# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Integration tests for cp command."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import base64
import binascii
import datetime
import httplib
import logging
import os
import pickle
import pkgutil
import random
import re
import string
import sys

from apitools.base.py import exceptions as apitools_exceptions
import boto
from boto import storage_uri
from boto.exception import ResumableTransferDisposition
from boto.exception import StorageResponseError
from boto.storage_uri import BucketStorageUri
import crcmod

from gslib.cloud_api import ResumableDownloadException
from gslib.cloud_api import ResumableUploadException
from gslib.cloud_api import ResumableUploadStartOverException
from gslib.commands.config import DEFAULT_SLICED_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD
from gslib.copy_helper import GetTrackerFilePath
from gslib.copy_helper import TrackerFileType
from gslib.cs_api_map import ApiSelector
from gslib.gcs_json_api import GcsJsonApi
from gslib.hashing_helper import CalculateMd5FromContents
from gslib.storage_url import StorageUrlFromString
import gslib.tests.testcase as testcase
from gslib.tests.testcase.base import NotParallelizable
from gslib.tests.testcase.integration_testcase import SkipForS3
from gslib.tests.util import GenerationFromURI as urigen
from gslib.tests.util import HAS_S3_CREDS
from gslib.tests.util import ObjectToURI as suri
from gslib.tests.util import SequentialAndParallelTransfer
from gslib.tests.util import SetBotoConfigForTest
from gslib.tests.util import unittest
from gslib.third_party.storage_apitools import storage_v1_messages as apitools_messages
from gslib.tracker_file import DeleteTrackerFile
from gslib.tracker_file import GetRewriteTrackerFilePath
from gslib.tracker_file import GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths
from gslib.util import EIGHT_MIB
from gslib.util import HumanReadableToBytes
from gslib.util import IS_WINDOWS
from gslib.util import MakeHumanReadable
from gslib.util import ONE_KIB
from gslib.util import ONE_MIB
from gslib.util import Retry
from gslib.util import START_CALLBACK_PER_BYTES
from gslib.util import UsingCrcmodExtension
from gslib.util import UTF8

# Custom test callbacks must be pickleable, and therefore at global scope.
class _HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler for intentionally stopping a resumable transfer."""

  def __init__(self, is_upload, halt_at_byte):
    self._is_upload = is_upload
    self._halt_at_byte = halt_at_byte

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_transferred, total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the transfer has passed the halting point."""
    if total_bytes_transferred >= self._halt_at_byte:
          'Halting transfer after byte %s. %s/%s transferred.\r\n' % (
              self._halt_at_byte, MakeHumanReadable(total_bytes_transferred),
      if self._is_upload:
        raise ResumableUploadException('Artifically halting upload.')
        raise ResumableDownloadException('Artifically halting download.')

class _JSONForceHTTPErrorCopyCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler that raises an arbitrary HTTP error exception."""

  def __init__(self, startover_at_byte, http_error_num):
    self._startover_at_byte = startover_at_byte
    self._http_error_num = http_error_num
    self.started_over_once = False

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_transferred, total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the transfer has passed the halting point."""
    if (total_bytes_transferred >= self._startover_at_byte
        and not self.started_over_once):
          'Forcing HTTP error %s after byte %s. '
          '%s/%s transferred.\r\n' % (
      self.started_over_once = True
      raise apitools_exceptions.HttpError(
          {'status': self._http_error_num}, None, None)

class _XMLResumableUploadStartOverCopyCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler that raises start-over exception during upload."""

  def __init__(self, startover_at_byte):
    self._startover_at_byte = startover_at_byte
    self.started_over_once = False

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_transferred, total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the transfer has passed the halting point."""
    if (total_bytes_transferred >= self._startover_at_byte
        and not self.started_over_once):
          'Forcing ResumableUpload start over error after byte %s. '
          '%s/%s transferred.\r\n' % (
      self.started_over_once = True
      raise boto.exception.ResumableUploadException(
          'Forcing upload start over',

class _HaltOneComponentCopyCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler for stopping part of a sliced download."""

  def __init__(self, halt_at_byte):
    self._last_progress_byte = None
    self._halt_at_byte = halt_at_byte

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
  def call(self, current_progress_byte, total_size_unused):
    """Forcibly exits if the passed the halting point since the last call."""
    if (self._last_progress_byte is not None and
        self._last_progress_byte < self._halt_at_byte < current_progress_byte):
      sys.stderr.write('Halting transfer.\r\n')
      raise ResumableDownloadException('Artifically halting download.')
    self._last_progress_byte = current_progress_byte

class _DeleteBucketThenStartOverCopyCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler that deletes bucket then raises start-over."""

  def __init__(self, startover_at_byte, bucket_uri):
    self._startover_at_byte = startover_at_byte
    self._bucket_uri = bucket_uri
    self.started_over_once = False

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_transferred, total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the transfer has passed the halting point."""
    if (total_bytes_transferred >= self._startover_at_byte
        and not self.started_over_once):
      sys.stderr.write('Deleting bucket (%s)' %(self._bucket_uri.bucket_name))

      @Retry(StorageResponseError, tries=5, timeout_secs=1)
      def DeleteBucket():
        bucket_list = list(self._bucket_uri.list_bucket(all_versions=True))
        for k in bucket_list:

          'Forcing ResumableUpload start over error after byte %s. '
          '%s/%s transferred.\r\n' % (
      self.started_over_once = True
      raise ResumableUploadStartOverException(
          'Artificially forcing start-over')

class _RewriteHaltException(Exception):

class _HaltingRewriteCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler for intentionally stopping a rewrite operation."""

  def __init__(self, halt_at_byte):
    self._halt_at_byte = halt_at_byte

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_rewritten, unused_total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the operation has passed the halting point."""
    if total_bytes_rewritten >= self._halt_at_byte:
      raise _RewriteHaltException('Artificially halting rewrite')

class _EnsureRewriteResumeCallbackHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler for ensuring a rewrite operation resumed."""

  def __init__(self, required_byte):
    self._required_byte = required_byte

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_rewritten, unused_total_size):
    """Forcibly exits if the operation has passed the halting point."""
    if total_bytes_rewritten <= self._required_byte:
      raise _RewriteHaltException(
          'Rewrite did not resume; %s bytes written, but %s bytes should '
          'have already been written.' % (total_bytes_rewritten,

class _ResumableUploadRetryHandler(object):
  """Test callback handler for causing retries during a resumable transfer."""

  def __init__(self, retry_at_byte, exception_to_raise, exc_args,
    self._retry_at_byte = retry_at_byte
    self._exception_to_raise = exception_to_raise
    self._exception_args = exc_args
    self._num_retries = num_retries

    self._retries_made = 0

  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  def call(self, total_bytes_transferred, unused_total_size):
    """Cause a single retry at the retry point."""
    if (total_bytes_transferred >= self._retry_at_byte
        and self._retries_made < self._num_retries):
      self._retries_made += 1
      raise self._exception_to_raise(*self._exception_args)

class TestCp(testcase.GsUtilIntegrationTestCase):
  """Integration tests for cp command."""

  # For tests that artificially halt, we need to ensure at least one callback
  # occurs.
  halt_size = START_CALLBACK_PER_BYTES * 2

  def _get_test_file(self, name):
    contents = pkgutil.get_data('gslib', 'tests/test_data/%s' % name)
    return self.CreateTempFile(file_name=name, contents=contents)

  def test_noclobber(self):
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='bar')
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-n', fpath, suri(key_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Skipping existing item: %s' % suri(key_uri), stderr)
    self.assertEqual(key_uri.get_contents_as_string(), 'foo')
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-n', suri(key_uri), fpath],
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertIn('Skipping existing item: %s' % suri(f), stderr)
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'bar')

  def test_dest_bucket_not_exist(self):
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='foo')
    invalid_bucket_uri = (
        '%s://%s' % (self.default_provider, self.nonexistent_bucket_name))
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, invalid_bucket_uri],
                            expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
    self.assertIn('does not exist', stderr)

  def test_copy_in_cloud_noclobber(self):
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, contents='foo')
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(key_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)],
    # Rewrite API may output an additional 'Copying' progress notification.
    self.assertGreaterEqual(stderr.count('Copying'), 1)
    self.assertLessEqual(stderr.count('Copying'), 2)
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-n', suri(key_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Skipping existing item: %s' %
                  suri(bucket2_uri, key_uri.object_name), stderr)

  def test_streaming(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-', '%s' % suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')],
                            stdin='bar', return_stderr=True)
    self.assertIn('Copying from <STDIN>', stderr)
    key_uri = bucket_uri.clone_replace_name('foo')
    self.assertEqual(key_uri.get_contents_as_string(), 'bar')

  def test_streaming_multiple_arguments(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-', '-', suri(bucket_uri)],
                            stdin='bar', return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
    self.assertIn('Multiple URL strings are not supported with streaming',

  # TODO: Implement a way to test both with and without using magic file.

  def test_detect_content_type(self):
    """Tests local detection of content type."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')

    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', self._get_test_file('test.mp3'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      if IS_WINDOWS:
            re.search(r'Content-Type:\s+audio/x-mpg', stdout) or
            re.search(r'Content-Type:\s+audio/mpeg', stdout))
        self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+audio/mpeg')

    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', self._get_test_file('test.gif'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')

  def test_content_type_override_default(self):
    """Tests overriding content type with the default value."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.mp3'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.gif'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)

  def test_content_type_override(self):
    """Tests overriding content type with a value."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:text/plain', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.mp3'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+text/plain')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:text/plain', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.gif'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+text/plain')

  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, 'magicfile is not available on Windows.')
  def test_magicfile_override(self):
    """Tests content type override with magicfile value."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='foo/bar\n')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      use_magicfile = boto.config.getbool('GSUtil', 'use_magicfile', False)
      content_type = ('text/plain' if use_magicfile
                      else 'application/octet-stream')
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+%s' % content_type)

  def test_content_type_mismatches(self):
    """Tests overriding content type when it does not match the file type."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='foo/bar\n')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:image/gif', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.mp3'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:image/gif', 'cp',
                    self._get_test_file('test.gif'), dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Content-Type:image/gif', 'cp', fpath, dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check3():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')

  def test_content_type_header_case_insensitive(self):
    """Tests that content type header is treated with case insensitivity."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')
    fpath = self._get_test_file('test.gif')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'content-Type:text/plain', 'cp',
                    fpath, dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+text/plain')
      self.assertNotRegexpMatches(stdout, r'image/gif')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'CONTENT-TYPE:image/gif',
                    '-h', 'content-type:image/gif',
                    'cp', fpath, dsturi])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dsturi], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')
      self.assertNotRegexpMatches(stdout, r'image/gif,\s*image/gif')

  def test_other_headers(self):
    """Tests that non-content-type headers are applied successfully on copy."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dst_uri = suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')
    fpath = self._get_test_file('test.gif')

    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', 'Cache-Control:public,max-age=12',
                    '-h', 'x-%s-meta-1:abcd' % self.provider_custom_meta, 'cp',
                    fpath, dst_uri])

    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dst_uri], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Cache-Control\s*:\s*public,max-age=12')
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Metadata:\s*1:\s*abcd')

    dst_uri2 = suri(bucket_uri, 'bar')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', dst_uri, dst_uri2])
    # Ensure metadata was preserved across copy.
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', dst_uri2], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Cache-Control\s*:\s*public,max-age=12')
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Metadata:\s*1:\s*abcd')

  def test_versioning(self):
    """Tests copy with versioning."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    k1_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data2')
    k2_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data1')
    g1 = urigen(k2_uri)
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(k1_uri), suri(k2_uri)])
    k2_uri = bucket_uri.clone_replace_name(k2_uri.object_name)
    k2_uri = bucket_uri.clone_replace_key(k2_uri.get_key())
    g2 = urigen(k2_uri)
    g3 = urigen(k2_uri)

    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    # Check to make sure current version is data3.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', k2_uri.versionless_uri, fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'data3')

    # Check contents of all three versions
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '%s#%s' % (k2_uri.versionless_uri, g1), fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'data1')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '%s#%s' % (k2_uri.versionless_uri, g2), fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'data2')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '%s#%s' % (k2_uri.versionless_uri, g3), fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'data3')

    # Copy first version to current and verify.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '%s#%s' % (k2_uri.versionless_uri, g1),
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', k2_uri.versionless_uri, fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'data1')

    # Attempt to specify a version-specific URI for destination.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, k2_uri.uri], return_stderr=True,
    self.assertIn('cannot be the destination for gsutil cp', stderr)

  def test_versioning_no_parallelism(self):
    """Tests that copy all-versions errors when parallelism is enabled."""
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
        ['-m', 'cp', '-A', suri(self.nonexistent_bucket_name, 'foo'),
         suri(self.nonexistent_bucket_name, 'bar')],
        expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
    self.assertIn('-m option is not supported with the cp -A flag', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('S3 lists versioned objects in reverse timestamp order.')
  def test_recursive_copying_versioned_bucket(self):
    """Tests cp -R with versioned buckets."""
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    bucket3_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()

    # Write two versions of an object to the bucket1.
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, object_name='k', contents='data0')
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, object_name='k',

    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket1_uri, 2, versioned=True)
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket2_uri, 0, versioned=True)
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket3_uri, 0, versioned=True)

    # Recursively copy to second versioned bucket.
    # -A flag should copy all versions in order.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', '-A', suri(bucket1_uri, '*'),

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check2():
      """Validates the results of the cp -R."""
      listing1 = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-la', suri(bucket1_uri)],
      listing2 = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-la', suri(bucket2_uri)],
      # 2 lines of listing output, 1 summary line, 1 empty line from \n split.
      self.assertEquals(len(listing1), 4)
      self.assertEquals(len(listing2), 4)

      # First object in each bucket should match in size and version-less name.
      size1, _, uri_str1, _ = listing1[0].split()
      self.assertEquals(size1, str(len('data0')))
      self.assertEquals(storage_uri(uri_str1).object_name, 'k')
      size2, _, uri_str2, _ = listing2[0].split()
      self.assertEquals(size2, str(len('data0')))
      self.assertEquals(storage_uri(uri_str2).object_name, 'k')

      # Similarly for second object in each bucket.
      size1, _, uri_str1, _ = listing1[1].split()
      self.assertEquals(size1, str(len('longer_data1')))
      self.assertEquals(storage_uri(uri_str1).object_name, 'k')
      size2, _, uri_str2, _ = listing2[1].split()
      self.assertEquals(size2, str(len('longer_data1')))
      self.assertEquals(storage_uri(uri_str2).object_name, 'k')

    # Recursively copy to second versioned bucket with no -A flag.
    # This should copy only the live object.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', suri(bucket1_uri, '*'),

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check3():
      """Validates the results of the cp -R."""
      listing1 = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-la', suri(bucket1_uri)],
      listing2 = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-la', suri(bucket3_uri)],
      # 2 lines of listing output, 1 summary line, 1 empty line from \n split.
      self.assertEquals(len(listing1), 4)
      # 1 lines of listing output, 1 summary line, 1 empty line from \n split.
      self.assertEquals(len(listing2), 3)

      # Live (second) object in bucket 1 should match the single live object.
      size1, _, uri_str1, _ = listing2[0].split()
      self.assertEquals(size1, str(len('longer_data1')))
      self.assertEquals(storage_uri(uri_str1).object_name, 'k')

  @SkipForS3('Preconditions not supported for S3.')
  def test_cp_generation_zero_match(self):
    """Tests that cp handles an object-not-exists precondition header."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(contents='data1')
    # Match 0 means only write the object if it doesn't already exist.
    gen_match_header = 'x-goog-if-generation-match:0'

    # First copy should succeed.
    # TODO: This can fail (rarely) if the server returns a 5xx but actually
    # commits the bytes. If we add restarts on small uploads, handle this
    # case.
    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', gen_match_header, 'cp', fpath1, suri(bucket_uri)])

    # Second copy should fail with a precondition error.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-h', gen_match_header, 'cp', fpath1,
                            return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
    self.assertIn('PreconditionException', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('Preconditions not supported for S3.')
  def test_cp_v_generation_match(self):
    """Tests that cp -v option handles the if-generation-match header."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    k1_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data1')
    g1 = k1_uri.generation

    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents='data2')

    gen_match_header = 'x-goog-if-generation-match:%s' % g1
    # First copy should succeed.
    self.RunGsUtil(['-h', gen_match_header, 'cp', fpath1, suri(k1_uri)])

    # Second copy should fail the precondition.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-h', gen_match_header, 'cp', fpath1,
                            return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)

    self.assertIn('PreconditionException', stderr)

    # Specifiying a generation with -n should fail before the request hits the
    # server.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-h', gen_match_header, 'cp', '-n', fpath1,
                            return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)

    self.assertIn('ArgumentException', stderr)
    self.assertIn('Specifying x-goog-if-generation-match is not supported '
                  'with cp -n', stderr)

  def test_cp_nv(self):
    """Tests that cp -nv works when skipping existing file."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    k1_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data1')

    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents='data2')

    # First copy should succeed.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-nv', fpath1, suri(k1_uri)])

    # Second copy should skip copying.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-nv', fpath1, suri(k1_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Skipping existing item:', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('S3 lists versioned objects in reverse timestamp order.')
  def test_cp_v_option(self):
    """"Tests that cp -v returns the created object's version-specific URI."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    k1_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data1')
    k2_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='data2')

    # Case 1: Upload file to object using one-shot PUT.
    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents='data1')
    self._run_cp_minus_v_test('-v', fpath1, k2_uri.uri)

    # Case 2: Upload file to object using resumable upload.
    size_threshold = ONE_KIB
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold',
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      file_as_string = os.urandom(size_threshold)
      tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
      fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=file_as_string)
      self._run_cp_minus_v_test('-v', fpath1, k2_uri.uri)

    # Case 3: Upload stream to object.
    self._run_cp_minus_v_test('-v', '-', k2_uri.uri)

    # Case 4: Download object to file. For this case we just expect output of
    # gsutil cp -v to be the URI of the file.
    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir)
    dst_uri = storage_uri(fpath1)
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-v', suri(k1_uri), suri(dst_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Created: %s' % dst_uri.uri, stderr.split('\n')[-2])

    # Case 5: Daisy-chain from object to object.
    self._run_cp_minus_v_test('-Dv', k1_uri.uri, k2_uri.uri)

    # Case 6: Copy object to object in-the-cloud.
    self._run_cp_minus_v_test('-v', k1_uri.uri, k2_uri.uri)

  def _run_cp_minus_v_test(self, opt, src_str, dst_str):
    """Runs cp -v with the options and validates the results."""
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', opt, src_str, dst_str], return_stderr=True)
    match = re.search(r'Created: (.*)\n', stderr)
    created_uri = match.group(1)

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-a', dst_str], return_stdout=True)
      lines = stdout.split('\n')
      # Final (most recent) object should match the "Created:" URI. This is
      # in second-to-last line (last line is '\n').
      self.assertGreater(len(lines), 2)
      self.assertEqual(created_uri, lines[-2])

  def test_stdin_args(self):
    """Tests cp with the -I option."""
    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents='data1')
    fpath2 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmpdir, contents='data2')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-I', suri(bucket_uri)],
                   stdin='\n'.join((fpath1, fpath2)))

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', suri(bucket_uri)], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertIn(os.path.basename(fpath1), stdout)
      self.assertIn(os.path.basename(fpath2), stdout)
      self.assertNumLines(stdout, 2)

  def test_cross_storage_class_cloud_cp(self):
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket(storage_class='STANDARD')
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket(
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, contents='foo')
    # Server now allows copy-in-the-cloud across storage classes.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(key_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)])

  @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_S3_CREDS, 'Test requires both S3 and GS credentials')
  def test_cross_provider_cp(self):
    s3_bucket = self.CreateBucket(provider='s3')
    gs_bucket = self.CreateBucket(provider='gs')
    s3_key = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=s3_bucket, contents='foo')
    gs_key = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=gs_bucket, contents='bar')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(s3_key), suri(gs_bucket)])
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(gs_key), suri(s3_bucket)])

  @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_S3_CREDS, 'Test requires both S3 and GS credentials')
  @unittest.skip('This test performs a large copy but remains here for '
                 'debugging purposes.')
  def test_cross_provider_large_cp(self):
    s3_bucket = self.CreateBucket(provider='s3')
    gs_bucket = self.CreateBucket(provider='gs')
    s3_key = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=s3_bucket, contents='f'*1024*1024)
    gs_key = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=gs_bucket, contents='b'*1024*1024)
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(s3_key), suri(gs_bucket)])
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(gs_key), suri(s3_bucket)])
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB)),
        ('GSUtil', 'json_resumable_chunk_size', str(ONE_KIB * 256))]):
      # Ensure copy also works across json upload chunk boundaries.
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(s3_key), suri(gs_bucket)])

  @unittest.skip('This test is slow due to creating many objects, '
                 'but remains here for debugging purposes.')
  def test_daisy_chain_cp_file_sizes(self):
    """Ensure daisy chain cp works with a wide of file sizes."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    exponent_cap = 28  # Up to 256 MiB in size.
    for i in range(exponent_cap):
      one_byte_smaller = 2**i - 1
      normal = 2**i
      one_byte_larger = 2**i + 1
      self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='a'*one_byte_smaller)
      self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='b'*normal)
      self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='c'*one_byte_larger)

    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, exponent_cap*3)
    self.RunGsUtil(['-m', 'cp', '-D', suri(bucket_uri, '**'),

    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket2_uri, exponent_cap*3)

  def test_daisy_chain_cp(self):
    """Tests cp with the -D option."""
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket(storage_class='STANDARD')
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket(
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, contents='foo')
    # Set some headers on source object so we can verify that headers are
    # presereved by daisy-chain copy.
    self.RunGsUtil(['setmeta', '-h', 'Cache-Control:public,max-age=12',
                    '-h', 'Content-Type:image/gif',
                    '-h', 'x-%s-meta-1:abcd' % self.provider_custom_meta,
    # Set public-read (non-default) ACL so we can verify that cp -D -p works.
    self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'set', 'public-read', suri(key_uri)])
    acl_json = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(key_uri)], return_stdout=True)
    # Perform daisy-chain copy and verify that source object headers and ACL
    # were preserved. Also specify -n option to test that gsutil correctly
    # removes the x-goog-if-generation-match:0 header that was set at uploading
    # time when updating the ACL.
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-Dpn', suri(key_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)],
    self.assertNotIn('Copy-in-the-cloud disallowed', stderr)

    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check():
      uri = suri(bucket2_uri, key_uri.object_name)
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', uri], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Cache-Control:\s+public,max-age=12')
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Type:\s+image/gif')
      self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Metadata:\s+1:\s+abcd')
      new_acl_json = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', uri], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertEqual(acl_json, new_acl_json)

  def test_daisy_chain_cp_download_failure(self):
    """Tests cp with the -D option when the download thread dies."""
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri,
                                contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               '-D', suri(key_uri), suri(bucket2_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      # Should have two exception traces; one from the download thread and
      # one from the upload thread.
          'ResumableDownloadException: Artifically halting download'), 2)

  def test_canned_acl_cp(self):
    """Tests copying with a canned ACL."""
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    bucket2_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, contents='foo')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-a', 'public-read', suri(key_uri),
    # Set public-read on the original key after the copy so we can compare
    # the ACLs.
    self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'set', 'public-read', suri(key_uri)])
    public_read_acl = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(key_uri)],

    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check():
      uri = suri(bucket2_uri, key_uri.object_name)
      new_acl_json = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', uri], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertEqual(public_read_acl, new_acl_json)

  def test_canned_acl_upload(self):
    """Tests uploading a file with a canned ACL."""
    bucket1_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket1_uri, contents='foo')
    # Set public-read on the object so we can compare the ACLs.
    self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'set', 'public-read', suri(key_uri)])
    public_read_acl = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(key_uri)],

    file_name = 'bar'
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name=file_name, contents='foo')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-a', 'public-read', fpath, suri(bucket1_uri)])
    new_acl_json = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(bucket1_uri, file_name)],
    self.assertEqual(public_read_acl, new_acl_json)

    resumable_size = ONE_KIB
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold',
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      resumable_file_name = 'resumable_bar'
      resumable_contents = os.urandom(resumable_size)
      resumable_fpath = self.CreateTempFile(
          file_name=resumable_file_name, contents=resumable_contents)
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-a', 'public-read', resumable_fpath,
      new_resumable_acl_json = self.RunGsUtil(
          ['acl', 'get', suri(bucket1_uri, resumable_file_name)],
      self.assertEqual(public_read_acl, new_resumable_acl_json)

  def test_cp_key_to_local_stream(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    contents = 'foo'
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents=contents)
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(key_uri), '-'], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertIn(contents, stdout)

  def test_cp_local_file_to_local_stream(self):
    contents = 'content'
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents=contents)
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, '-'], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertIn(contents, stdout)

  def test_cp_zero_byte_file(self):
    dst_bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    src_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = os.path.join(src_dir, 'zero_byte')
    with open(fpath, 'w') as unused_out_file:
      pass  # Write a zero byte file
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(dst_bucket_uri)])

    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', suri(dst_bucket_uri)], return_stdout=True)
      self.assertIn(os.path.basename(fpath), stdout)

    download_path = os.path.join(src_dir, 'zero_byte_download')
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(dst_bucket_uri, 'zero_byte'), download_path])

  def test_copy_bucket_to_bucket(self):
    """Tests recursively copying from bucket to bucket.

    This should produce identically named objects (and not, in particular,
    destination objects named by the version-specific URI from source objects).
    src_bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    dst_bucket_uri = self.CreateVersionedBucket()
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj0',
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj1',

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _CopyAndCheck():
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', suri(src_bucket_uri),
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-R', dst_bucket_uri.uri],
      self.assertIn('%s%s/obj0\n' % (dst_bucket_uri,
                                     src_bucket_uri.bucket_name), stdout)
      self.assertIn('%s%s/obj1\n' % (dst_bucket_uri,
                                     src_bucket_uri.bucket_name), stdout)

  def test_copy_bucket_to_dir(self):
    """Tests recursively copying from bucket to a directory.

    This should produce identically named objects (and not, in particular,
    destination objects named by the version- specific URI from source objects).
    src_bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dst_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj0',
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj1',

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _CopyAndCheck():
      """Copies the bucket recursively and validates the results."""
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', suri(src_bucket_uri), dst_dir])
      dir_list = []
      for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(dst_dir):
        for filename in filenames:
          dir_list.append(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
      dir_list = sorted(dir_list)
      self.assertEqual(len(dir_list), 2)
      self.assertEqual(os.path.join(dst_dir, src_bucket_uri.bucket_name,
                                    'obj0'), dir_list[0])
      self.assertEqual(os.path.join(dst_dir, src_bucket_uri.bucket_name,
                                    'obj1'), dir_list[1])

  def test_recursive_download_with_leftover_dir_placeholder(self):
    """Tests that we correctly handle leftover dir placeholders."""
    src_bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dst_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj0',
    self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=src_bucket_uri, object_name='obj1',

    # Create a placeholder like what can be left over by web GUI tools.
    key_uri = src_bucket_uri.clone_replace_name('/')
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(src_bucket_uri, 3)

    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', suri(src_bucket_uri), dst_dir])
    dir_list = []
    for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(dst_dir):
      for filename in filenames:
        dir_list.append(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
    dir_list = sorted(dir_list)
    self.assertEqual(len(dir_list), 2)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.join(dst_dir, src_bucket_uri.bucket_name,
                                  'obj0'), dir_list[0])
    self.assertEqual(os.path.join(dst_dir, src_bucket_uri.bucket_name,
                                  'obj1'), dir_list[1])

  def test_copy_quiet(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='foo')
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-q', 'cp', suri(key_uri),
    self.assertEqual(stderr.count('Copying '), 0)

  def test_cp_md5_match(self):
    """Tests that the uploaded object has the expected MD5.

    Note that while this does perform a file to object upload, MD5's are
    not supported for composite objects so we don't use the decorator in this
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='bar')
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f_in:
      file_md5 = base64.encodestring(binascii.unhexlify(
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _Check1():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(bucket_uri)],
                               r'Hash\s+\(md5\):\s+%s' % re.escape(file_md5))

                   'Unicode handling on Windows requires mods to site-packages')
  def test_cp_manifest_upload_unicode(self):
    return self._ManifestUpload('foo-unicöde', 'bar-unicöde',

  def test_cp_manifest_upload(self):
    """Tests uploading with a mnifest file."""
    return self._ManifestUpload('foo', 'bar', 'manifest')

  def _ManifestUpload(self, file_name, object_name, manifest_name):
    """Tests uploading with a manifest file."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    dsturi = suri(bucket_uri, object_name)

    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name=file_name, contents='bar')
    logpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name=manifest_name, contents='')
    # Ensure the file is empty.
    open(logpath, 'w').close()
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-L', logpath, fpath, dsturi])
    with open(logpath, 'r') as f:
      lines = f.readlines()
    self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)

    expected_headers = ['Source', 'Destination', 'Start', 'End', 'Md5',
                        'UploadId', 'Source Size', 'Bytes Transferred',
                        'Result', 'Description']
    self.assertEqual(expected_headers, lines[0].strip().split(','))
    results = lines[1].strip().split(',')
    self.assertEqual(results[0][:7], 'file://')  # source
    self.assertEqual(results[1][:5], '%s://' %
                     self.default_provider)      # destination
    date_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
    start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(results[2], date_format)
    end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(results[3], date_format)
    self.assertEqual(end_date > start_date, True)
    if self.RunGsUtil == testcase.GsUtilIntegrationTestCase.RunGsUtil:
      # Check that we didn't do automatic parallel uploads - compose doesn't
      # calculate the MD5 hash. Since RunGsUtil is overriden in
      # TestCpParallelUploads to force parallel uploads, we can check which
      # method was used.
      self.assertEqual(results[4], 'rL0Y20zC+Fzt72VPzMSk2A==')  # md5
    self.assertEqual(int(results[6]), 3)  # Source Size
    self.assertEqual(int(results[7]), 3)  # Bytes Transferred
    self.assertEqual(results[8], 'OK')  # Result

  def test_cp_manifest_download(self):
    """Tests downloading with a manifest file."""
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='')
    logpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='')
    # Ensure the file is empty.
    open(logpath, 'w').close()
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-L', logpath, suri(key_uri), fpath],
    with open(logpath, 'r') as f:
      lines = f.readlines()
    self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)

    expected_headers = ['Source', 'Destination', 'Start', 'End', 'Md5',
                        'UploadId', 'Source Size', 'Bytes Transferred',
                        'Result', 'Description']
    self.assertEqual(expected_headers, lines[0].strip().split(','))
    results = lines[1].strip().split(',')
    self.assertEqual(results[0][:5], '%s://' %
                     self.default_provider)      # source
    self.assertEqual(results[1][:7], 'file://')  # destination
    date_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
    start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(results[2], date_format)
    end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(results[3], date_format)
    self.assertEqual(end_date > start_date, True)
    self.assertEqual(int(results[6]), 3)  # Source Size
    # Bytes transferred might be more than 3 if the file was gzipped, since
    # the minimum gzip header is 10 bytes.
    self.assertGreaterEqual(int(results[7]), 3)  # Bytes Transferred
    self.assertEqual(results[8], 'OK')  # Result

  def test_copy_unicode_non_ascii_filename(self):
    key_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')
    # Make file large enough to cause a resumable upload (which hashes filename
    # to construct tracker filename).
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name=u'Аудиоархив',
                                contents='x' * 3 * 1024 * 1024)
    fpath_bytes = fpath.encode(UTF8)
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath_bytes, suri(key_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Copying file:', stderr)

  # Note: We originally one time implemented a test
  # (test_copy_invalid_unicode_filename) that invalid unicode filenames were
  # skipped, but it turns out os.walk() on MacOS doesn't have problems with
  # such files (so, failed that test). Given that, we decided to remove the
  # test.

  def test_gzip_upload_and_download(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    contents = 'x' * 10000
    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    self.CreateTempFile(file_name='test.html', tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=contents)
    self.CreateTempFile(file_name='test.js', tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=contents)
    self.CreateTempFile(file_name='test.txt', tmpdir=tmpdir, contents=contents)
    # Test that copying specifying only 2 of the 3 prefixes gzips the correct
    # files, and test that including whitespace in the extension list works.
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-z', 'js, html',
                    os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.*'), suri(bucket_uri)])
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, 3)
    uri1 = suri(bucket_uri, 'test.html')
    uri2 = suri(bucket_uri, 'test.js')
    uri3 = suri(bucket_uri, 'test.txt')
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', uri1], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Encoding:\s+gzip')
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', uri2], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Encoding:\s+gzip')
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', uri3], return_stdout=True)
    self.assertNotRegexpMatches(stdout, r'Content-Encoding:\s+gzip')
    fpath4 = self.CreateTempFile()
    for uri in (uri1, uri2, uri3):
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', uri, suri(fpath4)])
      with open(fpath4, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), contents)

  def test_upload_with_subdir_and_unexpanded_wildcard(self):
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(file_name=('tmp', 'x', 'y', 'z'))
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    wildcard_uri = '%s*' % fpath1[:-5]
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', wildcard_uri, suri(bucket_uri)],
    self.assertIn('Copying file:', stderr)
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, 1)

  def test_cp_object_ending_with_slash(self):
    """Tests that cp works with object names ending with slash."""
    tmpdir = self.CreateTempDir()
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, 2)
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-R', suri(bucket_uri), tmpdir])
    # Check that files in the subdir got copied even though subdir object
    # download was skipped.
    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, bucket_uri.bucket_name, 'abc', 'def')) as f:
      self.assertEquals('def', '\n'.join(f.readlines()))

  def test_cp_without_read_access(self):
    """Tests that cp fails without read access to the object."""
    # TODO: With 401's triggering retries in apitools, this test will take
    # a long time.  Ideally, make apitools accept a num_retries config for this
    # until we stop retrying the 401's.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='foo')

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, 1)

    with self.SetAnonymousBotoCreds():
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), 'foo'],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('AccessDenied', stderr)

  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, 'os.symlink() is not available on Windows.')
  def test_cp_minus_e(self):
    fpath_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=fpath_dir)
    fpath2 = os.path.join(fpath_dir, 'cp_minus_e')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    os.symlink(fpath1, fpath2)
    stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
        ['cp', '-e', '%s%s*' % (fpath_dir, os.path.sep),
         suri(bucket_uri, 'files')],
    self.assertIn('Copying file', stderr)
    self.assertIn('Skipping symbolic link file', stderr)

  def test_cp_multithreaded_wildcard(self):
    """Tests that cp -m works with a wildcard."""
    num_test_files = 5
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir(test_files=num_test_files)
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    wildcard_uri = '%s%s*' % (tmp_dir, os.sep)
    self.RunGsUtil(['-m', 'cp', wildcard_uri, suri(bucket_uri)])
    self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, num_test_files)

  def test_cp_duplicate_source_args(self):
    """Tests that cp -m works when a source argument is provided twice."""
    object_contents = 'edge'
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(object_name='foo', contents=object_contents)
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    self.RunGsUtil(['-m', 'cp', suri(object_uri), suri(object_uri), tmp_dir])
    with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'foo'), 'r') as in_fp:
      contents = in_fp.read()
      # Contents should be not duplicated.
      self.assertEqual(contents, object_contents)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_break(self):
    """Tests that an upload can be resumed after a connection break."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(True, 5)))

    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting upload', stderr)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
      self.assertIn('Resuming upload', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_retry(self):
    """Tests that a resumable upload completes with one retry."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    # TODO: Raising an httplib or socket error blocks bucket teardown
    # in JSON for 60-120s on a multiprocessing lock acquire. Figure out why;
    # until then, raise an apitools retryable exception.
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
              5, httplib.BadStatusLine, ('unused',))))
      test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
              5, apitools_exceptions.BadStatusCodeError,
              ('unused', 'unused', 'unused'))))
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-D', 'cp', '--testcallbackfile',
                               test_callback_file, fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
      if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
        self.assertIn('Got retryable failure', stderr)
        self.assertIn('Retrying', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_streaming_upload_retry(self):
    """Tests that a streaming resumable upload completes with one retry."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip('XML does not support resumable streaming uploads.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()

    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
            5, apitools_exceptions.BadStatusCodeError,
            ('unused', 'unused', 'unused'))))
    # Need to reduce the JSON chunk size since streaming uploads buffer a
    # full chunk.
    boto_configs_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'json_resumable_chunk_size',
                              str(256 * ONE_KIB)),
                             ('Boto', 'num_retries', '2')]
    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_configs_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(
          ['-D', 'cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file, '-',
           suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')],
          stdin='a' * 512 * ONE_KIB, return_stderr=1)
      self.assertIn('Retrying', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload(self):
    """Tests that a basic resumable upload completes successfully."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)])

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_resumable_upload_break_leaves_tracker(self):
    """Tests that a tracker file is created with a resumable upload."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo',
                                contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
          StorageUrlFromString(suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')),
          TrackerFileType.UPLOAD, self.test_api)
      test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
          contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(True, 5)))
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                                 fpath, suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')],
                                expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
        self.assertIn('Artifically halting upload', stderr)
                        'Tracker file %s not present.' % tracker_filename)
        if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_break_file_size_change(self):
    """Tests a resumable upload where the uploaded file changes size.

    This should fail when we read the tracker data.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(True, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting upload', stderr)
      fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                  contents='a' * self.halt_size * 2)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('ResumableUploadAbortException', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_break_file_content_change(self):
    """Tests a resumable upload where the uploaded file changes content."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip(
          'XML doesn\'t make separate HTTP calls at fixed-size boundaries for '
          'resumable uploads, so we can\'t guarantee that the server saves a '
          'specific part of the upload.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                contents='a' * ONE_KIB * 512)
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
                                                          int(ONE_KIB) * 384)))
    resumable_threshold_for_test = (
        'GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    resumable_chunk_size_for_test = (
        'GSUtil', 'json_resumable_chunk_size', str(ONE_KIB * 256))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([resumable_threshold_for_test,
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting upload', stderr)
      fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                  contents='b' * ONE_KIB * 512)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('doesn\'t match cloud-supplied digest', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_break_file_smaller_size(self):
    """Tests a resumable upload where the uploaded file changes content.

    This should fail hash validation.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                contents='a' * ONE_KIB * 512)
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
                                                          int(ONE_KIB) * 384)))
    resumable_threshold_for_test = (
        'GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    resumable_chunk_size_for_test = (
        'GSUtil', 'json_resumable_chunk_size', str(ONE_KIB * 256))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([resumable_threshold_for_test,
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting upload', stderr)
      fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', tmpdir=tmp_dir,
                                  contents='a' * ONE_KIB)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('ResumableUploadAbortException', stderr)

  # This temporarily changes the tracker directory to unwritable which
  # interferes with any parallel running tests that use the tracker directory.
  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, 'chmod on dir unsupported on Windows.')
  def test_cp_unwritable_tracker_file(self):
    """Tests a resumable upload with an unwritable tracker file."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
        StorageUrlFromString(suri(bucket_uri, 'foo')),
        TrackerFileType.UPLOAD, self.test_api)
    tracker_dir = os.path.dirname(tracker_filename)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='foo', contents='a' * ONE_KIB)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    save_mod = os.stat(tracker_dir).st_mode

      os.chmod(tracker_dir, 0)
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
                                expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
        self.assertIn('Couldn\'t write tracker file', stderr)
      os.chmod(tracker_dir, save_mod)
      if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  # This temporarily changes the tracker directory to unwritable which
  # interferes with any parallel running tests that use the tracker directory.
  @unittest.skipIf(IS_WINDOWS, 'chmod on dir unsupported on Windows.')
  def test_cp_unwritable_tracker_file_download(self):
    """Tests downloads with an unwritable tracker file."""
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo' * ONE_KIB)
    tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
        TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD, self.test_api)
    tracker_dir = os.path.dirname(tracker_filename)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    save_mod = os.stat(tracker_dir).st_mode

      os.chmod(tracker_dir, 0)
      boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(EIGHT_MIB))
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        # Should succeed because we are below the threshold.
        self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath])
      boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
                                expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
        self.assertIn('Couldn\'t write tracker file', stderr)
      os.chmod(tracker_dir, save_mod)
      if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  def test_cp_resumable_download_break(self):
    """Tests that a download can be resumed after a connection break."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)
      tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD, self.test_api)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)

  def test_cp_resumable_download_etag_differs(self):
    """Tests that download restarts the file when the source object changes.

    This causes the etag not to match.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abc' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      # This will create a tracker file with an ETag.
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)
      # Create a new object with different contents - it should have a
      # different ETag since the content has changed.
      object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                     contents='b' * self.halt_size)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)

  # TODO: Enable this test for sequential downloads when their tracker files are
  # modified to contain the source object generation.
                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_download_generation_differs(self):
    """Tests that a resumable download restarts if the generation differs."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    file_contents = 'abcd' * self.halt_size
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()

    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '3')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)

      # Overwrite the object with an identical object, increasing
      # the generation but leaving other metadata the same.
      identical_file = self.CreateTempFile(contents=file_contents)
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(identical_file), suri(object_uri)])

      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
      self.assertIn('Restarting download from scratch', stderr)
      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), file_contents, 'File contents differ')

  def test_cp_resumable_download_file_larger(self):
    """Tests download deletes the tracker file when existing file is larger."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='a' * self.halt_size)
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)
      with open(fpath + '_.gstmp', 'w') as larger_file:
        for _ in range(self.halt_size * 2):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      self.assertIn('Deleting tracker file', stderr)

  def test_cp_resumable_download_content_differs(self):
    """Tests that we do not re-download when tracker file matches existing file.

    We only compare size, not contents, so re-download should not occur even
    though the contents are technically different. However, hash validation on
    the file should still occur and we will delete the file then because
    the hashes differ.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmp_dir)
    temp_download_file = fpath + '_.gstmp'
    with open(temp_download_file, 'w') as fp:
      fp.write('abcd' * ONE_KIB)

    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='efgh' * ONE_KIB)
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
    etag_match = re.search(r'\s*ETag:\s*(.*)', stdout)
    self.assertIsNotNone(etag_match, 'Could not get object ETag')
    self.assertEqual(len(etag_match.groups()), 1,
                     'Did not match expected single ETag')
    etag = etag_match.group(1)

    tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
        StorageUrlFromString(fpath), TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD, self.test_api)
      with open(tracker_filename, 'w') as tracker_fp:
      boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
                                return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
        self.assertIn('Download already complete', stderr)
        self.assertIn('doesn\'t match cloud-supplied digest', stderr)
        # File and tracker file should be deleted.
        # Permanent file should not have been created.
      if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  def test_cp_resumable_download_content_matches(self):
    """Tests download no-ops when tracker file matches existing file."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmp_dir)
    matching_contents = 'abcd' * ONE_KIB
    temp_download_file = fpath + '_.gstmp'
    with open(temp_download_file, 'w') as fp:

    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
    etag_match = re.search(r'\s*ETag:\s*(.*)', stdout)
    self.assertIsNotNone(etag_match, 'Could not get object ETag')
    self.assertEqual(len(etag_match.groups()), 1,
                     'Did not match expected single ETag')
    etag = etag_match.group(1)
    tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
        StorageUrlFromString(fpath), TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD, self.test_api)
    with open(tracker_filename, 'w') as tracker_fp:
      boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
        self.assertIn('Download already complete', stderr)
        # Tracker file should be removed after successful hash validation.
      if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  def test_cp_resumable_download_tracker_file_not_matches(self):
    """Tests that download overwrites when tracker file etag does not match."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    tmp_dir = self.CreateTempDir()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(tmpdir=tmp_dir, contents='abcd' * ONE_KIB)
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='efgh' * ONE_KIB)
    stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['ls', '-L', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
    etag_match = re.search(r'\s*ETag:\s*(.*)', stdout)
    self.assertIsNotNone(etag_match, 'Could not get object ETag')
    self.assertEqual(len(etag_match.groups()), 1,
                     'Did not match regex for exactly one object ETag')
    etag = etag_match.group(1)
    etag += 'nonmatching'
    tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
        StorageUrlFromString(fpath), TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD, self.test_api)
    with open(tracker_filename, 'w') as tracker_fp:
      boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
      with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
        stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
        self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)
        # Ensure the file was overwritten.
        with open(fpath, 'r') as in_fp:
          contents = in_fp.read()
          self.assertEqual(contents, 'efgh' * ONE_KIB,
                           'File not overwritten when it should have been '
                           'due to a non-matching tracker file.')
      if os.path.exists(tracker_filename):

  def test_cp_resumable_download_gzip(self):
    """Tests that download can be resumed successfully with a gzipped file."""
    # Generate some reasonably incompressible data.  This compresses to a bit
    # around 128K in practice, but we assert specifically below that it is
    # larger than self.halt_size to guarantee that we can halt the download
    # partway through.
    object_uri = self.CreateObject()
    contents = str([random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
                    for _ in xrange(ONE_KIB * 128)])
    random.seed()  # Reset the seed for any other tests.
    fpath1 = self.CreateTempFile(file_name='unzipped.txt', contents=contents)
    self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '-z', 'txt', suri(fpath1), suri(object_uri)])

    # Use @Retry as hedge against bucket listing eventual consistency.
    @Retry(AssertionError, tries=3, timeout_secs=1)
    def _GetObjectSize():
      stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['du', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)
      size_match = re.search(r'(\d+)\s+.*', stdout)
      self.assertIsNotNone(size_match, 'Could not get object size')
      self.assertEqual(len(size_match.groups()), 1,
                       'Did not match regex for exactly one object size.')
      return long(size_match.group(1))

    object_size = _GetObjectSize()
    self.assertGreaterEqual(object_size, self.halt_size,
                            'Compresed object size was not large enough to '
                            'allow for a halted download, so the test results '
                            'would be invalid. Please increase the compressed '
                            'object size in the test.')
    fpath2 = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath2)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)
      self.assertIn('Downloading to temp gzip filename', stderr)

      # Tracker files will have different names depending on if we are
      # downloading sequentially or in parallel.
      sliced_download_threshold = HumanReadableToBytes(
          boto.config.get('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold',
      sliced_download = (len(contents) > sliced_download_threshold
                         and sliced_download_threshold > 0
                         and UsingCrcmodExtension(crcmod))
      if sliced_download:
        trackerfile_type = TrackerFileType.SLICED_DOWNLOAD
        trackerfile_type = TrackerFileType.DOWNLOAD
      tracker_filename = GetTrackerFilePath(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath2), trackerfile_type, self.test_api)

      # We should have a temporary gzipped file, a tracker file, and no
      # final file yet.
      self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile('%s_.gztmp' % fpath2))
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), suri(fpath2)],
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      with open(fpath2, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), contents, 'File contents did not match.')
      self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile('%s_.gztmp' % fpath2))

  def test_cp_resumable_download_check_hashes_never(self):
    """Tests that resumble downloads work with check_hashes = never."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    contents = 'abcd' * self.halt_size
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB)),
                            ('GSUtil', 'check_hashes', 'never')]
    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              expected_status=1, return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Artifically halting download.', stderr)
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      self.assertIn('Found no hashes to validate object downloaded', stderr)
      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), contents, 'File contents did not match.')

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_bucket_deleted(self):
    """Tests that a not found exception is raised if bucket no longer exists."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * 2 * ONE_KIB)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
            _DeleteBucketThenStartOverCopyCallbackHandler(5, bucket_uri)))

    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)], return_stderr=True,
    self.assertIn('Deleting bucket', stderr)
    self.assertIn('bucket does not exist', stderr)

  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download(self):
    """Tests that sliced object download works in the general case."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abc' * ONE_KIB)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()

    # Force fast crcmod to return True to test the basic sliced download
    # scenario, ensuring that if the user installs crcmod, it will work.
    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB)),
        ('GSUtil', 'test_assume_fast_crcmod', 'True'),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(ONE_KIB)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '3')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath])

      # Each tracker file should have been deleted.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abc' * ONE_KIB, 'File contents differ')

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_unresumable_sliced_download(self):
    """Tests sliced download works when resumability is disabled."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abcd' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size*5)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '4')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)
      # Temporary download file should exist.
      self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))

      # No tracker files should exist.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

    # Perform the entire download, without resuming.
    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
      self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      # Temporary download file should have been deleted.
      self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))
      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abcd' * self.halt_size,
                         'File contents differ')

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download_resume(self):
    """Tests that sliced object download is resumable."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abc' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '3')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)

      # Each tracker file should exist.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)

      # Each tracker file should have been deleted.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abc' * self.halt_size,
                         'File contents differ')

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download_partial_resume(self):
    """Test sliced download resumability when some components are finished."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abc' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '3')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)

      # Each tracker file should exist.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      self.assertIn('Download already complete', stderr)

      # Each tracker file should have been deleted.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abc' * self.halt_size,
                         'File contents differ')

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download_resume_content_differs(self):
    """Tests differing file contents are detected by sliced downloads."""
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abc' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='')
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '3')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)

      # Temporary download file should exist.
      self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))

      # Each tracker file should exist.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      with open(fpath + '_.gstmp', 'r+b') as f:
        f.write('altered file contents')

      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      self.assertIn('doesn\'t match cloud-supplied digest', stderr)
      self.assertIn('HashMismatchException: crc32c', stderr)

      # Each tracker file should have been deleted.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

      # Temporary file should have been deleted due to hash mismatch.
      self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))
      # Final file should not exist.

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download_component_size_changed(self):
    """Tests sliced download doesn't break when the boto config changes.

    If the number of components used changes cross-process, the download should
    be restarted.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abcd' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_component_size',
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '4')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_component_size',
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '2')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertIn('Sliced download tracker file doesn\'t match ', stderr)
      self.assertIn('Restarting download from scratch', stderr)
      self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)

                       'Sliced download requires fast crcmod.')
  @SkipForS3('No sliced download support for S3.')
  def test_cp_sliced_download_disabled_cross_process(self):
    """Tests temporary files are not orphaned if sliced download is disabled.

    Specifically, temporary files should be deleted when the corresponding
    non-sliced download is completed.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents='abcd' * self.halt_size)
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
        contents=pickle.dumps(_HaltingCopyCallbackHandler(False, 5)))

    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '4')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               suri(object_uri), suri(fpath)],
                              return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)
      self.assertIn('not downloaded successfully', stderr)
      # Temporary download file should exist.
      self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))

      # Each tracker file should exist.
      tracker_filenames = GetSlicedDownloadTrackerFilePaths(
          StorageUrlFromString(fpath), self.test_api)
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:

    # Disable sliced downloads by increasing the threshold
    boto_config_for_test = [
        ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(self.halt_size)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_threshold', str(self.halt_size*5)),
        ('GSUtil', 'sliced_object_download_max_components', '4')]

    with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', suri(object_uri), fpath],
      self.assertNotIn('Resuming download', stderr)
      # Temporary download file should have been deleted.
      self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(fpath + '_.gstmp'))

      # Each tracker file should have been deleted.
      for tracker_filename in tracker_filenames:
      with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abcd' * self.halt_size)

  @SkipForS3('No resumable upload support for S3.')
  def test_cp_resumable_upload_start_over_http_error(self):
    for start_over_error in (404, 410):

  def start_over_error_test_helper(self, http_error_num):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='a' * 2 * ONE_KIB)
    boto_config_for_test = ('GSUtil', 'resumable_threshold', str(ONE_KIB))
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.JSON:
      test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(
          contents=pickle.dumps(_JSONForceHTTPErrorCopyCallbackHandler(5, 404)))
    elif self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      test_callback_file = self.CreateTempFile(

    with SetBotoConfigForTest([boto_config_for_test]):
      stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['cp', '--testcallbackfile', test_callback_file,
                               fpath, suri(bucket_uri)], return_stderr=True)
      self.assertIn('Restarting upload from scratch', stderr)

  def test_cp_minus_c(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
        ['cp', '-c', suri(bucket_uri) + '/foo2', suri(object_uri),
         suri(bucket_uri) + '/dir/'],
    self.RunGsUtil(['stat', '%s/dir/foo' % suri(bucket_uri)])

  def test_rewrite_cp(self):
    """Tests the JSON Rewrite API."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
    gsutil_api = GcsJsonApi(BucketStorageUri, logging.getLogger(),
    key = object_uri.get_key()
    src_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
        name=key.name, bucket=key.bucket.name, contentType=key.content_type)
    dst_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
    gsutil_api.CopyObject(src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata)
        'Error: Rewritten object\'s hash doesn\'t match source object.')

  def test_rewrite_cp_resume(self):
    """Tests the JSON Rewrite API, breaking and resuming via a tracker file."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    # Second bucket needs to be a different storage class so the service
    # actually rewrites the bytes.
    bucket_uri2 = self.CreateBucket(
    # maxBytesPerCall must be >= 1 MiB, so create an object > 2 MiB because we
    # need 2 response from the service: 1 success, 1 failure prior to
    # completion.
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents=('12'*ONE_MIB) + 'bar',
    gsutil_api = GcsJsonApi(BucketStorageUri, logging.getLogger(),
    key = object_uri.get_key()
    src_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
        name=key.name, bucket=key.bucket.name, contentType=key.content_type,
    dst_obj_name = self.MakeTempName('object')
    dst_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
    tracker_file_name = GetRewriteTrackerFilePath(
        src_obj_metadata.bucket, src_obj_metadata.name,
        dst_obj_metadata.bucket, dst_obj_metadata.name, self.test_api)
            src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,
        self.fail('Expected _RewriteHaltException.')
      except _RewriteHaltException:

      # Tracker file should be left over.

      # Now resume. Callback ensures we didn't start over.
          src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,

      # Copy completed; tracker file should be deleted.

          'Error: Rewritten object\'s hash doesn\'t match source object.')
      # Clean up if something went wrong.

  def test_rewrite_cp_resume_source_changed(self):
    """Tests that Rewrite starts over when the source object has changed."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    # Second bucket needs to be a different storage class so the service
    # actually rewrites the bytes.
    bucket_uri2 = self.CreateBucket(
    # maxBytesPerCall must be >= 1 MiB, so create an object > 2 MiB because we
    # need 2 response from the service: 1 success, 1 failure prior to
    # completion.
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents=('12'*ONE_MIB) + 'bar',
    gsutil_api = GcsJsonApi(BucketStorageUri, logging.getLogger(),
    key = object_uri.get_key()
    src_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
        name=key.name, bucket=key.bucket.name, contentType=key.content_type,
    dst_obj_name = self.MakeTempName('object')
    dst_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
    tracker_file_name = GetRewriteTrackerFilePath(
        src_obj_metadata.bucket, src_obj_metadata.name,
        dst_obj_metadata.bucket, dst_obj_metadata.name, self.test_api)
            src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,
        self.fail('Expected _RewriteHaltException.')
      except _RewriteHaltException:
      # Overwrite the original object.
      object_uri2 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                      contents='bar', prefer_json_api=True)
      key2 = object_uri2.get_key()
      src_obj_metadata2 = apitools_messages.Object(
          name=key2.name, bucket=key2.bucket.name,
          contentType=key2.content_type, etag=key2.etag.strip('"\''))

      # Tracker file for original object should still exist.

      # Copy the new object.
      gsutil_api.CopyObject(src_obj_metadata2, dst_obj_metadata,

      # Copy completed; original tracker file should be deleted.

          'Error: Rewritten object\'s hash doesn\'t match source object.')
      # Clean up if something went wrong.

  def test_rewrite_cp_resume_command_changed(self):
    """Tests that Rewrite starts over when the arguments changed."""
    if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:
      return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    # Second bucket needs to be a different storage class so the service
    # actually rewrites the bytes.
    bucket_uri2 = self.CreateBucket(
    # maxBytesPerCall must be >= 1 MiB, so create an object > 2 MiB because we
    # need 2 response from the service: 1 success, 1 failure prior to
    # completion.
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                                   contents=('12'*ONE_MIB) + 'bar',
    gsutil_api = GcsJsonApi(BucketStorageUri, logging.getLogger(),
    key = object_uri.get_key()
    src_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
        name=key.name, bucket=key.bucket.name, contentType=key.content_type,
    dst_obj_name = self.MakeTempName('object')
    dst_obj_metadata = apitools_messages.Object(
    tracker_file_name = GetRewriteTrackerFilePath(
        src_obj_metadata.bucket, src_obj_metadata.name,
        dst_obj_metadata.bucket, dst_obj_metadata.name, self.test_api)
            src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata, canned_acl='private',
        self.fail('Expected _RewriteHaltException.')
      except _RewriteHaltException:

      # Tracker file for original object should still exist.

      # Copy the same object but with different call parameters.
      gsutil_api.CopyObject(src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,

      # Copy completed; original tracker file should be deleted.

      new_obj_metadata = gsutil_api.GetObjectMetadata(
          dst_obj_metadata.bucket, dst_obj_metadata.name,
          'Error: Rewritten object\'s hash doesn\'t match source object.')
      # New object should have a public-read ACL from the second command.
      found_public_acl = False
      for acl_entry in new_obj_metadata.acl:
        if acl_entry.entity == 'allUsers':
          found_public_acl = True
                      'New object was not written with a public ACL.')
      # Clean up if something went wrong.

class TestCpUnitTests(testcase.GsUtilUnitTestCase):
  """Unit tests for gsutil cp."""

  def testDownloadWithNoHashAvailable(self):
    """Tests a download with no valid server-supplied hash."""
    # S3 should have a special message for non-MD5 etags.
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket(provider='s3')
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, contents='foo')
    object_uri.get_key().etag = '12345'  # Not an MD5
    dst_dir = self.CreateTempDir()

    log_handler = self.RunCommand(
        'cp', [suri(object_uri), dst_dir], return_log_handler=True)
    warning_messages = log_handler.messages['warning']
    self.assertEquals(2, len(warning_messages))
        r'Non-MD5 etag \(12345\) present for key .*, '
        r'data integrity checks are not possible')
    self.assertIn('Integrity cannot be assured', warning_messages[1])

  def test_object_and_prefix_same_name(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',
                      object_name='foo/bar', contents='bar')
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile()
    # MockKey doesn't support hash_algs, so the MD5 will not match.
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([('GSUtil', 'check_hashes', 'never')]):
      self.RunCommand('cp', [suri(object_uri), fpath])
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
      self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'foo')

  def test_cp_upload_respects_no_hashes(self):
    bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()
    fpath = self.CreateTempFile(contents='abcd')
    with SetBotoConfigForTest([('GSUtil', 'check_hashes', 'never')]):
      log_handler = self.RunCommand('cp', [fpath, suri(bucket_uri)],
    warning_messages = log_handler.messages['warning']
    self.assertEquals(1, len(warning_messages))
    self.assertIn('Found no hashes to validate object upload',