/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements C++ Base Library * ----------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Filesystem path class. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deFilePath.hpp" #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) # define VC_EXTRALEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define NOMINMAX # include <windows.h> #endif using std::string; namespace de { #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) const std::string FilePath::separator = "\\"; #else const std::string FilePath::separator = "/"; #endif FilePath::FilePath (const std::vector<std::string>& components) { for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < components.size(); ndx++) { if (!m_path.empty() && !isSeparator(m_path[m_path.size()-1])) m_path += separator; m_path += components[ndx]; } } void FilePath::split (std::vector<std::string>& components) const { components.clear(); int curCompStart = 0; int pos; if (isWinNetPath()) components.push_back(separator + separator); else if (isRootPath() && !beginsWithDrive()) components.push_back(separator); for (pos = 0; pos < (int)m_path.length(); pos++) { const char c = m_path[pos]; if (isSeparator(c)) { if (pos - curCompStart > 0) components.push_back(m_path.substr(curCompStart, pos - curCompStart)); curCompStart = pos+1; } } if (pos - curCompStart > 0) components.push_back(m_path.substr(curCompStart, pos - curCompStart)); } FilePath FilePath::join (const std::vector<std::string>& components) { return FilePath(components); } FilePath& FilePath::normalize (void) { std::vector<std::string> components; std::vector<std::string> reverseNormalizedComponents; split(components); m_path = ""; int numUp = 0; // Do in reverse order and eliminate any . or .. components for (int ndx = (int)components.size()-1; ndx >= 0; ndx--) { const std::string& comp = components[ndx]; if (comp == "..") numUp += 1; else if (comp == ".") continue; else if (numUp > 0) numUp -= 1; // Skip part else reverseNormalizedComponents.push_back(comp); } if (isAbsolutePath() && numUp > 0) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot normalize path: invalid path"); // Prepend necessary ".." components while (numUp--) reverseNormalizedComponents.push_back(".."); if (reverseNormalizedComponents.empty() && components.back() == ".") reverseNormalizedComponents.push_back("."); // Composed of "." components only *this = join(std::vector<std::string>(reverseNormalizedComponents.rbegin(), reverseNormalizedComponents.rend())); return *this; } FilePath FilePath::normalize (const FilePath& path) { return FilePath(path).normalize(); } std::string FilePath::getBaseName (void) const { std::vector<std::string> components; split(components); return !components.empty() ? components[components.size()-1] : std::string(""); } std::string FilePath::getDirName (void) const { std::vector<std::string> components; split(components); if (components.size() > 1) { components.pop_back(); return FilePath(components).getPath(); } else if (isAbsolutePath()) return separator; else return std::string("."); } std::string FilePath::getFileExtension (void) const { std::string baseName = getBaseName(); size_t dotPos = baseName.find_last_of('.'); if (dotPos == std::string::npos) return std::string(""); else return baseName.substr(dotPos+1); } bool FilePath::exists (void) const { FilePath normPath = FilePath::normalize(*this); struct stat st; int result = stat(normPath.getPath(), &st); return result == 0; } FilePath::Type FilePath::getType (void) const { FilePath normPath = FilePath::normalize(*this); struct stat st; int result = stat(normPath.getPath(), &st); if (result != 0) return TYPE_UNKNOWN; int type = st.st_mode & S_IFMT; if (type == S_IFREG) return TYPE_FILE; else if (type == S_IFDIR) return TYPE_DIRECTORY; else return TYPE_UNKNOWN; } bool FilePath::beginsWithDrive (void) const { for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_path.length(); ndx++) { if (m_path[ndx] == ':' && ndx+1 < (int)m_path.length() && isSeparator(m_path[ndx+1])) return true; // First part is drive letter. if (isSeparator(m_path[ndx])) return false; } return false; } bool FilePath::isAbsolutePath (void) const { return isRootPath() || isWinNetPath() || beginsWithDrive(); } void FilePath_selfTest (void) { DE_TEST_ASSERT(!FilePath(".").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(!FilePath("..\\foo").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(!FilePath("foo").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("\\foo/bar").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("/foo").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("\\").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("\\\\net\\loc").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("C:\\file.txt").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("c:/file.txt").isAbsolutePath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(string(".") == FilePath(".//.").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(string(".") == FilePath(".").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT((string("..") + FilePath::separator + "test") == FilePath("foo/../bar/../../test").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT((FilePath::separator + "foo" + FilePath::separator + "foo.txt") == FilePath("/foo\\bar/..\\dir\\..\\foo.txt").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT((string("c:") + FilePath::separator + "foo" + FilePath::separator + "foo.txt") == FilePath("c:/foo\\bar/..\\dir\\..\\foo.txt").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT((FilePath::separator + FilePath::separator + "foo" + FilePath::separator + "foo.txt") == FilePath("\\\\foo\\bar/..\\dir\\..\\foo.txt").normalize().getPath()); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo/bar" ).getBaseName() == "bar"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo/bar/" ).getBaseName() == "bar"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo\\bar" ).getBaseName() == "bar"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo\\bar\\" ).getBaseName() == "bar"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo/bar" ).getDirName() == "foo"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo/bar/" ).getDirName() == "foo"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo\\bar" ).getDirName() == "foo"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("foo\\bar\\" ).getDirName() == "foo"); DE_TEST_ASSERT(FilePath("/foo/bar/baz" ).getDirName() == FilePath::separator + "foo" + FilePath::separator + "bar"); } static void createDirectoryImpl (const char* path) { #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) if (!CreateDirectory(path, DE_NULL)) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create directory"); #elif (DE_OS == DE_OS_UNIX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_OSX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_IOS) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_ANDROID) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_SYMBIAN) if (mkdir(path, 0777) != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create directory"); #else # error Implement createDirectoryImpl() for your platform. #endif } void createDirectory (const char* path) { FilePath dirPath = FilePath::normalize(path); FilePath parentPath (dirPath.getDirName()); if (dirPath.exists()) throw std::runtime_error("Destination exists already"); else if (!parentPath.exists()) throw std::runtime_error("Parent directory doesn't exist"); else if (parentPath.getType() != FilePath::TYPE_DIRECTORY) throw std::runtime_error("Parent is not directory"); createDirectoryImpl(path); } void createDirectoryAndParents (const char* path) { std::vector<std::string> createPaths; FilePath curPath (path); if (curPath.exists()) throw std::runtime_error("Destination exists already"); while (!curPath.exists()) { createPaths.push_back(curPath.getPath()); std::string parent = curPath.getDirName(); DE_CHECK_RUNTIME_ERR(parent != curPath.getPath()); curPath = FilePath(parent); } // Create in reverse order. for (std::vector<std::string>::const_reverse_iterator parentIter = createPaths.rbegin(); parentIter != createPaths.rend(); parentIter++) createDirectory(parentIter->c_str()); } } // de