<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"> <!-- lifted from troff+man by doclifter --> <refentry id='dbusmonitor1'> <!-- --> <!-- dbus\-monitor manual page. --> <!-- Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc. --> <refmeta> <refentrytitle>dbus-monitor</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum> </refmeta> <refnamediv id='name'> <refname>dbus-monitor</refname> <refpurpose>debug probe to print message bus messages</refpurpose> </refnamediv> <!-- body begins here --> <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'> <cmdsynopsis> <command>dbus-monitor</command> <group choice='opt'><arg choice='plain'>--system </arg><arg choice='plain'>--session </arg><arg choice='plain'>--address <replaceable>ADDRESS</replaceable></arg></group> <group choice='opt'><arg choice='plain'>--profile </arg><arg choice='plain'>--monitor </arg></group> <arg choice='opt'><arg choice='plain'><replaceable>watch</replaceable></arg><arg choice='plain'><replaceable>expressions</replaceable></arg></arg> <sbr/> </cmdsynopsis> </refsynopsisdiv> <refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title> <para>The <command>dbus-monitor</command> command is used to monitor messages going through a D-Bus message bus. See <ulink url='http://www.freedesktop.org/software/dbus/'>http://www.freedesktop.org/software/dbus/</ulink> for more information about the big picture.</para> <para>There are two well-known message buses: the systemwide message bus (installed on many systems as the "messagebus" service) and the per-user-login-session message bus (started each time a user logs in). The --system and --session options direct <command>dbus-monitor</command> to monitor the system or session buses respectively. If neither is specified, <command>dbus-monitor</command> monitors the session bus.</para> <para><command>dbus-monitor</command> has two different output modes, the 'classic'-style monitoring mode and profiling mode. The profiling format is a compact format with a single line per message and microsecond-resolution timing information. The --profile and --monitor options select the profiling and monitoring output format respectively. If neither is specified, <command>dbus-monitor</command> uses the monitoring output format.</para> <para>In order to get <command>dbus-monitor</command> to see the messages you are interested in, you should specify a set of watch expressions as you would expect to be passed to the <emphasis remap='I'>dbus_bus_add_match</emphasis> function.</para> <para>The message bus configuration may keep <command>dbus-monitor</command> from seeing all messages, especially if you run the monitor as a non-root user.</para> </refsect1> <refsect1 id='options'><title>OPTIONS</title> <variablelist remap='TP'> <varlistentry> <term><option>--system</option></term> <listitem> <para>Monitor the system message bus.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><option>--session</option></term> <listitem> <para>Monitor the session message bus. (This is the default.)</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><option>--address ADDRESS</option></term> <listitem> <para>Monitor an arbitrary message bus given at ADDRESS.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><option>--profile</option></term> <listitem> <para>Use the profiling output format.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><option>--monitor</option></term> <listitem> <para>Use the monitoring output format. (This is the default.)</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </refsect1> <refsect1 id='example'><title>EXAMPLE</title> <para>Here is an example of using dbus-monitor to watch for the gnome typing monitor to say things</para> <literallayout remap='.nf'> dbus-monitor "type='signal',sender='org.gnome.TypingMonitor',interface='org.gnome.TypingMonitor'" </literallayout> <!-- .fi --> </refsect1> <refsect1 id='author'><title>AUTHOR</title> <para>dbus-monitor was written by Philip Blundell. The profiling output mode was added by Olli Salli.</para> </refsect1> <refsect1 id='bugs'><title>BUGS</title> <para>Please send bug reports to the D-Bus mailing list or bug tracker, see <ulink url='http://www.freedesktop.org/software/dbus/'>http://www.freedesktop.org/software/dbus/</ulink></para> </refsect1> </refentry>