/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef USE_HWC2 #include "HWComposer_hwc1.h" #else #ifndef ANDROID_SF_HWCOMPOSER_H #define ANDROID_SF_HWCOMPOSER_H #include "HWC2.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <ui/Fence.h> #include <utils/BitSet.h> #include <utils/Condition.h> #include <utils/Mutex.h> #include <utils/StrongPointer.h> #include <utils/Thread.h> #include <utils/Timers.h> #include <utils/Vector.h> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <vector> extern "C" int clock_nanosleep(clockid_t clock_id, int flags, const struct timespec *request, struct timespec *remain); struct framebuffer_device_t; namespace HWC2 { class Device; class Display; } namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DisplayDevice; class Fence; class FloatRect; class GraphicBuffer; class HWC2On1Adapter; class NativeHandle; class Region; class String8; class SurfaceFlinger; class HWComposer { public: class EventHandler { friend class HWComposer; virtual void onVSyncReceived(int32_t disp, nsecs_t timestamp) = 0; virtual void onHotplugReceived(int32_t disp, bool connected) = 0; protected: virtual ~EventHandler() {} }; HWComposer(const sp<SurfaceFlinger>& flinger); ~HWComposer(); void setEventHandler(EventHandler* handler); // Attempts to allocate a virtual display. If the virtual display is created // on the HWC device, outId will contain its HWC ID. status_t allocateVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, android_pixel_format_t* format, int32_t* outId); // Attempts to create a new layer on this display std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Layer> createLayer(int32_t displayId); // Asks the HAL what it can do status_t prepare(DisplayDevice& displayDevice); status_t setClientTarget(int32_t displayId, const sp<Fence>& acquireFence, const sp<GraphicBuffer>& target, android_dataspace_t dataspace); // Finalize the layers and present them status_t commit(int32_t displayId); // set power mode status_t setPowerMode(int32_t displayId, int mode); // set active config status_t setActiveConfig(int32_t displayId, size_t configId); // reset state when an external, non-virtual display is disconnected void disconnectDisplay(int32_t displayId); // does this display have layers handled by HWC bool hasDeviceComposition(int32_t displayId) const; // does this display have layers handled by GLES bool hasClientComposition(int32_t displayId) const; // get the retire fence for the previous frame (i.e., corresponding to the // last call to presentDisplay sp<Fence> getRetireFence(int32_t displayId) const; // Get last release fence for the given layer sp<Fence> getLayerReleaseFence(int32_t displayId, const std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Layer>& layer) const; // Set the output buffer and acquire fence for a virtual display. // Returns INVALID_OPERATION if displayId is not a virtual display. status_t setOutputBuffer(int32_t displayId, const sp<Fence>& acquireFence, const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buf); // After SurfaceFlinger has retrieved the release fences for all the frames, // it can call this to clear the shared pointers in the release fence map void clearReleaseFences(int32_t displayId); // Returns the HDR capabilities of the given display std::unique_ptr<HdrCapabilities> getHdrCapabilities(int32_t displayId); // Events handling --------------------------------------------------------- void setVsyncEnabled(int32_t disp, HWC2::Vsync enabled); struct DisplayConfig { uint32_t width; uint32_t height; float xdpi; float ydpi; nsecs_t refresh; int colorTransform; }; // Query display parameters. Pass in a display index (e.g. // HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY). nsecs_t getRefreshTimestamp(int32_t disp) const; bool isConnected(int32_t disp) const; // Non-const because it can update configMap inside of mDisplayData std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const HWC2::Display::Config>> getConfigs(int32_t displayId) const; std::shared_ptr<const HWC2::Display::Config> getActiveConfig(int32_t displayId) const; // for debugging ---------------------------------------------------------- void dump(String8& out) const; private: static const int32_t VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_ID_BASE = 2; void loadHwcModule(); bool isValidDisplay(int32_t displayId) const; static void validateChange(HWC2::Composition from, HWC2::Composition to); struct cb_context; void invalidate(const std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Display>& display); void vsync(const std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Display>& display, int64_t timestamp); void hotplug(const std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Display>& display, HWC2::Connection connected); struct DisplayData { DisplayData(); ~DisplayData(); void reset(); bool hasClientComposition; bool hasDeviceComposition; std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Display> hwcDisplay; HWC2::DisplayRequest displayRequests; sp<Fence> lastRetireFence; // signals when the last set op retires std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<HWC2::Layer>, sp<Fence>> releaseFences; buffer_handle_t outbufHandle; sp<Fence> outbufAcquireFence; mutable std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::shared_ptr<const HWC2::Display::Config>> configMap; // protected by mVsyncLock HWC2::Vsync vsyncEnabled; }; sp<SurfaceFlinger> mFlinger; std::unique_ptr<HWC2On1Adapter> mAdapter; std::unique_ptr<HWC2::Device> mHwcDevice; std::vector<DisplayData> mDisplayData; std::set<size_t> mFreeDisplaySlots; std::unordered_map<hwc2_display_t, int32_t> mHwcDisplaySlots; // protect mDisplayData from races between prepare and dump mutable Mutex mDisplayLock; cb_context* mCBContext; EventHandler* mEventHandler; size_t mVSyncCounts[HWC_NUM_PHYSICAL_DISPLAY_TYPES]; uint32_t mRemainingHwcVirtualDisplays; // protected by mLock mutable Mutex mLock; mutable std::unordered_map<int32_t, nsecs_t> mLastHwVSync; // thread-safe mutable Mutex mVsyncLock; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_SF_HWCOMPOSER_H #endif // #ifdef USE_HWC2