/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "GLClientState.h" #include "ErrorLog.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "glUtils.h" #include <cutils/log.h> #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) #endif GLClientState::GLClientState(int nLocations) { if (nLocations < LAST_LOCATION) { nLocations = LAST_LOCATION; } m_nLocations = nLocations; m_states = new VertexAttribState[m_nLocations]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nLocations; i++) { m_states[i].enabled = 0; m_states[i].enableDirty = false; m_states[i].data = 0; } m_currentArrayVbo = 0; m_currentIndexVbo = 0; // init gl constans; m_states[VERTEX_LOCATION].glConst = GL_VERTEX_ARRAY; m_states[NORMAL_LOCATION].glConst = GL_NORMAL_ARRAY; m_states[COLOR_LOCATION].glConst = GL_COLOR_ARRAY; m_states[POINTSIZE_LOCATION].glConst = GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES; m_states[TEXCOORD0_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD1_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD2_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD3_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD4_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD5_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD6_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[TEXCOORD7_LOCATION].glConst = GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY; m_states[MATRIXINDEX_LOCATION].glConst = GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES; m_states[WEIGHT_LOCATION].glConst = GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES; m_activeTexture = 0; m_currentProgram = 0; m_pixelStore.unpack_alignment = 4; m_pixelStore.pack_alignment = 4; memset(m_tex.unit, 0, sizeof(m_tex.unit)); m_tex.activeUnit = &m_tex.unit[0]; m_tex.textures = NULL; m_tex.numTextures = 0; m_tex.allocTextures = 0; mRboState.boundRenderbuffer = 0; mRboState.boundRenderbufferIndex = 0; addFreshRenderbuffer(0); mFboState.boundFramebuffer = 0; mFboState.boundFramebufferIndex = 0; mFboState.fboCheckStatus = GL_NONE; addFreshFramebuffer(0); m_maxVertexAttribsDirty = true; } GLClientState::~GLClientState() { delete m_states; } void GLClientState::enable(int location, int state) { if (!validLocation(location)) { return; } m_states[location].enableDirty |= (state != m_states[location].enabled); m_states[location].enabled = state; } void GLClientState::setState(int location, int size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const void *data) { if (!validLocation(location)) { return; } m_states[location].size = size; m_states[location].type = type; m_states[location].stride = stride; m_states[location].data = (void*)data; m_states[location].bufferObject = m_currentArrayVbo; m_states[location].elementSize = size ? (glSizeof(type) * size) : 0; m_states[location].normalized = normalized; } void GLClientState::setBufferObject(int location, GLuint id) { if (!validLocation(location)) { return; } m_states[location].bufferObject = id; } const GLClientState::VertexAttribState * GLClientState::getState(int location) { if (!validLocation(location)) { return NULL; } return & m_states[location]; } const GLClientState::VertexAttribState * GLClientState::getStateAndEnableDirty(int location, bool *enableChanged) { if (!validLocation(location)) { return NULL; } if (enableChanged) { *enableChanged = m_states[location].enableDirty; } m_states[location].enableDirty = false; return & m_states[location]; } int GLClientState::getLocation(GLenum loc) { int retval; switch(loc) { case GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: retval = int(VERTEX_LOCATION); break; case GL_NORMAL_ARRAY: retval = int(NORMAL_LOCATION); break; case GL_COLOR_ARRAY: retval = int(COLOR_LOCATION); break; case GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES: retval = int(POINTSIZE_LOCATION); break; case GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: retval = int (TEXCOORD0_LOCATION + m_activeTexture); break; case GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES: retval = int (MATRIXINDEX_LOCATION); break; case GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES: retval = int (WEIGHT_LOCATION); break; default: retval = loc; } return retval; } void GLClientState::getClientStatePointer(GLenum pname, GLvoid** params) { const GLClientState::VertexAttribState *state = NULL; switch (pname) { case GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER: { state = getState(GLClientState::VERTEX_LOCATION); break; } case GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER: { state = getState(GLClientState::NORMAL_LOCATION); break; } case GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER: { state = getState(GLClientState::COLOR_LOCATION); break; } case GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER: { state = getState(getActiveTexture() + GLClientState::TEXCOORD0_LOCATION); break; } case GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_POINTER_OES: { state = getState(GLClientState::POINTSIZE_LOCATION); break; } case GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_OES: { state = getState(GLClientState::MATRIXINDEX_LOCATION); break; } case GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES: { state = getState(GLClientState::WEIGHT_LOCATION); break; } } if (state && params) *params = state->data; } int GLClientState::setPixelStore(GLenum param, GLint value) { int retval = 0; switch(param) { case GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: if (value == 1 || value == 2 || value == 4 || value == 8) { m_pixelStore.unpack_alignment = value; } else { retval = GL_INVALID_VALUE; } break; case GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: if (value == 1 || value == 2 || value == 4 || value == 8) { m_pixelStore.pack_alignment = value; } else { retval = GL_INVALID_VALUE; } break; default: retval = GL_INVALID_ENUM; } return retval; } size_t GLClientState::pixelDataSize(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, int pack) const { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return 0; int pixelsize = glUtilsPixelBitSize(format, type) >> 3; int alignment = pack ? m_pixelStore.pack_alignment : m_pixelStore.unpack_alignment; if (pixelsize == 0 ) { ERR("unknown pixel size: width: %d height: %d format: %d type: %d pack: %d align: %d\n", width, height, format, type, pack, alignment); } size_t linesize = pixelsize * width; size_t aligned_linesize = int(linesize / alignment) * alignment; if (aligned_linesize < linesize) { aligned_linesize += alignment; } return aligned_linesize * height; } GLenum GLClientState::setActiveTextureUnit(GLenum texture) { GLuint unit = texture - GL_TEXTURE0; if (unit >= MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS) { return GL_INVALID_ENUM; } m_tex.activeUnit = &m_tex.unit[unit]; return GL_NO_ERROR; } GLenum GLClientState::getActiveTextureUnit() const { return GL_TEXTURE0 + (m_tex.activeUnit - &m_tex.unit[0]); } void GLClientState::enableTextureTarget(GLenum target) { switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_tex.activeUnit->enables |= (1u << TEXTURE_2D); break; case GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES: m_tex.activeUnit->enables |= (1u << TEXTURE_EXTERNAL); break; } } void GLClientState::disableTextureTarget(GLenum target) { switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_tex.activeUnit->enables &= ~(1u << TEXTURE_2D); break; case GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES: m_tex.activeUnit->enables &= ~(1u << TEXTURE_EXTERNAL); break; } } GLenum GLClientState::getPriorityEnabledTarget(GLenum allDisabled) const { unsigned int enables = m_tex.activeUnit->enables; if (enables & (1u << TEXTURE_EXTERNAL)) { return GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES; } else if (enables & (1u << TEXTURE_2D)) { return GL_TEXTURE_2D; } else { return allDisabled; } } int GLClientState::compareTexId(const void* pid, const void* prec) { const GLuint* id = (const GLuint*)pid; const TextureRec* rec = (const TextureRec*)prec; return (GLint)(*id) - (GLint)rec->id; } GLenum GLClientState::bindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture, GLboolean* firstUse) { GLboolean first = GL_FALSE; TextureRec* texrec = NULL; if (texture != 0) { if (m_tex.textures) { texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&texture, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); } if (!texrec) { if (!(texrec = addTextureRec(texture, target))) { return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } first = GL_TRUE; } if (target != texrec->target) { return GL_INVALID_OPERATION; } } switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_tex.activeUnit->texture[TEXTURE_2D] = texture; break; case GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES: m_tex.activeUnit->texture[TEXTURE_EXTERNAL] = texture; break; } if (firstUse) { *firstUse = first; } return GL_NO_ERROR; } GLClientState::TextureRec* GLClientState::addTextureRec(GLuint id, GLenum target) { if (m_tex.numTextures == m_tex.allocTextures) { const GLuint MAX_TEXTURES = 0xFFFFFFFFu; GLuint newAlloc; if (MAX_TEXTURES - m_tex.allocTextures >= m_tex.allocTextures) { newAlloc = MAX(4, 2 * m_tex.allocTextures); } else { if (m_tex.allocTextures == MAX_TEXTURES) { return NULL; } newAlloc = MAX_TEXTURES; } TextureRec* newTextures = (TextureRec*)realloc(m_tex.textures, newAlloc * sizeof(TextureRec)); if (!newTextures) { return NULL; } m_tex.textures = newTextures; m_tex.allocTextures = newAlloc; } TextureRec* tex = m_tex.textures + m_tex.numTextures; TextureRec* prev = tex - 1; while (tex != m_tex.textures && id < prev->id) { *tex-- = *prev--; } tex->id = id; tex->target = target; tex->format = -1; m_tex.numTextures++; return tex; } void GLClientState::setBoundTextureInternalFormat(GLenum target, GLint internalformat) { GLuint texture = getBoundTexture(target); TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&texture, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return; texrec->internalformat = internalformat; } void GLClientState::setBoundTextureFormat(GLenum target, GLenum format) { GLuint texture = getBoundTexture(target); TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&texture, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return; texrec->format = format; } void GLClientState::setBoundTextureType(GLenum target, GLenum type) { GLuint texture = getBoundTexture(target); TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&texture, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return; texrec->type = type; } GLuint GLClientState::getBoundTexture(GLenum target) const { switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: return m_tex.activeUnit->texture[TEXTURE_2D]; case GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES: return m_tex.activeUnit->texture[TEXTURE_EXTERNAL]; default: return 0; } } // BEGIN driver workarounds-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- // (>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')> static bool unreliableInternalFormat(GLenum internalformat) { switch (internalformat) { case GL_LUMINANCE: return true; default: return false; } } void GLClientState::writeCopyTexImageState (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat) { if (unreliableInternalFormat(internalformat)) { CubeMapDef entry; entry.id = getBoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D); entry.target = target; entry.level = level; entry.internalformat = internalformat; m_cubeMapDefs.insert(entry); } } static GLenum identifyPositiveCubeMapComponent(GLenum target) { switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X: return GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y: return GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z: return GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z; default: return 0; } } GLenum GLClientState::copyTexImageNeededTarget (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat) { if (unreliableInternalFormat(internalformat)) { GLenum positiveComponent = identifyPositiveCubeMapComponent(target); if (positiveComponent) { CubeMapDef query; query.id = getBoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D); query.target = positiveComponent; query.level = level; query.internalformat = internalformat; if (m_cubeMapDefs.find(query) == m_cubeMapDefs.end()) { return positiveComponent; } } } return 0; } GLenum GLClientState::copyTexImageLuminanceCubeMapAMDWorkaround (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat) { writeCopyTexImageState(target, level, internalformat); return copyTexImageNeededTarget(target, level, internalformat); } // (>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')><(' '<)(>' ')> // END driver workarounds-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- void GLClientState::deleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) { // Updating the textures array could be made more efficient when deleting // several textures: // - compacting the array could be done in a single pass once the deleted // textures are marked, or // - could swap deleted textures to the end and re-sort. TextureRec* texrec; for (const GLuint* texture = textures; texture != textures + n; texture++) { texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(texture, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (texrec) { const TextureRec* end = m_tex.textures + m_tex.numTextures; memmove(texrec, texrec + 1, (end - texrec - 1) * sizeof(TextureRec)); m_tex.numTextures--; for (TextureUnit* unit = m_tex.unit; unit != m_tex.unit + MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; unit++) { if (unit->texture[TEXTURE_2D] == *texture) { unit->texture[TEXTURE_2D] = 0; } else if (unit->texture[TEXTURE_EXTERNAL] == *texture) { unit->texture[TEXTURE_EXTERNAL] = 0; } } } } } // RBO////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GLClientState::addFreshRenderbuffer(GLuint name) { mRboState.rboData.push_back(RboProps()); RboProps& props = mRboState.rboData.back(); props.target = GL_RENDERBUFFER; props.name = name; props.format = GL_NONE; props.previouslyBound = false; } void GLClientState::addRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { addFreshRenderbuffer(renderbuffers[i]); } } size_t GLClientState::getRboIndex(GLuint name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mRboState.rboData.size(); i++) { if (mRboState.rboData[i].name == name) { return i; } } return -1; } void GLClientState::removeRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers) { size_t bound_rbo_idx = getRboIndex(boundRboProps_const().name); std::vector<GLuint> to_remove; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (renderbuffers[i] != 0) { // Never remove the zero rb. to_remove.push_back(getRboIndex(renderbuffers[i])); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < to_remove.size(); i++) { mRboState.rboData[to_remove[i]] = mRboState.rboData.back(); mRboState.rboData.pop_back(); } // If we just deleted the currently bound rb, // bind the zero rb if (getRboIndex(boundRboProps_const().name) != bound_rbo_idx) { bindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } } bool GLClientState::usedRenderbufferName(GLuint name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mRboState.rboData.size(); i++) { if (mRboState.rboData[i].name == name) { return true; } } return false; } void GLClientState::setBoundRenderbufferIndex() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mRboState.rboData.size(); i++) { if (mRboState.rboData[i].name == mRboState.boundRenderbuffer) { mRboState.boundRenderbufferIndex = i; break; } } } RboProps& GLClientState::boundRboProps() { return mRboState.rboData[mRboState.boundRenderbufferIndex]; } const RboProps& GLClientState::boundRboProps_const() const { return mRboState.rboData[mRboState.boundRenderbufferIndex]; } void GLClientState::bindRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLuint name) { // If unused, add it. if (!usedRenderbufferName(name)) { addFreshRenderbuffer(name); } mRboState.boundRenderbuffer = name; setBoundRenderbufferIndex(); boundRboProps().target = target; boundRboProps().previouslyBound = true; } GLuint GLClientState::boundRenderbuffer() const { return boundRboProps_const().name; } void GLClientState::setBoundRenderbufferFormat(GLenum format) { boundRboProps().format = format; } // FBO////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Format querying GLenum GLClientState::queryRboFormat(GLuint rbo_name) const { return mRboState.rboData[getRboIndex(rbo_name)].format; } GLint GLClientState::queryTexInternalFormat(GLuint tex_name) const { TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&tex_name, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return -1; return texrec->internalformat; } GLenum GLClientState::queryTexFormat(GLuint tex_name) const { TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&tex_name, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return -1; return texrec->format; } GLenum GLClientState::queryTexType(GLuint tex_name) const { TextureRec* texrec = NULL; texrec = (TextureRec*)bsearch(&tex_name, m_tex.textures, m_tex.numTextures, sizeof(TextureRec), compareTexId); if (!texrec) return -1; return texrec->type; } void GLClientState::getBoundFramebufferFormat( GLenum attachment, FboFormatInfo* res_info) const { const FboProps& props = boundFboProps_const(); res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_NONE; res_info->rb_format = GL_NONE; res_info->tex_internalformat = -1; res_info->tex_format = GL_NONE; res_info->tex_type = GL_NONE; switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: if (props.colorAttachment0_hasRbo) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER; res_info->rb_format = queryRboFormat(props.colorAttachment0_rbo); } else if (props.colorAttachment0_hasTexObj) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE; res_info->tex_internalformat = queryTexInternalFormat(props.colorAttachment0_texture); res_info->tex_format = queryTexFormat(props.colorAttachment0_texture); res_info->tex_type = queryTexType(props.colorAttachment0_texture); } else { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_NONE; } break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: if (props.depthAttachment_hasRbo) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER; res_info->rb_format = queryRboFormat(props.depthAttachment_rbo); } else if (props.depthAttachment_hasTexObj) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE; res_info->tex_internalformat = queryTexInternalFormat(props.depthAttachment_texture); res_info->tex_format = queryTexFormat(props.depthAttachment_texture); res_info->tex_type = queryTexType(props.depthAttachment_texture); } else { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_NONE; } break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: if (props.stencilAttachment_hasRbo) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER; res_info->rb_format = queryRboFormat(props.stencilAttachment_rbo); } else if (props.stencilAttachment_hasTexObj) { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE; res_info->tex_internalformat = queryTexInternalFormat(props.stencilAttachment_texture); res_info->tex_format = queryTexFormat(props.stencilAttachment_texture); res_info->tex_type = queryTexType(props.stencilAttachment_texture); } else { res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_NONE; } break; default: res_info->type = FBO_ATTACHMENT_NONE; break; } } void GLClientState::addFreshFramebuffer(GLuint name) { mFboState.fboData.push_back(FboProps()); FboProps& props = mFboState.fboData.back(); props.target = GL_FRAMEBUFFER; props.name = name; props.previouslyBound = false; props.colorAttachment0_texture = 0; props.depthAttachment_texture = 0; props.stencilAttachment_texture = 0; props.colorAttachment0_hasTexObj = false; props.depthAttachment_hasTexObj = false; props.stencilAttachment_hasTexObj = false; props.colorAttachment0_rbo = 0; props.depthAttachment_rbo = 0; props.stencilAttachment_rbo = 0; props.colorAttachment0_hasRbo = false; props.depthAttachment_hasRbo = false; props.stencilAttachment_hasRbo = false; } void GLClientState::addFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { addFreshFramebuffer(framebuffers[i]); } } size_t GLClientState::getFboIndex(GLuint name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFboState.fboData.size(); i++) { if (mFboState.fboData[i].name == name) { return i; } } return -1; } void GLClientState::removeFramebuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers) { size_t bound_fbo_idx = getFboIndex(boundFboProps_const().name); std::vector<GLuint> to_remove; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (framebuffers[i] != 0) { // Never remove the zero fb. to_remove.push_back(getFboIndex(framebuffers[i])); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < to_remove.size(); i++) { mFboState.fboData[to_remove[i]] = mFboState.fboData.back(); mFboState.fboData.pop_back(); } // If we just deleted the currently bound fb< // bind the zero fb if (getFboIndex(boundFboProps_const().name) != bound_fbo_idx) { bindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); } } bool GLClientState::usedFramebufferName(GLuint name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFboState.fboData.size(); i++) { if (mFboState.fboData[i].name == name) { return true; } } return false; } void GLClientState::setBoundFramebufferIndex() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFboState.fboData.size(); i++) { if (mFboState.fboData[i].name == mFboState.boundFramebuffer) { mFboState.boundFramebufferIndex = i; break; } } } FboProps& GLClientState::boundFboProps() { return mFboState.fboData[mFboState.boundFramebufferIndex]; } const FboProps& GLClientState::boundFboProps_const() const { return mFboState.fboData[mFboState.boundFramebufferIndex]; } void GLClientState::bindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint name) { // If unused, add it. if (!usedFramebufferName(name)) { addFreshFramebuffer(name); } mFboState.boundFramebuffer = name; setBoundFramebufferIndex(); boundFboProps().target = target; boundFboProps().previouslyBound = true; } void GLClientState::setCheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum status) { mFboState.fboCheckStatus = status; } GLenum GLClientState::getCheckFramebufferStatus() const { return mFboState.fboCheckStatus; } GLuint GLClientState::boundFramebuffer() const { return boundFboProps_const().name; } // Texture objects for FBOs///////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GLClientState::attachTextureObject(GLenum attachment, GLuint texture) { switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: boundFboProps().colorAttachment0_texture = texture; boundFboProps().colorAttachment0_hasTexObj = true; break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: boundFboProps().depthAttachment_texture = texture; boundFboProps().depthAttachment_hasTexObj = true; break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: boundFboProps().stencilAttachment_texture = texture; boundFboProps().stencilAttachment_hasTexObj = true; break; default: break; } } GLuint GLClientState::getFboAttachmentTextureId(GLenum attachment) const { GLuint res; switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: res = boundFboProps_const().colorAttachment0_texture; break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: res = boundFboProps_const().depthAttachment_texture; break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: res = boundFboProps_const().stencilAttachment_texture; break; default: res = 0; // conservative validation for now } return res; } // RBOs for FBOs//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GLClientState::attachRbo(GLenum attachment, GLuint renderbuffer) { switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: boundFboProps().colorAttachment0_rbo = renderbuffer; boundFboProps().colorAttachment0_hasRbo = true; break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: boundFboProps().depthAttachment_rbo = renderbuffer; boundFboProps().depthAttachment_hasRbo = true; break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: boundFboProps().stencilAttachment_rbo = renderbuffer; boundFboProps().stencilAttachment_hasRbo = true; break; default: break; } } GLuint GLClientState::getFboAttachmentRboId(GLenum attachment) const { GLuint res; switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: res = boundFboProps_const().colorAttachment0_rbo; break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: res = boundFboProps_const().depthAttachment_rbo; break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: res = boundFboProps_const().stencilAttachment_rbo; break; default: res = 0; // conservative validation for now } return res; } bool GLClientState::attachmentHasObject(GLenum attachment) const { bool res; switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: res = (boundFboProps_const().colorAttachment0_hasTexObj) || (boundFboProps_const().colorAttachment0_hasRbo); break; case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: res = (boundFboProps_const().depthAttachment_hasTexObj) || (boundFboProps_const().depthAttachment_hasRbo); break; case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: res = (boundFboProps_const().stencilAttachment_hasTexObj) || (boundFboProps_const().stencilAttachment_hasRbo); break; default: res = true; // liberal validation for now } return res; } void GLClientState::fromMakeCurrent() { FboProps& default_fb_props = mFboState.fboData[getFboIndex(0)]; default_fb_props.colorAttachment0_hasRbo = true; default_fb_props.depthAttachment_hasRbo = true; default_fb_props.stencilAttachment_hasRbo = true; }