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//===-- SystemZTargetTransformInfo.h - SystemZ-specific TTI ---------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include "SystemZTargetMachine.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/BasicTTIImpl.h"

namespace llvm {

class SystemZTTIImpl : public BasicTTIImplBase<SystemZTTIImpl> {
  typedef BasicTTIImplBase<SystemZTTIImpl> BaseT;
  typedef TargetTransformInfo TTI;
  friend BaseT;

  const SystemZSubtarget *ST;
  const SystemZTargetLowering *TLI;

  const SystemZSubtarget *getST() const { return ST; }
  const SystemZTargetLowering *getTLI() const { return TLI; }

  explicit SystemZTTIImpl(const SystemZTargetMachine *TM, const Function &F)
      : BaseT(TM, F.getParent()->getDataLayout()), ST(TM->getSubtargetImpl(F)),
        TLI(ST->getTargetLowering()) {}

  // Provide value semantics. MSVC requires that we spell all of these out.
  SystemZTTIImpl(const SystemZTTIImpl &Arg)
      : BaseT(static_cast<const BaseT &>(Arg)), ST(Arg.ST), TLI(Arg.TLI) {}
  SystemZTTIImpl(SystemZTTIImpl &&Arg)
      : BaseT(std::move(static_cast<BaseT &>(Arg))), ST(std::move(Arg.ST)),
        TLI(std::move(Arg.TLI)) {}

  /// \name Scalar TTI Implementations
  /// @{

  int getIntImmCost(const APInt &Imm, Type *Ty);

  int getIntImmCost(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Idx, const APInt &Imm, Type *Ty);
  int getIntImmCost(Intrinsic::ID IID, unsigned Idx, const APInt &Imm,
                    Type *Ty);

  TTI::PopcntSupportKind getPopcntSupport(unsigned TyWidth);

  /// @}

  /// \name Vector TTI Implementations
  /// @{

  unsigned getNumberOfRegisters(bool Vector);
  unsigned getRegisterBitWidth(bool Vector);

  /// @}

} // end namespace llvm
