# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "kathrelkeld" NAME = "touch_TabSwitch" PURPOSE = "Test that three-finger touchpad gesture can switch tabs." CRITERIA = """ This test will fail if, after playback of three finger left/right swipes, the active tab does not change as expected. """ ATTRIBUTES = "suite:bvt-perbuild, suite:touch" SUITE = "bvt-perbuild,touch" TIME = "SHORT" TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional" TEST_CLASS = "touch" TEST_TYPE = "client" DEPENDENCIES = "touchpad" DOC = """ Plays back touchpad gestures (if present) and checks for tab switching. Ignores devices without touchpads and devices that do not support 3+ fingers. Checks that the Australian scrolling setting does not affect swipe direction. Swiping left moves to the tabs to the left and to the right to the tabs on the right. """ job.run_test('touch_TabSwitch')