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One way is to add the following line to your <code>build.gradle</code> file: <p> <pre> buildscript { repositories { flatDir dirs: '/usr/local/java/proguard/lib' } dependencies { classpath ':proguard:' } } </pre> <p> Please make sure the class path is set correctly for your system. <p> You can then define a task: <p> <pre> task myProguardTask(type: proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask) { ..... } </pre> <p> The embedded configuration is much like a standard ProGuard configuration. Notable similarities and differences: <ul> <li>Like in ProGuard-style configurations, we're using all lower-case names for the settings.</li> <li>The options don't have a dash as prefix.</li> <li>Arguments typically have quotes.</li> <li>Some settings are specified as named arguments.</li> </ul> <p> You can find some sample build files in the <code>examples/gradle</code> directory of the ProGuard distribution. <p> If you prefer a more verbose configuration derived from the Ant task, you can import the Ant task as a <a href="#anttask">Gradle task</a>. <h2><a name="proguard">Settings</a></h2> The ProGuard task supports the following settings in its closure: <dl> <dt><a name="configuration_attribute"><code><b>configuration</b></code></a> <a href="#file"><i>files</i></a></dt> <dd>Read and merge options from the given ProGuard-style configuration files. The files are resolved and parsed lazily, during the execution phase.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#injars"><code><b>injars</b></code></a> <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt> <dd>Specifies the program jars (or aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, or directories). The files are resolved and read lazily, during the execution phase.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#outjars"><code><b>outjars</b></code></a> <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt> <dd>Specifies the names of the output jars (or aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, or directories). The files are resolved and written lazily, during the execution phase.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#libraryjars"><code><b>libraryjars</b></code></a> <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt> <dd>Specifies the library jars (or aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, or directories). The files are resolved and read lazily, during the execution phase.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#skipnonpubliclibraryclasses"><code><b>skipnonpubliclibraryclasses</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Ignore non-public library classes.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers"><code><b>dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't ignore package visible library class members.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepdirectories"><code><b>keepdirectories</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>directory_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Keep the specified directories in the output jars (or aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, or directories).</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#target"><code><b>target</b></code></a> '<i>version</i>'</dt> <dd>Set the given version number in the processed classes.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#forceprocessing"><code><b>forceprocessing</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Process the input, even if the output seems up to date.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keep"><code><b>keep</b></code></a> [<a href="#keepmodifier"><i>modifier</i>,...</a>] <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the specified classes <i>and</i> class members.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepclassmembers"><code><b>keepclassmembers</b></code></a> [<a href="#keepmodifier"><i>modifier</i>,...</a>] <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the specified class members, if their classes are preserved as well.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepclasseswithmembers"><code><b>keepclasseswithmembers</b></code></a> [<a href="#keepmodifier"><i>modifier</i>,...</a>] <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the specified classes <i>and</i> class members, if all of the specified class members are present.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepnames"><code><b>keepnames</b></code></a> <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the names of the specified classes <i>and</i> class members (if they aren't removed in the shrinking step).</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepclassmembernames"><code><b>keepclassmembernames</b></code></a> <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the names of the specified class members (if they aren't removed in the shrinking step).</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepclasseswithmembernames"><code><b>keepclasseswithmembernames</b></code></a> <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Preserve the names of the specified classes <i>and</i> class members, if all of the specified class members are present (after the shrinking step).</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#printseeds"><code><b>printseeds</b></code></a> [<a href="#file"><i>file</i></a>]</dt> <dd>List classes and class members matched by the various <code>keep</code> commands, to the standard output or to the given file.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontshrink"><code><b>dontshrink</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't shrink the input class files.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#printusage"><code><b>printusage</b></code></a> [<a href="#file"><i>file</i></a>]</dt> <dd>List dead code of the input class files, to the standard output or to the given file.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#whyareyoukeeping"><code><b>whyareyoukeeping</b></code></a> <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Print details on why the given classes and class members are being kept in the shrinking step.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code><b>dontoptimize</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't optimize the input class files.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#optimizations"><code><b>optimizations</b></code></a> '<a href="optimizations.html"><i>optimization_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>Perform only the specified optimizations.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#optimizationpasses"><code><b>optimizationpasses</b></code></a> <i>n</i></dt> <dd>The number of optimization passes to be performed.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#assumenosideeffects"><code><b>assumenosideeffects</b></code></a> <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt> <dd>Assume that the specified methods don't have any side effects, while optimizing. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're doing!</i></dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#allowaccessmodification"><code><b>allowaccessmodification</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Allow the access modifiers of classes and class members to be modified, while optimizing.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#mergeinterfacesaggressively"><code><b>mergeinterfacesaggressively</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Allow any interfaces to be merged, while optimizing.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontobfuscate"><code><b>dontobfuscate</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't obfuscate the input class files.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#printmapping"><code><b>printmapping</b></code></a> [<a href="#file"><i>file</i></a>]</dt> <dd>Print the mapping from old names to new names for classes and class members that have been renamed, to the standard output or to the given file.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#applymapping"><code><b>applymapping</b></code></a> <a href="#file"><i>file</i></a></dt> <dd>Reuse the given mapping, for incremental obfuscation.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#obfuscationdictionary"><code><b>obfuscationdictionary</b></code></a> <a href="#file"><i>file</i></a></dt> <dd>Use the words in the given text file as obfuscated field names and method names.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#classobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>classobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a> <a href="#file"><i>file</i></a></dt> <dd>Use the words in the given text file as obfuscated class names.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#packageobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>packageobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a> <a href="#file"><i>file</i></a></dt> <dd>Use the words in the given text file as obfuscated package names.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#overloadaggressively"><code><b>overloadaggressively</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Apply aggressive overloading while obfuscating.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code><b>useuniqueclassmembernames</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Ensure uniform obfuscated class member names for subsequent incremental obfuscation.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code><b>dontusemixedcaseclassnames</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't generate mixed-case class names while obfuscating.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keeppackagenames"><code><b>keeppackagenames</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filters"><i>package_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Keep the specified package names from being obfuscated. If no name is given, all package names are preserved.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#flattenpackagehierarchy"><code><b>flattenpackagehierarchy</b></code></a> '<i>package_name</i>'</dt> <dd>Repackage all packages that are renamed into the single given parent package.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#repackageclasses"><code><b>repackageclasses</b></code></a> ['<i>package_name</i>']</dt> <dd>Repackage all class files that are renamed into the single given package.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepattributes"><code><b>keepattributes</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filters"><i>attribute_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Preserve the specified optional Java bytecode attributes, with optional wildcards. If no name is given, all attributes are preserved.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#keepparameternames"><code><b>keepparameternames</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Keep the parameter names and types of methods that are kept.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#renamesourcefileattribute"><code><b>renamesourcefileattribute</b></code></a> ['<i>string</i>']</dt> <dd>Put the given constant string in the <code>SourceFile</code> attributes.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#adaptclassstrings"><code><b>adaptclassstrings</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filters"><i>class_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Adapt string constants in the specified classes, based on the obfuscated names of any corresponding classes.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilenames"><code><b>adaptresourcefilenames</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Rename the specified resource files, based on the obfuscated names of the corresponding class files.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilecontents"><code><b>adaptresourcefilecontents</b></code></a> ['<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>']</dt> <dd>Update the contents of the specified resource files, based on the obfuscated names of the processed classes.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontpreverify"><code><b>dontpreverify</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Don't preverify the processed class files if they are targeted at Java Micro Edition or at Java 6 or higher.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#microedition"><code><b>microedition</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Target the processed class files at Java Micro Edition.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#verbose"><code><b>verbose</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Write out some more information during processing.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code><b>dontnote</b></code></a> '<a href="usage.html#filters"><i>class_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>Don't print notes about classes matching the specified class name filter.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code><b>dontwarn</b></code></a> '<a href="usage.html#filters"><i>class_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>Don't print warnings about classes matching the specified class name filter. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're doing!</i></dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code><b>ignorewarnings</b></code></a></dt> <dd>Print warnings about unresolved references, but continue processing anyhow. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're doing!</i></dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#printconfiguration"><code><b>printconfiguration</b></code></a> [<a href="#file"><i>file</i></a>]</dt> <dd>Write out the entire configuration in traditional ProGuard style, to the standard output or to the given file. Useful to replace unreadable XML configurations.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#dump"><code><b>dump</b></code></a> [<a href="#file"><i>file</i></a>]</dt> <dd>Write out the internal structure of the processed class files, to the standard output or to the given file.</dd> </dl> <h2><a name="classpath">Class Paths</a></h2> Class paths are specified as Gradle file collections, which means they can be specified as simple strings, with <code>files(Object)</code>, etc. <p> In addition, they can have ProGuard-style filters, specified as comma-separated named arguments after the file: <dl> <dt><code><b>filter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all class file names and resource file names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>apkfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all apk names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>jarfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all jar names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>aarfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all aar names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>warfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all war names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>earfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all ear names that are encountered.</dd> <dt><code><b>zipfilter:</b></code> '<a href="usage.html#filefilters"><i>file_filter</i></a>'</dt> <dd>An optional filter for all zip names that are encountered.</dd> </dl> <h2><a name="file">Files</a></h2> Files are specified as Gradle files, which means they can be specified as simple strings, as File instances, with <code>file(Object)</code>, etc. <p> In Gradle, file names (any strings really) in double quotes can contain properties or code inside <code>${...}</code>. These are automatically expanded. <p> For example, <code>"${System.getProperty('java.home')}/lib/rt.jar"</code> is expanded to something like <code>'/usr/local/java/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar'</code>. Similarly, <code>System.getProperty('user.home')</code> is expanded to the user's home directory, and <code>System.getProperty('user.dir')</code> is expanded to the current working directory. <h2><a name="keepmodifier">Keep Modifiers</a></h2> The keep settings can have the following named arguments that modify their behaviors: <dl> <dt><a href="usage.html#includedescriptorclasses"><code><b>includedescriptorclasses:</b></code></a> <i>boolean</i> (default = false)</dt> <dd>Specifies whether the classes of the fields and methods specified in the keep tag must be kept as well.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#allowshrinking"><code><b>allowshrinking:</b></code></a> <i>boolean</i> (default = false)</dt> <dd>Specifies whether the entry points specified in the keep tag may be shrunk.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#allowoptimization"><code><b>allowoptimization:</b></code></a> <i>boolean</i> (default = false)</dt> <dd>Specifies whether the entry points specified in the keep tag may be optimized.</dd> <dt><a href="usage.html#allowobfuscation"><code><b>allowobfuscation:</b></code></a> <i>boolean</i> (default = false)</dt> <dd>Specifies whether the entry points specified in the keep tag may be obfuscated.</dd> </dl> Names arguments are comma-separated, as usual. <h2><a name="classspecification">Class Specifications</a></h2> A class specification is a template of classes and class members (fields and methods). There are two alternative ways to specify such a template: <ol> <li>As a string containing a ProGuard-style class specification. This is the most compact and most readable way. The specification looks like a Java declaration of a class with fields and methods. For example: <pre> keep 'public class mypackage.MyMainClass { \ public static void main(java.lang.String[]); \ }' </pre></li> <li>As a Gradle-style setting: a method calls with named arguments and a closure. This is more verbose, but it might be useful for programmatic specifications. For example: <pre> keep access: 'public', name: 'mypackage.MyMainClass', { method access: 'public static', type: 'void', name: 'main', parameters: 'java.lang.String[]' } </pre></li> </ol> <p> The <a href="usage.html#classspecification">ProGuard-style class specification</a> is described on the traditional Usage page. <p> A Gradle-style class specification can have the following named arguments: <dl> <dt><code><b>access:</b></code> '<i>access_modifiers</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional access modifiers of the class. Any space-separated list of "public", "final", and "abstract", with optional negators "!".</dd> <dt><code><b>annotation:</b></code> '<i>annotation_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of an annotation of the class, with optional wildcards.</dd> <dt><code><b>type:</b></code> '<i>type</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional type of the class: one of "class", "interface", or "!interface".</dd> <dt><code><b>name:</b></code> '<i>class_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of the class, with optional wildcards.</dd> <dt><code><b>extendsannotation:</b></code> '<i>annotation_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of an annotation of the the class that the specified classes must extend, with optional wildcards.</dd> <dt><code><b>'extends':</b></code> '<i>class_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of the class the specified classes must extend, with optional wildcards.</dd> <dt><code><b>'implements':</b></code> '<i>class_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of the class the specified classes must implement, with optional wildcards.</dd> </dl> The named arguments are optional. Without any arguments, there are no constraints, so the settings match all classes. <p> <h3><a name="classmemberspecification">Gradle-style Class Member Specifications</a></h3> The closure of a Gradle-style class specification can specify class members with these settings: <dl> <dt><code><b>field</b></code> <i>field_constraints</i></dt> <dd>Specifies a field.</dd> <dt><code><b>method</b></code> <i>method_constraints</i></dt> <dd>Specifies a method.</dd> <dt><code><b>constructor</b></code> <i>constructor_constraints</i></dt> <dd>Specifies a constructor.</dd> </dl> A class member setting can have the following named arguments to express constraints: <dl> <dt><code><b>access:</b></code> '<i>access_modifiers</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional access modifiers of the class. Any space-separated list of "public", "protected", "private", "static", etc., with optional negators "!".</dd> <dt><code><b>'annotation':</b></code> '<i>annotation_name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified name of an annotation of the class member, with optional wildcards.</dd> <dt><code><b>type:</b></code> '<i>type</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional fully qualified type of the class member, with optional wildcards. Not applicable for constructors, but required for methods for which the <code>parameters</code> argument is specified.</dd> <dt><code><b>name:</b></code> '<i>name</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional name of the class member, with optional wildcards. Not applicable for constructors.</dd> <dt><code><b>parameters:</b></code> '<i>parameters</i>'</dt> <dd>The optional comma-separated list of fully qualified method parameters, with optional wildcards. Not applicable for fields, but required for constructors, and for methods for which the <code>type</code> argument is specified.</dd> </dl> The named arguments are optional. Without any arguments, there are no constraints, so the settings match all constructors, fields, or methods. <p> A class member setting doesn't have a closure. <h2><a name="anttask">Alternative: imported Ant task</a></h2> Instead of using the Gradle task, you could also integrate the Ant task in your Gradle build file: <p> <pre> ant.project.basedir = '../..' ant.taskdef(resource: 'proguard/ant/task.properties', classpath: '/usr/local/java/proguard/lib/proguard.jar') </pre> <p> Gradle automatically converts the elements and attributes to Groovy methods, so converting the configuration is essentially mechanical. The one-on-one mapping can be useful, but the resulting configuration is more verbose. For instance: <pre> task proguard << { ant.proguard(printmapping: 'proguard.map', overloadaggressively: 'on', repackageclasses: '', renamesourcefileattribute: 'SourceFile') { injar(file: 'application.jar') injar(file: 'gui.jar', filter: '!META-INF/**') ..... } } </pre> <p> <hr /> <address> Copyright © 2002-2014 <a target="other" href="http://www.lafortune.eu/">Eric Lafortune</a> @ <a target="top" href="http://www.saikoa.com/">Saikoa</a>. </address> </body> </html>