#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Site extension of the default parser. Generate JSON reports and stack traces.
# This site parser is used to generate a JSON report of test failures, crashes,
# and the associated logs for later consumption by an Email generator. If any
# crashes are found, the debug symbols for the build are retrieved (either from
# Google Storage or local cache) and core dumps are symbolized.
# The parser uses the test report generator which comes bundled with the Chrome
# OS source tree in order to maintain consistency. As well as not having to keep
# track of any secondary failure white lists.
# Stack trace generation is done by the minidump_stackwalk utility which is also
# bundled with the Chrome OS source tree. Requires gsutil and cros_sdk utilties
# be present in the path.
# The path to the Chrome OS source tree is defined in global_config under the
# CROS section as 'source_tree'.
# Existing parse behavior is kept completely intact. If the site parser is not
# configured it will print a debug message and exit after default parser is
# called.

import errno, os, json, shutil, sys, tempfile, time

import common
from autotest_lib.client.bin import os_dep, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.tko import models, parse, utils as tko_utils
from autotest_lib.tko.parsers import version_0

# Name of the report file to produce upon completion.
_JSON_REPORT_FILE = 'results.json'

# Number of log lines to include from error log with each test results.

# Status information is generally more useful than error log, so provide a lot.

class StackTrace(object):
    """Handles all stack trace generation related duties. See generate()."""

    # Cache dir relative to chroot.
    _CACHE_DIR = 'tmp/symbol-cache'

    # Flag file indicating symbols have completed processing. One is created in
    # each new symbols directory.
    _COMPLETE_FILE = '.completed'

    # Maximum cache age in days; all older cache entries will be deleted.

    # Directory inside of tarball under which the actual symbols are stored.
    _SYMBOL_DIR = 'debug/breakpad'

    # Maximum time to wait for another instance to finish processing symbols.
    _SYMBOL_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60

    def __init__(self, results_dir, cros_src_dir):
        """Initializes class variables.

            results_dir: Full path to the results directory to process.
            cros_src_dir: Full path to Chrome OS source tree. Must have a
                working chroot.
        self._results_dir = results_dir
        self._cros_src_dir = cros_src_dir
        self._chroot_dir = os.path.join(self._cros_src_dir, 'chroot')

    def _get_cache_dir(self):
        """Returns a path to the local cache dir, creating if nonexistent.

        Symbol cache is kept inside the chroot so we don't have to mount it into
        chroot for symbol generation each time.

            A path to the local cache dir.
        cache_dir = os.path.join(self._chroot_dir, self._CACHE_DIR)
        if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
            except OSError, e:
                if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        return cache_dir

    def _get_job_name(self):
        """Returns job name read from 'label' keyval in the results dir.

            Job name string.
        return models.job.read_keyval(self._results_dir).get('label')

    def _parse_job_name(self, job_name):
        """Returns a tuple of (board, rev, version) parsed from the job name.

        Handles job names of the form "<board-rev>-<version>...",
        "<board-rev>-<rev>-<version>...", and

            job_name: A job name of the format detailed above.

            A tuple of (board, rev, version) parsed from the job name.
        version = job_name.rsplit('-', 3)[1].split('_')[-1]
        arch, board, rev = job_name.split('-', 3)[:3]
        return '-'.join([arch, board]), rev, version

def parse_reason(path):
    """Process status.log or status and return a test-name: reason dict."""
    status_log = os.path.join(path, 'status.log')
    if not os.path.exists(status_log):
        status_log = os.path.join(path, 'status')
    if not os.path.exists(status_log):

    reasons = {}
    last_test = None
    for line in open(status_log).readlines():
            # Since we just want the status line parser, it's okay to use the
            # version_0 parser directly; all other parsers extend it.
            status = version_0.status_line.parse_line(line)
            status = None

        # Assemble multi-line reasons into a single reason.
        if not status and last_test:
            reasons[last_test] += line

        # Skip non-lines, empty lines, and successful tests.
        if not status or not status.reason.strip() or status.status == 'GOOD':

        # Update last_test name, so we know which reason to append multi-line
        # reasons to.
        last_test = status.testname
        reasons[last_test] = status.reason

    return reasons

def main():
    # Call the original parser.

    # Results directory should be the last argument passed in.
    results_dir = sys.argv[-1]

    # Load the Chrome OS source tree location.
    cros_src_dir = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
        'CROS', 'source_tree', default='')

    # We want the standard Autotest parser to keep working even if we haven't
    # been setup properly.
    if not cros_src_dir:
            'Unable to load required components for site parser. Falling back'
            ' to default parser.')

    # Load ResultCollector from the Chrome OS source tree.
        cros_src_dir, 'src/platform/crostestutils/utils_py'))
    from generate_test_report import ResultCollector

    # Collect results using the standard Chrome OS test report generator. Doing
    # so allows us to use the same crash white list and reporting standards the
    # VM based test instances use.
    # TODO(scottz): Reevaluate this code usage. crosbug.com/35282
    results = ResultCollector().RecursivelyCollectResults(results_dir)
    # We don't care about successful tests. We only want failed or crashing.
    # Note: list([]) generates a copy of the dictionary, so it's safe to delete.
    for test_status in list(results):
        if test_status['crashes']:
        elif test_status['status'] == 'PASS':

    # Filter results and collect logs. If we can't find a log for the test, skip
    # it. The Emailer will fill in the blanks using Database data later.
    filtered_results = {}
    for test_dict in results:
        result_log = ''
        test_name = os.path.basename(test_dict['testdir'])
        error = os.path.join(
                test_dict['testdir'], 'debug', '%s.ERROR' % test_name)

        # If the error log doesn't exist, we don't care about this test.
        if not os.path.isfile(error):

        # Parse failure reason for this test.
        for t, r in parse_reason(test_dict['testdir']).iteritems():
            # Server tests may have subtests which will each have their own
            # reason, so display the test name for the subtest in that case.
            if t != test_name:
                result_log += '%s: ' % t
            result_log += '%s\n\n' % r.strip()

        # Trim results_log to last _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT lines.
        short_result_log = '\n'.join(
            result_log.splitlines()[-1 * _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT:]).strip()

        # Let the reader know we've trimmed the log.
        if short_result_log != result_log.strip():
            short_result_log = (
                '[...displaying only the last %d status log lines...]\n%s' % (
                    _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT, short_result_log))

        # Pull out only the last _LOG_LIMIT lines of the file.
        short_log = utils.system_output('tail -n %d %s' % (
            _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT, error))

        # Let the reader know we've trimmed the log.
        if len(short_log.splitlines()) == _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT:
            short_log = (
                '[...displaying only the last %d error log lines...]\n%s' % (
                    _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT, short_log))

        filtered_results[test_name] = test_dict
        filtered_results[test_name]['log'] = '%s\n\n%s' % (
            short_result_log, short_log)

    # Generate JSON dump of results. Store in results dir.
    json_file = open(os.path.join(results_dir, _JSON_REPORT_FILE), 'w')
    json.dump(filtered_results, json_file)

if __name__ == '__main__':