# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, os, re, shutil, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_logging, sys_power
#pylint: disable=W0611
from autotest_lib.client.cros import flimflam_test_path
import flimflam
class Suspender(object):
"""Class for suspend/resume measurements.
Public attributes:
disconnect_3G_time: Amount of seconds it took to disable 3G.
successes[]: List of timing measurement dicts from successful suspends.
failures[]: List of SuspendFailure exceptions from failed suspends.
device_times[]: List of individual device suspend/resume time dicts.
Public methods:
suspend: Do a suspend/resume cycle. Return timing measurement dict.
Private attributes:
_logs: Array of /var/log/messages lines since start of suspend cycle.
_log_file: Open file descriptor at the end of /var/log/messages.
_logdir: Directory to store firmware logs in case of errors.
_suspend: Set to the sys_power suspend function to use.
_throw: Set to have SuspendFailure exceptions raised to the caller.
_reset_pm_print_times: Set to deactivate pm_print_times after the test.
_restart_tlsdated: Set to restart tlsdated after the test.
Private methods:
__init__: Shuts off tlsdated for duration of test, disables 3G
__del__: Restore tlsdated (must run eventually, but GC delay no problem)
_set_pm_print_times: Enable/disable kernel device suspend timing output.
_check_failure_log: Check /sys/.../suspend_stats for new failures.
_ts: Returns a timestamp from /var/run/power_manager/last_resume_timings
_hwclock_ts: Read RTC timestamp left on resume in hwclock-on-resume
_device_resume_time: Read seconds overall device resume took from logs.
_individual_device_times: Reads individual device suspend/resume times.
_identify_driver: Return the driver name of a device (or "unknown").
# board-specific "time to suspend" values determined empirically
# TODO: migrate to separate file with http://crosbug.com/38148
# TODO: Reevaluate this when http://crosbug.com/38460 is fixed
'daisy': 6,
'daisy_spring': 6,
'peach_pit': 6,
# TODO: Reevaluate these when http://crosbug.com/38225 is fixed
'x86-mario': 6,
'x86-alex': 5,
# Lumpy and Stumpy need high values, because it seems to mitigate their
# RTC interrupt problem. See http://crosbug.com/36004
'lumpy': 5,
'stumpy': 5,
# RTS5209 card reader has a really bad staging driver, can take ~1 sec
'butterfly': 4,
# Hard disk sync and overall just slow
'parrot': 8,
'kiev': 9,
# alarm/not_before value guaranteed to raise SpuriousWakeup in _hwclock_ts
# File written by send_metrics_on_resume containing timing information about
# the last resume.
_TIMINGS_FILE = '/var/run/power_manager/root/last_resume_timings'
# Amount of lines to dump from the eventlog on a SpuriousWakeup. Should be
# enough to include ACPI Wake Reason... 10 should be far on the safe side.
# Sanity check value to catch overlong resume times (from missed RTC wakes)
# File written by powerd_suspend containing the hwclock time at resume.
HWCLOCK_FILE = '/var/run/power_manager/root/hwclock-on-resume'
def __init__(self, logdir, method=sys_power.do_suspend,
throw=False, device_times=False):
"""Prepare environment for suspending."""
self.disconnect_3G_time = 0
self.successes = []
self.failures = []
self._logdir = logdir
self._suspend = method
self._throw = throw
self._reset_pm_print_times = False
self._restart_tlsdated = False
self._log_file = None
if device_times:
self.device_times = []
# stop tlsdated, make sure we/hwclock have /dev/rtc for ourselves
if utils.system_output('initctl status tlsdated').find('start') != -1:
utils.system('initctl stop tlsdated')
self._restart_tlsdated = True
# give process's file descriptors time to asynchronously tear down
# prime powerd_suspend RTC timestamp saving and make sure hwclock works
utils.open_write_close(self.HWCLOCK_FILE, '')
hwclock_output = utils.system_output('hwclock -r --debug --utc',
if not re.search('Using.*/dev interface to.*clock', hwclock_output):
raise error.TestError('hwclock cannot find rtc: ' + hwclock_output)
# activate device suspend timing debug output
if hasattr(self, 'device_times'):
if not int(utils.read_one_line('/sys/power/pm_print_times')):
self._reset_pm_print_times = True
# Shut down 3G to remove its variability from suspend time measurements
flim = flimflam.FlimFlam()
service = flim.FindCellularService(0)
if service:
logging.info('Found 3G interface, disconnecting.')
start_time = time.time()
(success, status) = flim.DisconnectService(
service=service, wait_timeout=60)
if success:
logging.info('3G disconnected successfully.')
self.disconnect_3G_time = time.time() - start_time
logging.error('Could not disconnect: %s.', status)
self.disconnect_3G_time = -1
def _set_pm_print_times(self, on):
"""Enable/disable extra suspend timing output from powerd to syslog."""
if utils.system('echo %s > /sys/power/pm_print_times' % int(bool(on)),
logging.warning('Failed to set pm_print_times to %s', bool(on))
del self.device_times
self._reset_pm_print_times = False
logging.info('Device resume times set to %s', bool(on))
def _get_board(self):
"""Remove _freon from get_board if found."""
return (utils.get_board().replace("_freon", ""))
def _reset_logs(self):
"""Throw away cached log lines and reset log pointer to current end."""
if self._log_file:
self._log_file = open('/var/log/messages')
self._log_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
self._logs = []
def _update_logs(self, retries=11):
Read all lines logged since last reset into log cache. Block until last
powerd_suspend resume message was read, raise if it takes too long.
finished_regex = re.compile(r'powerd_suspend\[\d+\]: Resume finished')
for retry in xrange(retries + 1):
lines = self._log_file.readlines()
if lines:
if self._logs and self._logs[-1][-1] != '\n':
# Reassemble line that was cut in the middle
self._logs[-1] += lines.pop(0)
self._logs += lines
for line in reversed(self._logs):
if (finished_regex.search(line)):
time.sleep(0.005 * 2**retry)
raise error.TestError("Sanity check failed: did not try to suspend.")
def _ts(self, name, retries=11):
"""Searches logs for last timestamp with a given suspend message."""
# Occasionally need to retry due to races from process wakeup order
for retry in xrange(retries + 1):
f = open(self._TIMINGS_FILE)
for line in f:
words = line.split('=')
if name == words[0]:
timestamp = float(words[1])
except ValueError:
logging.warning('Invalid timestamp: %s', line)
timestamp = 0
return timestamp
except IOError:
time.sleep(0.005 * 2**retry)
raise error.TestError('Could not find %s entry.' % name)
def _hwclock_ts(self, not_before, retries=3):
"""Read the RTC resume timestamp saved by powerd_suspend."""
for retry in xrange(retries + 1):
early_wakeup = False
if os.path.exists(self.HWCLOCK_FILE):
match = re.search(r'([0-9]+) seconds since .+ (-?[0-9.]+) sec',
utils.read_file(self.HWCLOCK_FILE), re.DOTALL)
if match:
seconds = int(match.group(1)) + float(match.group(2))
logging.debug('RTC resume timestamp read: %f', seconds)
if seconds >= not_before:
return seconds
early_wakeup = True
time.sleep(0.05 * retry)
if early_wakeup:
logging.debug('Early wakeup, dumping eventlog if it exists:\n')
elog = utils.system_output('mosys eventlog list | tail -n %d' %
self._RELEVANT_EVENTLOG_LINES, ignore_status=True)
wake_elog = (['unknown'] + re.findall(r'Wake Source.*', elog))[-1]
for line in reversed(self._logs):
match = re.search(r'PM1_STS: WAK.*', line)
if match:
wake_syslog = match.group(0)
wake_syslog = 'unknown'
for b, e, s in sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError.S3_WHITELIST:
if (re.search(b, utils.get_board()) and
re.search(e, wake_elog) and re.search(s, wake_syslog)):
logging.warning('Whitelisted spurious wake in S3: %s | %s',
wake_elog, wake_syslog)
return None
raise sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError('Spurious wake in S3: %s | %s'
% (wake_elog, wake_syslog))
if self._get_board() in ['lumpy', 'stumpy', 'kiev']:
logging.debug('RTC read failure (crosbug/36004), dumping nvram:\n' +
utils.system_output('mosys nvram dump', ignore_status=True))
return None
raise error.TestError('Broken RTC timestamp: ' +
def _firmware_resume_time(self):
"""Calculate seconds for firmware resume from logged TSC. (x86 only)"""
if utils.get_arch() not in ['i686', 'x86_64']:
# TODO: support this on ARM somehow
return 0
regex = re.compile(r'TSC at resume: (\d+)$')
freq = 1000 * int(utils.read_one_line(
for line in reversed(self._logs):
match = regex.search(line)
if match:
return float(match.group(1)) / freq
raise error.TestError('Failed to find TSC resume value in syslog.')
def _device_resume_time(self):
"""Read amount of seconds for overall device resume from syslog."""
regex = re.compile(r'PM: resume of devices complete after ([0-9.]+)')
for line in reversed(self._logs):
match = regex.search(line)
if match:
return float(match.group(1)) / 1000
raise error.TestError('Failed to find device resume time in syslog.')
def _individual_device_times(self, start_resume):
"""Return dict of individual device suspend and resume times."""
regex = re.compile(r'call ([^ ]+)\+ returned 0 after ([0-9]+) usecs')
for line in self._logs:
match = regex.search(line)
if match:
key = 'seconds_dev_' + match.group(1).replace(':', '-')
secs = float(match.group(2)) / 1e6
if cros_logging.extract_kernel_timestamp(line) > start_resume:
key += '_resume'
key += '_suspend'
if key in self.device_times[-1]:
logging.warning('Duplicate entry for %s: +%f', key, secs)
self.device_times[-1][key] += secs
logging.debug('%s: %f', key, secs)
self.device_times[-1][key] = secs
def _identify_driver(self, device):
"""Return the driver name of a device (or "unknown")."""
for path, subdirs, _ in os.walk('/sys/devices'):
if device in subdirs:
node = os.path.join(path, device, 'driver')
if not os.path.exists(node):
return "unknown"
return os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(node))
return "unknown"
def _check_for_errors(self):
"""Find and identify suspend errors. Return True iff we should retry."""
warning_regex = re.compile(r' kernel: \[.*WARNING:')
abort_regex = re.compile(r' kernel: \[.*Freezing of tasks abort'
r'| powerd_suspend\[.*Cancel suspend at kernel'
r'| kernel: \[.*PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend')
# rsyslogd can put this out of order with dmesg, so track in variable
fail_regex = re.compile(r'powerd_suspend\[\d+\]: Error')
failed = False
# TODO(scottz): warning_monitor crosbug.com/38092
for i in xrange(len(self._logs)):
line = self._logs[i]
if warning_regex.search(line):
# match the source file from the WARNING line, and the
# actual error text by peeking one or two lines below that
src = cros_logging.strip_timestamp(line)
text = cros_logging.strip_timestamp(self._logs[i + 1]) + '\n' \
+ cros_logging.strip_timestamp(self._logs[i + 2])
for p1, p2 in sys_power.KernelError.WHITELIST:
if re.search(p1, src) and re.search(p2, text):
logging.info('Whitelisted KernelError: %s', src)
raise sys_power.KernelError("%s\n%s" % (src, text))
if abort_regex.search(line):
wake_source = 'unknown'
match = re.search(r'last active wakeup source: (.*)$',
'\n'.join(self._logs[i-5:i+3]), re.MULTILINE)
if match:
wake_source = match.group(1)
driver = self._identify_driver(wake_source)
for b, w in sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError.S0_WHITELIST:
if (re.search(b, utils.get_board()) and
re.search(w, wake_source)):
logging.warning('Whitelisted spurious wake before '
'S3: %s | %s', wake_source, driver)
return True
if "rtc" in driver:
raise sys_power.SuspendTimeout('System took too '
'long to suspend.')
raise sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError('Spurious wake '
'before S3: %s | %s' % (wake_source, driver))
if fail_regex.search(line):
failed = True
if failed:
raise sys_power.SuspendFailure('Unidentified problem.')
return False
def suspend(self, duration=10):
Do a single suspend for 'duration' seconds. Estimates the amount of time
it takes to suspend for a board (see _SUSPEND_DELAY), so the actual RTC
wakeup delay will be longer. Returns None on errors, or raises the
exception when _throw is set. Returns a dict of general measurements,
or a tuple (general_measurements, individual_device_times) when
_device_times is set.
@param duration: time in seconds to do a suspend prior to waking.
iteration = len(self.failures) + len(self.successes) + 1
# Retry suspend in case we hit a known (whitelisted) bug
for _ in xrange(10):
board_delay = self._SUSPEND_DELAY.get(self._get_board(),
alarm = self._suspend(duration + board_delay)
except sys_power.SpuriousWakeupError:
# might be another error, we check for it ourselves below
if os.path.exists('/sys/firmware/log'):
for msg in re.findall(r'^.*ERROR.*$',
utils.read_file('/sys/firmware/log'), re.M):
for board, pattern in sys_power.FirmwareError.WHITELIST:
if (re.search(board, utils.get_board()) and
re.search(pattern, msg)):
logging.info('Whitelisted FW error: ' + msg)
firmware_log = os.path.join(self._logdir,
'firmware.log.' + str(iteration))
shutil.copy('/sys/firmware/log', firmware_log)
logging.info('Saved firmware log: ' + firmware_log)
raise sys_power.FirmwareError(msg.strip('\r\n '))
if not self._check_for_errors():
hwclock_ts = self._hwclock_ts(alarm)
if hwclock_ts:
raise error.TestWarn('Ten tries failed due to whitelisted bug')
# calculate general measurements
start_resume = self._ts('start_resume_time')
kernel_down = (self._ts('end_suspend_time') -
kernel_up = self._ts('end_resume_time') - start_resume
devices_up = self._device_resume_time()
total_up = hwclock_ts - alarm
firmware_up = self._firmware_resume_time()
board_up = total_up - kernel_up - firmware_up
cpu_up = self._ts('cpu_ready_time', 0) - start_resume
except error.TestError:
# can be missing on non-SMP machines
cpu_up = None
if total_up > self._MAX_RESUME_TIME:
raise error.TestError('Sanity check failed: missed RTC wakeup.')
logging.info('Success(%d): %g down, %g up, %g board, %g firmware, '
'%g kernel, %g cpu, %g devices',
iteration, kernel_down, total_up, board_up,
firmware_up, kernel_up, cpu_up, devices_up)
'seconds_system_suspend': kernel_down,
'seconds_system_resume': total_up,
'seconds_system_resume_firmware': firmware_up + board_up,
'seconds_system_resume_firmware_cpu': firmware_up,
'seconds_system_resume_firmware_ec': board_up,
'seconds_system_resume_kernel': kernel_up,
'seconds_system_resume_kernel_cpu': cpu_up,
'seconds_system_resume_kernel_dev': devices_up,
if hasattr(self, 'device_times'):
return (self.successes[-1], self.device_times[-1])
return self.successes[-1]
except sys_power.SuspendFailure as ex:
message = '%s(%d): %s' % (type(ex).__name__, iteration, ex)
if self._throw:
if type(ex).__name__ in ['KernelError', 'SuspendTimeout']:
raise error.TestWarn(message)
raise error.TestFail(message)
return None
def finalize(self):
"""Restore normal environment (not turning 3G back on for now...)"""
if os.path.exists(self.HWCLOCK_FILE):
if self._restart_tlsdated:
utils.system('initctl start tlsdated')
if self._reset_pm_print_times:
def __del__(self):