* Conditions Of Use
* This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of
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* Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST
* employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States
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* license is not needed to use the software.
* This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly
* AND DATA ACCURACY.  NIST does not warrant or make any representations
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* Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance
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package gov.nist.javax.sip.header;

import gov.nist.core.*;
import java.text.ParseException;

 * Authentication info SIP Header.
 * @author M. Ranganathan   NIST/ITL/ANTD
 * @since 1.1
 * @version 1.2 $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2009/07/17 18:57:27 $
public final class AuthenticationInfo
    extends ParametersHeader
    implements javax.sip.header.AuthenticationInfoHeader {

     * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4371927900917127057L;

    /** Default contstructor.
    public AuthenticationInfo() {
        parameters.setSeparator(COMMA); // Odd ball.

    public void add(NameValue nv) {

    /** Value of header encoded in canonical form.

    protected String encodeBody() {
        return parameters.encode();


    /** Get the name value pair for a given authentication info parameter.
     *@param name is the name for which we want to retrieve the name value
     *  list.

    public NameValue getAuthInfo(String name) {
        return parameters.getNameValue(name);

     * Returns the AuthenticationInfo value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the String representing the AuthenticationInfo
    public String getAuthenticationInfo() {
        return this.encodeBody();

    /** Returns the CNonce value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the String representing the cNonce information, null if value is
     * not set.
     * @since v1.1
    public String getCNonce() {
        return this.getParameter(ParameterNames.CNONCE);

    /** Returns the nextNonce value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the String representing the nextNonce
     * information, null if value is not set.
     * @since v1.1
    public String getNextNonce() {
        return this.getParameter(ParameterNames.NEXT_NONCE);

    /** Returns the Nonce Count value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the integer representing the nonceCount information, -1 if value is
     * not set.
     * @since v1.1
    public int getNonceCount() {
        return this.getParameterAsInt(ParameterNames.NONCE_COUNT);

    /** Returns the messageQop value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the string representing the messageQop information, null if the
     * value is not set.
     * @since v1.1
    public String getQop() {
        return this.getParameter(ParameterNames.QOP);

    /** Returns the Response value of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @return the String representing the Response information.
     * @since v1.1
    public String getResponse() {
        return this.getParameter(ParameterNames.RESPONSE_AUTH);

    /** Sets the CNonce of the AuthenticationInfoHeader to the <var>cNonce</var>
     * parameter value.
     * @param cNonce - the new cNonce String of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @throws ParseException which signals that an error has been reached
     * unexpectedly while parsing the cNonce value.
     * @since v1.1
    public void setCNonce(String cNonce) throws ParseException {
        this.setParameter(ParameterNames.CNONCE, cNonce);

    /** Sets the NextNonce of the AuthenticationInfoHeader to the <var>nextNonce</var>
     * parameter value.
     * @param nextNonce - the new nextNonce String of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @throws ParseException which signals that an error has been reached
     * unexpectedly while parsing the nextNonce value.
     * @since v1.1
    public void setNextNonce(String nextNonce) throws ParseException {
        this.setParameter(ParameterNames.NEXT_NONCE, nextNonce);

    /** Sets the Nonce Count of the AuthenticationInfoHeader to the <var>nonceCount</var>
     * parameter value.
     * @param nonceCount - the new nonceCount integer of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @throws ParseException which signals that an error has been reached
     * unexpectedly while parsing the nonceCount value.
     * @since v1.1
    public void setNonceCount(int nonceCount) throws ParseException {
        if (nonceCount < 0)
            throw new ParseException("bad value", 0);
        String nc = Integer.toHexString(nonceCount);

        String base = "00000000";
        nc = base.substring(0, 8 - nc.length()) + nc;
        this.setParameter(ParameterNames.NC, nc);

    /** Sets the Qop value of the AuthenticationInfoHeader to the new
     * <var>qop</var> parameter value.
     * @param qop - the new Qop string of this AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @throws ParseException which signals that an error has been reached
     * unexpectedly while parsing the Qop value.
     * @since v1.1
    public void setQop(String qop) throws ParseException {
        this.setParameter(ParameterNames.QOP, qop);

    /** Sets the Response of the
     * AuthenticationInfoHeader to the new <var>response</var>
     * parameter value.
     * @param response - the new response String of this
     * AuthenticationInfoHeader.
     * @throws ParseException which signals that an error has been reached
     * unexpectedly while parsing the Response.
     * @since v1.1
    public void setResponse(String response) throws ParseException {
        this.setParameter(ParameterNames.RESPONSE_AUTH, response);

    public void setParameter(String name, String value) throws ParseException {
        if (name == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("null name");
        NameValue nv = super.parameters.getNameValue(name.toLowerCase());
        if (nv == null) {
            nv = new NameValue(name, value);
            if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.QOP)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.NEXT_NONCE)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.REALM)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.CNONCE)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.NONCE)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.OPAQUE)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.USERNAME)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.DOMAIN)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.NEXT_NONCE)
                || name.equalsIgnoreCase(ParameterNames.RESPONSE_AUTH)) {
                if (value == null)
                    throw new NullPointerException("null value");
                if (value.startsWith(Separators.DOUBLE_QUOTE))
                    throw new ParseException(
                        value + " : Unexpected DOUBLE_QUOTE",
        } else