preallocated storage if preAllocCount >=
     * count. Otherwise storage will only be used when array shrinks
     * to fit.
    template <int N>
    SkTArray(const T* array, int count, SkAlignedSTStorage<N,T>* storage) {
        this->init(array, count, storage->get(), N);

    void init(const T* array, int count,
              void* preAllocStorage, int preAllocOrReserveCount) {
        SkASSERT(count >= 0);
        SkASSERT(preAllocOrReserveCount >= 0);
        fCount              = count;
        fReserveCount       = (preAllocOrReserveCount > 0) ?
                                    preAllocOrReserveCount :
        fPreAllocMemArray   = preAllocStorage;
        if (fReserveCount >= fCount &&
            preAllocStorage) {
            fAllocCount = fReserveCount;
            fMemArray = preAllocStorage;
        } else {
            fAllocCount = SkMax32(fCount, fReserveCount);
            fMemArray = sk_malloc_throw(fAllocCount * sizeof(T));


    /** In the following move and copy methods, 'dst' is assumed to be uninitialized raw storage.
     *  In the following move methods, 'src' is destroyed leaving behind uninitialized raw storage.
    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(E, void) copy(const T* src) {
        sk_careful_memcpy(fMemArray, src, fCount * sizeof(T));
    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(E, void) move(int dst, int src) {
        memcpy(&fItemArray[dst], &fItemArray[src], sizeof(T));
    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(E, void) move(char* dst) {
        sk_careful_memcpy(dst, fMemArray, fCount * sizeof(T));

    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(!E, void) copy(const T* src) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
            new (fItemArray + i) T(src[i]);
    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(!E, void) move(int dst, int src) {
        new (&fItemArray[dst]) T(std::move(fItemArray[src]));
    template <bool E = MEM_COPY> SK_WHEN(!E, void) move(char* dst) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
            new (dst + sizeof(T) * i) T(std::move(fItemArray[i]));

    static const int gMIN_ALLOC_COUNT = 8;

    // Helper function that makes space for n objects, adjusts the count, but does not initialize
    // the new objects.
    void* push_back_raw(int n) {
        void* ptr = fItemArray + fCount;
        fCount += n;
        return ptr;

    inline void checkRealloc(int delta) {
        SkASSERT(fCount >= 0);
        SkASSERT(fAllocCount >= 0);

        SkASSERT(-delta <= fCount);

        int newCount = fCount + delta;
        int newAllocCount = fAllocCount;

        if (newCount > fAllocCount || newCount < (fAllocCount / 3)) {
            // whether we're growing or shrinking, we leave at least 50% extra space for future
            // growth (clamped to the reserve count).
            newAllocCount = SkMax32(newCount + ((newCount + 1) >> 1), fReserveCount);
        if (newAllocCount != fAllocCount) {

            fAllocCount = newAllocCount;
            char* newMemArray;

            if (fAllocCount == fReserveCount && fPreAllocMemArray) {
                newMemArray = (char*) fPreAllocMemArray;
            } else {
                newMemArray = (char*) sk_malloc_throw(fAllocCount*sizeof(T));


            if (fMemArray != fPreAllocMemArray) {
            fMemArray = newMemArray;

    int     fReserveCount;
    int     fCount;
    int     fAllocCount;
    void*   fPreAllocMemArray;
    union {
        T*       fItemArray;
        void*    fMemArray;

 * Subclass of SkTArray that contains a preallocated memory block for the array.
template <int N, typename T, bool MEM_COPY = false>
class SkSTArray : public SkTArray<T, MEM_COPY> {
    typedef SkTArray<T, MEM_COPY> INHERITED;

    SkSTArray() : INHERITED(&fStorage) {

    SkSTArray(const SkSTArray& array)
        : INHERITED(array, &fStorage) {

    explicit SkSTArray(const INHERITED& array)
        : INHERITED(array, &fStorage) {

    explicit SkSTArray(int reserveCount)
        : INHERITED(reserveCount) {

    SkSTArray(const T* array, int count)
        : INHERITED(array, count, &fStorage) {

    SkSTArray& operator= (const SkSTArray& array) {
        return *this = *(const INHERITED*)&array;

    SkSTArray& operator= (const INHERITED& array) {
        return *this;

    SkAlignedSTStorage<N,T> fStorage;
