# Overview The wrapper implements OS dependent services for libweave # Building ### Build daemon examples The example binaries land in the out/Debug/ directory build all of them at once: ``` make all-examples ``` ...or one at a time. ``` make out/Debug/weave_daemon_light ``` # Prepare Host OS ### Enable user-service-publishing in avahi daemon Set disable-user-service-publishing=no in /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf #### restart avahi ``` sudo service avahi-daemon restart ``` # Control device with the cloud ### Generate registration ticket - Go to [OAuth 2.0 Playground](https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/) - "Step 1": Paste https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices and click to "Authorize APIs" - "Step 2": Click "Exchange authorization code for tokens" - "Step 3": Fill the form: * HTTP Method: POST * Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/weave/v1/registrationTickets * Enter request body: ```{"userEmail": "me"}``` * Click "Send the request", a ticket id will be returned in ``` { "userEmail": "user@google.com", "kind": "weave#registrationTicket", "expirationTimeMs": "1443204934855", "deviceId": "0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d", "creationTimeMs": "1443204694855", "id": "93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226" } ``` - Note: the ticket "id" is not used within 240 sec, it will be expired. ### Register device to cloud - Copy the ticket "id" generated above: ```93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226``` - Go to terminal, register and start the daemon with ``` sudo out/Debug/weave_daemon_sample --registration_ticket=93019287-6b26-04a0-22ee-d55ad23a4226 ``` - See something like: ``` Publishing service Saving settings to /var/lib/weave/weave_settings.json ``` - Note: in second and future runs, --registration_ticket options is not necessary anymore - Get your device id with ``` sudo cat /var/lib/weave/weave_settings.json ``` - See something like: ``` ... "device_id": 0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d ... ``` - Use this device_id for future communication with your device. It does not expire. - Verify device is up with Weave Device Managers on [Android](https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.google.android.apps.weave.management), [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/weave-device-manager/pcdgflbjckpjmlofgopidgdfonmnodfm) or [Weave Developpers Console](https://weave.google.com/console/) ### Send Command to the Daemon - Go to [OAuth 2.0 Playground](https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/) - "Step 1": Paste https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices and click to "Authorize APIs" - "Step 2": Click "Exchange authorization code for tokens" - "Step 3": Fill the form: * HTTP Method: POST * Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/weave/v1/commands * Enter request body: ``` { "deviceId": "0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d", "name": "_sample.hello", "component": "sample", "parameters": { "name": "cloud user" } } ``` - "Send the request", you command will be "queued" as its "state" - Verify the command execution observing daemon console logs - Verify the command usign [Weave Developpers Console](https://weave.google.com/console/) - Verify the command history with [OAuth 2.0 Playground](https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/) - "Step 1": Paste https://www.googleapis.com/auth/clouddevices and click to "Authorize APIs" - "Step 2": Click "Exchange authorization code for tokens" - "Step 3": Fill the form: * HTTP Method: GET * Request URI: https://www.googleapis.com/weave/v1/commands?deviceId=0f8a5ff5-1ef0-ec39-f9d8-66d1caeb9e3d * Click "Send the request", you get all of the commands executed on your device.