/* * Copyright 2009 Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "radeon_program.h" #include <stdio.h> static const char * textarget_to_string(rc_texture_target target) { switch(target) { case RC_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: return "2D_ARRAY"; case RC_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY: return "1D_ARRAY"; case RC_TEXTURE_CUBE: return "CUBE"; case RC_TEXTURE_3D: return "3D"; case RC_TEXTURE_RECT: return "RECT"; case RC_TEXTURE_2D: return "2D"; case RC_TEXTURE_1D: return "1D"; default: return "BAD_TEXTURE_TARGET"; } } static const char * presubtract_op_to_string(rc_presubtract_op op) { switch(op) { case RC_PRESUB_NONE: return "NONE"; case RC_PRESUB_BIAS: return "(1 - 2 * src0)"; case RC_PRESUB_SUB: return "(src1 - src0)"; case RC_PRESUB_ADD: return "(src1 + src0)"; case RC_PRESUB_INV: return "(1 - src0)"; default: return "BAD_PRESUBTRACT_OP"; } } static void print_omod_op(FILE * f, rc_omod_op op) { const char * omod_str; switch(op) { case RC_OMOD_MUL_1: case RC_OMOD_DISABLE: return; case RC_OMOD_MUL_2: omod_str = "* 2"; break; case RC_OMOD_MUL_4: omod_str = "* 4"; break; case RC_OMOD_MUL_8: omod_str = "* 8"; break; case RC_OMOD_DIV_2: omod_str = "/ 2"; break; case RC_OMOD_DIV_4: omod_str = "/ 4"; break; case RC_OMOD_DIV_8: omod_str = "/ 8"; break; default: return; } fprintf(f, " %s", omod_str); } static void rc_print_comparefunc(FILE * f, const char * lhs, rc_compare_func func, const char * rhs) { if (func == RC_COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER) { fprintf(f, "false"); } else if (func == RC_COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS) { fprintf(f, "true"); } else { const char * op; switch(func) { case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_LESS: op = "<"; break; case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_EQUAL: op = "=="; break; case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_LEQUAL: op = "<="; break; case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_GREATER: op = ">"; break; case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL: op = "!="; break; case RC_COMPARE_FUNC_GEQUAL: op = ">="; break; default: op = "???"; break; } fprintf(f, "%s %s %s", lhs, op, rhs); } } static void rc_print_inline_float(FILE * f, int index) { int r300_exponent = (index >> 3) & 0xf; unsigned r300_mantissa = index & 0x7; unsigned float_exponent; unsigned real_float; float * print_float = (float*) &real_float; r300_exponent -= 7; float_exponent = r300_exponent + 127; real_float = (r300_mantissa << 20) | (float_exponent << 23); fprintf(f, "%f (0x%x)", *print_float, index); } static void rc_print_register(FILE * f, rc_register_file file, int index, unsigned int reladdr) { if (file == RC_FILE_NONE) { fprintf(f, "none"); } else if (file == RC_FILE_SPECIAL) { switch(index) { case RC_SPECIAL_ALU_RESULT: fprintf(f, "aluresult"); break; default: fprintf(f, "special[%i]", index); break; } } else if (file == RC_FILE_INLINE) { rc_print_inline_float(f, index); } else { const char * filename; switch(file) { case RC_FILE_TEMPORARY: filename = "temp"; break; case RC_FILE_INPUT: filename = "input"; break; case RC_FILE_OUTPUT: filename = "output"; break; case RC_FILE_ADDRESS: filename = "addr"; break; case RC_FILE_CONSTANT: filename = "const"; break; default: filename = "BAD FILE"; break; } fprintf(f, "%s[%i%s]", filename, index, reladdr ? " + addr[0]" : ""); } } static void rc_print_mask(FILE * f, unsigned int mask) { if (mask & RC_MASK_X) fprintf(f, "x"); if (mask & RC_MASK_Y) fprintf(f, "y"); if (mask & RC_MASK_Z) fprintf(f, "z"); if (mask & RC_MASK_W) fprintf(f, "w"); } static void rc_print_dst_register(FILE * f, struct rc_dst_register dst) { rc_print_register(f, dst.File, dst.Index, 0); if (dst.WriteMask != RC_MASK_XYZW) { fprintf(f, "."); rc_print_mask(f, dst.WriteMask); } } static char rc_swizzle_char(unsigned int swz) { switch(swz) { case RC_SWIZZLE_X: return 'x'; case RC_SWIZZLE_Y: return 'y'; case RC_SWIZZLE_Z: return 'z'; case RC_SWIZZLE_W: return 'w'; case RC_SWIZZLE_ZERO: return '0'; case RC_SWIZZLE_ONE: return '1'; case RC_SWIZZLE_HALF: return 'H'; case RC_SWIZZLE_UNUSED: return '_'; } fprintf(stderr, "bad swz: %u\n", swz); return '?'; } static void rc_print_swizzle(FILE * f, unsigned int swizzle, unsigned int negate) { unsigned int comp; for(comp = 0; comp < 4; ++comp) { rc_swizzle swz = GET_SWZ(swizzle, comp); if (GET_BIT(negate, comp)) fprintf(f, "-"); fprintf(f, "%c", rc_swizzle_char(swz)); } } static void rc_print_presub_instruction(FILE * f, struct rc_presub_instruction inst) { fprintf(f,"("); switch(inst.Opcode){ case RC_PRESUB_BIAS: fprintf(f, "1 - 2 * "); rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[0].File, inst.SrcReg[0].Index,inst.SrcReg[0].RelAddr); break; case RC_PRESUB_SUB: rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[1].File, inst.SrcReg[1].Index,inst.SrcReg[1].RelAddr); fprintf(f, " - "); rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[0].File, inst.SrcReg[0].Index,inst.SrcReg[0].RelAddr); break; case RC_PRESUB_ADD: rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[1].File, inst.SrcReg[1].Index,inst.SrcReg[1].RelAddr); fprintf(f, " + "); rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[0].File, inst.SrcReg[0].Index,inst.SrcReg[0].RelAddr); break; case RC_PRESUB_INV: fprintf(f, "1 - "); rc_print_register(f, inst.SrcReg[0].File, inst.SrcReg[0].Index,inst.SrcReg[0].RelAddr); break; default: break; } fprintf(f, ")"); } static void rc_print_src_register(FILE * f, struct rc_instruction * inst, struct rc_src_register src) { int trivial_negate = (src.Negate == RC_MASK_NONE || src.Negate == RC_MASK_XYZW); if (src.Negate == RC_MASK_XYZW) fprintf(f, "-"); if (src.Abs) fprintf(f, "|"); if(src.File == RC_FILE_PRESUB) rc_print_presub_instruction(f, inst->U.I.PreSub); else rc_print_register(f, src.File, src.Index, src.RelAddr); if (src.Abs && !trivial_negate) fprintf(f, "|"); if (src.Swizzle != RC_SWIZZLE_XYZW || !trivial_negate) { fprintf(f, "."); rc_print_swizzle(f, src.Swizzle, trivial_negate ? 0 : src.Negate); } if (src.Abs && trivial_negate) fprintf(f, "|"); } static unsigned update_branch_depth(rc_opcode opcode, unsigned *branch_depth) { switch (opcode) { case RC_OPCODE_IF: case RC_OPCODE_BGNLOOP: return (*branch_depth)++ * 2; case RC_OPCODE_ENDIF: case RC_OPCODE_ENDLOOP: assert(*branch_depth > 0); return --(*branch_depth) * 2; case RC_OPCODE_ELSE: assert(*branch_depth > 0); return (*branch_depth - 1) * 2; default: return *branch_depth * 2; } } static void rc_print_normal_instruction(FILE * f, struct rc_instruction * inst, unsigned *branch_depth) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->U.I.Opcode); unsigned int reg; unsigned spaces = update_branch_depth(inst->U.I.Opcode, branch_depth); for (unsigned i = 0; i < spaces; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, "%s", opcode->Name); switch(inst->U.I.SaturateMode) { case RC_SATURATE_NONE: break; case RC_SATURATE_ZERO_ONE: fprintf(f, "_SAT"); break; case RC_SATURATE_MINUS_PLUS_ONE: fprintf(f, "_SAT2"); break; default: fprintf(f, "_BAD_SAT"); break; } if (opcode->HasDstReg) { fprintf(f, " "); rc_print_dst_register(f, inst->U.I.DstReg); print_omod_op(f, inst->U.I.Omod); if (opcode->NumSrcRegs) fprintf(f, ","); } for(reg = 0; reg < opcode->NumSrcRegs; ++reg) { if (reg > 0) fprintf(f, ","); fprintf(f, " "); rc_print_src_register(f, inst, inst->U.I.SrcReg[reg]); } if (opcode->HasTexture) { fprintf(f, ", %s%s[%u]%s%s", textarget_to_string(inst->U.I.TexSrcTarget), inst->U.I.TexShadow ? "SHADOW" : "", inst->U.I.TexSrcUnit, inst->U.I.TexSemWait ? " SEM_WAIT" : "", inst->U.I.TexSemAcquire ? " SEM_ACQUIRE" : ""); } fprintf(f, ";"); if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult) { fprintf(f, " [aluresult = ("); rc_print_comparefunc(f, (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_X) ? "x" : "w", inst->U.I.ALUResultCompare, "0"); fprintf(f, ")]"); } if (inst->U.I.DstReg.Pred == RC_PRED_SET) { fprintf(f, " PRED_SET"); } else if (inst->U.I.DstReg.Pred == RC_PRED_INV) { fprintf(f, " PRED_INV"); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } static void rc_print_pair_instruction(FILE * f, struct rc_instruction * fullinst, unsigned *branch_depth) { struct rc_pair_instruction * inst = &fullinst->U.P; int printedsrc = 0; unsigned spaces = update_branch_depth(inst->RGB.Opcode != RC_OPCODE_NOP ? inst->RGB.Opcode : inst->Alpha.Opcode, branch_depth); for (unsigned i = 0; i < spaces; i++) fprintf(f, " "); for(unsigned int src = 0; src < 3; ++src) { if (inst->RGB.Src[src].Used) { if (printedsrc) fprintf(f, ", "); fprintf(f, "src%i.xyz = ", src); rc_print_register(f, inst->RGB.Src[src].File, inst->RGB.Src[src].Index, 0); printedsrc = 1; } if (inst->Alpha.Src[src].Used) { if (printedsrc) fprintf(f, ", "); fprintf(f, "src%i.w = ", src); rc_print_register(f, inst->Alpha.Src[src].File, inst->Alpha.Src[src].Index, 0); printedsrc = 1; } } if(inst->RGB.Src[RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC].Used) { fprintf(f, ", srcp.xyz = %s", presubtract_op_to_string( inst->RGB.Src[RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC].Index)); } if(inst->Alpha.Src[RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC].Used) { fprintf(f, ", srcp.w = %s", presubtract_op_to_string( inst->Alpha.Src[RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC].Index)); } if (inst->SemWait) { fprintf(f, " SEM_WAIT"); } fprintf(f, "\n"); if (inst->RGB.Opcode != RC_OPCODE_NOP) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->RGB.Opcode); for (unsigned i = 0; i < spaces; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " %s%s", opcode->Name, inst->RGB.Saturate ? "_SAT" : ""); if (inst->RGB.WriteMask) fprintf(f, " temp[%i].%s%s%s", inst->RGB.DestIndex, (inst->RGB.WriteMask & 1) ? "x" : "", (inst->RGB.WriteMask & 2) ? "y" : "", (inst->RGB.WriteMask & 4) ? "z" : ""); if (inst->RGB.OutputWriteMask) fprintf(f, " color[%i].%s%s%s", inst->RGB.Target, (inst->RGB.OutputWriteMask & 1) ? "x" : "", (inst->RGB.OutputWriteMask & 2) ? "y" : "", (inst->RGB.OutputWriteMask & 4) ? "z" : ""); if (inst->WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_X) fprintf(f, " aluresult"); print_omod_op(f, inst->RGB.Omod); for(unsigned int arg = 0; arg < opcode->NumSrcRegs; ++arg) { const char* abs = inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Abs ? "|" : ""; const char* neg = inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Negate ? "-" : ""; fprintf(f, ", %s%ssrc", neg, abs); if(inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Source == RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC) fprintf(f,"p"); else fprintf(f,"%d", inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Source); fprintf(f,".%c%c%c%s", rc_swizzle_char(GET_SWZ(inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Swizzle, 0)), rc_swizzle_char(GET_SWZ(inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Swizzle, 1)), rc_swizzle_char(GET_SWZ(inst->RGB.Arg[arg].Swizzle, 2)), abs); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } if (inst->Alpha.Opcode != RC_OPCODE_NOP) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->Alpha.Opcode); for (unsigned i = 0; i < spaces; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " %s%s", opcode->Name, inst->Alpha.Saturate ? "_SAT" : ""); if (inst->Alpha.WriteMask) fprintf(f, " temp[%i].w", inst->Alpha.DestIndex); if (inst->Alpha.OutputWriteMask) fprintf(f, " color[%i].w", inst->Alpha.Target); if (inst->Alpha.DepthWriteMask) fprintf(f, " depth.w"); if (inst->WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_W) fprintf(f, " aluresult"); print_omod_op(f, inst->Alpha.Omod); for(unsigned int arg = 0; arg < opcode->NumSrcRegs; ++arg) { const char* abs = inst->Alpha.Arg[arg].Abs ? "|" : ""; const char* neg = inst->Alpha.Arg[arg].Negate ? "-" : ""; fprintf(f, ", %s%ssrc", neg, abs); if(inst->Alpha.Arg[arg].Source == RC_PAIR_PRESUB_SRC) fprintf(f,"p"); else fprintf(f,"%d", inst->Alpha.Arg[arg].Source); fprintf(f,".%c%s", rc_swizzle_char(GET_SWZ(inst->Alpha.Arg[arg].Swizzle, 0)), abs); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } if (inst->WriteALUResult) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < spaces; i++) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, " [aluresult = ("); rc_print_comparefunc(f, "result", inst->ALUResultCompare, "0"); fprintf(f, ")]\n"); } } /** * Print program to stderr, default options. */ void rc_print_program(const struct rc_program *prog) { unsigned int linenum = 0; unsigned branch_depth = 0; struct rc_instruction *inst; fprintf(stderr, "# Radeon Compiler Program\n"); for(inst = prog->Instructions.Next; inst != &prog->Instructions; inst = inst->Next) { fprintf(stderr, "%3d: ", linenum); if (inst->Type == RC_INSTRUCTION_PAIR) rc_print_pair_instruction(stderr, inst, &branch_depth); else rc_print_normal_instruction(stderr, inst, &branch_depth); linenum++; } }