// Test the handle_sigill option. // RUN: %clang %s -o %t -O1 // RUN: not --crash %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK0 %s // RUN: %env_tool_opts=handle_sigill=0 not --crash %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK0 %s // RUN: %env_tool_opts=handle_sigill=1 not %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 %s // FIXME: implement in other sanitizers, not just asan. // XFAIL: msan // XFAIL: lsan // XFAIL: tsan // // FIXME: seems to fail on ARM // REQUIRES: x86_64-supported-target #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h> void death() { fprintf(stderr, "DEATH CALLBACK\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { __sanitizer_set_death_callback(death); __builtin_trap(); } // CHECK1: ERROR: {{.*}}Sanitizer: // CHECK1: DEATH CALLBACK // CHECK0-NOT: Sanitizer