# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2 """ This module defines the SourceKernel class SourceKernel: an linux kernel built from source """ from autotest_lib.server import kernel, autotest class SourceKernel(kernel.Kernel): """ This class represents a linux kernel built from source. It is used to obtain a built kernel or create one from source and install it on a Host. Implementation details: This is a leaf class in an abstract class hierarchy, it must implement the unimplemented methods in parent classes. """ def __init__(self, k): super(SourceKernel, self).__init__() self.__kernel = k self.__patch_list = [] self.__config_file = None self.__autotest = autotest.Autotest() def configure(self, configFile): self.__config_file = configFile def patch(self, patchFile): self.__patch_list.append(patchFile) def build(self, host): ctlfile = self.__control_file(self.__kernel, self.__patch_list, self.__config_file) self.__autotest.run(ctlfile, host.get_tmp_dir(), host) def install(self, host): self.__autotest.install(host) ctlfile = ("testkernel = job.kernel('%s')\n" "testkernel.install()\n" "testkernel.add_to_bootloader()\n" %(self.__kernel)) self.__autotest.run(ctlfile, host.get_tmp_dir(), host) def __control_file(self, kernel, patch_list, config): ctl = ("testkernel = job.kernel('%s')\n" % kernel) if len(patch_list): patches = ', '.join(["'%s'" % x for x in patch_list]) ctl += "testkernel.patch(%s)\n" % patches if config: ctl += "testkernel.config('%s')\n" % config else: ctl += "testkernel.config('', None, True)\n" ctl += "testkernel.build()\n" # copy back to server return ctl