/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrDrawPathBatch_DEFINED #define GrDrawPathBatch_DEFINED #include "GrBatchFlushState.h" #include "GrDrawBatch.h" #include "GrGpu.h" #include "GrPath.h" #include "GrPathRendering.h" #include "GrPathProcessor.h" #include "SkTLList.h" class GrDrawPathBatchBase : public GrDrawBatch { public: void computePipelineOptimizations(GrInitInvariantOutput* color, GrInitInvariantOutput* coverage, GrBatchToXPOverrides* overrides) const override { color->setKnownFourComponents(fColor); coverage->setKnownSingleComponent(0xff); } GrPathRendering::FillType fillType() const { return fFillType; } void setStencilSettings(const GrStencilSettings& stencil) { fStencilSettings = stencil; } protected: GrDrawPathBatchBase(uint32_t classID, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor initialColor, GrPathRendering::FillType fill) : INHERITED(classID) , fViewMatrix(viewMatrix) , fColor(initialColor) , fFillType(fill) {} const GrStencilSettings& stencilSettings() const { return fStencilSettings; } const GrXPOverridesForBatch& overrides() const { return fOverrides; } const SkMatrix& viewMatrix() const { return fViewMatrix; } GrColor color() const { return fColor; } private: void initBatchTracker(const GrXPOverridesForBatch& overrides) override { overrides.getOverrideColorIfSet(&fColor); fOverrides = overrides; } SkMatrix fViewMatrix; GrColor fColor; GrPathRendering::FillType fFillType; GrStencilSettings fStencilSettings; GrXPOverridesForBatch fOverrides; typedef GrDrawBatch INHERITED; }; class GrDrawPathBatch final : public GrDrawPathBatchBase { public: DEFINE_BATCH_CLASS_ID // This can't return a more abstract type because we install the stencil settings late :( static GrDrawPathBatchBase* Create(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color, GrPathRendering::FillType fill, const GrPath* path) { return new GrDrawPathBatch(viewMatrix, color, fill, path); } const char* name() const override { return "DrawPath"; } SkString dumpInfo() const override; private: GrDrawPathBatch(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color, GrPathRendering::FillType fill, const GrPath* path) : INHERITED(ClassID(), viewMatrix, color, fill) , fPath(path) { fBounds = path->getBounds(); viewMatrix.mapRect(&fBounds); } bool onCombineIfPossible(GrBatch* t, const GrCaps& caps) override { return false; } void onPrepare(GrBatchFlushState*) override {} void onDraw(GrBatchFlushState* state) override; GrPendingIOResource<const GrPath, kRead_GrIOType> fPath; typedef GrDrawPathBatchBase INHERITED; }; // Template this if we decide to support index types other than 16bit class GrDrawPathRangeBatch final : public GrDrawPathBatchBase { public: typedef GrPathRendering::PathTransformType TransformType; DEFINE_BATCH_CLASS_ID struct InstanceData : public SkNoncopyable { public: static InstanceData* Alloc(TransformType transformType, int reserveCnt) { int transformSize = GrPathRendering::PathTransformSize(transformType); uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t*)sk_malloc_throw(Align32(sizeof(InstanceData)) + Align32(reserveCnt * sizeof(uint16_t)) + reserveCnt * transformSize * sizeof(float)); InstanceData* instanceData = (InstanceData*)ptr; instanceData->fIndices = (uint16_t*)&ptr[Align32(sizeof(InstanceData))]; instanceData->fTransformValues = (float*)&ptr[Align32(sizeof(InstanceData)) + Align32(reserveCnt * sizeof(uint16_t))]; instanceData->fTransformType = transformType; instanceData->fInstanceCount = 0; instanceData->fRefCnt = 1; SkDEBUGCODE(instanceData->fReserveCnt = reserveCnt;) return instanceData; } // Overload this method if we start using other transform types. void append(uint16_t index, float x, float y) { SkASSERT(GrPathRendering::kTranslate_PathTransformType == fTransformType); SkASSERT(fInstanceCount < fReserveCnt); fIndices[fInstanceCount] = index; fTransformValues[2 * fInstanceCount] = x; fTransformValues[2 * fInstanceCount + 1] = y; ++fInstanceCount; } TransformType transformType() const { return fTransformType; } int count() const { return fInstanceCount; } const uint16_t* indices() const { return fIndices; } uint16_t* indices() { return fIndices; } const float* transformValues() const { return fTransformValues; } float* transformValues() { return fTransformValues; } void ref() const { ++fRefCnt; } void unref() const { if (0 == --fRefCnt) { sk_free(const_cast<InstanceData*>(this)); } } private: static int Align32(int sizeInBytes) { return (sizeInBytes + 3) & ~3; } InstanceData() {} ~InstanceData() {} uint16_t* fIndices; float* fTransformValues; TransformType fTransformType; int fInstanceCount; mutable int fRefCnt; SkDEBUGCODE(int fReserveCnt;) }; // This can't return a more abstract type because we install the stencil settings late :( static GrDrawPathBatchBase* Create(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkScalar scale, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, GrColor color, GrPathRendering::FillType fill, GrPathRange* range, const InstanceData* instanceData, const SkRect& bounds) { return new GrDrawPathRangeBatch(viewMatrix, scale, x, y, color, fill, range, instanceData, bounds); } const char* name() const override { return "DrawPathRange"; } SkString dumpInfo() const override; private: GrDrawPathRangeBatch(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkScalar scale, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, GrColor color, GrPathRendering::FillType fill, GrPathRange* range, const InstanceData* instanceData, const SkRect& bounds); TransformType transformType() const { return fDraws.head()->fInstanceData->transformType(); } bool onCombineIfPossible(GrBatch* t, const GrCaps& caps) override; void onPrepare(GrBatchFlushState*) override {} void onDraw(GrBatchFlushState* state) override; struct Draw { void set(const InstanceData* instanceData, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) { fInstanceData.reset(SkRef(instanceData)); fX = x; fY = y; } SkAutoTUnref<const InstanceData> fInstanceData; SkScalar fX, fY; }; typedef GrPendingIOResource<const GrPathRange, kRead_GrIOType> PendingPathRange; typedef SkTLList<Draw, 4> DrawList; PendingPathRange fPathRange; DrawList fDraws; int fTotalPathCount; SkScalar fScale; typedef GrDrawPathBatchBase INHERITED; }; #endif