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 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This is the implementation of the API for the HeaLth device profile (HL)
 *  subsystem of BTA, Broadcom Corp's Bluetooth application layer for mobile
 *  phones.

#include <string.h>

#include "bt_target.h"
#if defined(HL_INCLUDED) && (HL_INCLUDED == TRUE)

#include "bt_common.h"
#include "bta_hl_api.h"
#include "bta_hl_int.h"

**  Constants

static const tBTA_SYS_REG bta_hl_reg =

** Function         BTA_HlEnable
** Description      Enable the HL subsystems.  This function must be
**                  called before any other functions in the HL API are called.
**                  When the enable operation is completed the callback function
**                  will be called with an BTA_HL_CTRL_ENABLE_CFM_EVT event.
** Parameters       p_cback - HL event call back function
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlEnable(tBTA_HL_CTRL_CBACK *p_ctrl_cback)
    tBTA_HL_API_ENABLE *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_ENABLE *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_ENABLE));

    /* register with BTA system manager */
    bta_sys_register(BTA_ID_HL, &bta_hl_reg);

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_ENABLE_EVT;
    p_buf->p_cback = p_ctrl_cback;


** Function         BTA_HlDisable
** Description     Disable the HL subsystem.
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDisable(void)
    BT_HDR *p_buf = (BT_HDR *)osi_malloc(sizeof(BT_HDR));

    p_buf->event = BTA_HL_API_DISABLE_EVT;


** Function         BTA_HlUpdate
** Description      Register an HDP application
** Parameters       app_id        - Application ID
**                  p_reg_param   - non-platform related parameters for the
**                                  HDP application
**                  p_cback       - HL event callback fucntion
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlUpdate(UINT8 app_id, tBTA_HL_REG_PARAM *p_reg_param,
                  BOOLEAN is_register, tBTA_HL_CBACK *p_cback)
    tBTA_HL_API_UPDATE *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_UPDATE *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_UPDATE));

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("%s", __func__);

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_UPDATE_EVT;
    p_buf->app_id = app_id;
    p_buf->is_register = is_register;

    if (is_register) {
        p_buf->sec_mask = (p_reg_param->sec_mask | BTA_SEC_AUTHENTICATE | BTA_SEC_ENCRYPT);
        p_buf->p_cback = p_cback;
        if (p_reg_param->p_srv_name)
            strlcpy(p_buf->srv_name, p_reg_param->p_srv_name, BTA_SERVICE_NAME_LEN);
            p_buf->srv_name[0] = 0;

        if (p_reg_param->p_srv_desp)
            strlcpy(p_buf->srv_desp, p_reg_param->p_srv_desp, BTA_SERVICE_DESP_LEN);
            p_buf->srv_desp[0] = 0;

        if (p_reg_param->p_provider_name)
            strlcpy(p_buf->provider_name, p_reg_param->p_provider_name, BTA_PROVIDER_NAME_LEN);
            p_buf->provider_name[0] = 0;


** Function         BTA_HlRegister
** Description      Register an HDP application
** Parameters       app_id        - Application ID
**                  p_reg_param   - non-platform related parameters for the
**                                  HDP application
**                  p_cback       - HL event callback fucntion
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlRegister(UINT8  app_id,
                    tBTA_HL_REG_PARAM *p_reg_param,
                    tBTA_HL_CBACK *p_cback)
    tBTA_HL_API_REGISTER *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_REGISTER *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_REGISTER));

    p_buf->hdr.event    = BTA_HL_API_REGISTER_EVT;
    p_buf->app_id       = app_id;
    p_buf->sec_mask     = (p_reg_param->sec_mask | BTA_SEC_AUTHENTICATE | BTA_SEC_ENCRYPT);
    p_buf->p_cback = p_cback;

    if (p_reg_param->p_srv_name)
        strlcpy(p_buf->srv_name, p_reg_param->p_srv_name, BTA_SERVICE_NAME_LEN);
        p_buf->srv_name[0] = 0;

    if (p_reg_param->p_srv_desp)
        strlcpy(p_buf->srv_desp, p_reg_param->p_srv_desp, BTA_SERVICE_DESP_LEN);
        p_buf->srv_desp[0] = 0;

    if (p_reg_param->p_provider_name)
        strlcpy(p_buf->provider_name, p_reg_param->p_provider_name, BTA_PROVIDER_NAME_LEN);
        p_buf->provider_name[0] = 0;


** Function         BTA_HlDeregister
** Description      Deregister an HDP application
** Parameters       app_handle - Application handle
** Returns           void
void BTA_HlDeregister(UINT8 app_id,tBTA_HL_APP_HANDLE app_handle)
        (tBTA_HL_API_DEREGISTER *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DEREGISTER));

    p_buf->hdr.event   = BTA_HL_API_DEREGISTER_EVT;
    p_buf->app_id      = app_id;
    p_buf->app_handle  = app_handle;


** Function         BTA_HlCchOpen
** Description      Open a Control channel connection with the specified BD address
** Parameters       app_handle - Application Handle
**                  p_open_param - parameters for opening a control channel
** Returns          void
**                  Note: The control PSM value is used to select which
**                  HDP insatnce should be used in case the peer device support
**                  multiple HDP instances. Also, if the control PSM value is zero
**                  then the first HDP instance is used for the control channel setup
void BTA_HlCchOpen(UINT8 app_id, tBTA_HL_APP_HANDLE app_handle,
                   tBTA_HL_CCH_OPEN_PARAM *p_open_param)
    tBTA_HL_API_CCH_OPEN *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_CCH_OPEN *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_CCH_OPEN));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_CCH_OPEN_EVT;
    p_buf->app_id = app_id;
    p_buf->app_handle = app_handle;
    p_buf->sec_mask = (p_open_param->sec_mask | BTA_SEC_AUTHENTICATE | BTA_SEC_ENCRYPT);
    bdcpy(p_buf->bd_addr, p_open_param->bd_addr);
    p_buf->ctrl_psm = p_open_param->ctrl_psm;


** Function         BTA_HlCchClose
** Description      Close a Control channel connection with the specified MCL
**                  handle
** Parameters       mcl_handle - MCL handle
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlCchClose(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle)
    tBTA_HL_API_CCH_CLOSE *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_CCH_CLOSE *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_CCH_CLOSE));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_CCH_CLOSE_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;


** Function         BTA_HlDchOpen
** Description      Open a data channel connection with the specified DCH parameters
** Parameters       mcl_handle - MCL handle
**                  p_open_param - parameters for opening a data channel
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchOpen(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle,
                   tBTA_HL_DCH_OPEN_PARAM *p_open_param)
    tBTA_HL_API_DCH_OPEN *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_OPEN *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_OPEN));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_OPEN_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;
    p_buf->ctrl_psm = p_open_param->ctrl_psm;
    p_buf->local_mdep_id = p_open_param->local_mdep_id;
    p_buf->peer_mdep_id = p_open_param->peer_mdep_id;
    p_buf->local_cfg = p_open_param->local_cfg;
    p_buf->sec_mask = (p_open_param->sec_mask | BTA_SEC_AUTHENTICATE | BTA_SEC_ENCRYPT);


** Function         BTA_HlDchReconnect
** Description      Reconnect a data channel with the specified MDL_ID
** Parameters       mcl_handle      - MCL handle
*8                  p_recon_param   - parameters for reconnecting a data channel
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchReconnect(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle,
                        tBTA_HL_DCH_RECONNECT_PARAM *p_recon_param)
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_RECONNECT *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_RECONNECT));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_RECONNECT_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;
    p_buf->ctrl_psm = p_recon_param->ctrl_psm;
    p_buf->mdl_id = p_recon_param->mdl_id;


** Function         BTA_HlDchClose
** Description      Close a data channel with the specified MDL handle
** Parameters       mdl_handle  - MDL handle
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchClose(tBTA_HL_MDL_HANDLE mdl_handle)
    tBTA_HL_API_DCH_CLOSE *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_CLOSE *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_CLOSE));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_CLOSE_EVT;
    p_buf->mdl_handle = mdl_handle;


** Function         BTA_HlDchAbort
** Description      Abort the current data channel setup with the specified MCL
**                  handle
** Parameters       mcl_handle  - MCL handle
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchAbort(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle)
    tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ABORT *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ABORT *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ABORT));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_ABORT_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;


** Function         BTA_HlSendData
** Description      Send an APDU to the peer device
** Parameters       mdl_handle  - MDL handle
**                  pkt_size    - size of the data packet to be sent
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlSendData(tBTA_HL_MDL_HANDLE mdl_handle,
                    UINT16           pkt_size)
    tBTA_HL_API_SEND_DATA *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_SEND_DATA *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_SEND_DATA));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_SEND_DATA_EVT;
    p_buf->mdl_handle = mdl_handle;
    p_buf->pkt_size = pkt_size;


** Function         BTA_HlDeleteMdl
** Description      Delete the specified MDL_ID within the specified MCL handle
** Parameters       mcl_handle  - MCL handle
**                  mdl_id      - MDL ID
** Returns          void
**                  note: If mdl_id = 0xFFFF then this means to delete all MDLs
**                        and this value can only be used with DeleteMdl request only
**                        not other requests
void BTA_HlDeleteMdl(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle,
                     tBTA_HL_MDL_ID mdl_id )
    tBTA_HL_API_DELETE_MDL *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_DELETE_MDL *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DELETE_MDL));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DELETE_MDL_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;
    p_buf->mdl_id = mdl_id;


** Function         BTA_HlDchEchoTest
** Description      Initiate an echo test with the specified MCL handle
** Parameters       mcl_handle           - MCL handle
*8                  p_echo_test_param   -  parameters for echo testing
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchEchoTest( tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE  mcl_handle,
                        tBTA_HL_DCH_ECHO_TEST_PARAM *p_echo_test_param)
    tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ECHO_TEST *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ECHO_TEST *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_ECHO_TEST));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_ECHO_TEST_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;
    p_buf->ctrl_psm = p_echo_test_param->ctrl_psm;
    p_buf->local_cfg = p_echo_test_param->local_cfg;
    p_buf->pkt_size = p_echo_test_param->pkt_size;


** Function         BTA_HlSdpQuery
** Description      SDP query request for the specified BD address
** Parameters       app_handle      - application handle
**                  bd_addr         - BD address
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlSdpQuery(UINT8  app_id,tBTA_HL_APP_HANDLE app_handle,
                    BD_ADDR bd_addr)
    tBTA_HL_API_SDP_QUERY *p_buf =
        (tBTA_HL_API_SDP_QUERY *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_SDP_QUERY));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_SDP_QUERY_EVT;
    p_buf->app_id = app_id;
    p_buf->app_handle = app_handle;
    bdcpy(p_buf->bd_addr, bd_addr);


** Function         BTA_HlDchCreateMdlRsp
** Description      Set the Response and configuration values for the Create MDL
**                  request
** Parameters       mcl_handle  - MCL handle
**                  p_rsp_param - parameters specified whether the request should
**                                be accepted or not and if it should be accepted
**                                then it also specified the configuration response
**                                value
** Returns          void
void BTA_HlDchCreateRsp(tBTA_HL_MCL_HANDLE mcl_handle,
                        tBTA_HL_DCH_CREATE_RSP_PARAM *p_rsp_param)
        (tBTA_HL_API_DCH_CREATE_RSP *)osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_HL_API_DCH_CREATE_RSP));

    p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_HL_API_DCH_CREATE_RSP_EVT;
    p_buf->mcl_handle = mcl_handle;
    p_buf->mdl_id = p_rsp_param->mdl_id;
    p_buf->local_mdep_id = p_rsp_param->local_mdep_id;
    p_buf->rsp_code = p_rsp_param->rsp_code;
    p_buf->cfg_rsp = p_rsp_param->cfg_rsp;


#endif /* HL_INCLUDED */