# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module implements thread-local utilities.

    This implementation comes from werkzeug.local.

    :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
    from greenlet import getcurrent as get_current_greenlet
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
        from py.magic import greenlet
        get_current_greenlet = greenlet.getcurrent
        del greenlet
        # catch all, py.* fails with so many different errors.
        get_current_greenlet = int
    from thread import get_ident as get_current_thread, allocate_lock
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    from dummy_thread import get_ident as get_current_thread, allocate_lock

# get the best ident function.  if greenlets are not installed we can
# safely just use the builtin thread function and save a python methodcall
# and the cost of calculating a hash.
if get_current_greenlet is int: # pragma: no cover
    get_ident = get_current_thread
    get_ident = lambda: (get_current_thread(), get_current_greenlet())

class Local(object):
    """A container for thread-local objects.

    Attributes are assigned or retrieved using the current thread.

    __slots__ = ('__storage__', '__lock__')

    def __init__(self):
        object.__setattr__(self, '__storage__', {})
        object.__setattr__(self, '__lock__', allocate_lock())

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.__storage__.iteritems()

    def __call__(self, proxy):
        """Creates a proxy for a name."""
        return LocalProxy(self, proxy)

    def __release_local__(self):
        self.__storage__.pop(get_ident(), None)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
                return self.__storage__[get_ident()][name]
            except KeyError:
                raise AttributeError(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
            ident = get_ident()
            storage = self.__storage__
            if ident in storage:
                storage[ident][name] = value
                storage[ident] = {name: value}

    def __delattr__(self, name):
                del self.__storage__[get_ident()][name]
            except KeyError:
                raise AttributeError(name)

class LocalProxy(object):
    """Acts as a proxy for a local object.

    Forwards all operations to a proxied object. The only operations not
    supported for forwarding are right handed operands and any kind of

    Example usage::

        from webapp2_extras import Local
        l = Local()

        # these are proxies
        request = l('request')
        user = l('user')

    Whenever something is bound to l.user or l.request the proxy objects
    will forward all operations. If no object is bound a :exc:`RuntimeError`
    will be raised.

    To create proxies to :class:`Local` object, call the object as shown above.
    If you want to have a proxy to an object looked up by a function, you can
    pass a function to the :class:`LocalProxy` constructor::

        route_kwargs = LocalProxy(lambda: webapp2.get_request().route_kwargs)

    __slots__ = ('__local', '__dict__', '__name__')

    def __init__(self, local, name=None):
        object.__setattr__(self, '_LocalProxy__local', local)
        object.__setattr__(self, '__name__', name)

    def _get_current_object(self):
        """Return the current object.  This is useful if you want the real
        object behind the proxy at a time for performance reasons or because
        you want to pass the object into a different context.
        if not hasattr(self.__local, '__release_local__'):
            return self.__local()
            return getattr(self.__local, self.__name__)
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError('no object bound to %s' % self.__name__)

    def __dict__(self):
            return self._get_current_object().__dict__
        except RuntimeError:
            return AttributeError('__dict__')

    def __repr__(self):
            obj = self._get_current_object()
        except RuntimeError:
            return '<%s unbound>' % self.__class__.__name__
        return repr(obj)

    def __nonzero__(self):
            return bool(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return False

    def __unicode__(self):
            return unicode(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return repr(self)

    def __dir__(self):
            return dir(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return []

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == '__members__':
            return dir(self._get_current_object())
        return getattr(self._get_current_object(), name)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._get_current_object()[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._get_current_object()[key]

    def __setslice__(self, i, j, seq):
        self._get_current_object()[i:j] = seq

    def __delslice__(self, i, j):
        del self._get_current_object()[i:j]

    __setattr__ = lambda x, n, v: setattr(x._get_current_object(), n, v)
    __delattr__ = lambda x, n: delattr(x._get_current_object(), n)
    __str__ = lambda x: str(x._get_current_object())
    __lt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() < o
    __le__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() <= o
    __eq__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() == o
    __ne__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() != o
    __gt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() > o
    __ge__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() >= o
    __cmp__ = lambda x, o: cmp(x._get_current_object(), o)
    __hash__ = lambda x: hash(x._get_current_object())
    __call__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x._get_current_object()(*a, **kw)
    __len__ = lambda x: len(x._get_current_object())
    __getitem__ = lambda x, i: x._get_current_object()[i]
    __iter__ = lambda x: iter(x._get_current_object())
    __contains__ = lambda x, i: i in x._get_current_object()
    __getslice__ = lambda x, i, j: x._get_current_object()[i:j]
    __add__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() + o
    __sub__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() - o
    __mul__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() * o
    __floordiv__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() // o
    __mod__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() % o
    __divmod__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__divmod__(o)
    __pow__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() ** o
    __lshift__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() << o
    __rshift__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() >> o
    __and__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() & o
    __xor__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() ^ o
    __or__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() | o
    __div__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__div__(o)
    __truediv__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object().__truediv__(o)
    __neg__ = lambda x: -(x._get_current_object())
    __pos__ = lambda x: +(x._get_current_object())
    __abs__ = lambda x: abs(x._get_current_object())
    __invert__ = lambda x: ~(x._get_current_object())
    __complex__ = lambda x: complex(x._get_current_object())
    __int__ = lambda x: int(x._get_current_object())
    __long__ = lambda x: long(x._get_current_object())
    __float__ = lambda x: float(x._get_current_object())
    __oct__ = lambda x: oct(x._get_current_object())
    __hex__ = lambda x: hex(x._get_current_object())
    __index__ = lambda x: x._get_current_object().__index__()
    __coerce__ = lambda x, o: x.__coerce__(x, o)
    __enter__ = lambda x: x.__enter__()
    __exit__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x.__exit__(*a, **kw)