# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

NAME = 'hardware_VideoOutSemiAuto'
AUTHOR = 'The Chromium OS Authors'
PURPOSE = 'Verify external video ports are configurable with Chrome OS.'
This test will fail under the following conditions:
  - No external HDMI or VGA device is detected.
  - monitor_reconfigure tool is not found
  - xrandr is not found
  - if the external video port is present but unable to be configured
TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
TEST_CLASS = "hardware"
TEST_TYPE = 'client'

DOC = """
This is a semi-automated test that checks that the external video ports
on the device can be configured with our software when a device is 
connected to them.  Note:  do not connect devices to more than one port at a 
time.  This test should be run for each external video port.

This test depends on xrandr and monitor_reconfigure (the Chrome OS monitor
configuration tool).
#TODO(sosa@chromium.org) - Verify that set resolution is correct
#TODO() - HDMI audio
